Class SynchronizationContext

All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable, ISynchronizationContext
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class SynchronizationContext extends PlatformObject implements ISynchronizationContext
Abstract implementation of the ISynchronizationContext interface. This class can be subclassed by clients.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • SynchronizationContext

      protected SynchronizationContext(ISynchronizationScopeManager manager, int type, IResourceDiffTree diffTree)
      Create a synchronization context.
      manager - the manager that defines the scope of the synchronization
      type - the type of synchronization (ONE_WAY or TWO_WAY)
      diffTree - the sync info tree that contains all out-of-sync resources
  • Method Details

    • getScope

      public ISynchronizationScope getScope()
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Return the input that defined the scope of this synchronization context. The input determines the set of resources to which the context applies. Changes in the input may result in changes to the sync-info available in the tree of this context.
      Specified by:
      getScope in interface ISynchronizationContext
      the input that defined the scope of this synchronization context.
    • getScopeManager

      public ISynchronizationScopeManager getScopeManager()
      Return the scope manager for the scope of this context.
      the scope manager for the scope of this context
    • getType

      public int getType()
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Return the synchronization type. A type of TWO_WAY indicates that the synchronization information associated with the context will also be two-way IDiff instances (i.e. there is only a remote but no base involved in the comparison used to determine the synchronization state of resources. A type of THREE_WAY indicates that the synchronization information will be three-way IThreeWayDiff instances.
      Specified by:
      getType in interface ISynchronizationContext
      the type of synchronization information available in the context
      See Also:
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Dispose of the synchronization context and the cache of the context. This method should be invoked by clients when the context is no longer needed.
      Specified by:
      dispose in interface ISynchronizationContext
    • getCache

      public ICache getCache()
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Return the cache associated with this synchronization context. The cache is maintained for the lifetime of this context and is disposed when the the context is disposed. It can be used by clients to cache model state related to the context so that it can be maintained for the life of the operation to which the context applies.
      Specified by:
      getCache in interface ISynchronizationContext
      the cache associated with this synchronization context
    • getDiffTree

      public IResourceDiffTree getDiffTree()
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Return a tree that contains IDiff entries for resources that are out-of-sync. The tree will contain entries for any out-of-sync resources that are within the scope of this context. The tree may include entries for additional resources, which should be ignored by the client. Clients can test for inclusion using the method ISynchronizationScope.contains(IResource).

      The returned IResourceDiffTree will be homogeneous and contain either IResourceDiff or IThreeWayDiff instances. Any IThreeWayDiff contained in the returned tree will contain IResourceDiff instances as the local and remote changes. This interface also has several helper methods for handling entries contained in the returned diff tree.

      Specified by:
      getDiffTree in interface ISynchronizationContext
      a tree that contains an entry for any resources that are out-of-sync.
      See Also:
    • refresh

      public void refresh(ResourceMapping[] mappings, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Description copied from interface: ISynchronizationContext
      Refresh the portion of the context related to the given resource mappings. The provided mappings must be within the scope of this context. Refreshing mappings may result in additional resources being added to the scope of this context. If new resources are included in the scope, a property change event will be fired from the scope. If the synchronization state of any of the resources covered by the mapping change, a change event will be fired from the diff tree of this context.

      Changes to the diff tree may be triggered by a call to this method or by a refresh triggered by some other source. Hence, the callback from the diff tree to report changes may occur in the same thread as the refresh or asynchronously in a separate thread, regardless of who triggered the refresh.

      Specified by:
      refresh in interface ISynchronizationContext
      mappings - the mappings to be refreshed
      monitor - a progress monitor
      CoreException - if errors occur