All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
- dash - Variable in class
The line dash style for SWT.LINE_CUSTOM.
- dashOffset - Variable in class
The line dash style offset for SWT.LINE_CUSTOM.
- data - Variable in class
a field for application use
- data - Variable in class
A Win32 LOGFONT struct (Warning: This field is platform dependent)
- data - Variable in class
The pixel data of the image.
- data - Variable in class
the array of ImageData objects in this ImageLoader.
- data - Variable in class
the data.
- data - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event
a field for application use
- data(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.widgets.AbstractWidgetFactory
Sets the application defined widget data associated with the receiver to be the argument.
- data(String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.widgets.AbstractWidgetFactory
Sets the application defined property of the receiver with the specified name to the given value.
- DATA - Static variable in interface
The name of the default event attribute used to pass data.
- DataBindingContext - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding
A DataBindingContext is the point of contact for the creation and management of
, and aggregates validation statuses of its bindings, or more generally, its validation status providers. - DataBindingContext() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.DataBindingContext
Creates a data binding context, using the current default realm for the validation observables.
- DataBindingContext(Realm) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.DataBindingContext
Creates a data binding context using the given realm for the validation observables.
- DataFormatException - Exception Class in org.eclipse.jface.resource
An exception indicating that a string value could not be converted into the requested data type.
- DataFormatException() - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DataFormatException
Creates a new exception.
- DataFormatException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DataFormatException
Creates a new exception.
- dataType - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
The type of data requested.
- dataTypes - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent
A list of the types of data that the DragSource is capable of providing.
- Date() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.Date
Creates a new date variable
- DATE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for date display (value is 1<<5).
- DATE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface
Special constant that will be returned from get getBeforeDate() or getAfterDate() if the date is unknown.
- DATE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in interface
Special constant that will be returned from get getBeforeDate() or getAfterDate() if the date is unknown.
- DateAndTimeObservableValue - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value
> which supports scenarios where the date and time are presented as separate elements in the user interface. - DateAndTimeObservableValue(IObservableValue<Date>, IObservableValue<Date>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DateAndTimeObservableValue
Constructs a DateAndTimeObservableValue with the specified constituent observables.
- dateTime(int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.widgets.WidgetFactory
- DateTime - Class in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
Instances of this class are selectable user interface objects that allow the user to enter and modify date or time values.
- DateTime(Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DateTime
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
- DateTimeFactory - Class in org.eclipse.jface.widgets
This class provides a convenient shorthand for creating and initializing
. - dateTimeSelection() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt.typed.WidgetProperties
Returns a value property for observing the selection state of a
. - DAY_OF_MONTH - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.application.ScheduledApplication
The name of the day of month attribute of a virtual timer event.
- DAY_OF_WEEK - Static variable in interface org.osgi.service.application.ScheduledApplication
The name of the day of week attribute of a virtual timer event.
- DBCS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Input Method Editor style constant for double byte input behavior (value is 1<<1).
- deactivate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext
Marks this context as inactive.
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.HyperlinkManager
Deactivates the currently shown hyperlinks.
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Hides this cell editor's control.
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.window.ToolTip
Deactivate tooltip support for the underlying control
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
Notifies the multi page editor service that the component within which it exists has been deactived.
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageSite
- deactivate() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.SubActionBars
Deactivate the contributions.
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.CursorLinePainter
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IPainter
Deactivates this painter.
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.MarginPainter
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.MatchingCharacterPainter
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.WhitespaceCharacterPainter
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorActionBars
Deactivate the contributions.
- deactivate(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.SubActionBars
Deactivate the contributions.
- deactivate(ColumnViewerEditorDeactivationEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
- Deactivate - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The deactivate event type (value is 27).
- deactivateActionBars(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSite
- deactivateActionBars(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartSite
- deactivateBinding(Binding) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.EBindingService
- deactivateBinding(Binding) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.internal.BindingServiceImpl
- deactivateContext(String) - Method in interface
- deactivateContext(IContextActivation) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService
Deactivates the given context within the context of this service.
- deactivateContexts(Collection) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService
Deactivates the given contexts within the context of this service.
- deactivated() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractMemoryRendering
- deactivated() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.IMemoryRendering
Notification this rendering is no longer the active rendering.
- deactivated() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsolePageParticipant
Notification this participant's page has been deactivated.
- deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab
This method was added to the
interface in the 3.0 release to allow tabs to distinguish between a tab being deactivated and saving its attributes to a launch configuration. - deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.CommonTab
- deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.EnvironmentTab
- deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchConfigurationTab
Notification that this tab is no longer the active tab in the launch configuration dialog.
- deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.PrototypeTab
- deactivated(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.RefreshTab
- deactivateExtensions(String[], boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.navigator.INavigatorActivationService
Deactivate the extensions specified by the extensionIds.
- deactivateHandler(String, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.EHandlerService
Deactivates the passed
from the command with the passed id. - deactivateHandler(String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceImpl
- deactivateHandler(IHandlerActivation) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerService
Deactivates the given handler within the context of this service.
- deactivateHandlers(Collection) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.handlers.IHandlerService
Deactivates the given handlers within the context of this service.
- deactivateInPlaceClient() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite
Deactivates an active in-place object and discards the object's undo state.
- deactivateSite(boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart
This method can be used by implementors of
to deactivate the active inner editor services while their header has focus. - deallocate(Object, DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceManager
- deallocate(Object, DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.LocalResourceManager
- debug - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.adaptor.EclipseStarter
- debug - Variable in class
- debug - Variable in class
- debug() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.spi.RegistryStrategy
Override this method to specify debug requirements to the registry.
- debug(String) - Method in class
- debug(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.HttpServiceRuntimeImpl
- debug(String, Object) - Method in class
- debug(String, Object[]) - Method in class
- debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in class
- debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.HttpServiceRuntimeImpl
- debug(Throwable) - Method in class
- debug(Throwable, String) - Method in class
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts.ContextManager
This flag can be set to
if the context manager should print information toSystem.out
when certain boundary conditions occur. - DEBUG - Static variable in class
- DEBUG - Static variable in class
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.bindings.BindingManager
This flag can be set to
if the binding manager should print information toSystem.out
when certain boundary conditions occur. - DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.contentassist.AbstractControlContentAssistSubjectAdapter
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.ContentProposalAdapter
Flag that controls the printing of debug info.
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControlManager
Tells whether this class and its subclasses are in debug mode.
- DEBUG - Static variable in class
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.AbstractSourceProvider
Whether source providers should print out debugging information to the console when events arrive.
- DEBUG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPlugin
Global workbench ui plugin flag.
- DEBUG_ACTION_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
Debug action set identifier (value
). - DEBUG_BIDI_UTILS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) A flag to indicate whether
should colorize processed text fields and add tooltips/messages that show the configured handlingType. - DEBUG_COMMAND_EXECUTION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
This flag can be set to
if commands should print information toSystem.out
when executing. - DEBUG_CONTEXT - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_CONTEXT_SOURCE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
Name of the debug context variable which can be used in standard expressions and command handlers to access the active debug context.
- DEBUG_CRITERIA - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_DIALOG_NO_PARENT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.util.Policy
A flag to indicate whether unparented dialogs should be checked.
- DEBUG_HANDLERS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
This flag can be set to
if commands should print information toSystem.out
when changing handlers. - DEBUG_HANDLERS_COMMAND_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
This flag can be set to a particular command identifier if only that command should print information to
when changing handlers. - DEBUG_INDEX - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_INFOPOP - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_LOAD_URL_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_2x - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) Enable high-dpi images via "@2x" filename convention.
- DEBUG_LOAD_URL_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_2x_PNG_FOR_GIF - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) Always load the .png image of the "@2x" version, even if the original image was a .gif.
- DEBUG_LOAD_URL_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_DIRECTLY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) If true, URLImageDescriptor loads images directly via URL#openStream().
- DEBUG_LOG_EQUAL_VIEWER_ELEMENTS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) A flag to indicate whether illegal equal elements in a viewer should be logged.
- DEBUG_LOG_LABEL_PROVIDER_NOTIFICATIONS_WHEN_DISPOSED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) A flag to indicate whether label provider changed notifications should always be logged when the underlying control has been disposed.
- DEBUG_LOG_REENTRANT_VIEWER_CALLS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) A flag to indicate whether reentrant viewer calls should always be logged.
- DEBUG_LOG_URL_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR_MISSING_2x - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) Log cases where an "@2x" image could not be found.
- DEBUG_MODE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchManager
A launch in a special debug mode (value
). - DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_APPROVAL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
This flag can be set to
if the history should print information toSystem.out
whenever an operation is not approved. - DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_DISPOSE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
This flag can be set to
if the history should print information toSystem.out
whenever an undo context is disposed. - DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_NOTIFICATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
This flag can be set to
if the history should print information toSystem.out
whenever notifications about changes to the history occur. - DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_OPENOPERATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
This flag can be set to
if the history should print information toSystem.out
during the open/close sequence. - DEBUG_OPERATION_HISTORY_UNEXPECTED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
This flag can be set to
if the history should print information toSystem.out
whenever an unexpected condition arises. - DEBUG_SEARCH - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_TOC - Static variable in class
- DEBUG_TOOLBAR_ACTION_SET - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
Debug Toolbar action set identifier (value
). - DEBUG_TRACE_URL_IMAGE_DESCRIPTOR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.internal.InternalPolicy
(NON-API) Trace time spent creating URLImageDescriptor images.
- DEBUG_VIEW_TOOBAR_VISIBLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
System property which indicates whether the common debugging actions should be shown in the Debug view, as opposed to the top level toolbar.
- DebugAction - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Action to launch the last launch configuration that was successfully launched, in debug mode.
- DebugAction() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugAction
- DebugCommandAction - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Abstract base class for re-targeting actions which delegate execution to
handlers. - DebugCommandAction() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugCommandAction
- DebugCommandHandler - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Abstract base class for re-targeting command framework handlers, which delegate execution to
handlers. - DebugCommandHandler() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugCommandHandler
The constructor adds the handler as the
- debugContentMergeViewer - Static variable in class
- debugContextChanged(DebugContextEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugCommandAction
- debugContextChanged(DebugContextEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts.IDebugContextListener
Notification the debug context has changed as specified by the given event.
- DebugContextEvent - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts
A debug context event.
- DebugContextEvent(IDebugContextProvider, ISelection, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.contexts.DebugContextEvent
Constructs a new debug context event.
- DebugElement - Class in org.eclipse.debug.core.model
Implementation of common function for debug elements.
- DebugElement(IDebugTarget) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.model.DebugElement
Constructs a debug element referring to an artifact in the given debug target.
- DebugElementWorkbenchAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui
- DebugElementWorkbenchAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugElementWorkbenchAdapter
- DebugEvent - Class in org.eclipse.debug.core
A debug event describes an event in a program being debugged or in a running process.
- DebugEvent(Object, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugEvent
Constructs a new debug event of the given kind with a detail code of
. - DebugEvent(Object, int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugEvent
Constructs a new debug event of the given kind with the given detail.
- DebugException - Exception Class in org.eclipse.debug.core
A checked exception representing a failure.
- DebugException(IStatus) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugException
Constructs a new debug exception with the given status object.
- Debug Model Presentation - Search tag in package org.eclipse.debug.ui
- Section
- DebugOptions - Interface in org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug
Used to get debug options settings and creating a new
instance for a bundle to use for dynamic tracing. - DebugOptionsListener - Interface in org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug
A debug options listener is notified whenever one of its plug-in option-path entries is changed.
- DebugPlugin - Class in org.eclipse.debug.core
There is one instance of the debug plug-in available from
. - DebugPlugin() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.DebugPlugin
Constructs the debug plug-in.
- DebugPopup - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui
that is automatically positioned relative to a specified anchor point. - DebugPopup(Shell, Point, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugPopup
Constructs a new popup dialog of type
- debugRegistryEvents() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.spi.RegistryStrategy
Override this method to specify debug requirements for the registry event processing.
- debugStream - Variable in class org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParserTokenManager
- DebugTrace - Interface in org.eclipse.osgi.service.debug
A DebugTrace is used to record debug trace statements, based on the current option settings in a corresponding
class. - DebugUITools - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui
This class provides utilities for clients of the debug UI.
- DebugUITools() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools
- Debug View Popup Menu - Search tag in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugUIConstants
- Section
- DEC_CONTENT_PROPOSAL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that content proposals are available.
- DEC_ERROR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that a field has an error.
- DEC_ERROR_QUICKFIX - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that a field has an error with quick fix available.
- DEC_INFORMATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that a field has additional information.
- DEC_REQUIRED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that a field is required.
- DEC_WARNING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.FieldDecorationRegistry
Decoration id for the decoration that should be used to cue the user that a field has a warning.
- Decl() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParser
- declareImage(String, ImageDescriptor, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.application.IWorkbenchConfigurer
Declares a workbench image.
- declareImage(String, ImageDescriptor, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchConfigurer
- declareImage(String, ImageDescriptor, boolean) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchImages
Declares a workbench image.
- declareModifiable(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext
Declares the value for the class as modifiable by descendants of this context.
- declareModifiable(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext
Declares the named value as modifiable by descendants of this context.
- DeclName - Static variable in interface org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParserConstants
- decode(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.helpers.URI
Decodes the given string by interpreting three-digit escape sequences as the bytes of a UTF-8 encoded character and replacing them with the characters they represent.
- decodeBase64(String) - Static method in class
Provides decoding of Base64-encoded string
- decodeSlashes(String) - Static method in class
Decode strings previously encoded with the
method. - deconfigure() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectNature
De-configures this nature for its project.
- deconfigured() - Method in class
Method deconfigured is invoked after a provider has been unmaped.
- decorate(Object, IDecoration) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.PrototypeDecorator
- decorate(Object, IDecoration) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILightweightLabelDecorator
Calculates decorations based on element.
- decorate(ISelectionListener, Predicate<SelectionListenerFactory.ISelectionModel>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.SelectionListenerFactory
Decorates the passed listener with the passed predicate.
- DECORATE - Static variable in class
Job priority constant (value 50) for decoration jobs.
- decorateBackground(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IColorDecorator
Return the background Color for element or
if there is not one. - DecoratedField - Class in org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist
Deprecated.As of 3.3, clients should use
instead. - DecoratedField(Composite, int, IControlCreator) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.DecoratedField
Deprecated.Construct a decorated field which is parented by the specified composite and has the given style bits.
- decorateFont(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IFontDecorator
Return the font for element or
if there is not one. - decorateForeground(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IColorDecorator
Return the foreground Color for element or
if there is not one. - decorateFormHeading(Form) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit
Takes advantage of the gradients and other capabilities to decorate the form heading using colors computed based on the current skin and operating system.
- decorateImage(ImageDescriptor, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchLabelProvider
Returns an image descriptor that is based on the given descriptor, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided object.
- decorateImage(Image) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractMemoryRendering
Decorates and returns this rendering's image.
- decorateImage(Image, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelDecorator
Returns an image that is based on the given image, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided element.
- decorateImage(Image, Object) - Method in class
Decorate the image with the appropriate diff decorations.
- decorateImage(Image, Object, IDecorationContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelDecorator
Returns an image that is based on the given image, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided element taking into account the provided context.
- decorateLabel(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractMemoryRendering
Decorates and returns this rendering's label.
- decorateText(String, Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ILabelDecorator
Returns a text label that is based on the given text label, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided element.
- decorateText(String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.model.AbstractSynchronizationLabelProvider
- decorateText(String, Object) - Method in class
Decorate the text with the appropriate diff decorations.
- decorateText(String, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchLabelProvider
Returns a label that is based on the given label, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided object.
- decorateText(String, Object, IDecorationContext) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.LabelDecorator
Returns a text label that is based on the given text label, but decorated with additional information relating to the state of the provided element taking into account the provided context.
- decorateText(List<? extends ILineDiffInfo>, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.LineChangeHover
Takes a list of
s and computes a hover of at mostmaxLines
. - DecoratingLabelProvider - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
A decorating label provider is a label provider which combines a nested label provider and an optional decorator.
- DecoratingLabelProvider(ILabelProvider, ILabelDecorator) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingLabelProvider
Creates a decorating label provider which uses the given label decorator to decorate labels provided by the given label provider.
- DecoratingObservable - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable
An observable which decorates another observable
- DecoratingObservable(IObservable, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DecoratingObservable
Constructs a DecoratingObservable which decorates the given observable.
- DecoratingObservableCollection<E> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable
An observable collection which decorates another observable collection
- DecoratingObservableCollection(IObservableCollection<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DecoratingObservableCollection
- DecoratingObservableList<E> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list
An observable list which decorates another observable list.
- DecoratingObservableList(IObservableList<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.DecoratingObservableList
Constructs a DecoratingObservableList which decorates the given observable.
- DecoratingObservableMap<K,
V> - Class in -
An observable map which decorates another observable map.
- DecoratingObservableMap(IObservableMap<K, V>, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a DecoratingObservableMap which decorates the given observable.
- DecoratingObservableSet<E> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set
An observable set which decorates another observable set.
- DecoratingObservableSet(IObservableSet<E>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.DecoratingObservableSet
Constructs a DecoratingObservableSet which decorates the given observable.
- DecoratingObservableValue<T> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value
An observable value which decorates another observable value.
- DecoratingObservableValue(IObservableValue<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DecoratingObservableValue
Constructs a DecoratingObservableValue which decorates the given observable.
- DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
is aDelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider
that uses a nestedDelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider
to compute styled text label and image and takes aILabelDecorator
to decorate the label. - DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider(DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider, ILabelDecorator, IDecorationContext) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider
Creates a
that delegates the requests for styled labels and for images to aDelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider
. - DecoratingVetoableValue<T> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value
decorator for an observable value. - DecoratingVetoableValue(IObservableValue<T>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DecoratingVetoableValue
- DecorationContext - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
A concrete implementation of the
interface, suitable for instantiating. - DecorationContext() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationContext
Create a decoration context.
- DecorationOverlayIcon - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
is an image descriptor that can be used to overlay decoration images on to the 4 corner quadrants of a base image. - DecorationOverlayIcon(ImageDescriptor, ImageDescriptor, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationOverlayIcon
Create a decoration overlay icon that will place the given overlay icon in the given quadrant of the base image descriptor.
- DecorationOverlayIcon(Image, ImageDescriptor[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationOverlayIcon
Create the decoration overlay for the base image using the array of provided overlays.
- DecorationOverlayIcon(Image, ImageDescriptor[], Point) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationOverlayIcon
Create the decoration overlay for the base image using the array of provided overlays.
- DecorationOverlayIcon(Image, ImageDescriptor, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationOverlayIcon
Create a decoration overlay icon that will place the given overlay icon in the given quadrant of the base image.
- DecorationReference_EmptyReference - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- Decorations - Class in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
Instances of this class provide the appearance and behavior of
, but are not top level shells or dialogs. - Decorations(Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Decorations
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
- DECORATIONS_COLOR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.JFacePreferences
Identifier for the color used to show label decorations For example in 'Foo.txt [1.16]', the decoration is '[1.16]'.
- DECORATIONS_STYLER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledString
A built-in styler using the
managed in the JFace color registry (SeeJFaceResources.getColorRegistry()
). - DecorationScheduler_CalculatingTask - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecorationScheduler_CalculationJobName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecorationScheduler_ClearResultsJob - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecorationScheduler_DecoratingSubtask - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecorationScheduler_UpdateJobName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecorationScheduler_UpdatingTask - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecoratorError - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecoratorManager_ErrorActivatingDecorator - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DECORATORS_PREFERENCE_PAGE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ExtensionFactory
Factory ID for the Decorators preference page.
