Interface IClasspathContributor

public interface IClasspathContributor
Implementors of this interface can contribute additional IClasspathEntry to a plug-in project as the classpath is computed. The contributor is consulted when the initial classpath for a plug-in project is calculated as well as whenever a new bundle dependency is created.

A classpath contributor is declared as an extension (org.eclipse.pde.core.pluginClasspathContributors) or registered as an OSGi service in the service registry.

The added classpath entries are only stored as long as the project classpath is and will not be considered during plug-in or feature export.

  • Method Details

    • getInitialEntries

      List<IClasspathEntry> getInitialEntries(BundleDescription project)
      Get any additional classpath entries to add to a project when its classpath is first computed. The provided BundleDescription describes the plug-in project that the classpath is being computed for. Additional PDE model information can be obtained using PluginRegistry.findModel(Resource).
      project - the bundle descriptor for the plug-in project having its classpath computed
      additional classpath entries to add to the project, possibly empty, must not be null
    • getEntriesForDependency

      List<IClasspathEntry> getEntriesForDependency(BundleDescription project, BundleDescription addedDependency)
      Get any additional classpath entries to add to a project when a new bundle is being added to the project classpath as a dependency. The BundleDescription is provided for both the plug-in that the classpath is being calculated for and the dependency being added. The dependency may be a project in the workspace or an external bundle from the target platform.
      project - the bundle descriptor for the plug-in project having its classpath computed
      addedDependency - the bundle descriptor for the bundle being added to the classpath as a dependency
      additional classpath entries to add to the project, possibly empty, must not be null