Class AbstractMemoryRendering

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable, IMemoryRendering
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class AbstractMemoryRendering extends PlatformObject implements IMemoryRendering
Abstract implementation of a memory rendering.

To contribute an action to a rendering, an objectContribution can be used on a rendering implementation class itself using a popupMenus extension. Additionally, the context menu created by createPopupMenu() is registered with an identifier of this rendering's container identifier. Actions may also be contributed to the container's context menu specifically by using a viewerContribution on a popupMenus extension that has a targetID referring to this rendering container's identifier.

Clients implementing memory renderings must subclass this class.

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractMemoryRendering

      public AbstractMemoryRendering(String renderingId)
      Constructs a new rendering of the given type.
      renderingId - memory rendering type identifier
  • Method Details

    • init

      public void init(IMemoryRenderingContainer container, IMemoryBlock block)
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Initializes this rendering to be hosted in the given container, displaying the given memory block. This method is called before this rendering's control has been created.
      Specified by:
      init in interface IMemoryRendering
      container - container hosting this rendering
      block - the memory block to render
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Disposes this rendering.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface IMemoryRendering
    • activated

      public void activated()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Notification this rendering has become the active rendering. Only one rendering can be active at once. Generally, the active rendering is visible and has focus.
      Specified by:
      activated in interface IMemoryRendering
    • deactivated

      public void deactivated()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Notification this rendering is no longer the active rendering.
      Specified by:
      deactivated in interface IMemoryRendering
    • becomesVisible

      public void becomesVisible()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Notification this rendering has become visible in its container. Note that a rendering does not have to be active to be visible.
      Specified by:
      becomesVisible in interface IMemoryRendering
    • becomesHidden

      public void becomesHidden()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Notification this rendering has become hidden in its container.
      Specified by:
      becomesHidden in interface IMemoryRendering
    • getMemoryBlock

      public IMemoryBlock getMemoryBlock()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Returns the memory block displayed by this rendering.
      Specified by:
      getMemoryBlock in interface IMemoryRendering
      the memory block displayed by this rendering
    • getRenderingId

      public String getRenderingId()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Returns the identifier associated with this rendering's type.
      Specified by:
      getRenderingId in interface IMemoryRendering
      the identifier associated with this rendering's type
      See Also:
    • addPropertyChangeListener

      public void addPropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Adds a listener for property changes to this rendering. Has no effect if an identical listener is already registered.
      Specified by:
      addPropertyChangeListener in interface IMemoryRendering
      listener - a property change listener
    • removePropertyChangeListener

      public void removePropertyChangeListener(IPropertyChangeListener listener)
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Removes the given property change listener from this rendering. Has no effect if the identical listener is not registered.
      Specified by:
      removePropertyChangeListener in interface IMemoryRendering
      listener - a property change listener
    • getImage

      public Image getImage()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Returns an image for this rendering. Clients should not dispose this image. This rendering will dispose the image if required when this rendering is disposed.
      Specified by:
      getImage in interface IMemoryRendering
      an image for this rendering
    • decorateImage

      protected Image decorateImage(Image image)
      Decorates and returns this rendering's image.
      image - base image
      decorated image
    • getLabel

      public String getLabel()
      Description copied from interface: IMemoryRendering
      Returns a label for this rendering.
      Specified by:
      getLabel in interface IMemoryRendering
      a label for this rendering
    • decorateLabel

      protected String decorateLabel(String label)
      Decorates and returns this rendering's label.
      label - base label
      decorated label
    • createPopupMenu

      protected void createPopupMenu(Control control)
      Helper method for creating a pop up menu in the rendering for a control. Call this method when a context menu is required for a control in a rendering.

      To contribute an action to a rendering, an objectContribution can be used on a rendering implementation class itself using a popupMenus extension. Additionally, the context menu created by this method is registered with an identifier of this rendering's container. Actions may also be contributed to the context menu specifically by using a viewerContribution on a popupMenus extension that has a targetID referring to this rendering container's identifier.

      Clients are expected to become a menu listener for their pop up menu if they require to fill the context menu for the rendering.

      control - - control to create the pop up menu for
    • getPopupMenuManager

      protected MenuManager getPopupMenuManager()
      Returns the pop up menu manager for this rendering, or null if none.
      the pop up menu manager for this rendering, or null
    • firePropertyChangedEvent

      protected void firePropertyChangedEvent(PropertyChangeEvent event)
      Fires the given event to all registered listeners.
      event - the event to fire
    • getMemoryRenderingContainer

      public IMemoryRenderingContainer getMemoryRenderingContainer()
      Returns the container hosting this memory rendering.
      the container hosting this memory rendering
    • isVisible

      public boolean isVisible()
      Returns whether this rendering is currently visible.
      whether this rendering is currently visible