Interface ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, ILaunchConfiguration

public interface ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy extends ILaunchConfiguration, IAdaptable
An editable copy of a launch configuration. Attributes of a launch configuration are modified by modifying the attributes of a working copy, and then saving the working copy.

Since 3.3, working copies can be nested. For example a working copy B can be created from the original launch configuration A. Then a nested working copy C can be created from working copy B. When the doSave() method is called on C, changes are written back to its parent working copy B without effecting the original launch configuration A. When doSave() is called on B, the changes are persisted back to the original A.

Clients that define a launch configuration delegate extension implement the ILaunchConfigurationDelegate interface.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Method Details

    • isDirty

      boolean isDirty()
      Returns whether this configuration has been modified since it was last saved or created.
      whether this configuration has been modified since it was last saved or created
    • doSave

      Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration. Has no effect if this configuration does not need saving. Creates the underlying file if not yet created.

      Since 3.3, if this is a nested working copy, the contents of this working copy are saved to the parent working copy and the parent working copy is returned without effecting the original launch configuration.

      Equivalent to #doSave(UPDATE_NONE).

      handle to saved launch configuration
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while writing this configuration to its underlying file.
      See Also:
    • doSave

      ILaunchConfiguration doSave(int flag) throws CoreException
      Saves this working copy to its underlying file and returns a handle to the resulting launch configuration. Has no effect if this configuration does not need saving. Creates the underlying file if not yet created.

      Since 3.3, if this is a nested working copy, the contents of this working copy are saved to the parent working copy and the parent working copy is returned without effecting the original launch configuration.

      Updates any affected prototype children based on the given flag. When a working copy is renamed or moved to a new location, prototype children's back pointers will be updated to refer the proper configuration.

      flag - one of ILaunchConfiguration.UPDATE_NONE or ILaunchConfiguration.UPDATE_PROTOTYPE_CHILDREN
      handle to saved launch configuration
      CoreException - if an exception occurs while writing this configuration or any of its affected prototype children to underlying storage
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, int value)
      Sets the integer-valued attribute with the given name.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, String value)
      Sets the String-valued attribute with the given name. If the value is null, the attribute is removed from this launch configuration.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value, or null if the attribute is to be undefined
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, List<String> value)
      Sets the java.util.List-valued attribute with the given name. The specified List must contain only String-valued entries. If the value is null, the attribute is removed from this launch configuration.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value, or null if the attribute is to be undefined
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, Map<String,String> value)
      Sets the java.util.Map-valued attribute with the given name. The specified Map must contain only String keys and String values. If the value is null, the attribute is removed from this launch configuration.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value, or null if the attribute is to be undefined
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, Set<String> value)
      Sets the java.util.Set-valued attribute with the given name. The specified Set must contain only String values. If the value is null, the attribute is removed from this launch configuration.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value, or null if the attribute is to be undefined
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, boolean value)
      Sets the boolean-valued attribute with the given name.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value
    • setAttribute

      void setAttribute(String attributeName, Object value)
      Sets the valued attribute with the given name.
      attributeName - the name of the attribute, cannot be null
      value - the value
    • getOriginal

      ILaunchConfiguration getOriginal()
      Returns the original launch configuration this working copy was created from or null if this is a new working copy created from a launch configuration type.
      the original launch configuration, or null
    • rename

      void rename(String name)
      Renames this launch configuration to the specified name. The new name cannot be null. Has no effect if the name is the same as the current name. If this working copy is based on an existing launch configuration, this will cause the underlying launch configuration file to be renamed when this working copy is saved.
      name - the new name for this configuration
    • setContainer

      void setContainer(IContainer container)
      Sets the container this launch configuration will be stored in when saved. When set to null, this configuration will be stored locally with the workspace. The specified container must exist, if specified.

      If this configuration is changed from local to non-local, a file will be created in the specified container when saved. The local file associated with this configuration will be deleted.

      If this configuration is changed from non-local to local, a file will be created locally when saved. The original file associated with this configuration in the workspace will be deleted.

      container - the container in which to store this launch configuration, or null if this configuration is to be stored locally
    • setAttributes

      void setAttributes(Map<String,? extends Object> attributes)
      Sets the attributes of this launch configuration to be the ones contained in the given map. The values must be an instance of one of the following classes: String, Integer, or Boolean, List, Map. Attributes previously set on this launch configuration but not included in the given map are considered to be removals. Setting the given map to be null is equivalent to removing all attributes.
      attributes - a map of attribute names to attribute values. Attribute names are not allowed to be null
    • setMappedResources

      void setMappedResources(IResource[] resources)
      Sets the resources associated with this launch configuration, possibly null. Clients contributing launch configuration types are responsible for maintaining resource mappings.
      resources - the resource to map to this launch configuration or null
    • setModes

      void setModes(Set<String> modes)
      Set the launch modes for this configuration. Over-writes existing launch modes.

      Setting launch modes on a configuration allows the configuration to be launched in a mixed mode - for example, debug and profile.

      modes - launch mode identifiers to set on this configuration or null to clear mode settings
    • setPreferredLaunchDelegate

      void setPreferredLaunchDelegate(Set<String> modes, String delegateId)
      Set the preferred launch delegates' id for the given mode set. Passing in null as a delegate id will cause the mapping for the specified mode set (if any) to be removed.
      modes - the set of modes to set this delegate id for
      delegateId - the id of the delegate to associate as preferred for the specified mode set or null to clear the setting
    • addModes

      void addModes(Set<String> modes)
      Adds the specified launch modes to this configuration's settings.

      Setting launch modes on a configuration allows the configuration to be launched in a mixed mode - for example, debug and profile.

      modes - launch mode identifiers to append to the current set of launch modes set on this configuration
    • removeModes

      void removeModes(Set<String> modes)
      Removes the specified launch modes from this configuration's settings.

      Setting launch modes on a configuration allows the configuration to be launched in a mixed mode - for example, debug and profile.

      modes - launch mode identifiers to remove from the current set of launch modes set on this configuration
    • removeAttribute

      Object removeAttribute(String attributeName)
      Removes the specified attribute from the this configuration and returns the previous value associated with the specified attribute name, or null if there was no mapping for the attribute. Note that for int's and booleans, corresponding Integer and Boolean objects are returned.

      This method allows non-object attributes to be removed.

      attributeName - the name of the attribute to remove
      previous value of the attribute or null
    • getParent

      Returns the parent of this working copy or null if this working copy is not a nested copy of another working copy.
      parent or null
    • copyAttributes

      void copyAttributes(ILaunchConfiguration prototype) throws CoreException
      Copies all attributes from the given prototype to this working. Overwrites any existing attributes with the same key.
      prototype - configuration prototype
      CoreException - if unable to retrieve attributes from the prototype
    • setPrototype

      void setPrototype(ILaunchConfiguration prototype, boolean copy) throws CoreException
      Sets the prototype that this configuration is based on, possibly null, and optionally copies attributes from the prototype to this working copy.

      When the specified prototype is null, this working copy is no longer associated with any prototype.

      prototype - prototype or null
      copy - whether to copy attributes from the prototype to this working copy. Has no effect when prototype is null
      CoreException - if
      • unable to generate a memento for the given configuration or copy its attributes
      • if attempting to set a prototype attribute on an existing prototype - prototypes cannot be nested