- DECORATORS_PREFERENCE_PAGE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds
- DecoratorsPreferencePage_decoratorsLabel - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecoratorsPreferencePage_description - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecoratorsPreferencePage_explanation - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DecoratorWillBeDisabled - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- decrementBusy() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.progress.IWorkbenchSiteProgressService
Decrements the busy counter for this workbench site.
- decrementNestingDepth() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ProgressMonitorDialog
Decrements the nesting depth of running operations.
- DECRYPTION_ERROR - Static variable in exception class
Error occurred during the decryption process.
- DEFAULT - Enum constant in enum class
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParserConstants
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.util.Policy
Constant for the the default setting for debug options.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.ITextFileBufferManager
The default text file buffer manager.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.advanced.StructuredTextEnvironment
instance which uses default locale, non-mirrored environment, and a Left-to-Right presentation component. - DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor
Style constant (value
) indicating the default layout where the field editor's check box appears to the left of the label. - DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.util.Policy
Constant for the the default setting for debug options.
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnViewerEditor
Tabbing from cell to cell is turned off
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringTickProvider
The default refactoring tick provider
- DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Indicates that a default should be used (value is -1).
- DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablePart2
Standard return code constant (value 3) indicating that the default behavior for prompting the user to save will be used.
- DEFAULT_ACCELERATOR_CONFIGURATION_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchConstants
- DEFAULT_ACCELERATOR_SCOPE_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchConstants
- DEFAULT_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
The identifier of the default position category.
- DEFAULT_CATEGORY_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchConstants
- DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IBuildConfiguration
The Id of the default build configuration
- DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocument
The identifier of the default partition content type.
- DEFAULT_CONTEXT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationContext
Constant that defines a default decoration context that has no context ids associated with it.
- DEFAULT_CONTEXT_MENU - Static variable in interface
These are the default groups used for the context menu of a page.
- DEFAULT_DEFAULT_ACTIVE_SCHEME_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.keys.IBindingService
The default default value for the active scheme id.
- DEFAULT_EDITOR_CONTEXT_MENU_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Menu id for the editor context menu.
- DEFAULT_EDITOR_FOR_CONTENT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IPreferenceConstants
- DEFAULT_EDITORS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IPreferenceConstants
- DEFAULT_EDITORS_CACHE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IPreferenceConstants
- DEFAULT_FASTVIEW_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.discontinued support for fast views
- DEFAULT_FILE_SIZE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.StorageDocumentProvider
Default file size.
- DEFAULT_FONT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources
The symbolic font name for the standard font (value
). - DEFAULT_HOVER_STATE_MASK - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextViewerExtension2
The state mask of the default hover (value
). - DEFAULT_IMAGE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard
Image registry key of the default image for wizard pages (value
). - DEFAULT_IMAGE_DATA - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor
A small red square used to warn that an image cannot be created.
- DEFAULT_LAYER - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationAccessExtension
The default annotation layer.
- DEFAULT_LAYER - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationPresentation
The default annotation layer.
- DEFAULT_MATCH_RULES - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.SearchPattern
The default set of match rules as used by the no-argument constructor.
- DEFAULT_MAX_STRING_TRANSLATION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IVersionFormat
The string that by default will be interpreted as the logical max string when parsing optional elements of type string and a default that is the empty string (i.e.
- DEFAULT_MIN_STRING_TRANSLATION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.IVersionFormat
The string that by default will be interpreted as the logical min string when parsing optional elements of type string and a default that is the max string (i.e.
- DEFAULT_OVERVIEW_RULER_CONTEXT_MENU_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditor
Menu id for the overview ruler context menu.
- DEFAULT_PARTITIONING - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentExtension3
The identifier of the default partitioning.
- DEFAULT_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface
Storage will use this password.
- DEFAULT_PERSPECTIVE_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
A named preference indicating the default workbench perspective.
- DEFAULT_PREF_SEPARATE_DERIVED_ENCODINGS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.resources.ResourcesPlugin
Default setting for "separateDerivedEncodings".
- DEFAULT_PRIORITY - Static variable in class
Default priority for toc providers that do not override getPriority()
- DEFAULT_RULER_CONTEXT_MENU_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Menu id for the ruler context menu.
- DEFAULT_SCHEME_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.EBindingService
- DEFAULT_TAB_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleConstants
The default tab size for text consoles.
- DEFAULT_TAB_SIZE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.console.MessageConsole
- DEFAULT_TEXT_EDITOR_ID - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI
The ID of the default text editor.
- DEFAULT_THEME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.themes.IThemeManager
The default theme id.
- DEFAULT_THEME_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme.IThemeEngine
- DEFAULT_TOOLBAR_MENU - Static variable in interface
These are the default groups used for the toolbar of a page.
- DEFAULT_TYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.GenericDescription
The default type of generic capability.
- DEFAULT_VIEW_MENU - Static variable in interface
These are the default groups used for the drop-down view menu of a page.
- DEFAULT_VIEW_RATIO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPageLayout
The default view ratio width for regular (non-fast) views.
- DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class
Beyond this length (pixels), lines should wrap
- DEFAULT_WORKBENCH_STATE_FILENAME - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench
- DefaultAnnotationHover - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.source
Standard implementation of
. - DefaultAnnotationHover() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultAnnotationHover
Creates a new default annotation hover.
- DefaultAnnotationHover(boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultAnnotationHover
Creates a new default annotation hover.
- DefaultAutoIndentStrategy - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Deprecated.since 3.1 use
instead - DefaultAutoIndentStrategy() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultAutoIndentStrategy
Deprecated.Creates a new default auto indent strategy.
- defaultButtonIndex(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.PlainMessageDialog.Builder
Sets another (other than 0) button as default button.
- defaultButtonText() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.AbstractEncodingFieldEditor
Returns the text for the default encoding button.
- defaultButtonText() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.ResourceEncodingFieldEditor
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.util.CommandsSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.util.BasicSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.util.AdvancedSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.util.BasicSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.util.UiSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.util.ApplicationSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- defaultCase(EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.fragment.util.FragmentSwitch
Returns the result of interpreting the object as an instance of 'EObject'.
- DefaultCharacterPairMatcher - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.source
A character pair matcher that matches a specified set of character pairs against each other.
- DefaultCharacterPairMatcher(char[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultCharacterPairMatcher
Creates a new character pair matcher that matches characters within the default partitioning.
- DefaultCharacterPairMatcher(char[], String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultCharacterPairMatcher
Creates a new character pair matcher that matches the specified characters within the specified partitioning.
- DefaultCharacterPairMatcher(char[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultCharacterPairMatcher
Creates a new character pair matcher that matches the specified characters within the specified partitioning.
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.CommonSteps.ConvertToStep
Makes the resulting binding use default converters between the two observables.
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.ListOneWaySteps.ListOneWayConvertStep
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.ListTwoWaySteps.ListTwoWayConvertToStep
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.SetOneWaySteps.SetOneWayConvertStep
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.SetTwoWaySteps.SetTwoWayConvertToStep
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.ValueOneWaySteps.ValueOneWayConvertStep
- defaultConvert() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.bind.steps.ValueTwoWaySteps.ValueTwoWayConvertToStep
- Default converters - Search tag in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.DataBindingContext
- Section
- DefaultDamagerRepairer - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules
A standard implementation of a syntax driven presentation damager and presentation repairer.
- DefaultDamagerRepairer(ITokenScanner) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultDamagerRepairer
Creates a damager/repairer that uses the given scanner.
- DefaultDamagerRepairer(ITokenScanner, TextAttribute) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultDamagerRepairer
Deprecated.use DefaultDamagerRepairer(ITokenScanner) instead
- defaultDirections - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableComparator
- DefaultEncodingSupport - Class in org.eclipse.ui.editors.text
The standard implementation of
. - DefaultEncodingSupport() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.DefaultEncodingSupport
Creates a new encoding support.
- DefaultExceptionHandler - Class in org.eclipse.swt.internal
- DefaultExceptionHandler() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.internal.DefaultExceptionHandler
- defaultFactory - Variable in class
The default resource scheduling rule factory.
- defaultFactory - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.StateObjectFactory
The default object factory that can be used to create, populate and resolve states.
- defaultFont() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontRegistry
Returns the default font data.
- defaultFontDescriptor() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontRegistry
Returns the font descriptor for the JFace default font.
- DefaultHelpUI - Class in
This class is an implementation of the Help UI.
- DefaultHelpUI() - Constructor for class
- DefaultHelpUI_noPerspMessage - Static variable in class
- DefaultHelpUI_wtitle - Static variable in class
- DefaultHyperlinkPresenter - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink
The default hyperlink presenter underlines the link and colors the line and the text with the given color.
- DefaultHyperlinkPresenter(IPreferenceStore) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.DefaultHyperlinkPresenter
Creates a new default hyperlink presenter which uses
to read the color from the given preference store. - DefaultHyperlinkPresenter(Color) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.DefaultHyperlinkPresenter
Creates a new default hyperlink presenter.
- DefaultHyperlinkPresenter(RGB) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.DefaultHyperlinkPresenter
Creates a new default hyperlink presenter.
- DefaultIndentLineAutoEditStrategy - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
This strategy always copies the indentation of the previous line.
- DefaultIndentLineAutoEditStrategy() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultIndentLineAutoEditStrategy
Creates a new indent line auto edit strategy which can be installed on text viewers.
- DefaultInformationControl - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Default implementation of
. - DefaultInformationControl(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, int, int, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Deprecated.As of 3.4, replaced by simpler constructors
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, int, int, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Deprecated.As of 3.4, replaced by simpler constructors
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, int, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Deprecated.As of 3.4, replaced by
DefaultInformationControl(Shell, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter)
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, int, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Deprecated.As of 3.4, replaced by
DefaultInformationControl(Shell, String, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter)
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, String, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, ToolBarManager) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a resizable default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, ToolBarManager, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a resizable default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl(Shell, DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultInformationControl
Creates a default information control with the given shell as parent.
- DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenter - Interface in org.eclipse.jface.text
An information presenter determines the style presentation of information displayed in the default information control.
- DefaultInformationControl.IInformationPresenterExtension - Interface in org.eclipse.jface.text
An information presenter determines the style presentation of information displayed in the default information control.
- DefaultLineTracker - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Standard implementation of
. - DefaultLineTracker() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultLineTracker
Creates a standard line tracker.
- DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess - Class in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
Default class for accessing marker annotation properties.
- DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess
Creates a new default marker annotation access using the standard preference lookup strategy which is the one provided by the enclosing plug-in.
- DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess(MarkerAnnotationPreferences) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DefaultMarkerAnnotationAccess
Deprecated.As of 3.0, replaced by
- DefaultOperationHistory - Class in org.eclipse.core.commands.operations
A base implementation of IOperationHistory that implements a linear undo and redo model .
- DefaultOperationHistory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
Create an instance of DefaultOperationHistory.
- DefaultPartitioner - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.rules
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.As of 3.1, replaced by
instead - DefaultPartitioner(IPartitionTokenScanner, String[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner
Deprecated.Creates a new partitioner that uses the given scanner and may return partitions of the given legal content types.
- DefaultPositionUpdater - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Default implementation of
. - DefaultPositionUpdater(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultPositionUpdater
Creates a new default position updater for the given category.
- defaultPriorities - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableComparator
- defaultPropertyNames() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences
Deprecated.Returns a list of all properties known to this preference object which have an explicit default value set.
- DefaultRangeIndicator - Class in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
Specialized annotation to indicate a particular range of text lines.
- DefaultRangeIndicator() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DefaultRangeIndicator
Creates a new range indicator.
- DefaultRegistryHttpContext - Class in org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal
- DefaultRegistryHttpContext(HttpContext) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal.DefaultRegistryHttpContext
- DefaultRegistryHttpContext.ResourceMapping - Class in org.eclipse.equinox.http.registry.internal
- DefaultRepositoryProviderType - Class in
- DefaultRepositoryProviderType() - Constructor for class
- DefaultSaveable - Class in org.eclipse.ui.internal
A default
implementation that wrappers a regular workbench part (one that does not itself adapt to Saveable). - DefaultSaveable(IWorkbenchPart) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.internal.DefaultSaveable
Creates a new DefaultSaveable.
- DefaultScope - Class in org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences
Object representing the default scope in the Eclipse preferences hierarchy.
- DefaultScope() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.DefaultScope
instead - DefaultSelection - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The default selection event type (value is 14).
- DefaultServletContextHelper - Class in org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal
- DefaultServletContextHelper(Bundle) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.DefaultServletContextHelper
- DefaultServletContextHelperFactory - Class in org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal
- DefaultServletContextHelperFactory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.DefaultServletContextHelperFactory
- defaultsFor(Control) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.layout.GridDataFactory
Returns a GridDataFactory initialized with heuristicly generated defaults for the given control.
- DefaultSourceContainer - Class in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers
A source container that computer the default source lookup path for a launch configuration on each launch using a launch configuration's associated source path computer.
- DefaultSourceContainer() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.DefaultSourceContainer
Constructs a default source container.
- DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Standard implementation of
. - DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy
Creates a new default text double click strategy.
- DefaultTextHover - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Standard implementation of
. - DefaultTextHover(ISourceViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultTextHover
Creates a new annotation hover.
- DefaultToolTip - Class in org.eclipse.jface.window
Default implementation of ToolTip that provides an iconofied label with font and color controls by subclass.
- DefaultToolTip(Control) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.window.DefaultToolTip
Create new instance which add TooltipSupport to the widget
- DefaultToolTip(Control, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.window.DefaultToolTip
Create new instance which add TooltipSupport to the widget
- DefaultUndoManager - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.As of 3.2, replaced by
- DefaultUndoManager(int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultUndoManager
Deprecated.Creates a new undo manager who remembers the specified number of edit commands.
- defaultValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.PreferenceMetadata
The default value for the preference.
- defaultVariableConverter - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ExpressionContext
- DEFER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
A constant indicating that a given operation should be deferred.
- DeferredContentProvider - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers.deferred
Content provider that performs sorting and filtering in a background thread.
- DeferredContentProvider(Comparator) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.deferred.DeferredContentProvider
Create a DeferredContentProvider with the given sort order.
- DeferredDebugElementWorkbenchAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.debug.ui
Deprecated.deferred custom content in the debug views is no longer supported by
. Deferred custom content is currently supported by a provisional internal viewer framework. - DeferredDebugElementWorkbenchAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DeferredDebugElementWorkbenchAdapter
- DeferredTreeContentManager - Class in org.eclipse.ui.progress
The DeferredContentManager is a class that helps an ITreeContentProvider get its deferred input.
- DeferredTreeContentManager(AbstractTreeViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager
Create a new instance of the receiver using the supplied content provider and viewer.
- DeferredTreeContentManager(AbstractTreeViewer, IWorkbenchPartSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager
Create a new instance of the receiver using the supplied content provider and viewer.
- DeferredTreeContentManager(ITreeContentProvider, AbstractTreeViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future 3.4. provider is not used by this class
- DeferredTreeContentManager(ITreeContentProvider, AbstractTreeViewer, IWorkbenchPartSite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.progress.DeferredTreeContentManager
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future 3.4. provider is not used by this class
- deferUpdates(boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts.ContextManager
Informs the manager that a batch operation has started.
- deferUpdates(boolean) - Method in interface
- deferUpdates(boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.contexts.IContextService
Informs the service that a batch operation has started.
- define(String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Category
Defines this category by giving it a name, and possibly a description as well.
- define(String, String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.contexts.Context
Defines this context by giving it a name, and possibly a description and a parent identifier as well.
- define(String, String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.bindings.Scheme
Defines this scheme by giving it a name, and possibly a description and a parent identifier as well.
- define(String, String, Category) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
Defines this command by giving it a name, and possibly a description as well.
- define(String, String, Category, IParameter[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
Defines this command by giving it a name, and possibly a description as well.
- define(String, String, Category, IParameter[], ParameterType) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
Defines this command by giving it a name, and possibly a description as well.
- define(String, String, Category, IParameter[], ParameterType, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.Command
Defines this command by giving it a name, and possibly a description as well.
- define(String, AbstractParameterValueConverter) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.ParameterType
Defines this parameter type, setting the defined property to
. - defineCategory(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ECommandService
- defineCategory(String, String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.CommandServiceImpl
- defineCommand(String, String, String, Category, IParameter[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ECommandService
- defineCommand(String, String, String, Category, IParameter[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.CommandServiceImpl
- defineCommand(String, String, String, Category, IParameter[], String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.ECommandService
- defineCommand(String, String, String, Category, IParameter[], String) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.CommandServiceImpl
- defined - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.common.HandleObject
Whether this object is defined.
- definedHandleObjects - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.common.HandleObjectManager
The set of handle objects that are defined.
- defineUncategorizedCategory(String, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.CommandManager
Sets the name and description of the category for uncategorized commands.
- defineUncategorizedCategory(String, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandService
Sets the name and description of the category for uncategorized commands.
- Deiconify - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The de-iconify event type (value is 20).
- DEL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
ASCII character convenience constant for the delete character (value is the
with value 127). - DEL - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.keys.CharacterKey
Deprecated.The single static instance of
which represents the delete (U+007F) key. - DEL_NAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.IKeyLookup
The formal name of the delete (U+007F) key
- delay(long) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.notifications.NotificationPopup.Builder
Sets the visible time of the popup before it disappears.
- delayTime - Variable in class
The time to delay before displaying the next image in an animation (this field corresponds to the GIF89a Delay Time value).
- delegateCreateControl(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.menus.WorkbenchWindowControlContribution
Important: This method is *NOT* to be used/extended by clients.
- DelegatingDragAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.jface.util
is aDragSourceListener
that maintains and delegates to a set ofTransferDragSourceListener
s. - DelegatingDragAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDragAdapter
- DelegatingDropAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.jface.util
is aDropTargetListener
that maintains and delegates to a set ofTransferDropTargetListener
s. - DelegatingDropAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
- DelegatingListProperty<S,
E> - Class in - DelegatingListProperty() - Constructor for class
- DelegatingListProperty(Object) - Constructor for class
- DelegatingMapProperty<S,
K, - Class in> - DelegatingMapProperty() - Constructor for class
- DelegatingMapProperty(Object, Object) - Constructor for class
- DelegatingSetProperty<S,
E> - Class in - DelegatingSetProperty() - Constructor for class
- DelegatingSetProperty(Object) - Constructor for class
- DelegatingStorageMerger - Class in
This storage merger delegates to the appropriate merger or returns a conflict if no merger is available or if a merge was not possible.
- DelegatingStorageMerger() - Constructor for class
Default no-arg constructor.
- DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
is aStyledCellLabelProvider
that delegates requests for the styled string and the image to aDelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider
. - DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider(DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider
Creates a
that delegates the requests for the styled labels and the images to aDelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider
. - DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider.IStyledLabelProvider - Interface in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
Interface marking a label provider that provides styled text labels and images.
- DelegatingValueProperty<S,
T> - Class in - DelegatingValueProperty() - Constructor for class
- DelegatingValueProperty(Object) - Constructor for class
- delete() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker
Deletes this marker from its associated resource.
- delete() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration
Deletes this launch configuration.
- delete() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.model.Breakpoint
- delete() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IBreakpoint
Deletes this breakpoint's underlying marker, and removes this breakpoint from the breakpoint manager.
- delete() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.Position
Marks this position as deleted.
- delete() - Method in class
- delete() - Method in class
- delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IFile
Deletes this file from the workspace.
- delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IFolder
Deletes this resource from the workspace.
- delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject
Deletes this project from the workspace.
- delete(boolean, boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspaceRoot
Deletes everything in the workspace except the workspace root resource itself.
- delete(boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Deletes this resource from the workspace.
- delete(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfiguration
Deletes this launch configuration.
- delete(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.CSSPropertyListImpl
. - delete(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filesystem.IFileStore
Deletes the files and directories represented by this store.
- delete(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.filesystem.provider.FileStore
The default implementation of
IFileStore.delete(int, IProgressMonitor)
. - delete(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Deletes this resource from the workspace.
- delete(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceFilterDescription
Deletes this filter description from its associated resource.
- delete(IProject, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory
Record the set of deltas representing a deletion of the given project.
- delete(IResource) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.mapping.IResourceChangeDescriptionFactory
Record the set of deltas representing a deletion of the given resource.
- delete(IResource[], boolean, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Deletes the given resources.
- delete(IResource[], int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Deletes the given resources.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyProjectOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyResourcesOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFileOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFolderOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateProjectOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteResourcesOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveProjectOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveResourcesOperation
Delete any resources known by this operation.
- delete(TemplatePersistenceData) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.persistence.TemplateStore
- delete(TemplatePersistenceData) - Method in class org.eclipse.text.templates.TemplateStoreCore
Removes a template from the store.
- DELETE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextOperationTarget
Text operation code for deleting the selected text or if selection is empty the character at the right of the current position.
- DELETE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Property name for the delete action
- DELETE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.ACC
A type constant specifying that deletion occurred.
- DELETE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id: "delete", commandId: "org.eclipse.ui.edit.delete"): Delete.
- DELETE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchActionConstants
- 3.0. Use
instead. - DELETE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of standard Delete global action in the Edit menu.
- DELETE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IWorkbenchActionDefinitionIds
Deprecated.As of 3.5, replaced by
- DELETE_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
- DELETE_CONTENT_PROPOSED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the content of the resource is proposed to be deleted.
- DELETE_FLAG - Static variable in class
- DELETE_ID - Static variable in class
- DELETE_LINE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the action to delete the current line.
- DELETE_LINE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete line action.
- DELETE_LINE_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_BEGINNING - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the action to delete line to beginning.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_BEGINNING - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete line to beginning action.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_BEGINNING_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_END - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionConstants
Name of the action to delete line to end.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_END - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete line to end action.
- DELETE_LINE_TO_END_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IAbstractTextEditorHelpContextIds
Help context id for the action.
- DELETE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.bindings.keys.IKeyLookup
An alternative name for the delete key.
- DELETE_NEXT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST
- DELETE_NEXT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete next character action.
- DELETE_NEXT_WORD - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete next word action.
- DELETE_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST
- DELETE_PREVIOUS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete previous character action.
- DELETE_PREVIOUS_WORD - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditorActionDefinitionIds
Action definition id of the edit delete previous word action.
- DELETE_RETARGET_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds
- DELETE_WORD_NEXT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST
- DELETE_WORD_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ST
- deleteAction_title - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteAction_tooltip - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteActionConfirm_buttonDeleteLabel - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteActionConfirmMessage - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteActionConfirmTitle - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DeleteArguments - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants
Delete arguments describes the data that a processor provides to its delete participants.
- DeleteArguments() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.DeleteArguments
Creates a new delete arguments object (deleteProjectContents is
). - DeleteArguments(boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.DeleteArguments
Creates a new delete arguments object.
- deleteBookmarkMarker_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteBookmarkMarkers_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteBreakpoints(IBreakpoint[], Shell, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools
Deletes the given breakpoints using the operation history, which allows to undo the deletion.
- deleteBytes(IResource) - Method in class
This method should be invoked by a client to indicate that it is known that there is no remote resource associated with the local resource.
- deleteBytes(IResource) - Method in class
Method called to indicate that it is known that there is no variant associated with the local resource.
- deleteBytes(IResource) - Method in class
- deleteCompletedAction_title - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteCompletedTasks_dialogTitle - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteCompletedTasks_errorMessage - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteCompletedTasks_noneCompleted - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteCompletedTasks_permanentPlural - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteCompletedTasks_permanentSingular - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleted(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.internal.HttpServerManager
- DELETED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistoryEvent
Event type indicating that a refactoring descriptor has been deleted from its associated history (value 3)
- DELETED_BINDING_TAG - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.EBindingService
- deletedFile(IFile) - Method in interface
Declares that the given file has been successfully deleted from the local file system, and requests that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
- deletedFolder(IFolder) - Method in interface
Declares that the given folder and all its descendents have been successfully deleted from the local file system, and requests that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
- deletedProject(IProject) - Method in interface
Declares that the given project's content area in the local file system has been successfully dealt with in an appropriate manner, and requests that the corresponding deletion should now be made to the workspace resource tree.
- DeleteEdit - Class in org.eclipse.text.edits
Text edit to delete a range in a document.
- DeleteEdit(int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.text.edits.DeleteEdit
Constructs a new delete edit.
- deleteFile(IResourceTree, IFile, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
where the receiver is a file. - deleteFolder(IResourceTree, IFolder, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
where the receiver is a folder. - deleteLine(IDocument, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextViewerDeleteLineTarget
- deleteLine(IDocument, ITextSelection, int, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextViewerDeleteLineTarget
Deletes the lines that intersect with the given
. - DeleteLineAction - Class in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
An action to delete a whole line, the fraction of the line that is left from the cursor or the fraction that is right from the cursor.
- DeleteLineAction(ResourceBundle, String, ITextEditor, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DeleteLineAction
Creates a line deletion action.
- DeleteLineAction(ResourceBundle, String, ITextEditor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DeleteLineAction
Creates a line deletion action.
- DeleteLineAction(ITextEditor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.DeleteLineAction
Creates a line deletion action.
- deleteMarker_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteMarkers(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateMarkersOperation
Delete any currently known markers and save their information in marker descriptions so that they can be restored.
- deleteMarkers(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteMarkersOperation
Delete any currently known markers and save their information in marker descriptions so that they can be restored.
- deleteMarkers(int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.UpdateMarkersOperation
Delete any currently known markers and save their information in marker descriptions so that they can be restored.
- deleteMarkers(String, boolean, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Deletes all markers on this resource of the given type, and, optionally, deletes such markers from its children.
- deleteMarkers(IMarker[]) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IWorkspace
Removes the given markers from the resources with which they are associated.
- deleteMarkers(IMarker[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Deletes the given markers from this model.
- deleteMarkers(IMarker[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel
- deleteMarkers_errorMessage - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteMarkers_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DeleteMarkersOperation - Class in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo
A DeleteMarkersOperation represents an undoable operation for deleting one or more markers in the workspace.
- DeleteMarkersOperation(IMarker[], String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteMarkersOperation
Create an undoable operation that can delete the specified markers.
- deleteMedium(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.MediaListImpl
- deleteModelElement(MUIElement) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.EModelService
Removes a visual model element from the application model by calling
with false and by removing the model element from its parent. - DeleteParticipant - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants
A participant to participate in refactorings that delete elements.
- DeleteParticipant() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.DeleteParticipant
- deletePerspective(IPerspectiveDescriptor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IPerspectiveRegistry
Deletes a perspective.
- deleteProblemMarker_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteProblemMarkers_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DeleteProcessor - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants
A special processor that performs delete operations.
- DeleteProcessor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.DeleteProcessor
- deleteProject(IResourceTree, IProject, int, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
where the receiver is a project. - DeleteRefactoring - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants
A generic delete refactoring.
- DeleteRefactoring(DeleteProcessor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.participants.DeleteRefactoring
Constructs a new delete refactoring for the given processor.
- DeleteResourceAction - Class in org.eclipse.ui.actions
Standard action for deleting the currently selected resources.
- DeleteResourceAction(IShellProvider) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.DeleteResourceAction
Creates a new delete resource action.
- DeleteResourceAction(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.actions.DeleteResourceAction
Deprecated.Should take an IShellProvider, see
- DeleteResourceChange - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource
that deletes a resource. - DeleteResourceChange(IPath, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource.DeleteResourceChange
Delete a resource.
- DeleteResourceChange(IPath, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource.DeleteResourceChange
Delete a resource.
- DeleteResourcesDescriptor - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource
Refactoring descriptor for the delete resource refactoring.
- DeleteResourcesDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.resource.DeleteResourcesDescriptor
Creates a new refactoring descriptor.
- DeleteResourcesOperation - Class in org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo
A DeleteResourcesOperation represents an undoable operation for deleting one or more resources in the workspace.
- DeleteResourcesOperation(IResource[], String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteResourcesOperation
Create a DeleteResourcesOperation
- DeleteResourcesWizard - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource
A wizard for the delete resources refactoring.
- DeleteResourcesWizard(IResource[]) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.resource.DeleteResourcesWizard
Creates a
- deleteRule(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.CSSMediaRuleImpl
- deleteRule(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.CSSStyleSheetImpl
- deleteRule(IResource) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory
Returns the scheduling rule that is required for deleting a resource.
- deleteRule(IResource) - Method in class
Default implementation of
. - deleteTaskMarker_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteTaskMarkers_operationName - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- deleteText() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
instead - DELETION - Static variable in class
Difference constant (value 2) indicating one side was removed.
- DELETION - Static variable in class
Sync constant (value 2) indicating that one side was deleted.
- delimiter - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker.DelimiterInfo
- DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Text
The delimiter used by multi-line text widgets.
- DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.commands.ExtensionParameterValues
The delimiter between elements if the name-value pairs are specified in a single string.
- DELIMITER_SELECTION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Selection constant indicating that a line delimiter should be drawn (value is 1<<17).
- delimiterIndex - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker.DelimiterInfo
- DelimiterInfo() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker.DelimiterInfo
- delimiterLength - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractLineTracker.DelimiterInfo
- DELIMITERS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultLineTracker
The predefined delimiters of this tracker
- DELIMITERS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities
Default line delimiters used by the text functions of this class.
- denominator - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.layout.FormAttachment
denominator specifies the denominator of the "a" term in the equation, y = ax + b, which defines the attachment.
- dependsOnExternalFocusListener() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
The default implementation of this method returns true.
- dependsOnExternalFocusListener() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TextCellEditor
This implementation of
returns false if the current instance's class is TextCellEditor, and true otherwise. - deprocess(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.StructuredTextProcessor
Removes directional formatting characters in the given string.
- deprocess(String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.osgi.util.TextProcessor
Removes directional marker characters in the given string that were inserted by utilizing the
orprocess(String, String)
methods. - deprocessTyped(String, String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.StructuredTextProcessor
Removes directional formatting characters in the given string.
- depth - Variable in class
The color depth of the image, in bits per pixel.
- DEPTH_INFINITE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Depth constant (value 2) indicating this resource and its direct and indirect members at any depth.
- DEPTH_ONE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Depth constant (value 1) indicating this resource and its direct members.
- DEPTH_ZERO - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Depth constant (value 0) indicating this resource, but not any of its members.
- depthSize - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.opengl.GLData
The size in bits of the depth buffer.
- deregisterListeners() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardMenu
Deprecated.has no effect
- deregisterPartListener() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
Unregisters and disposes this event handler's part listener.
- deresolve(URI) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.helpers.URI
Finds the shortest relative or, if necessary, the absolute URI that, when resolved against the given
absolute hierarchical URI usingresolve
, will yield this absolute URI. - deresolve(URI, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.helpers.URI
Finds an absolute URI that, when resolved against the given
absolute hierarchical URI usingresolve
, will yield this absolute URI. - DERIVED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResource
Update flag constant (bit mask value 0x400) indicating that a resource should be marked as derived.
- DERIVED_CHANGED - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that the derived flag of the resource has changed.
- DERIVED_FILE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferStatusCodes
File buffer status code indicating that a resource is marked derived.
- DERIVED_FILE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.EditorsUI
Editor UI plug-in status code indicating that a resource is marked derived.
- derivedRule(IResource) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceRuleFactory
Returns the scheduling rule that is required for changing the derived flag on a resource.
- derivedRule(IResource) - Method in class
Default implementation of
. - DESC_CTOOL_NEXT - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
- DESC_CTOOL_PREV - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the normal icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.
- DESC_DTOOL_NEXT - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
- DESC_DTOOL_PREV - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the disabled icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.
- DESC_ETOOL_NEXT - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Next' tool bar button.
- DESC_ETOOL_PREV - Static variable in class
Image descriptor for the roll-over icon of the 'Previous' tool bar button.
- DESCENDING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableComparator
- descent - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.PaintObjectEvent
the line descent
- descent - Variable in class
the descent of the GlyphMetrics
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.BinarySignatureDescriber
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.IContentDescriber
Tries to fill a description for the given contents.
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLContentDescriber
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber2
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber
- describe(InputStream, IContentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber2
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.ITextContentDescriber
Tries to fill a description for the given contents.
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLContentDescriber
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber2
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber
- describe(Reader, IContentDescription, Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.content.XMLRootElementContentDescriber2
- Describing the synchronization state of resources - Search tag in package
- Section
- description - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.common.NamedHandleObject
The description for this handle.
- description - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.BindingContextImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - description - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.CategoryImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - description - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.CommandImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - description - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.impl.PartDescriptorImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - description - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.PartImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - description - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OlePropertyDescription
- description() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.preferences.PreferenceMetadata
Widely describes the preference purpose, intended to be used in UI.
- description(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.SectionFactory
Sets the description text.
- description(Function<Section, Control>) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.SectionFactory
Sets a function which must provide a description control for the given Section.
- Description - Variable in class org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.metadata.spi.AbstractMetadataRepository.RepositoryState
The persisted description of the repository.
- Description(Composite, int) - Constructor for class
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.commands.INamedHandleStateIds
The state id used for overriding the description of a named handle object.
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IResourceDelta
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that a project's description has changed.
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.BindingContext
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.Category
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.Command
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.Part
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.PartDescriptor
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IAction
Property name of an action's description (value
). - DESCRIPTION - Static variable in interface
Change constant (bit mask) indicating that a project's description has changed.
- DESCRIPTION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.Section
Description style.
- description_creationTime - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.BindingContextImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.CategoryImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.impl.CommandImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.impl.PartDescriptorImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DESCRIPTION_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.PartImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DESCRIPTION_FILE_NAME - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IProjectDescription
Constant that denotes the name of the project description file (value
). - description_folder - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- description_lineNumber - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- description_markerId - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- description_message - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- description_resource - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- description_type - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- descriptionVerticalSpacing - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.ExpandableComposite
Vertical spacing between the title area and the description control (default is 0).
- descriptorQueryable() - Method in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactRepository
Returns a queryable that can be queried for artifact descriptors contained in this repository
- descriptors - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.impl.ApplicationImpl
The cached value of the '
' containment reference list. - DESCRIPTORS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.PartDescriptorContainer
- deselect(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Deselects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
- deselect(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Deselects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
- deselect(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Deselects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver.
- deselect(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Deselects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver.
- deselect(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Deselects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- deselect(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Deselects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- deselect(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Deselects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- deselect(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Deselects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- deselect(TreeItem) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
Deselects an item in the receiver.
- DESELECT_ALL_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants
Button id for a "Deselect All" button (value 19).
- deselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CCombo
Deselects all selected items in the receiver's list.
- deselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Combo
Deselects all selected items in the receiver's list.
- deselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.List
Deselects all selected items in the receiver.
- deselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table
Deselects all selected items in the receiver.
- deselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Tree
Deselects all selected items in the receiver.
- deselectColumn(AccessibleTableEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTableAdapter
Deselects one column, leaving other selected columns selected (if any).
- deselectColumn(AccessibleTableEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTableListener
Deselects one column, leaving other selected columns selected (if any).
- deselectRow(AccessibleTableEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTableAdapter
Deselects one row, leaving other selected rows selected (if any).
- deselectRow(AccessibleTableEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleTableListener
Deselects one row, leaving other selected rows selected (if any).
- deserialize(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.CommandManager
Returns a
with a command and parameterizations as specified in the providedserializedParameterizedCommand
string. - deserialize(String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.commands.ICommandService
Returns a
with a command and parameterizations as specified in the providedserializedParameterizedCommand
string. - destination - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyProjectOperation
- destination - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyResourcesOperation
- destination - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveProjectOperation
- destination - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveResourcesOperation
- destinationPaths - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyProjectOperation
- destinationPaths - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyResourcesOperation
- destinationPaths - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveProjectOperation
- destinationPaths - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveResourcesOperation
- destinations - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.MoveResourceAction
Keep a list of destinations so that any required update can be done after the move.
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.internal.HttpServerManager.InternalHttpServiceServlet
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet.internal.HttpServiceRuntimeImpl
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.equinox.jsp.jasper.JspServlet
- destroy() - Method in class
Destroys the device in the operating system and releases the device's handle.
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.Printer
Destroys the printer handle.
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Destroys the device in the operating system and releases the device's handle.
- destroy() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.AbstractConsole
Disposes this console.
- destroy() - Method in class org.osgi.service.application.ApplicationHandle
The application instance's lifecycle state can be influenced by this method.
- destroy(Object) - Method in interface
Release any resources associated with the given object.
- destroy(Object) - Method in class
- destroy(DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceManager
- destroy(DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.LocalResourceManager
- destroy(DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.LazyResourceManager
- destroy(DeviceResourceDescriptor<R>) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
Deallocates a resource previously allocated by
. - destroyColor(ColorDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
- destroyColor(Color) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorDescriptor
Deprecated.Colors do not need disposal anymore
- destroyColor(RGB) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
Undoes everything that was done by a call to
. - destroyFont(FontDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
- destroyFont(Font) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontDescriptor
Deallocates anything that was allocated by createFont, given a font that was allocated by an equal FontDescriptor.
- destroyImage(ImageDescriptor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
- destroyResource(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorDescriptor
- destroyResource(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceDescriptor
Undoes everything that was done by a previous call to create(...), given the object that was returned by create(...).
- destroyResource(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontDescriptor
- destroyResource(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageDescriptor
- destroySpecific() - Method in class org.osgi.service.application.ApplicationHandle
Called by the destroy() method to perform application model specific steps to stop and destroy an application instance safely.
- detach(MPartSashContainerElement, int, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.modeling.EModelService
Created a separate (detached) window containing the given element.
- DETACHED_WINDOW - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds
- detail - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleControlEvent
- detail - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
The operation that was performed.
- detail - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent
The operation being performed.
- detail - Variable in class
The gesture type.
- detail - Variable in class
The context menu trigger type.
- detail - Variable in class
Extra detail information about the selection, depending on the widget.
- detail - Variable in class
The traversal type.
- detail - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleEvent
- detail - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event
the event specific detail field, as defined by the detail constants in class
- detailComputed(IValue, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IValueDetailListener
Notifies this listener that the details for the given value have been computed as the specified result.
- detailList(IObservableValue<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableList<E>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Creates a detail observable list from a master observable value and a factory.
- detailMap(IObservableValue<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableMap<K, V>>, Object, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory.
- detailMap(IObservableValue<M>, IObservableFactory<M, IObservableMap<K, V>>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Creates a detail observable map from a master observable value and a factory.
- Details - Class in org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.internal
- Details() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.equinox.http.jetty.internal.Details
- DETAILS_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogConstants
Button id for a "Details" button (value 13).
- detailSet(IObservableValue<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, ? extends IObservableSet<E>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Creates a detail observable set from a master observable value and a factory.
- detailsPart - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.MasterDetailsBlock
Details part created by the block.
