Class RefactoringWizard

All Implemented Interfaces:
IShellProvider, IWizard
Direct Known Subclasses:
DeleteResourcesWizard, MoveResourcesWizard, RenameResourceWizard

public abstract class RefactoringWizard extends Wizard
An abstract base implementation of a refactoring wizard. A refactoring wizard differs from a normal wizard in the following characteristics:
  • only pages of type RefactoringWizardPage can be added to a refactoring wizard. Trying to add a different kind of page results in an exception.
  • a refactoring wizard consists of 0 .. n user input pages, one error page to present the outcome of the refactoring's condition checking and one preview page to present a preview of the workspace changes.

A refactoring wizard is best opened using the RefactoringWizardOpenOperation.

Clients may extend this class.

See Also:
  • Field Details

    • NONE

      public static final int NONE
      Flag (value 0) indicating that no special flags are provided.
      See Also:

      public static final int CHECK_INITIAL_CONDITIONS_ON_OPEN
      Flag (value 1) indicating that the initial condition checking of the refactoring is done when the wizard opens. If not specified it is assumed that the initial condition checking has been done by the client before opening the wizard dialog.
      See Also:

      public static final int WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE
      Flag (value 2) indicating that a normal wizard based user interface consisting of a back, next, finish and cancel button should be used to present this refactoring wizard. This flag can't be specified together with the flag DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE.
      See Also:

      public static final int DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE
      Flag (value 4) indicating that a lightweight dialog based user interface should be used to present this refactoring wizard. This user interface consists of a preview, finish and cancel button and the initial size of dialog is based on the first user input page. This flag is only valid if only one user input page is present. Specifying this flag together with more than one input page will result in an exception when adding the user input pages. This flag can't be specified together with the flag WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE.
      See Also:

      @Deprecated public static final int DIALOG_BASED_UESR_INTERFACE
      See Also:

      public static final int YES_NO_BUTTON_STYLE
      Flag (value 8) indicating that the finish and cancel button should be named yes and no. The flag is ignored if the flag WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified.
      See Also:

      public static final int NO_PREVIEW_PAGE
      Flag (value 16) indicating that the wizard should not show a preview page. The flag is ignored if the flag WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified.
      See Also:

      public static final int PREVIEW_EXPAND_FIRST_NODE
      Flag (value 32) indicating that the first change node presented in the preview page should be fully expanded.
      See Also:

      public static final int NO_BACK_BUTTON_ON_STATUS_DIALOG
      Flag (value 64) indicating that the dialog representing the refactoring status to the user will not contain a back button. The flag is ignored if the flag WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified.
      See Also:

      public static final int SHOW_HELP_CONTROL
      Flag (value 128) indicating that a help control should be shown. The flag is ignored if the flag WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified (the '?' button is always shown there).
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • RefactoringWizard

      public RefactoringWizard(Refactoring refactoring, int flags)
      Creates a new refactoring wizard for the given refactoring.
      refactoring - the refactoring the wizard is presenting
      flags - flags specifying the behavior of the wizard. If neither WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE nor DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified then WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE will be taken as a default.
    • RefactoringWizard

      public RefactoringWizard(RefactoringContext refactoringContext, int flags)
      Creates a new refactoring wizard for the given refactoring context.
      refactoringContext - the refactoringContext the wizard is presenting
      flags - flags specifying the behavior of the wizard. If neither WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE nor DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE is specified then WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE will be taken as a default.
  • Method Details

    • getRefactoring

      public final Refactoring getRefactoring()
      Returns the refactoring this wizard is associated with.
      the wizard's refactoring
    • getRefactoringContext

      public final RefactoringContext getRefactoringContext()
      Returns the refactoring context this wizard is associated with, or null if none.
      the wizard's refactoring context or null
    • getWizardFlags

      public final int getWizardFlags()
      Returns the refactoring wizard flags that have been set for this wizard. Note that the set of valid flags may grow in the future.
      the wizard's flags
    • setDefaultPageTitle

      public final void setDefaultPageTitle(String defaultPageTitle)
      Sets the default page title to the given value. This value is used as a page title for wizard pages which don't provide their own page title. Setting this value has only an effect as long as the user interface hasn't been created yet.
      defaultPageTitle - the default page title.
      See Also:
    • getDefaultPageTitle

      public final String getDefaultPageTitle()
      Returns the default page title used for pages that don't provide their own page title.
      the default page title or null if non has been set
      See Also:
    • setForcePreviewReview

      public final void setForcePreviewReview(boolean forcePreviewReview)
      If set to true the Finish or OK button, respectively will be disabled until the user has visited the preview page. If set to false the refactoring can be performed before the preview page has been visited.
      forcePreviewReview - if true to user must confirm the preview
    • getMessageLineWidthInChars

      public int getMessageLineWidthInChars()
      Returns the width in characters to be used for the message line embedded into the refactoring wizard dialog.

      Subclasses may override this method and return a different value.

      the message lines width in characters
    • setChangeCreationCancelable

      public final void setChangeCreationCancelable(boolean isChangeCreationCancelable)
      If set to true the change creation is cancelable by the user.

