Interface IBundleProjectDescription

public interface IBundleProjectDescription
Describes a project representing an OSGi bundle. Used to create or modify artifacts associated with a bundle project. A bundle project description can be created for an IProject via IBundleProjectService.getDescription(IProject).
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    Constant for the PDE Plug-in project nature, value is "org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.0, value is "3.0".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.1, value is "3.1".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.2, value is "3.2".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.3, value is "3.3".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.4, value is "3.4".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.5, value is "3.5".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.6, value is "3.6".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.7, value is "3.7".
    static final String
    Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.8, value is "3.8".
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Creates or modifies a bundle project and associated artifacts based current settings.
    Returns this bundle's activation policy or null if unspecified.
    Returns the value of the Bundle-Activator header for the described bundle, or null if none.
    Returns the file and folder entries to be included on the bin.includes entry of the file of the described bundle project.
    Returns the entries on the Bundle-Classpath header of the described bundle, or null if unspecified.
    Returns the value of the Bundle-Name header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.
    Returns the location within the project that is the root of the bundle related artifacts, or null to indicate the default location (project folder).
    Returns the value of the Bundle-Vendor header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.
    Returns the value of the Bundle-Version header for the described bundle.
    Returns a project relative path for the described bundle's default output folder used on the Java build path, or null to indicate the default output location is used.
    Returns the required execution environments for the described bundle, or null if unspecified.
    Returns the identifier of the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension used in the manifest editor for exporting the project associated with these settings, or null if the default export wizard should be used.
    getHeader(String header)
    Returns the value of the specified header from the bundle manifest, or null if unspecified.
    Returns the host bundle for the described fragment, or null if this description does not describe a fragment.
    Returns identifiers of org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts referenced by org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts extensions that will be displayed in the manifest editor for the project associated with these settings, or null if default shortcuts are being used.
    Returns the value of the Bundle-Localization header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.
    Returns the location URI for the described project.
    Returns the list of natures associated with the described project.
    Returns the value of the Export-Package header or null if unspecified.
    Returns the value of the Import-Package header or null if unspecified.
    Returns the project associated with the described bundle.
    Returns the value of the Require-Bundle header or null if unspecified.
    Returns the symbolic name of the described bundle or null if unspecified.
    Returns the version of Eclipse the described bundle is targeted for, or null if unspecified.
    hasNature(String natureId)
    Returns whether the project nature specified by the given nature extension id has been added to the described project.
    Returns whether the described bundle is targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework.
    Returns whether this bundle supports extension points and extensions via IExtensionRegistry support.
    Returns whether the described bundle is a singleton.
    Sets this bundle's activation policy.
    setActivator(String className)
    Sets the value of the Bundle-Activator header for the described bundle, or null if none.
    Sets file and folder entries on the bin.includes entry of the file of the described bundle project.
    Sets the entries for the Bundle-Classpath header of the described bundle, or null if unspecified.
    Sets the value of the Bundle-Name header for the described bundle.
    Sets the location within the project where the root of the bundle and its associated artifacts will reside, or null to indicate the default bundle root location should be used (project folder).
    Sets the value of the Bundle-Vendor header for the described bundle.
    Sets the value of the Bundle-Version header for the described bundle.
    Sets a project relative path for the default output folder used on the Java build path for the described bundle.
    setEquinox(boolean equinox)
    Sets whether the described bundle is targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework.
    Sets the required execution environments for the described bundle, possible null.
    Sets the identifier of the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension used in the manifest editor for exporting the project associated with these settings, or null if the default export wizard should be used.
    setExtensionRegistry(boolean supportExtensions)
    Sets whether this bundle supports extension points and extensions via IExtensionRegistry support.
    setHeader(String header, String value)
    Sets the value of the specified header in the bundle manifest to the given value or removes the header if the value is null.
    Sets the the Fragment-Host header for the described fragment.
    Sets the identifiers of org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts referenced by org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts extensions to be displayed in the manifest editor for the project associated with these settings, or null to indicate default shortcuts should be used.
    Sets the value of the Bundle-Localization header for the described bundle.
    setLocationURI(URI location)
    Sets the location for the described project.
    setNatureIds(String[] natures)
    Sets the list of natures associated with the described project.
    Sets the value of the Export-Package header for the described bundle.
    Sets the value of the Import-Package header for the described bundle.
    Sets the value of the Require-Bundle header for the described bundle.
    setSingleton(boolean singleton)
    Sets whether the described bundle is a singleton.
    Sets the symbolic name of the described bundle.
    Sets the version of Eclipse the described bundle is to targeted for.
  • Field Details