- DetailsPart - Class in org.eclipse.ui.forms
This managed form part handles the 'details' portion of the 'master/details' block.
- DetailsPart(IManagedForm, Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.forms.DetailsPart
Creates a new details part in the provided form by creating the page book.
- DetailsPart(IManagedForm, ScrolledPageBook) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.forms.DetailsPart
Creates a details part by wrapping the provided page book.
- detailValue(IObservableValue<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableValue<T>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Creates a detail observable value from a master observable value and a factory.
- detailValues(IObservableList<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableValue<E>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Returns a detail observable list where each element is the detail value of the element in the master observable list.
- detailValues(IObservableMap<K, M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableValue<E>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Returns a detail observable map where the map's key set is the same as the one of the given master observable map, and where each value is the detail value of the corresponding value in the master observable map.
- detailValues(IObservableSet<M>, IObservableFactory<? super M, IObservableValue<E>>, Object) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.masterdetail.MasterDetailObservables
Returns a detail observable map where the map's key set is the same as the given observable set, and where each value is the detail value of the element in the master observable set.
- detectHyperlinks(ITextViewer, IRegion, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.IHyperlinkDetector
Tries to detect hyperlinks for the given region in the given text viewer and returns them.
- detectHyperlinks(ITextViewer, IRegion, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.URLHyperlinkDetector
- determineLineDelimiter(String, String) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextUtilities
Determines which one of default line delimiters appears first in the list.
- determineLocation(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
Returns the position of the given event's coordinates relative to its target.
- determinePageCompletion() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardDataTransferPage
Returns whether this page is complete.
- determinePageCompletion() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardResourceImportPage
- determineTarget(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
Returns the target item of the given drop event.
- device - Variable in class
- device() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.helpers.URI
If this is a hierarchical URI with a device component, returns it;
otherwise. - Device - Class in
This class is the abstract superclass of all device objects, such as the Display device and the Printer device.
- Device() - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance of this class.
- Device(DeviceData) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance of this class.
- DEVICE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.theme.IThemeEngine.Events
Attribute for the affected rendering device (e.g., an SWT
). - DEVICE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IPath
Device separator character constant ":" used in paths.
- DeviceData - Class in
- DeviceData() - Constructor for class
- DeviceFinder - Static variable in class
- devicePath() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.helpers.URI
If this is a hierarchical URI with a path, returns a string representation of the path, including the authority and the device component;
otherwise. - DeviceResourceDescriptor<R> - Class in org.eclipse.jface.resource
Instances of this class can allocate and dispose SWT resources.
- DeviceResourceDescriptor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceDescriptor
default constructor with shouldBeCached=false
- DeviceResourceDescriptor(boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceDescriptor
- DeviceResourceException - Exception Class in org.eclipse.jface.resource
Thrown when allocation of an SWT device resource fails
- DeviceResourceException(DeviceResourceDescriptor<?>) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceException
Creates a DeviceResourceException indicating an error attempting to create a resource
- DeviceResourceException(DeviceResourceDescriptor<?>, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceException
Creates a DeviceResourceException indicating an error attempting to create a resource and an embedded low-level exception describing the cause
- DeviceResourceManager - Class in org.eclipse.jface.resource
Manages SWT resources for a particular device.
- DeviceResourceManager(Device) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceManager
Creates a new registry for the given device.
- dialog - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.FilteredTableBaseHandler
- Dialog - Class in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs
A dialog is a specialized window used for narrow-focused communication with the user.
- Dialog - Class in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
This class is the abstract superclass of the classes that represent the built in platform dialogs.
- Dialog(IShellProvider) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Creates a dialog with the given parent.
- Dialog(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Creates a dialog instance.
- Dialog(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog
Constructs a new instance of this class given only its parent.
- Dialog(Shell, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Dialog
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
- DIALOG_BASED_UESR_INTERFACE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
instead. - DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.RefactoringWizard
Flag (value 4) indicating that a lightweight dialog based user interface should be used to present this refactoring wizard.
- DIALOG_CONTEXT_ID - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.bindings.EBindingService
- DIALOG_DEFAULT_BOUNDS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
A value that can be used for stored dialog width or height that indicates that the default bounds should be used.
- DIALOG_FONT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceResources
The symbolic font name for the dialog font (value
). - DIALOG_PERSISTLOCATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Persist the last location of the dialog.
- DIALOG_PERSISTSIZE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Persist the last known size of the dialog.
- DIALOG_SCOPE - Static variable in interface
A sub-scope to the global scope that is not the workbench window.
- DIALOG_TRIM - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Trim style convenience constant for the most common dialog shell appearance (value is CLOSE|TITLE|BORDER).
- dialogArea - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
The dialog area;
until dialog is layed out. - DialogCellEditor - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
An abstract cell editor that uses a dialog.
- DialogCellEditor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
Creates a new dialog cell editor with no control
- DialogCellEditor(Composite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
Creates a new dialog cell editor parented under the given control.
- DialogCellEditor(Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
Creates a new dialog cell editor parented under the given control.
- dialogFontIsDefault() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Return whether or not the dialog font is currently the same as the default font.
- DialogMarkerProperties - Class in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal
Shows the properties of a new or existing marker In 3.3, this class was refactored to allow pre-existing public dialog classes to share the implementation.
- DialogMarkerProperties(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.DialogMarkerProperties
Creates the dialog.
- DialogMarkerProperties(Shell, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.DialogMarkerProperties
Creates the dialog.
- DialogMarkerProperties(Shell, String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.DialogMarkerProperties
Creates the dialog.
- DialogMarkerProperties_Create - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DialogMarkerProperties_CreateMarker - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DialogMarkerProperties_Modify - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DialogMarkerProperties_ModifyMarker - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DialogMessageArea - Class in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs
The DialogMessageArea is a resusable component for adding an accessible message area to a dialog.
- DialogMessageArea() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogMessageArea
Create a new instance of the receiver.
- DialogPage - Class in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs
Abstract base implementation of a dialog page.
- DialogPage() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage
Creates a new empty dialog page.
- DialogPage(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage
Creates a new dialog page with the given title.
- DialogPage(String, ImageDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage
Creates a new dialog page with the given title and image.
- DialogPageSupport - Class in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.dialog
Connects the validation result from the given data binding context to the given dialog page, updating the page's error message accordingly.
- DialogPageSupport(DialogPage, DataBindingContext) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.dialog.DialogPageSupport
- DIALOGS - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.Application
- DialogSettings - Class in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs
Concrete implementation of a dialog settings (
) using a hash table and XML. - DialogSettings(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogSettings
Create an empty dialog settings which loads and saves its content to a file.
- DialogTaskProperties - Class in org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal
DialogTaskProperties is the properties dialog for tasks.
- DialogTaskProperties(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.DialogTaskProperties
- DialogTaskProperties(Shell, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.DialogTaskProperties
- DialogTaskProperties_CreateTask - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.MarkerMessages
- DialogTray - Class in org.eclipse.jface.dialogs
This class is the abstract superclass of all dialog trays.
- DialogTray() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogTray
- diff - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.ListChangeEvent
Description of the change to the source observable list.
- diff - Variable in class
Description of the change to the source observable map.
- diff - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.SetChangeEvent
Description of the change to the source observable set.
- diff - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ValueChangeEvent
Description of the change to the source observable value.
- diff - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ValueChangingEvent
Description of the change to the source observable value.
- diff - Variable in class
If event == CHANGE, a diff object describing the change in state.
- diff() - Method in class
Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.
- diff(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
Runs the difference engine and refreshes the tree.
- Diff - Class in
Abstract implementation of
that can be subclassed by clients. - Diff(IPath, int) - Constructor for class
Create a diff node.
- DIFF_VIEW - Static variable in interface
- DiffContainer - Class in
The standard implementation of a diff container element.
- DiffContainer(IDiffContainer, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new container with the specified kind under the given parent.
- DiffElement - Class in
An abstract base implementation of the
interface. - DiffElement(IDiffContainer, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
as a child of the given parent. - Differencer - Class in
A generic two-way or three-way differencing engine.
- Differencer() - Constructor for class
Creates a new differencing engine.
- DiffFilter - Class in
- DiffFilter() - Constructor for class
- DiffImageDescriptor - Class in
Combines an image with an overlay.
- DiffImageDescriptor(Image, ImageDescriptor, int, boolean) - Constructor for class
- DiffNode - Class in
Diff node are used as the compare result of the differencing engine.
- DiffNode(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
with the given diff kind. - DiffNode(int, ITypedElement, ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
and initializes with the given values. - DiffNode(ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
with diff kindDifferencer.CHANGE
and initializes with the given values. - DiffNode(IDiffContainer, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
and initializes with the given values. - DiffNode(IDiffContainer, int, ITypedElement, ITypedElement, ITypedElement) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
and initializes with the given values. - Diffs - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable
- Diffs() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.Diffs
- diffsChanged(IDiffChangeEvent, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface
The diff contained in the originating tree has changed.
- diffsChanged(IDiffChangeEvent, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
- DiffTree - Class in
Implementation of
. - DiffTree() - Constructor for class
Create an empty diff tree.
- DiffTreeViewer - Class in
A tree viewer that works on objects implementing the
interfaces. - DiffTreeViewer(Composite, CompareConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Creates a new viewer under the given SWT parent and with the specified configuration.
- DiffTreeViewer(Tree, CompareConfiguration) - Constructor for class
Creates a new viewer for the given SWT tree control with the specified configuration.
- DIR_LTR - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.advanced.IStructuredTextExpert
Constant specifying that the base direction of a structured text is LTR.
- DIR_RTL - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.bidi.advanced.IStructuredTextExpert
Constant specifying that the base direction of a structured text is RTL.
- DirBundleFile - Class in
A BundleFile that uses a directory as its base file.
- DirBundleFile(File, boolean) - Constructor for class
Constructs a DirBundleFile
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in class
The meta object id for the '
Direct Menu Item
' class. - DIRECT_MENU_ITEM - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the '
Direct Menu Item
' class. - DIRECT_MENU_ITEM___GET_LOCALIZED_MNEMONICS - Static variable in class
The operation id for the 'Get Localized Mnemonics' operation.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM___UPDATE_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class
The operation id for the 'Update Localization' operation.
The feature id for the 'Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__CONTAINER_DATA - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Container Data' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__CONTRIBUTION_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Contribution URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__CONTRIBUTOR_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Contributor URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__CUR_SHARED_REF - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Cur Shared Ref' reference.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Element Id' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__ENABLED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Enabled' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__ICON_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Icon URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__LABEL - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Label' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Localized Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__LOCALIZED_LABEL - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Localized Label' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__LOCALIZED_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Localized Tooltip' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__MNEMONICS - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Mnemonics' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__OBJECT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Object' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__ON_TOP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'On Top' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__PARENT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Parent' container reference.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__PERSISTED_STATE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Persisted State' map.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__RENDERER - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Renderer' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__SELECTED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Selected' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__TAGS - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tags' attribute list.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__TO_BE_RENDERED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'To Be Rendered' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__TOOLTIP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tooltip' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__TRANSIENT_DATA - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Transient Data' map.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__TYPE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__VISIBLE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Visible' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__VISIBLE_WHEN - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Visible When' containment reference.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM__WIDGET - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Widget' attribute.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in class
The number of structural features of the 'Direct Menu Item' class.
- DIRECT_MENU_ITEM_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in class
The number of operations of the 'Direct Menu Item' class.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM - Static variable in class
The meta object id for the '
Direct Tool Item
' class. - DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the '
Direct Tool Item
' class. - DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM___UPDATE_LOCALIZATION - Static variable in class
The operation id for the 'Update Localization' operation.
The feature id for the 'Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__CONTAINER_DATA - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Container Data' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__CONTRIBUTION_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Contribution URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__CONTRIBUTOR_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Contributor URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__CUR_SHARED_REF - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Cur Shared Ref' reference.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Element Id' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__ENABLED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Enabled' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__ICON_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Icon URI' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__LABEL - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Label' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Localized Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__LOCALIZED_LABEL - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Localized Label' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__LOCALIZED_TOOLTIP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Localized Tooltip' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__MENU - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Menu' containment reference.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__OBJECT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Object' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__ON_TOP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'On Top' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__PARENT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Parent' container reference.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__PERSISTED_STATE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Persisted State' map.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__RENDERER - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Renderer' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__SELECTED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Selected' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__TAGS - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tags' attribute list.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__TO_BE_RENDERED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'To Be Rendered' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__TOOLTIP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tooltip' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__TRANSIENT_DATA - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Transient Data' map.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__TYPE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__VISIBLE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Visible' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__VISIBLE_WHEN - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Visible When' containment reference.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM__WIDGET - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Widget' attribute.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in class
The number of structural features of the 'Direct Tool Item' class.
- DIRECT_TOOL_ITEM_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in class
The number of operations of the 'Direct Tool Item' class.
- DirectContributionItem - Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt
- DirectContributionItem() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.DirectContributionItem
- DIRECTION_MASK - Static variable in class
Bit mask (value 12) for extracting the direction of a three-way change.
- DIRECTION_MASK - Static variable in interface
Bit mask for extracting the synchronization direction.
- DIRECTION_MASK - Static variable in class
Bit mask for extracting the synchronization direction.
- directions - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.internal.TableComparator
- DirectMenuItemImpl - Class in
An implementation of the model object 'Direct Menu Item'.
- DirectMenuItemImpl() - Constructor for class
- DIRECTOR_ROOT_NODE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
- DirectoryDialog - Class in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
Instances of this class allow the user to navigate the file system and select a directory.
- DirectoryDialog(Shell) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DirectoryDialog
Constructs a new instance of this class given only its parent.
- DirectoryDialog(Shell, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.DirectoryDialog
Constructs a new instance of this class given its parent and a style value describing its behavior and appearance.
- DirectoryFieldEditor - Class in org.eclipse.jface.preference
A field editor for a directory path type preference.
- DirectoryFieldEditor() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.preference.DirectoryFieldEditor
Creates a new directory field editor
- DirectoryFieldEditor(String, String, Composite) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.preference.DirectoryFieldEditor
Creates a directory field editor.
- DirectorySourceContainer - Class in org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers
A directory in the local file system.
- DirectorySourceContainer(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.DirectorySourceContainer
Constructs an external folder container for the directory identified by the given file.
- DirectorySourceContainer(IPath, boolean) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.DirectorySourceContainer
Constructs an external folder container for the directory identified by the given path.
- DirectToolItemImpl - Class in
An implementation of the model object 'Direct Tool Item'.
- DirectToolItemImpl() - Constructor for class
- dirty - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences
Deprecated.Indicates whether a value has been changed by
; initiallyfalse
. - dirty - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.PartImpl
The cached value of the '
' attribute. - DIRTY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.Dirtyable
- DIRTY_CHANGED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.SaveablesLifecycleEvent
Event type constant specifying that the dirty state of the given saveables has changed.
- DIRTY_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.impl.PartImpl
The default value of the '
' attribute. - DIRTY_STATE - Static variable in class
The name of the "dirty" property (value
). - dirtyable - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.impl.PartDescriptorImpl
model documentation
for details. - DIRTYABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl
The meta object id for the '
' class. - DIRTYABLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl.Literals
The meta object literal for the '
' class. - DIRTYABLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.UIEvents.PartDescriptor
- DIRTYABLE__DIRTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl
The feature id for the 'Dirty' attribute.
- DIRTYABLE__DIRTY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl.Literals
The meta object literal for the 'Dirty' attribute feature.
- DIRTYABLE_EDEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.impl.PartDescriptorImpl
model documentation
for details. - DIRTYABLE_FEATURE_COUNT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl
The number of structural features of the 'Dirtyable' class.
- DIRTYABLE_OPERATION_COUNT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.impl.UiPackageImpl
The number of operations of the 'Dirtyable' class.
- dirtyChanged(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SaveablesList
- DirtyPerspectiveMarker - Class in org.eclipse.ui.internal
- DirtyPerspectiveMarker(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.internal.DirtyPerspectiveMarker
- DirtyRegion - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler
A dirty region describes a document range which has been changed.
- DirtyRegion(int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.reconciler.DirtyRegion
Creates a new dirty region.
- dirtyStateChanged() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IManagedForm
Notifies the form that the dirty state of one of its parts has changed.
- dirtyStateChanged() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.ManagedForm
- dirtyStateChanged(IFileBuffer, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferListener
Informs the listener that the dirty state of the given buffer changed to the specified value
- dirtyStateChanged(IFileBuffer, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.FileBufferListener
- DirZipBundleEntry - Class in
Represents a directory entry in a ZipBundleFile.
- DirZipBundleEntry(ZipBundleFile, String) - Constructor for class
- disable() - Method in interface
Set the values of this data to represent a disabling of its type.
- disable(Control) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ControlEnableState
Saves the current enable/disable state of the given control and its descendents in the returned object; the controls are all disabled.
- disable(Control, List<Control>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ControlEnableState
Saves the current enable/disable state of the given control and its descendents in the returned object except for the given list of exception cases; the controls that are saved are also disabled.
- DISABLE_CAPPING_TEMPORARILY - Static variable in class
- DISABLE_NEW_FAST_VIEW - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
A named preference for disabling opening a new fast view from the fast view bar controls ("Show View as a fast view" button or "New Fast View" submenu).
- DISABLE_OPEN_EDITOR_IN_PLACE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
Workbench preference id for whether the workbench may open editors in-place.
- disable_tracing() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.demo.html.HTMLParser
- DISABLED_BUNDLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.ResolverError
Error type constant (bit mask) indicating that a bundle could not be resolved because the bundle was disabled
- DISABLED_ICON_IMAGE_KEY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.IPresentationEngine
This key should be used to add an optional String to an element that is a URI to the elements disabled icon.
- DISABLED_URI - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem
- disableDefaultLimit() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.LargeFileLimitsPreferenceHandler
- disabledIcon - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.menus.CommandContributionItemParameter
A disabled icon for this item.
- DisabledInfo - Class in org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver
A disabled info represents a policy decision to disable a bundle which exists in a
. - DisabledInfo(String, String, BundleDescription) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.DisabledInfo
DisabledInfo constructor.
- disableJS() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.widgets.BrowserFactory
Sets that javascript will not be allowed to run in pages subsequently viewed in the receiver.
- disableProjection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
Disables the projection mode.
- disableRedrawing() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
Disables the redrawing of this text viewer.
- disableUI(IWorkbenchPart[], boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.Saveable
Disables the UI of the given parts containing this saveable if necessary.
- disassociate(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
implementation of this method also recurses over children of the corresponding element. - disassociate(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnViewer
- disassociate(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Disassociates the given SWT item from its corresponding element.
- disassociate(Item) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewerInternals.AssociateListener
Called when an Item is no longer associated
- disassociate(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer
- discardBuffer() - Method in class
Discards the buffered content.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.Launch
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDisconnect
Disconnects this element from its target.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.ConsoleColorProvider
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsoleColorProvider
Disconnects this color provider.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultUndoManager
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner
Disconnects the partitioner from the document it is connected to.
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IUndoManager
Disconnects this undo manager from its text viewer.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.FastPartitioner
Disconnects the partitioner from the document it is connected to.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewerUndoManager
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.history.IRefactoringHistoryService
Disconnects the refactoring history service from the workbench's operation history if necessary and decrements an internal counter.
- disconnect() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IPatternMatchListenerDelegate
Notification that pattern matching has been completed in the console this delegate was last connected to.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.AbstractWorkingSet
Disconnect this working set from its manager, if any.
- disconnect() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.AggregateWorkingSet
- disconnect(Object) - Method in interface
A helper disconnect method that looks up the appropriate key (using
and the appropriate provider and callsISharedDocumentAdapter.disconnect(IDocumentProvider, IEditorInput)
. - disconnect(Object) - Method in class
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class
- disconnect(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IMemoryBlockExtension
Disconnects the given client from this memory block.
