All Classes and Interfaces
Abstract implementation of the TemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from
the fixed set of options.
An abstract class subclassed by all PDE tabs.
An abstract class subclassed by the Eclipse Application and OSGi Framework launch shortcuts.
This class is used as a common base for plug-in content wizards that are
implemented using PDE template support.
An abstract launch delegate for PDE-based launch configurations
An abstract class subclassed by the Eclipse application and JUnit Plug-in launch
configuration tab groups.
Common function for template sections.
This class adds a notion of options to the default template section
This template option can be used to create blank space on the
template section wizard page.
This implementation of the TemplateOption can be used to represent options
that are boolean choices.
A launch configuration tab that customizes the list of bundles to launch with,
their start level and their auto-start attributes.
Implementation of the AbstractTemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from
the fixed set of options using a combo box.
A launch configuration tab that displays and edits the configuration area
location and template for a PDE launch configuration.
Constants for the files usually manipulated by the fetch factory.
A launch delegate for launching Eclipse applications
Creates and initializes the tabs for the Eclipse Application launch configuration.
A launch shortcut capable of launching an Eclipse application.
A launch delegate for launching the Equinox framework
Interface providing helper methods to produce Ant scripts.
A base generic model.
This is a tagging interface that should be implemented by all wizards that
are plugged into one of PDE extension points.
The top-level model object of the model that is created from
file.Jar entry represents one 'library=folder list' entry
in plugin.jars file.
This model is created from the
that defines what source folders in the plug-in are
to be used to build require plug-in Jars.This model factory should be used to
create new instances of plugin.jars model
Specifies the origin of source, class files, and/or archive for an entry
on the Bundle-Classpath header.
Resolves dynamically generated bundle classpath entries in the context of a
java project.
Classes that implement this interface are contributed via the extension point
.Describes a project representing an OSGi bundle.
Service used to create and configure bundle project descriptions.
Implementors of this interface can contribute additional
to a plug-in project as the classpath is computed.Models that implement this interface indicate that
they can be changed.
Editable model is an editable object that can be saved.
An interface for extension editor wizards.
A model object that contains the portion of the plug-in model
responsible for extensions and extension points.
This type of model is created by parsing the manifest file.
This factory should be used to create
instances of the extensions model objects.
An interface for extension wizards.
Interface to be implemented by clients of the
extension-point.The class that implements this interface is used to provide information
captured in the 'New Plug-in Project' wizard pages as entered by the user.
A model object that represents the content of the fragment.xml
In addition to field data from the 'New Project' wizard pages, this interface
provides choices made by the user that are unique to creating a new fragment
This type of model is created by parsing the manifest file.
Describes a fragment host.
Classes implement this interface if
their instances need to be uniquely identified
using an id.
This interface contains constants used throughout the plug-in for plug-in
reference matching.
A generic model.
Model change events are fired by the model when it is changed from the last
clean state.
Classes that need to be notified on model
changes should implement this interface
and add themselves as listeners to
the model they want to listen to.
Classes that implement this interface are capable of notifying listeners
about model changes.
This event will be delivered to all model provider listeners when a model
managed by the model provider changes in some way.
Classes should implement this interface in order to be able to register as
model provider listeners.
Describes a package export.
Describes a package import.
Constant definitions for PDE launch configurations.
A model object that represents the content of the plugin.xml
An attribute of XML elements found in the plug-in.
A model object that represents the content of a plug-in or
fragment manifest.
Classes that implement this interface are contributed via the extension point
.Classes that implement this interface model the
XML elements found in the plug-in model.
Classes that implement this interface model the extension
element found in the plug-in or fragment manifest.
Classes that implement this interface model an extension point
element specified in the plug-in manifest.
In addition to field data from the 'New Project' wizard pages, this interface
provides choices made by the user that are unique to creating a new plug-in
Objects that implement this interface represent references
to required plug-ins.
The class that implements this interface represents a
reference to the library that is defined in the plug-in
This type of model is created by parsing the manifest file.
This type of model is created by parsing the manifest file.
This factory should be used to create
instances of the plug-in model objects.
A base interface for all the objects in the plug-in model.
Classes that implement this interface are
capable of containing other plug-in objects.
Objects that implement this interface represent references of
A plugin source path locator is capable of locating the path of the source
for a given plugin.
Describes a required bundle.
This type of model is created by parsing the plug-in
manifest file but only takes the extensions and extension
points into account.
This type of model is created by parsing the manifest file.
This interface indicates that a model object is created by parsing an
editable source file and can be traced back to a particular location in the
Defines a target platform.
A handle to a target definition.
Describes a location in a target that provides bundles and features.
insteadA factory to instantiate target locations from a serialized string of xml
).Contributed target locations that want to support extended editing of target
locations can implement this interface
insteadThis interface represents a wizard which will be used to add target locations
to a target definition.
A service to manage target platform definitions available to the workspace.
This interface represents a section of the template wizard that generates a
new extension or plug-in.
The classes that implement this interface are responsible for providing value
of variables when asked.
Classes that implement this interface can participate in saving the model to
the ASCII output stream using the provided writer.
A launch delegate for launching JUnit Plug-in tests.
Creates and initializes the tabs for the Plug-in JUnit test launch configuration.
A launch shortcut capable of launching a Plug-in JUnit test.
Sets the current target platform based on a target definition.
A launch configuration tab that displays and edits the main launching arguments
of an Eclipse application.
A ModelEntry object has an ID and keeps track of all workspace plug-ins and target
plug-ins that have that ID.
Describes something with a name and version.
API class to allow customization of the new plug-in project wizard.
This wizard should be used as a base class for wizards that generate plug-in
content using a closed set of templates.
Classes and interfaces tagged with this annotation are declaring they are not
to be extended by clients.
Interfaces tagged with this annotation are declaring they are not to be
implemented by clients.
Classes tagged with this annotation are declaring they are not to be
instantiated by clients.
Methods tagged with this annotation are declaring they are not to be
overridden by clients.
Classes, interfaces, annotations, enums, methods and fields tagged with this
annotation are declaring they are not to be referenced at all by clients.
This class adds some conventions to the class it is based on.
An implementation of the standard wizard page that creates its contents from
the list of template options.
A launch delegate for launching OSGi frameworks
Initializes launch configuration attributes for newly-created OSGi Framework
launch configurations
Creates and initializes the tabs on the OSGi Framework launch configuration.
A launch shortcut capable of launching an OSGi frameowrk
A launch configuration tab that displays and edits the VM install
launch configuration attributes.
Generates a source lookup path for all PDE-based launch configurations
A launch configuration tab that displays and edits the main launching arguments
of a Plug-in JUnit test.
Implementation of the IPluginReference
The central access point for models representing plug-ins found in the workspace
and in the target platform.
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
Instead use
and filter the stream returned
PluginRegistry.findModels(String, String, VersionMatchRule)
or PluginRegistry.findModels(String, VersionRange)
A launch configuration tab that displays the different self-hosting modes,
and lets the user customize the list of plug-ins to launch with.
Implementation of the AbstractTemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from
the fixed set of options using radio buttons.
This template option can be used to collect string option from the user in
the template section wizard page.
Describes a single bundle in a target definition.
Target events and event topic definitions.
Describes a single feature in a target definition.
The central class for the plug-in development target platform.
The base class for all the template option fields.
The base class of all the template options.
The launch configuration tab for JUnit Plug-in Tests.
A launch configuration tab that enables tracing and displays all plug-ins that support
Defines the rules that are used to control when two compared versions match.