Class ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPersistableAnnotationModel, ISynchronizable, IAnnotationModel, IAnnotationModelExtension, IAnnotationModelExtension2

public class ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel extends AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
A marker annotation model whose underlying source of markers is a resource in the workspace.

This class may be instantiated; it is not intended to be subclassed.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.
  • Constructor Details

    • ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel

      public ResourceMarkerAnnotationModel(IResource resource)
      Creates a marker annotation model with the given resource as the source of the markers.
      resource - the resource
  • Method Details

    • isAcceptable

      protected boolean isAcceptable(IMarker marker)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      Determines whether the marker is acceptable as an addition to this model. If the marker, say, represents an aspect or range of no interest to this model, the marker is rejected.

      Subclasses must implement this method.

      Specified by:
      isAcceptable in class AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      marker - the marker
      true if the marker is acceptable
    • update

      protected void update(IMarkerDelta[] markerDeltas)
      Updates this model to the given marker deltas.
      markerDeltas - the array of marker deltas
    • listenToMarkerChanges

      protected void listenToMarkerChanges(boolean listen)
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      Tells the model whether it should listen for marker changes.

      Subclasses must implement this method.

      Specified by:
      listenToMarkerChanges in class AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      listen - true if this model should listen, and false otherwise
    • deleteMarkers

      protected void deleteMarkers(IMarker[] markers) throws CoreException
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      Deletes the given markers from this model.

      Subclasses must implement this method.

      Specified by:
      deleteMarkers in class AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      markers - the array of markers
      CoreException - if there are problems deleting the markers
    • retrieveMarkers

      protected IMarker[] retrieveMarkers() throws CoreException
      Description copied from class: AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      Retrieves all markers from this model.

      Subclasses must implement this method.

      Specified by:
      retrieveMarkers in class AbstractMarkerAnnotationModel
      the list of markers
      CoreException - if there is a problem getting the markers
    • getResource

      protected IResource getResource()
      Returns the resource serving as the source of markers for this annotation model.
      the resource serving as the source of markers for this annotation model