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.text.undo.DocumentUndoManager
- disconnect(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.text.undo.IDocumentUndoManager
Disconnects from the undo manager.
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.ForwardingDocumentProvider
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.NullProvider
- disconnect(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
- disconnect(Object) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.IDocumentProvider
Disconnects the given element from this document provider.
- disconnect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
Disconnects the file at the given location from this manager.
- disconnect(IPath, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
Deprecated.As of 3.3, replaced by
IFileBufferManager.disconnect(IPath, LocationKind, IProgressMonitor)
- disconnect(IDocument) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
- disconnect(IDocument) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.IAnnotationModel
Disconnects this model from a document.
- disconnect(IDocument) - Static method in class org.eclipse.text.undo.DocumentUndoManagerRegistry
Disconnects the given document from this registry.
- disconnect(IDocumentProvider, IEditorInput) - Method in interface
Disconnect the element from the document provider.
- disconnect(IDocumentProvider, IEditorInput) - Method in class
- disconnect(IDocumentProvider, IEditorInput) - Method in class
- disconnected() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationModel
Hook method.
- disconnected() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
This hook method is called when this provider stops managing documents for element.
- disconnected() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
Removes the marker change listener.
- disconnectEditor() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.TextEditorSavable
Disconnects the editor from this savable.
- disconnectFileStore(IFileStore, IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.IFileBufferManager
Disconnects the given file store from this manager.
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.ChangeEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DisposeEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.ListChangeEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.ObservableEvent
Dispatch this event to the given listener.
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.SetChangeEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.StaleEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ValueChangeEvent
- dispatch(IObservablesListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ValueChangingEvent
- dispatchEvent(Object, Object, int, BundleFile) - Method in class
- dispatchEvent(K, V, int, E) - Method in interface org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.EventDispatcher
This method is called once for each listener.
- dispatchEventAsynchronous(int, E) - Method in class org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.ListenerQueue
Asynchronously dispatch an event to the snapshot list.
- dispatchEvents() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.di.UISynchronize
Request to perform an event dispatch cycle.
- dispatchEvents() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt.DisplayUISynchronize
- dispatchEventSynchronous(int, E) - Method in class org.eclipse.osgi.framework.eventmgr.ListenerQueue
Synchronously dispatch an event to the snapshot list.
- display - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.engine.AbstractCSSSWTEngineImpl
- display - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorRegistry
This registries
. - display - Variable in class
the display where the event occurred
- display - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event
the display where the event occurred
- display - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.FormColors
- display - Variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.UILockListener
- display(IStructuredSelection) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDetailPane
Displays details for the given selection, possible
. - display(ISynchronizeParticipant) - Method in interface
Displays the given synchronize participant in the Synchronize View.
- display(IConsole) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsoleView
Displays the page for the given console in this console view.
- Display - Class in org.eclipse.swt.widgets
Instances of this class are responsible for managing the connection between SWT and the underlying operating system.
- Display() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Constructs a new instance of this class.
- Display(DeviceData) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Constructs a new instance of this class using the parameter.
- DISPLAY_VARIABLE_TYPE_NAMES - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugModelPresentation
Variable type names presentation property (value
). - DisplayAccess - Class in org.eclipse.ui.application
This class provides static methods that help RCP applications interact with the Display.
- DisplayAccess() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.application.DisplayAccess
- displayContext(String, int, int) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayContext(HelpSystem.getContext(contextId),x,y) instead.
- displayContext(String, int, int) - Method in class
Displays context sensitive help.
- displayContext(IContext, int, int) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayContext(context,x,y) instead.
- displayContext(IContext, int, int) - Method in class
Displays context-sensitive help for specified context
- displayContext(IContext, int, int) - Method in class
Displays context-sensitive help for the given context.
- displayContext(IContext, int, int) - Method in interface
Displays context-sensitive help for the given context.
- displayContextInfopop(String, int, int) - Method in class
Displays context sensitive help in infopop.
- displayDynamicHelp() - Method in class
Displays dynamic help.
- displayDynamicHelp() - Method in class
Displays the dynamic help for the active context.
- displayDynamicHelp() - Method in interface
Displays the dynamic help for the current UI context.
- displayError(DebugException) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractTableRendering
Displays an error message for the given exception.
- displayErrorDialog(String) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardDataTransferPage
Display an error dialog with the specified message.
- displayErrorDialog(Throwable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardDataTransferPage
Display an error dislog with the information from the supplied exception.
- displayHelp() - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayHelp() instead.
- displayHelp() - Method in class
Displays help.
- displayHelp() - Method in class
Displays help.
- displayHelp() - Method in class
Displays the entire help bookshelf.
- displayHelp() - Method in interface
Displays the entire help bookshelf.
- displayHelp(String) - Method in interface
Calls the help support system to display the given help context ID.
- displayHelp(String) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayHelpResource(toc) instead.
- displayHelp(String) - Method in class
Displays specified help resource.
- displayHelp(String) - Method in interface
Calls the help support system to display the given help id.
- displayHelp(String, int, int) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayContext(HelpSystem.getContext(contextId),x,y) instead.
- displayHelp(String, String) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayHelpResource(selectedTopic) instead.
- displayHelp(IContext) - Method in interface
Displays context-sensitive help for the given context.
- displayHelp(IContext, int, int) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayContext(context,x,y) instead.
- displayHelpResource(String) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayHelpResource(href) instead.
- displayHelpResource(String) - Method in class
Displays a help resource specified as a url.
- displayHelpResource(String) - Method in class
Displays help content for the help resource with the given URL.
- displayHelpResource(String) - Method in interface
Displays help content for the help resource with the given URL.
- displayHelpResource(IHelpResource) - Method in interface
Deprecated.Use WorkbenchHelp.displayHelpResource(helpResource.getHref()) instead.
- Display Preferences controlling how and where annotations are shown - Search tag in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AnnotationPreference
- Section
- DisplayRealm - Class in org.eclipse.jface.databinding.swt
- displayRunnable - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ColorRegistry
Runnable that cleans up the manager on disposal of the display.
- displayRunnable - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.FontRegistry
Runnable that cleans up the manager on disposal of the display.
- displaySearch() - Method in class
Displays search.
- displaySearch() - Method in class
Displays the help search facility.
- displaySearch() - Method in interface
Displays the help search system.
- displaySource(Object, IWorkbenchPage, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup.ISourceDisplay
Displays source for the given element in the specified page.
- displaySource(ISourceLookupResult, IWorkbenchPage) - Static method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.DebugUITools
Displays the given source lookup result in an editor in the given workbench page.
- displayTable() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractTableRendering
Displays the content of the table viewer.
- DisplayUISynchronize - Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt
- DisplayUISynchronize(Display) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.swt.DisplayUISynchronize
- displayURL(String) - Method in interface
Displays document with the given URL, and makes the browser visible.
- DISPOSABLE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem
Internal key for transient maps to provide a runnable on widget disposal
- disposalMethod - Variable in class
A description of how to dispose of the current image before displaying the next.
- dispose() - Method in class
Dispose of this compare configuration.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
The viewer is no longer part of the UI, it's a wrapper only.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandler
The default implementation does nothing.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.AbstractHandlerWithState
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.commands.IHandler
Disposes of this handler.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.AbstractOperation
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IUndoableOperation
Dispose of the operation.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.TriggeredOperations
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.State
Disposes of this state.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.Binding
Disposes of this Binding.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.DataBindingContext
Disposes of this data binding context and all bindings and validation status providers that were added to this context.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.ListBinding
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.AbstractObservable
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.ChangeSupport
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DecoratingObservable
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DecoratingObservableCollection
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.IObservable
Disposes of this observable object, removing all listeners registered with this object, and all listeners this object might have registered on other objects.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.AbstractObservableList
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.ComputedList
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.DecoratingObservableList
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.MultiList
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.ComputedSet
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.DecoratingObservableSet
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.ListToSetAdapter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.MappedSet
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.sideeffect.CompositeSideEffect
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.sideeffect.ISideEffect
Disposes the side-effect, detaching all listeners and deallocating all memory used by the side-effect.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ComputedValue
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DateAndTimeObservableValue
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DecoratingObservableValue
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DuplexingObservableValue
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.LocalDateTimeObservableValue
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.ObservablesManager
Disposes of this manager and all observables that it manages.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.SetBinding
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.validation.MultiValidator
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.ValidationStatusProvider
Disposes of this ValidationStatusProvider.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IExpression
Notifies this expression that it has been removed from the expression manager.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IMemoryBlockExtension
Dispose this memory block.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupParticipant
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.AbstractSourceContainer
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.ArchiveSourceContainer
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.CompositeSourceContainer
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.containers.ExternalArchiveSourceContainer
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.IPersistableSourceLocator2
Disposes this source locator.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.ISourceContainer
Disposes this source container.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.ISourceLookupParticipant
Disposes this source lookup participant.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractBreakpointOrganizerDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchConfigurationTab
By default, do nothing.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractLaunchConfigurationTabGroup
By default, dispose all the tabs in this group.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.AbstractLaunchHistoryAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.AddMemoryRenderingActionDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.ContextualLaunchAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugCommandAction
Clean up when removing
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.DebugCommandHandler
Clean up when removing
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchAsAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.LaunchShortcutsAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.OpenLaunchDialogAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RelaunchLastAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RulerBreakpointTypesActionDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RulerRunToLineActionDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RulerToggleBreakpointActionDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineAction
Disposes this action.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.RunToLineActionDelegate
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions.ToggleBreakpointAction
Disposes this action.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.console.IConsoleLineTracker
Disposes this console line tracker.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.EnvironmentTab.EnvironmentVariableContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IBreakpointOrganizerDelegate
Disposes this breakpoint organizer.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDetailPane
Disposes this detail pane.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchConfigurationTab
Notifies this launch configuration tab that it has been disposed.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.ILaunchConfigurationTabGroup
Notifies this launch configuration tab group that it has been disposed, and disposes this group's tabs.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractMemoryRendering
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.AbstractTableRendering
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory.IMemoryRendering
Disposes this rendering.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.PrototypeDecorator
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.PrototypeTab
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup.CommonSourceNotFoundEditor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup.SourceLookupTab
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.core.commands.internal.HandlerServiceHandler
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.contexts.IEclipseContext
Disposes of this object.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.dom.CSSStylableElement
Method called when
is called. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.dom.ElementAdapter
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.engine.CSSEngine
Call reset and dispose all resources
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.engine.AbstractCSSEngine
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.resources.AbstractResourcesRegistry
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.resources.IResourcesRegistry
Dispose all resources stored into cache.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.ButtonElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.ControlElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.CTabFolderElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.ScaleElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.ShellElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.TextElement
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.dom.ToolItemElement
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributionRecord
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.DirectContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.HandledContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ToolBarContributionRecord
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.WBWRenderer.ThemeDefinitionChangedHandler
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ActionContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionItem
The default implementation of this
method does nothing. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.CoolBarManager
Disposes of this cool bar manager and frees all allocated SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IContributionItem
Disposes of this contribution item.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.action.IMenuCreator
Disposes the menu returned by
. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager
Disposes of this menu manager and frees all allocated SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.StatusLineManager
Disposes of this status line manager and frees all allocated SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionItem
The default implementation of this
delegates to the inner item. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubMenuManager
The default implementation of this
method does nothing. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ToolBarContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ToolBarManager
Disposes of this tool bar manager and frees all allocated SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.commands.ActionHandler
Removes the property change listener from the action.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.commands.RadioState
Unregisters this state from the manager, which detaches the listeners.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.dialog.DialogPageSupport
Disposes of this wizard page support object, removing any listeners it may have attached.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.dialog.TitleAreaDialogSupport
Disposes of this title area dialog support object, removing any listeners it may have attached.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.fieldassist.ControlDecorationSupport
Disposes this ControlDecorationSupport, including all control decorations managed by it.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ListeningLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableListContentProvider
Disposes of this content provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableListTreeContentProvider
Disposes of this content provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableMapCellLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableMapLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableSetContentProvider
Disposes of this content provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableSetTreeContentProvider
Disposes of this content provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.DialogPage
implementation of thisIDialogPage
method disposes of the page image if it has one. - dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.IDialogPage
Disposes the SWT resources allocated by this dialog page.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.fieldassist.ControlDecoration
Dispose this ControlDecoration.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.menus.AbstractTrimWidget
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.menus.IWidget
Disposes of the underlying widgets.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Disposes the SWT resources used by this field editor.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditorPreferencePage
The field editor preference page implementation of an
method disposes of this page's controls and images. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.LocalResourceManager
Deallocates any resources allocated by this registry that have not yet been deallocated.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.DeviceResourceManager
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ImageRegistry
Disposes this image registry, disposing any images that were allocated for it, and clearing its entries.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
Disposes any remaining resources allocated by this manager.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractHoverInformationControlManager
Disposes this manager's information control.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControl
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControlManager
Disposes this manager and if necessary all dependent parts such as the information control.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.AbstractCodeMining
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.AbstractCodeMiningProvider
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMining
Dispose the mining.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMiningProvider
Dispose code mining provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.contentassist.BoldStylerProvider
Disposes the bold font created for the styler.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.CursorLinePainter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter.FormattingContext
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.formatter.IFormattingContext
Dispose of the formatting context.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.AbstractHyperlinkDetector
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.IHyperlinkDetectorExtension
Disposes this hyperlink detector.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IInformationControl
Disposes this information control.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IPainter
Disposes this painter.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.MarginPainter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.PaintManager
Disposes this paint manager.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocument
Disposes this projection document.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.SequentialRewriteTextStore
Deprecated.Disposes this rewrite store.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AbstractRulerColumn
Disposes this ruler column.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.DefaultCharacterPairMatcher
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ICharacterPairMatcher
Disposes this pair matcher.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ISharedTextColors
Tells this object to dispose all its managed objects- Note that colors do not need dispose anymore
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.MatchingCharacterPainter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionSupport
Disposes this projection support.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.WhitespaceCharacterPainter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.BaseLabelProvider
implementation of thisIBaseLabelProvider
method clears its internal listener list. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.BoldStylerProvider
Disposes the bold font created for the styler.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Disposes of this cell editor and frees any associated SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColorCellEditor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingLabelProvider
implementation of thisIBaseLabelProvider
method disposes both the nested label provider and the label decorator. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecoratingStyledCellLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.deferred.DeferredContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DelegatingStyledCellLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IBaseLabelProvider
Disposes of this label provider.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IContentProvider
Disposes of this content provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StyledCellLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizard
Disposes of this wizard and frees all SWT resources.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.wizard.IWizardNode
Disposes the wizard managed by this node.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.Wizard
implementation of thisIWizard
method disposes all the pages controls usingDialogPage.dispose
. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.WizardSelectionPage
implementation of anIDialogPage
method disposes of all nested wizards. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Change
Disposes this change.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.CompositeChange
Disposes this change.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.MultiStateTextFileChange
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.RefactoringContext
Disposes of the context.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.TextFileChange
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.UndoTextFileChange
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions.ApplyRefactoringScriptAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions.CreateRefactoringScriptAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.actions.ShowRefactoringHistoryAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistoryContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistoryLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.ui.refactoring.history.RefactoringHistoryWizard
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.Accessible
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with the receiver, and removes the receiver from its parent's list of children.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.BrowserFunction
Disposes of the resources associated with this BrowserFunction.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.ControlEditor
Removes all associations between the Editor and the underlying composite.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderRenderer
Dispose of any operating system resources associated with the renderer.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TableEditor
Removes all associations between the TableEditor and the cell in the table.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.TreeEditor
Removes all associations between the TreeEditor and the row in the tree.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.Clipboard
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with the clipboard.
- dispose() - Method in class
Colors do not need to be disposed, however to maintain compatibility with older code, disposing a Color is not an error.
- dispose() - Method in class
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with the receiver.
- dispose() - Method in class
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with this resource.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.internal.Callback
Releases the native level resources associated with the callback, and removes all references between the callback and other objects.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.internal.ImageList
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.internal.SWTFontRegistry
Disposes all fonts managed by the font registry.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation
Disposes the automation object.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.Variant
Calling dispose will release resources associated with this Variant.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Decorations
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget
Disposes of the operating system resources associated with the receiver and all its descendants.
- dispose() - Method in class
Remove any listeners for this tracker.
- dispose() - Method in interface
Dispose of the synchronization context and the cache of the context.
- dispose() - Method in interface
Method to be invoked when the scope of this manager is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in interface
Callback from the scope manager when the scope is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
Dispose of any cached sync bytes when this cache is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in interface
Called to allow IHistoryPage a chance to dispose of any widgets created for its page implementation
- dispose() - Method in class
Dispose of the controller.
- dispose() - Method in class
Deregister this handler from selection change events.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in interface
Disposes of this synchronize participant and is called to free the resources associated with a participant.