    • VERSION_3_0

      static final String VERSION_3_0
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.0, value is "3.0".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_1

      static final String VERSION_3_1
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.1, value is "3.1".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_2

      static final String VERSION_3_2
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.2, value is "3.2".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_3

      static final String VERSION_3_3
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.3, value is "3.3".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_4

      static final String VERSION_3_4
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.4, value is "3.4".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_5

      static final String VERSION_3_5
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.5, value is "3.5".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_6

      static final String VERSION_3_6
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.6, value is "3.6".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_7

      static final String VERSION_3_7
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.7, value is "3.7".
      See Also:
    • VERSION_3_8

      static final String VERSION_3_8
      Identifies bundles developed for Eclipse 3.8, value is "3.8".
      See Also:

      static final String PLUGIN_NATURE
      Constant for the PDE Plug-in project nature, value is "org.eclipse.pde.PluginNature".
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • apply

      void apply(IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Creates or modifies a bundle project and associated artifacts based current settings.
      monitor - progress monitor or null
      CoreException - if project creation or modification fails
    • setSymbolicName

      void setSymbolicName(String name)
      Sets the symbolic name of the described bundle.

      A symbolic name must be specified.

      name - bundle symbolic name
    • getSymbolicName

      String getSymbolicName()
      Returns the symbolic name of the described bundle or null if unspecified.
      bundle symbolic name or null
    • setLocationURI

      void setLocationURI(URI location)
      Sets the location for the described project. If null is specified, the default location is used.

      Setting the location on a description for a project which already exists has no effect; the new project location is ignored when the description is applied to the already existing project. This method is intended for use on descriptions for new projects.

      This operation maps the root folder of the project to the exact location provided. For example, if the location for project named "P" is set to the URI file://c:/my_plugins/Project1, the file resource at workspace path /P/index.html would be stored in the local file system at file://c:/my_plugins/Project1/index.html.

      location - the location for the described project or null
      See Also:
    • getLocationURI

      URI getLocationURI()
      Returns the location URI for the described project. null is returned if the default location should be used.
      the location for the described project or null
      See Also:
    • setBundleName

      void setBundleName(String name)
      Sets the value of the Bundle-Name header for the described bundle. When null, the bundle name defaults to the bundle symbolic name.
      name - bundle name
    • getBundleName

      String getBundleName()
      Returns the value of the Bundle-Name header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.

      For new projects, the bundle name defaults to the bundle symbolic name.

      bundle name or null
    • setBundleVendor

      void setBundleVendor(String name)
      Sets the value of the Bundle-Vendor header for the described bundle.
      name - bundle vendor name
    • getBundleVendor

      String getBundleVendor()
      Returns the value of the Bundle-Vendor header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.
      bundle vendor name or null
    • setBundleVersion

      void setBundleVersion(Version version)
      Sets the value of the Bundle-Version header for the described bundle. When null, the bundle version defaults to 1.0.0.qualifier.
      version - bundle version
    • getBundleVersion

      Version getBundleVersion()
      Returns the value of the Bundle-Version header for the described bundle.

      For new projects, the bundle version is 1.0.0.qualifier unless otherwise specified.

      bundle version or null if unspecified
    • setSingleton

      void setSingleton(boolean singleton)
      Sets whether the described bundle is a singleton.
      singleton - whether the described bundle is a singleton
    • isSingleton

      boolean isSingleton()
      Returns whether the described bundle is a singleton.

      A bundle description for a new project is not a singleton, by default.

      whether the described bundle is a singleton
    • setLocalization

      void setLocalization(IPath path)
      Sets the value of the Bundle-Localization header for the described bundle.
      path - bundle root relative path or null
    • getLocalization

      IPath getLocalization()
      Returns the value of the Bundle-Localization header for the described bundle or null if unspecified.
      bundle relative path or null
    • getNatureIds

      String[] getNatureIds()
      Returns the list of natures associated with the described project. Returns an empty array if there are no natures on this description.
      the list of natures for the described project
      See Also:
    • setNatureIds

      void setNatureIds(String[] natures)
      Sets the list of natures associated with the described project. A project created with this description will have these natures added to it in the given order when this description is applied.

