Class PersistantResourceVariantByteStore


public class PersistantResourceVariantByteStore extends ResourceVariantByteStore
A ResourceVariantByteStore that caches the variant bytes using the org.eclipse.core.resources.ISynchronizer so that the tree is cached across workbench invocations.
This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • PersistantResourceVariantByteStore

      public PersistantResourceVariantByteStore(QualifiedName name)
      Create a persistent tree that uses the given qualified name as the key in the org.eclipse.core.resources.ISynchronizer. It must be unique and should use the plugin as the local name and a unique id within the plugin as the qualifier name.
      name - the key used in the Core synchronizer
  • Method Details

    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Dispose of any cached sync bytes when this cache is no longer needed.
      Specified by:
      dispose in class ResourceVariantByteStore
    • getSyncName

      public QualifiedName getSyncName()
      Return the qualified name that uniquely identifies this tree.
      the qualified name that uniquely identifies this tree.
    • getBytes

      public byte[] getBytes(IResource resource) throws TeamException
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Return the bytes for the variant corresponding the given local resource. A return value of null means that no bytes have been stored for the resource variant. It is up to the client to determine whether this means that the resource variant does not exist or that it has not been fetched or otherwise determined yet.
      Specified by:
      getBytes in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      resource - the local resource
      the bytes that represent the resource's variant
      TeamException - if an error occurs
    • setBytes

      public boolean setBytes(IResource resource, byte[] bytes) throws TeamException
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Set the bytes for the variant corresponding the given local resource. The bytes should never be null. If it is known that the remote does not exist, deleteBytes(IResource) should be used instead. If the sync bytes for the remote are stale and should be removed, flushBytes(IResouce, int) should be called.
      Specified by:
      setBytes in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      resource - the local resource
      bytes - the bytes that represent the resource's variant
      true if the bytes changed
      TeamException - if an error occurs
    • flushBytes

      public boolean flushBytes(IResource resource, int depth) throws TeamException
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Remove the bytes from the tree for the resource variants corresponding to the given local resource and its descendants to the given depth. After the bytes are removed, getBytes(resource) will return null for the affected resources.
      Specified by:
      flushBytes in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      resource - the local resource
      depth - the depth of the operation (one of IResource.DEPTH_ZERO, IResource.DEPTH_ONE, or IResource.DEPTH_INFINITE)
      true if there were bytes present which were removed
      TeamException - if an error occurs
    • isVariantKnown

      public boolean isVariantKnown(IResource resource) throws TeamException
      Return whether the resource variant state for this resource is known. This is used to differentiate the case where a resource variant has never been fetched from the case where the resource variant is known to not exist. In the later case, this method returns true while getBytes returns null
      resource - the local resource
      whether the resource variant state for this resource is known
      TeamException - if this operation fails. Reasons include:
      • IResourceStatus.PARTNER_NOT_REGISTERED The sync partner is not registered.
    • deleteBytes

      public boolean deleteBytes(IResource resource) throws TeamException
      This method should be invoked by a client to indicate that it is known that there is no remote resource associated with the local resource. After this method is invoked, isVariantKnown(resource) will return true and getBytes(resource) will return null.
      Specified by:
      deleteBytes in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      resource - the local resource
      true if this changes the remote sync bytes
      TeamException - if an error occurs
    • members

      public IResource[] members(IResource resource) throws TeamException
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Return the children of the given resource that have resource variants in this tree.
      Specified by:
      members in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      resource - the parent resource
      the members who have resource variants in this tree.
      TeamException - if an error occurs
    • run

      public void run(IResource root, IWorkspaceRunnable runnable, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws TeamException
      Description copied from class: ResourceVariantByteStore
      Run the given action which may contain multiple modifications to the byte store. By default, the action is run. Subclasses may override to obtain scheduling rules or batch deltas (if the byte store modifies workspace resources).
      run in class ResourceVariantByteStore
      root - the root resource for all modifications
      runnable - the action to perform
      monitor - a progress monitor.
      TeamException - if the operation failed.