- dispose() - Method in interface
Dispose of the scope when it is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
Called when the provider is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in class
Dispose of the action group.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionDelegate
implementation of thisIActionDelegate2
method does nothing. - dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction
Disposes of this action.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionGroup
This method is called by the user of an action group to signal that the group is no longer needed.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.BaseNewWizardMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.CompoundContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ExportResourcesAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.GlobalBuildAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ImportResourcesAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardDropDownAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.NewWizardMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.OpenInNewWindowAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.PerspectiveMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.QuickMenuCreator
Deprecated.As of 3.5 this is not necessary as the SWT Menu created in
will be disposed shortly after the SWT.Hide event. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.QuickStartAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.RetargetAction
Disposes of the action and any resources held.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.SelectionProviderAction
Disposes this action by removing it as a listener from the selection provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.TextActionHandler
Dispose of this action handler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.activities.ActivityCategoryPreferencePage
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.activities.IActivityManager
Disposes this activity manager.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor
Disposes this action bar advisor.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.application.WorkbenchWindowAdvisor
Disposes any resources allocated by this window advisor.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.BasicWorkingSetElementAdapter
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.cheatsheets.AbstractItemExtensionElement
Called by the cheat sheet framework to dispose of this item element extension.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.AbstractConsole
Called when this console is removed from the console manager.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.console.IConsolePageParticipant
Disposes this page participant.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.IOConsole
Disposes this console.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.TextConsole
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.console.TextConsolePage
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FileEditorMappingLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.WizardNewFolderMainPage
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.DefaultEncodingSupport
Disposes this encoding support.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileBufferOperationAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditorActionContributor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.AbstractFormPart
Disposes the part.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.DetailsPart
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormEditor
Disposes the pages and the toolkit after disposing the editor itself.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormPage
Disposes the managed form.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.SharedHeaderFormEditor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.FormColors
Disposes all the colors in the registry.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.forms.IFormPart
Disposes the part allowing it to release allocated resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.ManagedForm
Disposes all the parts in this form.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.widgets.FormToolkit
Disposes the toolkit.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.handlers.CollapseAllHandler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.handlers.ExpandAllHandler
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IActionDelegate2
Allows the action delegate to clean up.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IEditorActionBarContributor
Disposes this contributor.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.INavigationLocation
Disposes of this location and frees any allocated resource.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.AbstractEvaluationHandler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.AbstractWorkingSetManager
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ActionSetActionBars
Dispose the contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.CloseAllSavedAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.CoolBarToTrimManager
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.CyclePerspectiveHandler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorActionBars
Dispose the contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorActionBuilder.ExternalContributor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorPluginAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSite
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorSiteDragAndDropServiceImpl
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorEditorPart
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorViewPart
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.KeyBindingService
Disposes this key binding service.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.LargeFileLimitsPreferenceHandler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.NavigationHistory
Disposes this NavigationHistory and all entries.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.NavigationHistoryAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectContributorManager
Remove listeners and dispose of this manager.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectPluginAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.OpenPreferencesAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PageEventAction
implementation of thisActionFactory.IWorkbenchAction
method deregisters the part and page listener adding by the constructor. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PartSite
Dispose the contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PerspectiveTracker
Disposes the tracker.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction
Disposes this plugin action.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionBuilder.BasicContribution
Disposes this contribution.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionContributionItem
The default implementation of this
method notifies the delegate if loaded and implements theIActionDelegate2
interface. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionSet
Disposes of this action set.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionSetBuilder.Binding
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PopupMenuExtender
Dispose of the menu extender.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ReopenEditorMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ShowInMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ShowViewMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SlavePageService
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SlavePartService
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SlaveSelectionService
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SwitchToWindowMenu
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ToggleEditorsVisibilityAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewActionBuilder
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewerActionBuilder
Dispose of the action builder
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewIntroAdapterPart
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewPluginAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ViewSite
- dispose() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchImages
Disposes and clears the workbench images.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkingSetMenuContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WWinPluginAction
Disposes of the action and any resources held.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.CustomizableIntroPart
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.IIntroContentProvider
Dispose of the ContentProvider.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.config.IStandbyContentPart
Disposes of this standby part.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.contentproviders.AlwaysWelcomeCheckbox
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.contentproviders.EclipseRSSViewer
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.intro.IIntroPart
Disposes of this intro part.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks.QuicklinksViewer
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.intro.quicklinks.URLLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISourceProvider
Allows the source provider an opportunity to clean up resources (e.g., listeners) before being released.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPart
Disposes of this workbench part.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate
Disposes this action delegate.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetElementAdapter
Disposes of this element adaptor.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetManager
Disposes the working set manager.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkingSetUpdater
Disposes this working set updater.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.menus.CommandContributionItem
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.BaseWorkbenchContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.PerspectiveLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchContentProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.model.WorkbenchPartLabelProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.NavigationLocation
May be extended by clients.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonNavigator
Note: This method is for internal use only.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonNavigatorManager
Called by
when the View Part is disposed. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonViewer
Disposes of the NavigatorContentService, which will dispose the Content and Label providers.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.navigator.INavigatorContentService
Release any acquired resources and instantiated content extensions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.NavigatorActionService
Dispose of any state or resources held by the service.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.GoIntoActionProvider
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.SaveablesProvider
Disposes of this saveables provider.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.WizardActionGroup
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.OpenAndLinkWithEditorHelper
Disposes this helper.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.operations.OperationHistoryActionHandler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.AbstractMultiEditor
Release the added listener.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.CellEditorActionHandler
Disposes of this action handler
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorActionBarContributor
implementation of thisIEditorActionBarContributor
method does nothing, subclasses may override. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.IntroPart
implementation of thisIIntroPart
method disposes the title image loaded bysetInitializationData
. - dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.part.IPage
Disposes of this page.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorPart
implementation of thisIWorkbenchPart
method disposes all nested editors. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiPageEditorSite
Dispose the contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.Page
implementation of thisIPage
method disposes of this page's control (if it has one and it has not already been disposed). - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView
implementation of thisIWorkbenchPart
method cleans up all the pages. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView.PageRec
Disposes of this page record by
ing its fields. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageSite
Disposes of the menu extender contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.WorkbenchPart
implementation of thisIWorkbenchPart
method disposes the title image loaded bysetInitializationData
. - dispose() - Method in interface
Disposes of this service.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.splash.AbstractSplashHandler
Signal the handler to end the splash and dispose of any resources.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.SubActionBars
Dispose the contributions.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.SubActionBars2
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.ColumnSupport
Removes and disposes all currently visible ruler columns.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
implementation of thisIWorkbenchPart
method may be extended by subclasses. - dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.BasicTextEditorActionContributor
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.GotoLastEditPositionAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.GotoNextEditPositionAction
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.KeyBindingSupportForAssistant
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.quickdiff.IQuickDiffReferenceProvider
Called when the reference is no longer used and the provider can free resources.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.rulers.IColumnSupport
Removes and disposes all currently visible ruler columns.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.SourceViewerDecorationSupport
Disposes this decoration support.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.spelling.ISpellingPreferenceBlock
Called when the preference page is being disposed.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates.AbstractTemplatesPage
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.TextSelectionNavigationLocation
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.themes.ITheme
Dispose of this theme.
- dispose() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.themes.IThemePreview
Dispose of resources used by this previewer.
- dispose() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist.FrameAction
Disposes this frame action.
- dispose() - Method in interface
Called when the entry is no longer needed
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
implementation of thisIPage
method disposes of this page's entries. - dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in interface
Dispose this section.
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
- dispose() - Method in class
Dispose of page's sections controls.
- dispose(IUndoContext, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.DefaultOperationHistory
- dispose(IUndoContext, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.IOperationHistory
Dispose of the specified context in the history.
- dispose(ColumnViewer, ViewerColumn) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellLabelProvider
Dispose of this label provider which was used with the given column viewer and column.
- dispose(ColumnViewer, ViewerColumn) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.OwnerDrawLabelProvider
- Dispose - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The dispose event type (value is 12).
Note: This event is sent to indicate the beginning of the disposing process. - DISPOSE_CLOSED_BROWSER_HOVER_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
Preference for the advised time (in ms) after a closed browser hover is to be disposed.
- disposeAction(IAction) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor
Disposes the given action.
- disposeActions() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.application.ActionBarAdvisor
Disposes all actions added via
. - disposeActions() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginActionBuilder.BasicContribution
Disposes the actions.
- disposeColors() - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.JFaceColors
Deprecated.JFaceColors no longer maintains a cache of colors. This job is now handled by the ColorRegistry.
- disposeCOMInterfaces() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite
- disposeCOMInterfaces() - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleControlSite
- disposeContributor() - Method in class
Dispose the contributor with the provided contributor id.
- disposed - Variable in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.ValidationStatusProvider
- disposed(PrimaryObjectSupplier) - Method in interface org.eclipse.e4.core.di.suppliers.IRequestor
Notifies the requestor that an object supplier has been disposed of.
- disposeDelegate() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.PluginAction
Disposes the delegate, if created.
- disposeDocumentProvider() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditor
- disposeDocumentProvider() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Disposes of the connection with the document provider.
- disposeEditorActionBars(EditorActionBars) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.EditorReference
- disposeElementInfo(Object, AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
- disposeElementInfo(Object, AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Disposes of the given element info object.
- disposeEntry(NavigationHistoryEntry) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.NavigationHistory
- DisposeEvent - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable
Event denoting that an
object was disposed. - DisposeEvent - Class in
Instances of this class are sent as a result of widgets being disposed.
- DisposeEvent(IObservable) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.DisposeEvent
Creates a new dispose event object.
- DisposeEvent(Event) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance of this class based on the information in the given untyped event.
- disposeExec(Runnable) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.ResourceManager
Causes the
method of the runnable to be invoked just before the receiver is disposed. - disposeExec(Runnable) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display
Causes the
method of the runnable to be invoked by the user-interface thread just before the receiver is disposed. - disposeFileInfo(Object, TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider
Releases all resources described by given element's info object.
- disposeFontRegistry(Device) - Static method in class org.eclipse.swt.internal.SWTFontProvider
Disposes the font registry for the given device, if one exists.
- disposeInformationControl() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControlManager
Disposes this manager's information control.
- DisposeListener - Interface in
Classes which implement this interface provide a method that deals with the event that is generated when a widget is disposed.
- disposeManager() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubContributionManager
Disposes this sub contribution manager, removing all its items and cleaning up any other resources allocated by it.
- disposeManager() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.SubMenuManager
- disposeManager() - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ObjectActionContributorManager
Disposes instance if it was created
- disposeOldImages() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem
- disposeOnShutdown(Image) - Static method in class
Registers the given image for being disposed when this plug-in is shutdown.
- disposeOnShutdown(Image) - Static method in class
Registers the given image for being disposed when this plug-in is shutdown.
- disposeResource(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.resources.AbstractResourcesRegistry
- disposeResource(Object, Object, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.swt.resources.SWTResourcesRegistry
- disposeResources() - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceNode
Release the page managed by this node, and any SWT resources held onto by this node (Images, Fonts, etc).
- disposeResources() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferenceNode
- disposeTabs(Collection) - Method in class
Disposes the TabContents objects passed to this method.
- disposeVisualAnnotationModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer
Disposes the visual annotation model.
- disposeWidget(MUIElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ContributedPartRenderer
- disposeWidget(MUIElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.ElementReferenceRenderer
- disposeWidget(MUIElement) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.SWTPartRenderer
- distanceSquared(Point, Point) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.Geometry
Returns the square of the distance between two points.
- divide(Point, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.Geometry
Divides both coordinates of the given point by the given scalar.
- DLG_IMG_ERROR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.use org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_ERROR)
- DLG_IMG_HELP - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Image registry key for help image (value
). - DLG_IMG_INFO - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.use org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_INFORMATION)
- DLG_IMG_MESSAGE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Image registry key for info message image (value
). - DLG_IMG_MESSAGE_INFO - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Image registry key for info message image (value
). - DLG_IMG_MESSAGE_WARNING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Image registry key for info message image (value
). - DLG_IMG_QUESTION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future
- DLG_IMG_TITLE_BANNER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog
Image registry key for banner image (value
). - DLG_IMG_TITLE_ERROR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.TitleAreaDialog
Image registry key for error message image.
- DLG_IMG_WARNING - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.Dialog
Deprecated.use org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Display.getSystemImage(SWT.ICON_WARNING)
- DM_FILL_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the the previous images should be covered with the background color before displaying the next image (value is 2).
- DM_FILL_NONE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is to do nothing; that is, to leave the previous image in place (value is 1).
- DM_FILL_PREVIOUS - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is to restore the previous picture (value is 3).
- DM_UNSPECIFIED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
GIF image disposal method constants indicating that the disposal method is unspecified (value is 0).
- DND - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
Class DND contains all the constants used in defining a DragSource or a DropTarget.
- DND() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
- DO_FILTER_STACK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.unittest.internal.UnitTestPreferencesConstants
Boolean preference controlling whether the failure stack should be filtered.
- DO_NOT_CHECK_EXISTENCE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IContainer
Member constant (bit mask value 16) indicating that a resource should not be checked for existence.
- doAction(AccessibleActionEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleActionAdapter
Performs the specified action on the object.
- doAction(AccessibleActionEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.accessibility.AccessibleActionListener
Performs the specified action on the object.
- doAdd(IObservableList<? super D>, D, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateListStrategy
Adds the given element at the given index to the given observable list.
- doAdd(IObservableSet<? super D>, D) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateSetStrategy
Adds the given element at the given index to the given observable list.
- doAddTo(S) - Method in class
- doAddTrustAnchor(Certificate, String) - Method in class
Add a trust anchor point to this trust engine.
- doApplyStyles() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.dom.ElementAdapter
Apply styles for the native widget.
- doBuild() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.GlobalBuildAction
Builds all projects within the workspace.
- doCheckState() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.DirectoryFieldEditor
- doCheckState() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
Hook for subclasses to do specific state checks.
- doCheckStateChanged(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ContainerCheckedTreeViewer
Update element after a checkstate change.
- DOCK_ON_PERSPECTIVE_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds
- DOCK_PERSPECTIVE_BAR - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.not used anymore by platform
- doClear(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Clears the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver.
- doClear(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doClearAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Clears all the items in the receiver.
- doClearAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- DocLineComparator - Class in
Implements the
interface for lines in a document. - DocLineComparator(IDocument, IRegion, boolean) - Constructor for class
Creates a
for the given document range. - DocLineComparator(IDocument, IRegion, boolean, ICompareFilter[], char, Optional<IIgnoreWhitespaceContributor>) - Constructor for class
Creates a
for the given document range. - doClose() - Method in class org.eclipse.osgi.framework.console.ConsoleSession
Called by the
method to free resources associated with this console session. - doClose() - Method in class
Closes the bundle file
- doClose() - Method in class
- doCommit(IFileBuffer[], IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.filebuffers.manipulation.GenericFileBufferOperationRunner
- doComputeEnablement(IActivityManager, IIdentifier, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.activities.WorkbenchTriggerPointAdvisor
Helper method for determining whether an identifier should be enabled.
- doComputeSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage
Computes the size needed by this page's UI control.
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.CopyingRangeMarker
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.CopySourceEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.CopyTargetEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.DeleteEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.InsertEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.MoveSourceEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.MoveTargetEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.MultiTextEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.RangeMarker
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.ReplaceEdit
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.TextEdit
Creates and returns a copy of this edit.
- doCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.text.edits.UndoEdit
- doCreateCellEditorObservable(CellEditor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableValueEditingSupport
Creates the observable value for the CellEditor.
- doCreateElementObservable(E, ViewerCell) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.databinding.viewers.ObservableValueEditingSupport
Creates the observable value for the element.
- doCreateFilterText(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTable
- doCreateFilterText(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTree
- doCreateFilterText(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractFilteredViewerComposite
Creates the text control for entering the filter text.
- doCreateFilterText(Composite) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredTree
- doCreateInformationControl(Shell) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractReusableInformationControlCreator
Creates the control.
- doCreatePage(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
- doCreatePage(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView
Creates a new page in the pagebook for a particular part.
- doCreatePage(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates.TemplatesView
- doCreatePage(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline
- doCreatePage(IWorkbenchPart) - Method in class
- doCreateRefreshJob() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTable
Creates a workbench job that will refresh the table based on the current filter text.
- doCreateRefreshJob() - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTree
Creates a workbench job that will refresh the tree based on the current filter text.
- doCreateRefreshJob() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredTree
Creates a workbench job that will refresh the tree based on the current filter text.
- doCreateTableViewer(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTable
Creates the table viewer.
- doCreateTreeViewer(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.dialogs.filteredtree.FilteredTree
Creates the tree viewer.
- doCreateTreeViewer(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.ElementTreeSelectionDialog
Creates the tree viewer.
- doCreateTreeViewer(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.dialogs.FilteredTree
Creates the tree viewer.
- Document - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Default document implementation.
- Document() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.Document
Creates a new empty document.
- Document(String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.Document
Creates a new document with the given initial content.
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.DefaultHyperlinkPresenter
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener
The manipulation described by the document event will be performed.
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner
Informs about a forthcoming document change.
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocumentManager
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.FastPartitioner
Informs about a forthcoming document change.
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner
- documentAboutToBeChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo
- documentation - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleFunctionDescription
- DocumentChange - Class in org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring
A text change that operates directly on instances of
. - DocumentChange(String, IDocument) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.DocumentChange
Creates a new
for the givenIDocument
. - documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.hyperlink.DefaultHyperlinkPresenter
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentListener
The manipulation described by the document event has been performed.
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioner
The document has been changed.
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.projection.ProjectionDocumentManager
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.FastPartitioner
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner
- documentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider.ElementInfo
- documentChanged2(DocumentEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitionerExtension
The document has been changed.
- documentChanged2(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.DefaultPartitioner
- documentChanged2(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.FastPartitioner
The document has been changed.
- documentChanged2(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.RuleBasedPartitioner
- DocumentCommand - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Represents a text modification as a document replace command.
- DocumentCommand() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentCommand
Creates a new document command.
- documentCSS - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.ViewCSSImpl
- DocumentCSSImpl - Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom
implementation. - DocumentCSSImpl() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.dom.DocumentCSSImpl
- DocumentEvent - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Specification of changes applied to documents.
- DocumentEvent() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent
Creates a new, not initialized document event.
- DocumentEvent(IDocument, int, int, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentEvent
Creates a new document event.
- DocumentHandlerFactory - Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.sac
Factory to get instance of
. - DocumentHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.sac.DocumentHandlerFactory
- DocumentHandlerFactoryImpl - Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.sac
This class implements the
interface. - DocumentHandlerFactoryImpl() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.impl.sac.DocumentHandlerFactoryImpl
- DocumentManager - Class in
No API yet.
- DocumentManager() - Constructor for class
- DocumentMerger_0 - Static variable in class
- DocumentMerger_1 - Static variable in class
- DocumentMerger_2 - Static variable in class
- DocumentMerger_3 - Static variable in class
- documentPartitioningChanged(DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioningListenerExtension2
Signals the change of document partitionings.
- documentPartitioningChanged(IDocument) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioningListener
The partitioning of the given document changed.
- documentPartitioningChanged(IDocument, IRegion) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentPartitioningListenerExtension
The partitioning of the given document changed in the given region.
- DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Event describing the change of document partitionings.
- DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent(IDocument) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentPartitioningChangedEvent
Creates a new document partitioning changed event for the given document.
- DocumentProviderOperation() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation
- DocumentProviderOperation() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation
- DocumentProviderRegistry - Class in org.eclipse.ui.texteditor
This registry manages shared document providers.
- DocumentRangeNode - Class in
A document range node represents a structural element when performing a structure compare of documents.
- DocumentRangeNode(int, String, IDocument, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
for the given range within the specified document. - DocumentRangeNode(DocumentRangeNode, int, String, IDocument, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new
for the given range within the specified document. - DocumentRewriteSession - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
A document rewrite session.
- DocumentRewriteSession(DocumentRewriteSessionType) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentRewriteSession
Prohibit package external object creation.
- documentRewriteSessionChanged(DocumentRewriteSessionEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.IDocumentRewriteSessionListener
Signals a change in a document's rewrite session state.
- DocumentRewriteSessionEvent - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
Description of the state of document rewrite sessions.
- DocumentRewriteSessionEvent(IDocument, DocumentRewriteSession, Object) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentRewriteSessionEvent
Creates a new document event.
- DocumentRewriteSessionType - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text
A document rewrite session type.
- DocumentTemplateContext - Class in org.eclipse.jface.text.templates
Instances of this class describe the context of a template as a region of a document.
- DocumentTemplateContext(TemplateContextType, IDocument, int, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.DocumentTemplateContext
Creates a document template context.
- DocumentTemplateContext(TemplateContextType, IDocument, Position) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.DocumentTemplateContext
Creates a document template context.
- DocumentUndoEvent - Class in org.eclipse.text.undo
Describes document changes initiated by undo or redo.
- DocumentUndoManager - Class in org.eclipse.text.undo
A standard implementation of a document-based undo manager that creates an undo history based on changes to its document.
- DocumentUndoManager(IDocument) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.text.undo.DocumentUndoManager
Create a DocumentUndoManager for the given document.
- DocumentUndoManagerRegistry - Class in org.eclipse.text.undo
This document undo manager registry provides access to a document's undo manager.
- documentUndoNotification(DocumentUndoEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.text.undo.IDocumentUndoListener
The document is involved in an undo-related change.
- doDeselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Deselects all selected items in the receiver.
- doDeselectAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doDestroyPage(IWorkbenchPart, PageBookView.PageRec) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
- doDestroyPage(IWorkbenchPart, PageBookView.PageRec) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView
Destroys a page in the pagebook for a particular part.
- doDestroyPage(IWorkbenchPart, PageBookView.PageRec) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.templates.TemplatesView
- doDestroyPage(IWorkbenchPart, PageBookView.PageRec) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.views.contentoutline.ContentOutline
- doDestroyPage(IWorkbenchPart, PageBookView.PageRec) - Method in class
- doDisableProjection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionSupport
Removes the projection ruler column and the painter from the projection viewer.
