Class TextFileDocumentProvider

All Implemented Interfaces:
IStorageDocumentProvider, IDocumentProvider, IDocumentProviderExtension, IDocumentProviderExtension2, IDocumentProviderExtension3, IDocumentProviderExtension4, IDocumentProviderExtension5

Shared document provider specialized for IFile based domain elements. A text file document provider can have a parent document provider to which it may delegate calls i.e. instead of delegating work to a super class it delegates to a parent document provider. The parent chain acts as chain of command.

Text file document providers use text file buffers to access the file content. This allows to share it between various clients including headless ones. Text file document providers should be preferred over file document providers due to this advantage.

Use a forwarding document provider if you need to ensure that all documents provided to clients are appropriately set up.

Clients can directly instantiate and configure this class with a suitable parent document provider or provide their own subclass.

  • Constructor Details

    • TextFileDocumentProvider

      public TextFileDocumentProvider()
      Creates a new text file document provider with no parent.
    • TextFileDocumentProvider

      public TextFileDocumentProvider(IDocumentProvider parentProvider)
      Creates a new text file document provider which has the given parent provider.
      parentProvider - the parent document provider
  • Method Details

    • setParentDocumentProvider

      public final void setParentDocumentProvider(IDocumentProvider parentProvider)
      Sets the given parent provider as this document provider's parent document provider.
      parentProvider - the parent document provider
    • getParentProvider

      protected final IDocumentProvider getParentProvider()
      Returns the parent document provider.
      the parent document provider
    • getOperationRunner

      protected IRunnableContext getOperationRunner(IProgressMonitor monitor)
      Returns the runnable context for this document provider.
      monitor - the progress monitor
      the runnable context for this document provider
    • executeOperation

      protected void executeOperation(TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation operation, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Executes the given operation in the providers runnable context.
      operation - the operation to be executes
      monitor - the progress monitor
      CoreException - the operation's core exception
    • connect

      public void connect(Object element) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Connects the given element to this document provider. This tells the provider that caller of this method is interested to work with the document provided for the given domain model element. By counting the invocations of this method and disconnect(Object) this provider can assume to know the correct number of clients working with the document provided for that domain model element.

      The given element must not be null.

      Specified by:
      connect in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      CoreException - if the textual representation or the annotation model of the element could not be created
    • createEmptyFileInfo

      protected TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo createEmptyFileInfo()
      Creates and returns a new and empty file info object.

      Subclasses which extend TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo should override this method.

      a new and empty object of type FileInfo
    • createFileInfo

      protected TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo createFileInfo(Object element) throws CoreException
      Creates and returns the file info object for the given element.

      Subclasses which extend TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo will probably have to extend this method as well.

      element - the element
      a file info object of type FileInfo or null if none can be created
      CoreException - if the file info object could not successfully be created
    • setUpSynchronization

      protected void setUpSynchronization(TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info)
      Sets up the synchronization for the document and the annotation mode.
      info - the file info
    • createAnnotationModel

      protected IAnnotationModel createAnnotationModel(IFile file)
      Creates and returns the annotation model for the given file.
      file - the file
      the file's annotation model or null if none
    • disconnect

      public void disconnect(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Disconnects the given element from this document provider. This tells the provider that the caller of this method is no longer interested in working with the document provided for the given domain model element. By counting the invocations of connect(Object) and of this method this provider can assume to know the correct number of clients working with the document provided for that domain model element.

      The given element must not be null.

      Specified by:
      disconnect in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element
    • disposeFileInfo

      protected void disposeFileInfo(Object element, TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info)
      Releases all resources described by given element's info object.

      Subclasses which extend TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo will probably have to extend this method as well.

      element - the element
      info - the element's file info object
    • getElements

      protected Iterator<Object> getElements(IFileBuffer file)
      Returns an iterator for all the elements that are connected to this file buffer.
      file - the file buffer
      an iterator for all elements connected with the given file buffer
    • getDocument

      public IDocument getDocument(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns the document for the given element. Usually the document contains a textual presentation of the content of the element, or is the element itself.
      Specified by:
      getDocument in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
      the document, or null if none
    • resetDocument

      public void resetDocument(Object element) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Resets the given element's document to its last saved state. Element state listeners are notified both before (elementContentAboutToBeReplaced) and after (elementContentReplaced) the content is changed.
      Specified by:
      resetDocument in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
      CoreException - if document could not be reset for the given element
    • saveDocument

      public final void saveDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Saves the given document provided for the given element.
      Specified by:
      saveDocument in interface IDocumentProvider
      monitor - a progress monitor to report progress and request cancelation
      element - the element, or null
      document - the document
      overwrite - indicates whether overwrite should be performed while saving the given element if necessary
      CoreException - if document could not be stored to the given element
    • createSaveOperation

      protected TextFileDocumentProvider.DocumentProviderOperation createSaveOperation(Object element, IDocument document, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException
    • commitFileBuffer

