Package org.eclipse.ui.internal
package org.eclipse.ui.internal
ClassDescriptionAbstract base class that provides the enabled state, where changing the state fires the HandlerEvent.This internal class serves as a foundation for any handler that would like its enabled state controlled by core expressions and the IEvaluationService.Abstract baseclass for IWorkingSet implementations.Abstract implementation of
.When 'action' tag is found in the registry, an object of this class is created.An ActionExpression is used to evaluate the enablement / visibility criteria for an action.Manage the configurable actions for one window.This class represents the action bars for an action set.This class marks a sub contribution item as belonging to an action set.Maintains a reference counted set of action sets, with a visibility mask.AnEditorMenuManager
is used to sort the contributions made by an editor so that they always appear after the action sets.This class represents a pseudo-group defined by an action set.An event indicating changes to the action sets in a particular workbench window.Activates the most recently used editor in the current window.The branding properties are retrieved as strings, but often used as other types (e.g.,
s.A class that converts the strings returned byorg.eclipse.core.runtime.IBundleGroup.getProperty
to the appropriate class.Change the perspective of the active page in the window to the selected one.Closes all active editorsCloses all editors except ones with unsaved changes.Closes the active editor.Closes all editors except the one that is active.This class contains utility methods that clients may use to obtain information about the system configuration.This is the handler for NextEditor and PrevEditor commands.This handler is used to switch between perspectives using the keyboard.This handler is used to switch between parts using the keyboard.A defaultSaveable
implementation that wrappers a regular workbench part (one that does not itself adapt to Saveable).A utility class used to call #earlyStartup on the proper instance for a given configuration element.The action bars for an editor.This class reads the registry for extensions that plug into 'editorActions' extension point.Helper class that will populate the menu and toolbar with the external editor contributions.This class is used to record "open editor" actions as they happen.An item in the editor history.AnEditorMenuManager
is used to sort the contributions made by an editor so that they always appear after the action sets.Extends PartPluginAction for usage in editor parts.An editor container manages the services for an editor.Implementation for theIDragAndDropService
to be used fromEditorSite
's.This part is shown instead the editors with errors.This part is shown instead the views with errors.This handler will pass along to the workbench advisor exceptions and errors thrown while running the event loop.Base class to open a dialog to filter and select elements of aTable
.Class used to store items to be displayedThe Heap Status control, which shows the heap usage statistics in the window trim.This interface should be implemented by all contribution items defined by an action set.Interface that can receive change notifiecations from a Model objectPreference constants for the heap status.Workaround for bug 537046Some common utilities for working with handlers and IEvaluationContexts in Platform UI.This interface must be implemented in order to contribute to context (pop-up) menu for an object.Objects of classes that implement this interface can be registered for certain object type in the IObjectContributorManager.The IPreferenceConstants are the internal constants used by the Workbench.A service that is capable of converting a selection into resources.General constants used by the workbench.This class defines constants for looking up resources that are available only within the Eclipse UI and Eclipse UI Standard Components projects.Help context ids for the workbench.A source of color/font/theme data constants used throughout the workbench.This service provides a nestable implementation of a key binding service.Parses the preference that specifies which editor should be used when opening a large file.An editor and file size pair.Provides access to resource-specific classes, needed to provide backwards compatibility for resource-specific functions which could not be moved up from the generic workbench layer to the IDE layer.Implementation of the back and forward actions.TheNavigationHistoryAction
moves navigation history back and forward.Keeps the info to save, restore or identify and editor.This class describes the object contribution element within the popup menu action registry.This manager is used to populate a popup menu manager with actions for a given type.This reader loads the popup menu manager with all the popup menu contributors found in the workbench registry.This class is a default implementation ofIObjectContributorManager
.An ObjectFilterTest is used to read an object filter from XML, and evaluate the results for a given object.An object action extension in a popup menu.Tests if any Perspective is open or not.Open the preferences dialogThe abstract superclass for actions that listen to page activation and open/close events.Part listener list.Provides debug view selection management/notification for a debug view in a specific workbench page.This class adds to the PluginAction support by setting itself up for work within a WorkbenchPart.An intermediate selection listener that filters selection change events based on one or more predicates and forwards it to the functional selection listener.PartSite