- doDisposeNestedParts() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPartReference
- doEnableProjection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionSupport
Enables projection mode.
- DOES_NOT_CONTAIN_KEY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.views.markers.MarkerSupportConstants
The constant used to specify the does not contain value on a
- doesPageExist(IPage) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PageBookView
Returns true if the page has already been created.
- doesSupportSynchronize() - Method in class
Return whether this participant can be refreshed.
- doEvaluate(ICharacterScanner) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.PatternRule
Evaluates this rules without considering any column constraints.
- doEvaluate(ICharacterScanner, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.rules.PatternRule
Evaluates this rules without considering any column constraints.
- doExecute(Object[], IProgressMonitor, IRequest) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.commands.AbstractDebugCommand
Executes this command synchronously on the specified targets, reporting progress.
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFileOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFolderOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateProjectOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.AbstractWorkspaceOperation
Perform the specific work involved in executing this operation.
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyProjectOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyResourcesOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateMarkersOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteMarkersOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteResourcesOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveProjectOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveResourcesOperation
- doExecute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.UpdateMarkersOperation
- doExit(LinkedModeModel, DocumentEvent) - Method in interface
Checks whether the linked mode should be left after receiving the given
, especially allowing to control Copy-Paste operations. - doExit(LinkedModeModel, VerifyEvent, int, int) - Method in interface
Checks whether the linked mode should be left after receiving the given
and selection. - doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ColorFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ComboFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Fills this field editor's basic controls into the given parent.
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FontFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ListEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ScaleFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringButtonFieldEditor
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
Fills this field editor's basic controls into the given parent.
- doFillIntoGrid(Composite, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.AbstractEncodingFieldEditor
- doFindInputItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractListViewer
- doFindInputItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
- doFindInputItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
- doFindInputItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Returns the widget in this viewer's control which represents the given element if it is the viewer's input.
- doFindItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractListViewer
- doFindItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
- doFindItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
- doFindItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Returns the widget in this viewer's control which represent the given element.
- doFindItem(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
Notifies all listeners about the given document change.
- doFireDocumentChanged(DocumentEvent, boolean, IRegion) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
- of 3.0. Use
instead; this method will be removed. - doFireDocumentChanged2(DocumentEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractDocument
Notifies all listeners about the given document change.
- doGet(K) - Method in class
- doGetColumn(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns the column at the given, zero-relative index in the receiver.
- doGetColumn(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetColumnCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Returns the number of columns of this viewer.
- doGetColumnCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ColumnViewer
Returns the number of columns contained in the receiver.
- doGetColumnCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetColumnCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TreeViewer
- doGetDelegate(S) - Method in class
Returns the property to delegate to for the specified source object.
- doGetDelegate(S) - Method in class
Returns the property to delegate to for the specified source object.
- doGetDelegate(S) - Method in class
Returns the property to delegate to for the specified source object.
- doGetDelegate(S) - Method in class
Returns the property to delegate to for the specified source object.
- doGetInputStream(E) - Method in class
Gets the input stream for the specified entry.
- doGetInputStream(ZipEntry) - Method in class
- doGetItem(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns the item at the given, zero-relative index in the receiver.
- doGetItem(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetItemCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns the number of items contained in the receiver.
- doGetItemCount() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetItems() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns a (possibly empty) array of TableItems which are the items in the receiver.
- doGetItems() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetList(S) - Method in class
- doGetList(S) - Method in class
Returns a List with the current contents of the source's list property
- doGetList(S) - Method in class
- doGetList(S) - Method in class
- doGetMap(S) - Method in class
- doGetMap(S) - Method in class
Returns a Map with the current contents of the source's map property
- doGetMap(S) - Method in class
- doGetPreferenceStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.PreferencePage
Returns the preference store of this preference page.
- doGetRefactoringTickProvider() - Method in class org.eclipse.ltk.core.refactoring.Refactoring
Hook method to provide the tick provider used for progress reporting.
- doGetSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns an array of
that are currently selected in the receiver. - doGetSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Returns the current selection.
- doGetSelectionIndices() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Returns the zero-relative indices of the items which are currently selected in the receiver.
- doGetSelectionIndices() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doGetSet(S) - Method in class
- doGetSet(S) - Method in class
Returns a Set with the current contents of the source's set property
- doGetSet(S) - Method in class
- doGetSet(S) - Method in class
- doGetSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.AbstractObservableList
- doGetSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.ComputedList
- doGetSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.list.MultiList
- doGetSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.set.ComputedSet
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.AbstractObservableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.ComputedValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DateAndTimeObservableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DuplexingObservableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.LocalDateTimeObservableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.SelectObservableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.WritableValue
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Returns this cell editor's value.
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method returns the checkbox setting wrapped as aBoolean
. - doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method returns the zero-based index of the current selection. - doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method returns the zero-based index of the current selection. - doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
- doGetValue() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TextCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method returns the text string. - doGetValue(S) - Method in class
- doGetValue(S) - Method in class
- doGetValue(S) - Method in class
Returns the value of the property on the specified source object
- doIndexOf(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Searches the receiver's list starting at the first item (index 0) until an item is found that is equal to the argument, and returns the index of that item.
- doIndexOf(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doInit() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDropAdapterAssistant
Override to perform any one-time initialization.
- doInit() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.SaveablesProvider
May be overridden by clients.
- doInitializeFromMemento(String, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
Initializes this source lookup director from the given memento.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.PageChangingEvent
Public field that dictates if the page change will successfully change.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DocumentCommand
Must the command be updated
- doit - Variable in class
The doit flag of the checked
. - doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.AuthenticationEvent
A flag indicating whether the authentication should proceed.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.browser.LocationEvent
A flag indicating whether the location loading should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderEvent
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
In dragStart, the doit field determines if the drag and drop operation should proceed; in dragFinished, the doit field indicates whether the operation was performed successfully.
- doit - Variable in class
This flag indicates whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class
A flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleEvent
- doit - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Event
depending on the event, a flag indicating whether the operation should be allowed.
- doItemFill(IContributionItem, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.MenuManager
Call an
's fill method with the implementation's widget. - Dollar() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.text.templates.GlobalTemplateVariables.Dollar
Creates a new dollar variable
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ColorFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ComboFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Initializes this field editor with the preference value from the preference store.
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FontFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.IntegerFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ListEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ScaleFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.PropagatingFontFieldEditor
- doLoad() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.AbstractEncodingFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ColorFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ComboFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Initializes this field editor with the default preference value from the preference store.
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FontFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.IntegerFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ListEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ScaleFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.PropagatingFontFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.AbstractEncodingFieldEditor
- doLoadDefault() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.ResourceEncodingFieldEditor
- DOMExceptionImpl - Exception Class in org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.exceptions
DOM exception implementation.
- DOMExceptionImpl(int, int) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.exceptions.DOMExceptionImpl
- DOMExceptionImpl(short, int) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.exceptions.DOMExceptionImpl
- DOMExceptionImpl(short, int, String) - Constructor for exception class org.eclipse.e4.ui.css.core.exceptions.DOMExceptionImpl
- doMove(IObservableList<? super D>, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateListStrategy
Moves the element in the observable list located at the given old index to the given new index.
- done() - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor
Notifies that the work is done; that is, either the main task is completed or the user canceled it.
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.NullProgressMonitor
This implementation does nothing.
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.ProgressMonitorWrapper
This implementation of a
method forwards to the wrapped progress monitor. - done() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.SlicedProgressMonitor
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubProgressMonitor
- done() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.IRequest
Indicates this request is complete.
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.dialogs.ProgressIndicator
Progress is done.
- done() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.wizard.ProgressMonitorPart
- done() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.progress.IElementCollector
The element collection is done.
- done(IProgressMonitor) - Static method in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor
on the given monitor if is non-null. - done(IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.SubMonitor
on the given monitor if is non-null. - done(IStatus) - Method in class
Jobs that complete their execution asynchronously must indicate when they are finished by calling this method.
- done(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in interface
Notification that a job has completed execution, either due to cancelation, successful completion, or failure.
- done(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class
- done(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class
- Done() - Method in class org.apache.lucene.demo.html.SimpleCharStream
- DONE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.commands.operations.OperationHistoryEvent
DONE indicates that an operation has been executed.
- DONE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.IMarker
Done marker attribute.
- DONE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IMarkerActionFilter
An attribute indicating whether the marker is considered done (value
). - doneSaving(ISaveContext) - Method in interface org.eclipse.core.resources.ISaveParticipant
Tells this participant that the workspace save operation is now complete and it is free to go about its normal business.
- DONT_ASK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.activities.WorkbenchTriggerPointAdvisor
The string to be used to label the "don't ask" button.
- Dont_Save - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- dontExpand() - Method in class
if this node shouldn't automatically be expanded in aDiffTreeViewer
. - dontExpand(Object) - Method in class
This hook method is called from within
to control whether a given model node should be expanded or not. - doOpen() - Method in class
Opens the bundle file
- doOpen() - Method in class
- doOperation(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextOperationTarget
Performs the operation specified by the operation code on the target.
- doOperation(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.projection.ProjectionViewer
- doOperation(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.SourceViewer
- doOperation(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.TextViewer
- doPaint(GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationRulerColumn
Draws the vertical ruler w/o drawing the Canvas background.
- doPaint(GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.VerticalRuler
Draws the vertical ruler w/o drawing the Canvas background.
- doPaint1(GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationRulerColumn
Draws the vertical ruler w/o drawing the Canvas background.
- doPaint1(GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.VerticalRuler
Draws the vertical ruler w/o drawing the Canvas background.
- doPut(K, V) - Method in class
- doRemove(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Removes the items from the receiver's list at the given zero-relative indices.
- doRemove(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doRemove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Removes the items from the receiver which are between the given zero-relative start and end indices (inclusive).
- doRemove(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doRemove(IObservableList<? super D>, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateListStrategy
Removes the element at the given index from the given observable list.
- doRemove(IObservableSet<? super D>, D) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateSetStrategy
Removes the element at the given index from the given observable list.
- doRemoveAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Removes all of the items from the receiver.
- doRemoveAll() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doRemoveFrom(S) - Method in class
- doRemoveTrustAnchor(String) - Method in class
Remove a trust anchor point from the engine, based on the human readable "friendly name"
- doRemoveTrustAnchor(Certificate) - Method in class
Remove a trust anchor point from the engine, based on the certificate itself.
- doReplace(IObservableList<? super D>, int, D) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateListStrategy
Replaces the element in the observable list located at the given index to with the given element.
- doResetDocument(Object, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
- doResetDocument(Object, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Executes the actual work of reseting the given elements document.
- doResetItem(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Resets the given item in the receiver.
- doResetItem(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doResolve(ITextViewer, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.AbstractCodeMining
Returns the future which resolved the content of mining and null otherwise.
- doRestoreState(IMemento) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Restores this editor's state using the given memento.
- doRevert(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
Revert any changes in the buffer back to the last saved state.
- doRevertToSaved() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
implementation of thisITextEditor
method may be extended by subclasses. - doRevertToSaved() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor
Abandons all modifications applied to this text editor's input element's textual presentation since the last save operation.
- doRevertToSaved() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.StatusTextEditor
- doRun(IFile[], IPath, IFileBufferOperation) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileBufferOperationAction
- doRun(IFile[], IPath, IFileBufferOperation) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileBufferOperationHandler
Runs the given operation.
- doSave() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration.
- doSave(int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy
Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration.
- doSave(Object, Object) - Method in class
This method is called from the
to save any unsaved changes of the old input. - doSave(Object, Object) - Method in class
Overridden to prevent save confirmation if new input is sub document of current input.
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup.CommonSourceNotFoundEditor
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
Saves the contents of this saveable.
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
Deprecated.This method flushes the content in any viewers.
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormPage
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.DefaultSaveable
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorEditorPart
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablePart
Saves the contents of this part.
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonNavigator
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.AbstractMultiEditor
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.Saveable
Saves the contents of this saveable.
- doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
implementation of thisIEditorPart
method may be extended by subclasses. - doSave(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor.TextEditorSavable
- doSave(IProgressMonitor, IShellProvider) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.Saveable
Saves this saveable, or prepares this saveable for a background save operation.
- doSaveAs() - Method in class
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.sourcelookup.CommonSourceNotFoundEditor
- doSaveAs() - Method in class
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.forms.editor.FormPage
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.ErrorEditorPart
- doSaveAs() - Method in interface org.eclipse.ui.ISaveablePart
Saves the contents of this part to another object.
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonNavigator
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.AbstractMultiEditor
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.EditorPart
- doSaveAs() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
implementation of thisIEditorPart
method callsperformSaveAs
. - doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor, Object, IDocument, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
- doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor, Object, IDocument, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.StorageDocumentProvider
- doSaveDocument(IProgressMonitor, Object, IDocument, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Performs the actual work of saving the given document provided for the given element.
- doSaveModel(Saveable, IProgressMonitor, IShellProvider, boolean) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.SaveableHelper
- doSelect(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Selects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- doSelect(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doSet(IObservableValue<? super D>, D) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.UpdateValueStrategy
Sets the current value of the given observable to the given value.
- doSetApprovedValue(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.AbstractVetoableValue
Sets the value.
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Sets the focus to the cell editor's control.
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxCellEditor
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
- doSetFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TextCellEditor
- doSetInput(IEditorInput) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.TextEditor
- doSetInput(IEditorInput) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDecoratedTextEditor
- doSetInput(IEditorInput) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Called directly from
and from within a workspace runnable frominit
, this method does the actual setting of the editor input. - doSetInput(IEditorInput) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.StatusTextEditor
- doSetItemCount(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Sets the number of items contained in the receiver.
- doSetItemCount(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doSetList(S, List<E>) - Method in class
- doSetList(S, List<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetList(S, List<E>) - Method in class
- doSetList(S, List<E>, ListDiff<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetMap(S, Map<K, V>) - Method in class
- doSetMap(S, Map<K, V>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetMap(S, Map<K, V>) - Method in class
- doSetMap(S, Map<K, V>, MapDiff<K, V>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetSelection(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Selects the items at the given zero-relative indices in the receiver.
- doSetSelection(int[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doSetSelection(ISelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractTextEditor
Sets the given selection.
- doSetSelection(Item[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Sets the receiver's selection to be the given array of items.
- doSetSelection(Item[]) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doSetSet(S, Set<E>) - Method in class
- doSetSet(S, Set<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetSet(S, Set<E>) - Method in class
- doSetSet(S, Set<E>) - Method in class
- doSetSet(S, Set<E>, SetDiff<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.SelectObservableValue
- doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CellEditor
Sets this cell editor's value.
- doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method accepts a value wrapped as aBoolean
. - doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method accepts a zero-based index of a selection. - doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
Set a new value
- doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DialogCellEditor
- doSetValue(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TextCellEditor
implementation of thisCellEditor
framework method accepts a text string (typeString
). - doSetValue(LocalDateTime) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.LocalDateTimeObservableValue
- doSetValue(Date) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DateAndTimeObservableValue
- doSetValue(S, T) - Method in class
- doSetValue(S, T) - Method in class
- doSetValue(S, T) - Method in class
Sets the source's value property to the specified vlaue
- doSetValue(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.AbstractObservableValue
Template method for setting the value of the observable.
- doSetValue(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.AbstractVetoableValue
- doSetValue(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DuplexingObservableValue
- doSetValue(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.WritableValue
- doShowInformation() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.AbstractInformationControlManager
Computes information to be displayed as well as the subject area and initiates that this information is presented in the information control.
- doShowItem(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Shows the item.
- doShowItem(Item) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doShowSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
Shows the selection.
- doShowSelection() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.TableViewer
- doSourceLookup(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
Performs a source lookup query for the given element returning the source elements associated with the element.
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.BooleanFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ColorFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ComboFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FieldEditor
Stores the preference value from this field editor into the preference store.
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.FontFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.IntegerFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ListEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.RadioGroupFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.ScaleFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.preference.StringFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.EncodingFieldEditor
- doStore() - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.dialogs.ResourceEncodingFieldEditor
- doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.commands.util.CommandsSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.descriptor.basic.util.BasicSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.advanced.util.AdvancedSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.basic.util.BasicSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.ui.util.UiSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.application.util.ApplicationSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSwitch(int, EObject) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.model.fragment.util.FragmentSwitch
for each class of the model until one returns a non null result; it yields that result. - doSynchronize(Object, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
- doSynchronize(Object, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Performs the actual work of synchronizing the given element.
- dotProduct(Point, Point) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.Geometry
Returns the dot product of the given vectors (expressed as Points)
- DOUBLE - Static variable in class
- DOUBLE_BUFFERED - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant to indicate double buffering (value is 1<<29).
- DOUBLE_CLICK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.util.OpenStrategy
Default behavior.
- DOUBLE_CLICK_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.debug.ui.IDebugView
Action id for a view's double-click action.
- DOUBLE_DEFAULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.core.runtime.Preferences
Deprecated.The default-default value for double properties (
). - DOUBLE_DEFAULT_DEFAULT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.jface.preference.IPreferenceStore
The default-default value for double preferences (
). - doubleBuffer - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.opengl.GLData
Specifies a double-buffered surface.
- doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent) - Method in class
- doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.debug.ui.AbstractDebugView
Delegate to the
, if any. - doubleClick(DoubleClickEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.viewers.IDoubleClickListener
Notifies of a double click.
- doubleClicked(ITextViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.DefaultTextDoubleClickStrategy
- doubleClicked(ITextViewer) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.ITextDoubleClickStrategy
The mouse has been double clicked on the given text viewer.
- DoubleClickEvent - Class in org.eclipse.jface.viewers
Event object describing a double-click.
- DoubleClickEvent(Viewer, ISelection) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DoubleClickEvent
Creates a new event for the given source and selection.
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFileOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateFolderOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateProjectOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.AbstractWorkspaceOperation
Perform the specific work involved in undoing this operation.
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyProjectOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CopyResourcesOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.CreateMarkersOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteMarkersOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.DeleteResourcesOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveProjectOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.MoveResourcesOperation
- doUndo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.ide.undo.UpdateMarkersOperation
- doUpdateItem(Item, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.
- doUpdateItem(Item, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTreeViewer
- doUpdateItem(Widget) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonViewer
Update an item in the tree.
- doUpdateItem(Widget, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractListViewer
- doUpdateItem(Widget, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTableViewer
- doUpdateItem(Widget, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.AbstractTreeViewer
- doUpdateItem(Widget, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.CheckboxTableViewer
- doUpdateItem(Widget, Object, boolean) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.StructuredViewer
Copies the attributes of the given element into the given SWT item.
- doUpdateList(S, ListDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateList(S, ListDiff<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change
- doUpdateList(S, ListDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateList(S, ListDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateMap(S, MapDiff<K, V>) - Method in class
- doUpdateMap(S, MapDiff<K, V>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doUpdateMap(S, MapDiff<K, V>) - Method in class
- doUpdateSet(S, SetDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateSet(S, SetDiff<E>) - Method in class
Updates the property on the source with the specified change.
- doUpdateSet(S, SetDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateSet(S, SetDiff<E>) - Method in class
- doUpdateStateCache(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.StorageDocumentProvider
- doUpdateStateCache(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Hook method for updating the state of the given element.
- doValidateState(Object, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.editors.text.FileDocumentProvider
- doValidateState(Object, Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.AbstractDocumentProvider
Hook method for validating the state of the given element.
- doVerb(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleClientSite
Requests that the OLE Document or ActiveX Control perform an action; actions are almost always changes to the activation state.
- DOWN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for align down behavior (value is 1<<10, since align DOWN and align BOTTOM are considered the same).