      protected void commitFileBuffer(IProgressMonitor monitor, TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info, boolean overwrite) throws CoreException
      Commits the given file info's file buffer by changing the contents of the underlying file to the contents of this file buffer. After that call, isDirty returns false and isSynchronized returns true.
      monitor - the progress monitor
      info - the element's file info object
      overwrite - indicates whether the underlying file should be overwritten if it is not synchronized with the file system
      CoreException - if writing or accessing the underlying file fails
    • createFileFromDocument

      protected void createFileFromDocument(IProgressMonitor monitor, IFile file, IDocument document) throws CoreException
      Creates the given file with the given document content.
      monitor - the progress monitor
      file - the file to be created
      document - the document to be written to the file
      CoreException - if the creation of the file fails
    • getModificationStamp

      public long getModificationStamp(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns the modification stamp of the given element.
      Specified by:
      getModificationStamp in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      the modification stamp of the given element
    • getSynchronizationStamp

      public long getSynchronizationStamp(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns the time stamp of the last synchronization of the given element and its provided document.
      Specified by:
      getSynchronizationStamp in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      the synchronization stamp of the given element
    • isDeleted

      public boolean isDeleted(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns whether the given element has been deleted.
      Specified by:
      isDeleted in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      true if the element has been deleted
    • mustSaveDocument

      public boolean mustSaveDocument(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns whether the document provided for the given element must be saved.
      Specified by:
      mustSaveDocument in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
      true if the document must be saved, and false otherwise (including the element is null)
    • canSaveDocument

      public boolean canSaveDocument(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns whether the document provided for the given element differs from its original state which would required that it be saved.
      Specified by:
      canSaveDocument in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
      true if the document can be saved, and false otherwise (including the element is null)
    • getAnnotationModel

      public IAnnotationModel getAnnotationModel(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Returns the annotation model for the given element.
      Specified by:
      getAnnotationModel in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
      the annotation model, or null if none
    • aboutToChange

      public void aboutToChange(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Informs this document provider about upcoming changes of the given element. The changes might cause change notifications specific for the type of the given element. If this provider manages a document for the given element, the document provider must not change the document because of the notifications received after aboutToChange has been and before changed is called. In this case, it is assumed that the document is already up to date, e.g., a save operation is a typical case.

      The concrete nature of the change notification depends on the concrete type of the given element. If the element is, e.g., an IResource the notification is a resource delta.

      Specified by:
      aboutToChange in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
    • changed

      public void changed(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Informs this document provider that the given element has been changed. All notifications have been sent out. If this provider manages a document for the given element, the document provider must from now on change the document on the receipt of change notifications. The concrete nature of the change notification depends on the concrete type of the given element. If the element is, e.g., an IResource the notification is a resource delta.
      Specified by:
      changed in interface IDocumentProvider
      element - the element, or null
    • addElementStateListener

      public void addElementStateListener(IElementStateListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Adds the given element state listener to this document provider. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
      Specified by:
      addElementStateListener in interface IDocumentProvider
      listener - the listener
    • removeElementStateListener

      public void removeElementStateListener(IElementStateListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProvider
      Removes the given element state listener from this document provider. Has no effect if an identical listener is not registered.
      Specified by:
      removeElementStateListener in interface IDocumentProvider
      listener - the listener
    • isReadOnly

      public boolean isReadOnly(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Returns whether the document provider thinks that the given element is read-only. If this method returns true, saveDocument could fail. This method does not say anything about the document constructed from the given element. If the given element is not connected to this document provider, the return value is undefined. Document providers are allowed to use a cache to answer this question, i.e. there can be a difference between the "real" state of the element and the return value.
      Specified by:
      isReadOnly in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      true if the given element is read-only, false otherwise
    • isModifiable

      public boolean isModifiable(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Returns whether the document provider thinks that the given element can persistently be modified. This is orthogonal to isReadOnly as read-only elements may be modifiable and writable elements may not be modifiable. If the given element is not connected to this document provider, the result is undefined. Document providers are allowed to use a cache to answer this question, i.e. there can be a difference between the "real" state of the element and the return value.
      Specified by:
      isModifiable in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      true if the given element is modifiable, false otherwise
    • validateState

      public void validateState(Object element, Object computationContext) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Validates the state of the given element. This method may change the "real" state of the element. If using, it also updates the internal caches, so that this method may also change the results returned by isReadOnly and isModifiable. If the given element is not connected to this document provider, the effect is undefined.
      Specified by:
      validateState in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      computationContext - the context in which the computation is performed, e.g., a SWT shell
      CoreException - if validating fails
    • isStateValidated

      public boolean isStateValidated(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Returns whether the state of the given element has been validated.
      Specified by:
      isStateValidated in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      true if the state has been validated
    • updateStateCache

      public void updateStateCache(Object element) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Updates the state cache for the given element. This method may change the result returned by isReadOnly and isModifiable. If the given element is not connected to this document provider, the effect is undefined.
      Specified by:
      updateStateCache in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      CoreException - if validating fails
    • setCanSaveDocument