is the general implementation for anIWorkbenchPartSite
.Tests whether the object under test represents an MPart instance which is tagged as being one which represents an Editor (rather than a View).Abstract superclass of actions which are enabled iff there is an active perspective in the window.A strategy to read perspective extension from the registry.Perspective listener list.Utility class for tracking the active perspective in a window.The PlatformUIPreferenceListener is a class that listens to changes in the preference store and propogates the change for any special cases that require updating of other values within the workbench.A PluginAction is a proxy for an action extension.This class contains shared functionality for reading action contributions from plugins into workbench parts (both editors and views).Helper class to collect the menus and actions defined within a contribution element.Contribution item for actions provided by plugins via workbench action extension points.Contribution item for actions provided by plugins via workbench action extension points.A PluginActionSet is a proxy for an action set defined in XML.This builder reads the actions for an action set from the registry.Used by the workbench window extension handler to unhook action sets from their associated window.This class extends a single popup menuStores information about the product.A class that converts the strings returned byorg.eclipse.core.runtime.IProduct.getProperty
to the appropriate class.A dynamic menu item which supports to switch to other Windows.Helper class for prompting to save dirty views or editors.The model manager maintains a list of open saveable models.This class contains methods to validate and decorate search fields.Adapts ISelection instances to either IIterable or ICountable.The SelectionConversionService is the service that converts the selection to IResources.Common images used by the workbench which may be useful to other plug-ins.The show in command, which only needs a target id.AShowInMenu
is used to populate a menu manager with Show In actions.Show the menu on top of the icon in the view or editor label.AShowViewMenu
is used to populate a menu manager with Show View actions.Shows the View MenuA part service which delegates all responsibility to the parent service.Our sample handler extends AbstractHandler, an IHandler base class.Display the values that can be used in the keybindings page and quick access.A dynamic menu item to switch to other opened workbench windows.Hides or shows the editor area within the current perspective of the workbench page.Simple class to provide some common internal Trim support.The UI lock listener is used to prevent the UI thread from deadlocking on a lock when the thread owning the lock is attempting to syncExec.The Queue is the construct that keeps track of Semaphores.The plug-in class for the org.eclipse.ui plug-in.Implementation of the UI plugin's preference extension's customization element.This class reads the registry for extensions that plug into 'viewActions' extension point.This class reads the registry for extensions that plug into 'popupMenus' extension point and deals only with the 'viewerContribution' elements.Simple view that will wrap anIIntroPart
.This class extends regular plugin action with the additional requirement that the delegate has to implement interface IViewActionDeelgate.A view container manages the services for a view.A start-up event handler that, if running on Windows, suggests the user to exclude the current installation directory from being scanned by the Windows Defender, if it is active on the computer.The workbench class represents the top of the Eclipse user interface.Internal class providing special access for configuring the workbench.Opens a dialog showing all open editors and the recently closed editors.A proxy handler which passes all statuses to handler assigned to current application workbench advisor.This class provides convenience access to many of the resources required by the workbench.Workbench implementation of the IIntroManager interface.The WorkbenchSettings handles the recording and restoring of workbench settings.Message class for workbench messages.A collection of views and editors in a workbench.This class represents the TOP of the workbench UI world A plugin class is effectively an application wrapper for a plugin & its classes.Implementation of the workbench plugin's preferences extension's customization element.Create singleton services to make the Workbench singletons available.A window within the workbench.Internal class providing special access for configuring workbench windows.Shows a list of open editor and parts in the current or last active workbook.A working set holds a number of IAdaptable elements.Compares two working sets by name.A WorkingSetFactory is used to recreate a persisted WorkingSet object.A working set manager stores working sets and provides property change notification when a working set is added or removed.Menu contribution item which shows a working set.This class extends regular plugin action with the additional requirement that the delegate has to implement interfaceIWorkbenchWindowActionDelegate
.A workbench window pulldown action.