- DOWNLOAD_CHECKSUM - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactDescriptor
A prefix of an artifact descriptor properties storing checksum of the artifact bytes that are transferred.
- DOWNLOAD_CONTENTTYPE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactDescriptor
An artifact descriptor property (value "download.contentType") indicating the content type of the artifact bytes that are transferred.
- DOWNLOAD_MD5 - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactDescriptor
- DOWNLOAD_SIZE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.artifact.IArtifactDescriptor
An artifact descriptor property (value "download.size") indicating the number of bytes that will be transferred when this artifact is transferred out of the repository.
- downPos - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.perspectiveswitcher.PerspectiveSwitcher
- DPIUtil - Class in org.eclipse.swt.internal
This class hold common constants and utility functions w.r.t. to SWT high DPI functionality.
- DPIUtil() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.internal.DPIUtil
- DPIUtil.AutoScaleImageDataProvider - Class in org.eclipse.swt.internal
AutoScale ImageDataProvider.
- DPIUtil.ElementAtZoom<T> - Record Class in org.eclipse.swt.internal
Represents an element, such as some image data, at a specific zoom level.
- DPIZoomChangeHandler - Interface in org.eclipse.swt.internal
- DPIZoomChangeRegistry - Class in org.eclipse.swt.internal
- DPIZoomChangeRegistry() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.internal.DPIZoomChangeRegistry
- DRAG - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Indicates that a user-interface component is being dragged, for example dragging the thumb of a scroll bar (value is 1).
- DRAG_SOURCE_KEY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Key: The string constant for looking up the drag source for a control using
. - dragDetect(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Detects a drag and drop gesture.
- dragDetect(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control
Detects a drag and drop gesture.
- DragDetect - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
The drag detect event type (value is 29).
- dragDetected(DragDetectEvent) - Method in interface
Sent when a drag gesture is detected.
- DragDetectEvent - Class in
Instances of this class are sent as a result of a drag gesture.
- DragDetectEvent(Event) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new instance of this class based on the information in the given untyped event.
- DragDetectListener - Interface in
Classes which implement this interface provide methods that deal with the events that are generated when a drag gesture is detected.
- DragEnd - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Event: the drop has successfully completed or has been terminated (such as hitting the ESC key); perform cleanup such as removing data on a move operation (value is 2000).
- dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
The cursor has entered the drop target boundaries.
- dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
- dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
permits the default operation defined inevent.detail
to be performed on the current data type defined inevent.currentDataType
. - dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The cursor has entered the drop target boundaries.
- dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TableDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragEnter(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDropAdapter
- DragEnter - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor has entered the drop target boundaries (value is 2002).
- dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDragAdapter
The drop has successfully completed.
- dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter
This implementation of
does nothing. - dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener
The drop has successfully completed(mouse up over a valid target) or has been terminated (such as hitting the ESC key).
- dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TableDragSourceEffect
This implementation of
disposes the image that was created inTableDragSourceEffect.dragStart
. - dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDragSourceEffect
This implementation of
disposes the image that was created inTreeDragSourceEffect.dragStart
. - dragFinished(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDragAdapter
- dragFinished(DragSourceEvent, IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDragAdapterAssistant
Allows the drag assistant to do any necessary cleanup after the drop operation is done.
- DRAGGABLE - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.IPresentationEngine
This is the tag name that enables the DND support for the element.
- dragging - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.perspectiveswitcher.PerspectiveSwitcher
- dragItem - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.perspectiveswitcher.PerspectiveSwitcher
- dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
The cursor has left the drop target boundaries.
- dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
does nothing. - dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The cursor has left the drop target boundaries OR the drop has been cancelled OR the data is about to be dropped.
- dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TableDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragLeave(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDropAdapter
- DragLeave - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor has left the drop target boundaries OR the drop operation has been cancelled (such as by hitting ECS) OR the drop is about to happen (user has released the mouse button over this target) (value is 2003).
- dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
The operation being performed has changed (usually due to the user changing a drag modifier key while dragging).
- dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
- dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
permits the default operation defined inevent.detail
to be performed on the current data type defined inevent.currentDataType
. - dragOperationChanged(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The operation being performed has changed (usually due to the user changing the selected modifier key(s) while dragging).
- DragOperationChanged - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the operation being performed has changed usually due to the user changing the selected modifier keys while dragging (value is 2005).
- dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
The cursor is moving over the drop target.
- dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
- dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
permits the default operation defined inevent.detail
to be performed on the current data type defined inevent.currentDataType
. - dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The cursor is moving over the drop target.
- dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TableDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dragOver(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - DragOver - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the cursor is over the drop target (value is 2004).
- dragSetData(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDragAdapter
The drop data is requested.
- dragSetData(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter
This implementation of
does nothing. - dragSetData(DragSourceEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener
The data is required from the drag source.
- dragSetData(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDragAdapter
- DragSetData - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Event: the data to be dropped is required from the drag source (value is 2001).
- dragShell - Variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.addons.perspectiveswitcher.PerspectiveSwitcher
- DragSource - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
defines the source object for a drag and drop transfer. - DragSource(Control, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSource
Creates a new
to handle dragging from the specifiedControl
. - DragSourceAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the
interface. - DragSourceAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter
- DragSourceEffect - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
This class provides default implementations to display a drag source effect during a drag and drop operation.
- DragSourceEffect(Control) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEffect
Creates a new
to handle drag effect from the specifiedControl
. - DragSourceEvent - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
The DragSourceEvent contains the event information passed in the methods of the DragSourceListener.
- DragSourceEvent(DNDEvent) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceEvent
Constructs a new instance of this class based on the information in the given untyped event.
- DragSourceListener - Interface in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
class provides event notification to the application for DragSource events. - dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDragAdapter
A drag operation has started.
- dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceAdapter
This implementation of
permits the drag operation to start. - dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DragSourceListener
The user has begun the actions required to drag the widget.
- dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TableDragSourceEffect
This implementation of
will create a default image that will be used during the drag. - dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.TreeDragSourceEffect
This implementation of
will create a default image that will be used during the drag. - dragStart(DragSourceEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDragAdapter
- dragStart(DragSourceEvent, IStructuredSelection) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.navigator.CommonDragAdapterAssistant
Allows the drag assistant indicate it wants to participate in the drag operation.
- DragStart - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DragSource Event: a drag is about to begin (value is 2008).
- draw(int, int, Rectangle, GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.CTabRendering
- draw(int, int, Rectangle, GC) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.CTabFolderRenderer
Draw a specified
of the CTabFolder using the providedbounds
. - draw(Annotation, GC, StyledText, int, int, Color) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter.IDrawingStrategy
Draws a decoration for an annotation onto the specified GC at the given text range.
- draw(Annotation, GC, StyledText, int, int, Color) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter.NullStrategy
- draw(Annotation, GC, StyledText, int, int, Color) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.AnnotationPainter.SquigglesStrategy
- draw(GC, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the receiver's text using the specified GC at the specified point.
- draw(GC, int, int, int, int, Color, Color) - Method in class
Draws the receiver's text using the specified GC at the specified point.
- draw(GC, int, int, int, int, Color, Color, int) - Method in class
Draws the receiver's text using the specified GC at the specified point.
- draw(GC, StyledText, int, int, Color, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.inlined.AbstractInlinedAnnotation
Draw the inlined annotation.
- draw(GC, StyledText, int, int, Color, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.inlined.LineContentAnnotation
Draw the inlined annotation.
- draw(GC, StyledText, Color, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.AbstractCodeMining
Draw the
of mining with gray color. - draw(GC, StyledText, Color, int, int) - Method in interface org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.ICodeMining
Draw the code mining.
- draw(GC, StyledText, Color, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.codemining.LineHeaderCodeMining
- DRAW_DELIMITER - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should handle line-delimiters (value is 1<<1).
- DRAW_MNEMONIC - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should handle mnemonics (value is 1<<3).
- DRAW_TAB - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Draw constant indicating whether the string drawing operation should expand TAB characters (value is 1<<2).
- DRAW_TRANSPARENT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Draw constant indicating whether the drawing operation should fill the background (value is 1<<0).
- Drawable - Interface in
Implementers of
can have a graphics context (GC) created for them, and then they can be drawn on by sending messages to their associated GC. - drawAndComputeWidth(GC, StyledText, int, int, Color, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.inlined.LineContentAnnotation
Draw the inlined annotation.
- drawArc(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the outline of a circular or elliptical arc within the specified rectangular area.
- drawBackground(GC, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas
Fills the interior of the rectangle specified by the arguments, with the receiver's background.
- drawBackground(GC, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite
Fills the interior of the rectangle specified by the arguments, with the receiver's background.
- drawCompositeImage(int, int) - Method in class
- drawCompositeImage(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.CompositeImageDescriptor
Draw the composite images.
- drawCompositeImage(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.DecorationOverlayIcon
- drawFocus(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws a rectangle, based on the specified arguments, which has the appearance of the platform's focus rectangle if the platform supports such a notion, and otherwise draws a simple rectangle in the receiver's foreground color.
- drawFrame(PaintEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.widgets.ImageBasedFrame
- drawGlyphs(GC, char[], int[], int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.swt.internal.BidiUtil
Wraps the ExtTextOut function.
- drawGradient(IEditorPart, MultiEditor.Gradient) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.MultiEditor
Draw the gradient in the title bar.
- drawImage(ImageData, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.CompositeImageDescriptor
CompositeImageDescriptor.drawImage(ImageDataProvider, int, int)
instead. Replace the code that created the ImageData by calls toCompositeImageDescriptor.createCachedImageDataProvider(Image)
and then pass on that provider instead of ImageData objects. Replace references toImageData.width
/height by calls toCompositeImageDescriptor.CachedImageDataProvider.getWidth()
/getHeight(). - drawImage(ImageDataProvider, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.resource.CompositeImageDescriptor
Draws the given source image data into this composite image at the given position.
- drawImage(Image, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the given image in the receiver at the specified coordinates.
- drawImage(Image, int, int, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Copies a rectangular area from the source image into a (potentially different sized) rectangular area in the receiver.
- drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ImageUtilities
Draws an image aligned inside the given rectangle on the given canvas.
- drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ImageUtilities
Deprecated.As of 3.0, replaced by
ImageUtilities.drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int)
- drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.jface.text.source.ImageUtilities
Draws an image aligned inside the given rectangle on the given canvas.
- drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ImageUtilities
Deprecated.As of 3.0, replaced by
ImageUtilities.drawImage(Image, GC, Canvas, Rectangle, int, int)
- drawLine(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws a line, using the foreground color, between the points (
) and (x2
). - drawOn(GC, int, int) - Method in interface
Draws an image on a GC for a requested zoom level.
- drawOval(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the outline of an oval, using the foreground color, within the specified rectangular area.
- drawPath(Path) - Method in class
Draws the path described by the parameter.
- drawPoint(int, int) - Method in class
Draws an SWT logical point, using the foreground color, at the specified point (
). - drawPolygon(int[]) - Method in class
Draws the closed polygon which is defined by the specified array of integer coordinates, using the receiver's foreground color.
- drawPolyline(int[]) - Method in class
Draws the polyline which is defined by the specified array of integer coordinates, using the receiver's foreground color.
- drawRectangle(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the outline of the rectangle specified by the arguments, using the receiver's foreground color.
- drawRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class
Draws the outline of the specified rectangle, using the receiver's foreground color.
- drawRoundRectangle(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the outline of the round-cornered rectangle specified by the arguments, using the receiver's foreground color.
- drawString(String, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the given string, using the receiver's current font and foreground color.
- drawString(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class
Draws the given string, using the receiver's current font and foreground color.
- drawText(String, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the given string, using the receiver's current font and foreground color.
- drawText(String, int, int, boolean) - Method in class
Draws the given string, using the receiver's current font and foreground color.
- drawText(String, int, int, int) - Method in class
Draws the given string, using the receiver's current font and foreground color.
- DrillDownAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.ui.part
Implements a simple web style navigation metaphor for a
. - DrillDownAdapter(TreeViewer) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.part.DrillDownAdapter
Allocates a new DrillDownTreePart.
- DrillDownComposite - Class in org.eclipse.ui.part
implements a simple web style navigation metaphor. - DrillDownComposite(Composite, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.ui.part.DrillDownComposite
Constructs a new DrillDownTreeViewer.
- driver - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData
the printer driver On Windows systems, this is the name of the driver (often "winspool").
- drop(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
Forwards this event to the current listener, if there is one.
- drop(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
- drop(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
does nothing. - drop(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The data is being dropped.
- drop(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.ui.part.PluginDropAdapter
- Drop - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the data has been dropped (value is 2006).
- DROP_COPY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: a copy of the data in the drag source is added to the drop target (value is 1 << 0).
- DROP_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: During a dragEnter event or a dragOperationChanged, if no modifier keys are pressed, the operation is set to DROP_DEFAULT.
- DROP_DOWN - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.SWT
Style constant for drop down menu/list behavior (value is 1<<2).
- DROP_DOWN_ON_KEY_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done through the keyboard
- DROP_DOWN_ON_KEY_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done through the keyboard
- DROP_DOWN_ON_MOUSE_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done through the mouse
- DROP_DOWN_ON_MOUSE_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done through the mouse
- DROP_DOWN_ON_PROGRAMMATIC_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done without ui-interaction
- DROP_DOWN_ON_PROGRAMMATIC_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done without ui-interaction
- DROP_DOWN_ON_TRAVERSE_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done by traversing from cell to cell
- DROP_DOWN_ON_TRAVERSE_ACTIVATION - Static variable in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ComboBoxViewerCellEditor
The list is dropped down when the activation is done by traversing from cell to cell
- DROP_LINK - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: the drop target makes a link to the data in the drag source (value is 1 << 2).
- DROP_MOVE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: a copy of the data is added to the drop target and the drag source removes the original data and any references to the data, and updates its display (value is 1 << 1).
- DROP_NONE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: no drag/drop operation performed (value is 0).
- DROP_TARGET_KEY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Key: The string constant for looking up the drop target for a control using
. - DROP_TARGET_MOVE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
Drag and Drop Operation: the drop target moves the data and the drag source removes any references to the data and updates its display.
- dropAccept(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.util.DelegatingDropAdapter
Forwards this event to the current listener if there is one.
- dropAccept(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerDropAdapter
- dropAccept(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.custom.StyledTextDropTargetEffect
This implementation of
provides a default drag under effect for the feedback specified
. - dropAccept(DropTargetEvent) - Method in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
This implementation of
permits the default operation defined inevent.detail
to be performed on the current data type defined inevent.currentDataType
. - dropAccept(DropTargetEvent) - Method in interface org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetListener
The drop is about to be performed.
- DropAccept - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DND
DropTarget Event: the drop target is given a last chance to modify the drop (value is 2007).
- dropdownEvent(Event) - Method in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.AbstractContributionItem
- DropTarget - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
defines the target object for a drag and drop transfer. - DropTarget(Control, int) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTarget
Creates a new
to allow data to be dropped on the specifiedControl
. - DropTargetAdapter - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
This adapter class provides default implementations for the methods described by the
interface. - DropTargetAdapter() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetAdapter
- DropTargetEffect - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
This class provides a default drag under effect during a drag and drop.
- DropTargetEffect(Control) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEffect
Creates a new
to handle the drag under effect on the specifiedControl
. - DropTargetEvent - Class in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
The DropTargetEvent contains the event information passed in the methods of the DropTargetListener.
- DropTargetEvent(DNDEvent) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.swt.dnd.DropTargetEvent
Constructs a new instance of this class based on the information in the given untyped event.
- DropTargetListener - Interface in org.eclipse.swt.dnd
class provides event notification to the application for DropTarget events. - dropToFrame() - Method in interface org.eclipse.debug.core.model.IDropToFrame
Performs a drop to frame on this element.
- DTOOL_NEXT - Static variable in interface
- DTOOL_PREV - Static variable in interface
- dump() - Static method in class
- dumpStatistics() - Method in class org.eclipse.jface.action.ContributionManager
Internal debug method for printing statistics about this manager to
. - duplex - Variable in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData
Single-sided or double-sided printing, expressed as one of the following values:
the default duplex value for the printerDUPLEX_NONE
single-sided printingDUPLEX_LONG_EDGE
double-sided printing as if bound on the long edgeDUPLEX_SHORT_EDGE
double-sided printing as if bound on the short edge - DUPLEX_LONG_EDGE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData
field value indicating double-sided printing for binding on the long edge. - DUPLEX_NONE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData
field value indicating single-sided printing. - DUPLEX_SHORT_EDGE - Static variable in class org.eclipse.swt.printing.PrinterData
field value indicating double-sided printing for binding on the short edge. - DuplexingObservableValue<T> - Class in org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value
A class to reduce an observable list to a single value in an implementation specific way.
- DuplexingObservableValue(IObservableList<T>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DuplexingObservableValue
- DuplexingObservableValue(IObservableList<T>, Object) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.core.databinding.observable.value.DuplexingObservableValue
- DUPLICATES_ATTR - Static variable in class org.eclipse.debug.core.sourcelookup.AbstractSourceLookupDirector
- dynamic() - Element in annotation interface org.eclipse.e4.core.di.extensions.Service
- DYNAMIC_ELEMENT_STORAGE_KEY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.e4.ui.workbench.renderers.swt.MenuManagerShowProcessor
HashMap key for storage of
elements - DYNAMIC_HELP - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.actions.ActionFactory
Workbench action (id: "dynamicHelp", commandId: ""): Open the dynamic help.
- DYNAMIC_HELP_ACTION - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.internal.IWorkbenchHelpContextIds
- DYNAMIC_HELP_ACTION_TEXT - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.ui.IWorkbenchPreferenceConstants
A named preference for the text of the Dynamic Help action.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION - Static variable in class
The meta object id for the '
Dynamic Menu Contribution
' class. - DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION - Static variable in interface
The meta object literal for the '
Dynamic Menu Contribution
The operation id for the 'Get Localized Mnemonics' operation.
The operation id for the 'Update Localization' operation.
The feature id for the 'Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Container Data' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Contribution URI' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Contributor URI' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Cur Shared Ref' reference.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__ELEMENT_ID - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Element Id' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__ENABLED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Enabled' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__ICON_URI - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Icon URI' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__LABEL - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Label' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Localized Accessibility Phrase' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Localized Label' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Localized Tooltip' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Mnemonics' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__OBJECT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Object' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__ON_TOP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'On Top' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__PARENT - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Parent' container reference.
The feature id for the 'Persisted State' map.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__RENDERER - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Renderer' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__SELECTED - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Selected' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__TAGS - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tags' attribute list.
The feature id for the 'To Be Rendered' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__TOOLTIP - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Tooltip' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Transient Data' map.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__TYPE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Type' attribute.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__VISIBLE - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Visible' attribute.
The feature id for the 'Visible When' containment reference.
- DYNAMIC_MENU_CONTRIBUTION__WIDGET - Static variable in class
The feature id for the 'Widget' attribute.
The number of structural features of the 'Dynamic Menu Contribution' class.
The number of operations of the 'Dynamic Menu Contribution' class.
- dynamicFragments() - Method in interface org.eclipse.osgi.service.resolver.BundleDescription
Returns true if this bundle allows fragments to attach dynamically after it has been resolved.
- DynamicHelpAction - Class in
- DynamicHelpAction() - Constructor for class
- DynamicHelpAction_text - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DynamicHelpAction_toolTip - Static variable in class org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchMessages
- DynamicMenuContributionImpl - Class in
An implementation of the model object 'Dynamic Menu Contribution'.
- DynamicMenuContributionImpl() - Constructor for class
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form
. Custom content is currently supported by a provisional internal viewer framework.