      public void setCanSaveDocument(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Marks the document managed for the given element as savable. I.e. canBeSaved(element) will return true afterwards.
      Specified by:
      setCanSaveDocument in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
    • getStatus

      public IStatus getStatus(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Returns the status of the given element.
      Specified by:
      getStatus in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      the status of the given element
    • synchronize

      public void synchronize(Object element) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension
      Synchronizes the document provided for the given element with the given element. After that call getSynchronizationTimeStamp and getModificationTimeStamp return the same value.
      Specified by:
      synchronize in interface IDocumentProviderExtension
      element - the element
      CoreException - if the synchronization could not be performed
    • setProgressMonitor

      public void setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension2
      Sets this providers progress monitor.
      Specified by:
      setProgressMonitor in interface IDocumentProviderExtension2
      progressMonitor - the progress monitor
    • getProgressMonitor

      public IProgressMonitor getProgressMonitor()
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension2
      Returns this providers progress monitor.
      Specified by:
      getProgressMonitor in interface IDocumentProviderExtension2
    • isSynchronized

      public boolean isSynchronized(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension3
      Returns whether the information provided for the given element is in sync with the element.
      Specified by:
      isSynchronized in interface IDocumentProviderExtension3
      element - the element
      true if the information is in sync with the element, false otherwise
    • isNotSynchronizedException

      public boolean isNotSynchronizedException(Object element, CoreException ex)
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension5
      Tells whether the given core exception is exactly the exception which is thrown for a non-synchronized element.
      Specified by:
      isNotSynchronizedException in interface IDocumentProviderExtension5
      element - the element
      ex - the core exception
      true iff the given core exception is exactly the exception which is thrown for a non-synchronized element
    • getDefaultEncoding

      public String getDefaultEncoding()
      Description copied from interface: IStorageDocumentProvider
      Returns the default character encoding used by this provider.
      Specified by:
      getDefaultEncoding in interface IStorageDocumentProvider
      the default character encoding used by this provider
    • getEncoding

      public String getEncoding(Object element)
      Description copied from interface: IStorageDocumentProvider
      Returns the character encoding for the given element, or null if the element is not managed by this provider.
      Specified by:
      getEncoding in interface IStorageDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      the encoding for the given element
    • setEncoding

      public void setEncoding(Object element, String encoding)
      Description copied from interface: IStorageDocumentProvider
      Sets the encoding for the given element. If encoding is null the workbench's character encoding should be used.
      Specified by:
      setEncoding in interface IStorageDocumentProvider
      element - the element
      encoding - the encoding to be used
    • getContentType

      public IContentType getContentType(Object element) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: IDocumentProviderExtension4
      Returns the content type of for the given element or null if none could be determined. If the element's document can be saved, the returned content type is determined by the document's current content.
      Specified by:
      getContentType in interface IDocumentProviderExtension4
      element - the element
      the content type or null
      CoreException - if reading or accessing the underlying store fails
    • handleCoreException

      protected void handleCoreException(CoreException exception, String message)
      Defines the standard procedure to handle CoreExceptions. Exceptions are written to the plug-in log.
      exception - the exception to be logged
      message - the message to be logged
    • getFileStore

      protected IFileStore getFileStore(TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info)
      Returns the file store denoted by the given info.
      info - the element's file info object
      the IFileStore for the given file info
    • getSystemFile

      @Deprecated protected File getSystemFile(TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info)
      Returns the system file denoted by the given info.
      info - the element's file info object
      the system file for the given file info
    • isSystemFileReadOnly

      protected boolean isSystemFileReadOnly(TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo info)
      Returns whether the system file denoted by the given info is read-only.
      info - the element's file info object
      true iff read-only
    • getFileInfo

      protected TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo getFileInfo(Object element)
      Returns the file info object for the given element.
      element - the element
      the file info object, or null if none
    • getConnectedElementsIterator

      protected Iterator<Object> getConnectedElementsIterator()
      Returns an iterator over the elements connected via this document provider.
      an iterator over the list of elements
    • getFileInfosIterator

      protected Iterator<TextFileDocumentProvider.FileInfo> getFileInfosIterator()
      Returns an iterator over this document provider's file info objects.
      the iterator over list of file info objects
    • fireElementStateChanging

      protected void fireElementStateChanging(Object element)
      Informs all registered element state listeners about the current state change of the element.
      element - the element
      See Also:
    • fireElementStateChangeFailed

      protected void fireElementStateChangeFailed(Object element)
      Informs all registered element state listeners about the failed state change of the element.
      element - the element
      See Also:
    • computeSchedulingRule

      protected ISchedulingRule computeSchedulingRule(IResource toCreateOrModify)
      Computes the scheduling rule needed to create or modify a resource. If the resource exists, its modify rule is returned. If it does not, the resource hierarchy is iterated towards the workspace root to find the first parent of toCreateOrModify that exists. Then the 'create' rule for the last non-existing resource is returned.
      toCreateOrModify - the resource to create or modify
      the minimal scheduling rule needed to modify or create a resource