      By default, change creation is cancelable.

      isChangeCreationCancelable - determines whether the change creation is cancelable by the user or not.
      See Also:
    • setInitialConditionCheckingStatus

      public final void setInitialConditionCheckingStatus(RefactoringStatus status)
      Sets the initial condition checking status computed by the refactoring. Clients should uses this method if the initial condition checking status has been computed outside of this refactoring wizard.
      status - the initial condition checking status.
      See Also:
    • getChange

      public final Change getChange()
      Returns the refactoring's change object or null if no change object has been created yet.
      the refactoring's change object or null
      See Also:
    • setHelpAvailable

      @Deprecated public void setHelpAvailable(boolean b)
      WIZARD_BASED_USER_INTERFACE always shows a '?' button. To show the button with DIALOG_BASED_USER_INTERFACE, add the SHOW_HELP_CONTROL flag.
      Description copied from class: Wizard
      Sets whether help is available for this wizard.

      The result of this method is typically used by the container to show or hide the button labeled "Help".

      Note: This wizard's container might be a TrayDialog which provides its own help support that is independent of this property.

      Note 2: In the default WizardDialog implementation, the "Help" button only works when IDialogPage.performHelp() is implemented.

      setHelpAvailable in class Wizard
      b - true if help is available, false otherwise
      See Also:
    • addPages

      public final void addPages()
      The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing. Subclasses should extend if extra pages need to be added before the wizard opens. New pages should be added by calling addPage. This method calls the hook method addUserInputPages() to allow subclasses to add specific user input pages.
      Specified by:
      addPages in interface IWizard
      addPages in class Wizard
    • addPage

      public final void addPage(IWizardPage page)
      Adds a new page to this wizard. The page is inserted at the end of the page list. This method asserts that the pages added to the refactoring wizard are instances of type RefactoringWizardPage.
      addPage in class Wizard
      page - the new page
    • addUserInputPages

      protected abstract void addUserInputPages()
      Hook method to add user input pages to this refactoring wizard. Pages added via this call have to be instances of the type UserInputWizardPage. Adding pages of a different kind is not permitted and will result in unexpected behavior.
    • getStartingPage

      public IWizardPage getStartingPage()
      Description copied from interface: IWizard
      Returns the first page to be shown in this wizard.
      Specified by:
      getStartingPage in interface IWizard
      getStartingPage in class Wizard
      the first wizard page
    • setInitialComputationContext

      public void setInitialComputationContext(IRunnableContext context)
      Sets the runnable context that will be used to computing refactoring conditions and change while the refactoring dialog is not yet shown. The default is to use the active workbench window.
      context - a runnable context, or null to re-set the default
    • getPreviousPage

      public IWizardPage getPreviousPage(IWizardPage page)
      Description copied from interface: IWizard
      Returns the predecessor of the given page.

      This method is typically called by a wizard page

      Specified by:
      getPreviousPage in interface IWizard
      getPreviousPage in class Wizard
      page - the page
      the previous page, or null if none
    • canFinish

      public boolean canFinish()
      Description copied from interface: IWizard
      Returns whether this wizard could be finished without further user interaction.

      The result of this method is typically used by the wizard container to enable or disable the Finish button.

      Specified by:
      canFinish in interface IWizard
      canFinish in class Wizard
      true if the wizard could be finished, and false otherwise
    • internalCreateChange

      public final Change internalCreateChange(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api, CreateChangeOperation operation, boolean updateStatus)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      operation - the create change operation
      updateStatus - flag indicating if status updating is requested
      the created change
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalPerformFinish

      public final org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.FinishResult internalPerformFinish(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api, PerformChangeOperation op)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      op - the perform change operation
      whether the finish ended OK or not
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • performFinish

      public boolean performFinish()
      Calls RefactoringWizardPage.performFinish() on the currently active wizard page. Clients are not expected to extend this method to do lengthy processing (the Refactoring class should implement analysis and Change creation).
      Specified by:
      performFinish in interface IWizard
      Specified by:
      performFinish in class Wizard
      true to indicate the finish request was accepted, and false to indicate that the finish request was refused
    • performCancel

      public boolean performCancel()
      Description copied from class: Wizard
      The Wizard implementation of this IWizard method does nothing and returns true. Subclasses should reimplement this method if they need to perform any special cancel processing for their wizard.
      Specified by:
      performCancel in interface IWizard
      performCancel in class Wizard
      true to indicate the cancel request was accepted, and false to indicate that the cancel request was refused
    • internalHasPreviewPage

      public final boolean internalHasPreviewPage(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      whether the wizard has a preview page or not.
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalIsYesNoStyle

      public final boolean internalIsYesNoStyle(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      whether yes no button style is requested
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalGetExpandFirstNode

      public final boolean internalGetExpandFirstNode(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      whether the first node of the preview is supposed to be expanded
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalSetChange

      public final void internalSetChange(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api, Change change)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      change - the change to set
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalSetPreviewShown

      public final void internalSetPreviewShown(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api, boolean shown)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      shown - a boolean indicating if the preview page has been shown or not
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.
    • internalShowBackButtonOnStatusDialog

      public final boolean internalShowBackButtonOnStatusDialog(org.eclipse.ltk.internal.ui.refactoring.InternalAPI api)
      Note: This method is for internal use only. Clients are not allowed to call this method.
      api - internal instance to avoid access from external clients
      whether to show a back button or not
      This method is not intended to be referenced by clients.