      When creating a new project, plug-in and Java natures (PLUGIN_NATURE and JavaCore.NATURE_ID) will be added by default when unspecified.

      natures - the list of natures
      See Also:
    • hasNature

      boolean hasNature(String natureId)
      Returns whether the project nature specified by the given nature extension id has been added to the described project.
      natureId - the nature extension identifier
      true if the described project has the given nature
      See Also:
    • setHost

      void setHost(IHostDescription host)
      Sets the the Fragment-Host header for the described fragment. When a non-null value is specified, this bundle description describes a fragment.
      host - host specification or null
    • getHost

      IHostDescription getHost()
      Returns the host bundle for the described fragment, or null if this description does not describe a fragment.
      host specification or null
    • setDefaultOutputFolder

      void setDefaultOutputFolder(IPath output)
      Sets a project relative path for the default output folder used on the Java build path for the described bundle. null indicates the Java project's default output location should be used.
      output - project relative path to default output location or null
    • getDefaultOutputFolder

      IPath getDefaultOutputFolder()
      Returns a project relative path for the described bundle's default output folder used on the Java build path, or null to indicate the default output location is used.
      default project relative output folder path or null
    • setExecutionEnvironments

      void setExecutionEnvironments(String[] environments)
      Sets the required execution environments for the described bundle, possible null. When more than one environment specified, the first will be used to configure compiler compliance and build path settings.
      environments - execution environment identifiers or null
    • getExecutionEnvironments

      String[] getExecutionEnvironments()
      Returns the required execution environments for the described bundle, or null if unspecified. When more than one environment is specified, the first will be used to configure compiler compliance and build path settings.
      execution environment identifiers or null
    • setBundleClassath

      @Deprecated void setBundleClassath(IBundleClasspathEntry[] entries)
      Sets the entries for the Bundle-Classpath header of the described bundle, or null if unspecified. Specifies the relationship between source and/or binary folders with bundle classpath entries. When null is specified, no Bundle-Classpath header will be produced.
      entries - Bundle-Classpath header entries or null
    • setBundleClasspath

      void setBundleClasspath(IBundleClasspathEntry[] entries)
      Sets the entries for the Bundle-Classpath header of the described bundle, or null if unspecified. Specifies the relationship between source and/or binary folders with bundle classpath entries. When null is specified, no Bundle-Classpath header will be produced.
      entries - Bundle-Classpath header entries or null
    • getBundleClasspath

      IBundleClasspathEntry[] getBundleClasspath()
      Returns the entries on the Bundle-Classpath header of the described bundle, or null if unspecified.
      bundle class path entries or null if unspecified
      See Also:
    • setActivator

      void setActivator(String className)
      Sets the value of the Bundle-Activator header for the described bundle, or null if none.
      className - activator class name or null
    • getActivator

      String getActivator()
      Returns the value of the Bundle-Activator header for the described bundle, or null if none.
      bundle activator class name or null
    • setTargetVersion

      void setTargetVersion(String version)
      Sets the version of Eclipse the described bundle is to targeted for. This affects the values generated for Equinox specific headers. Has no effect when isEquinox() is false. When isEquinox() is true, and a target version is unspecified or set to null, the newest available target version of Eclipse is used.
      version - one of the version constant values defined by this class or null
      See Also:
    • getTargetVersion

      String getTargetVersion()
      Returns the version of Eclipse the described bundle is targeted for, or null if unspecified. When unspecified, the project is targeted to the newest available version of Eclipse when isEquinox() is true.
      target version or null
    • setEquinox

      void setEquinox(boolean equinox)
      Sets whether the described bundle is targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework.

      An Equniox specific lazy-start header will be generated in the associated manifest when true based on the target version and activation policy. For new projects the value is false, by default.

      This following headers are affected when true, based on the getTargetVersion() and getActivationPolicy(). The headers are removed when getActivationPolicy() is unspecified (null).

      equinox - whether targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework
      See Also:
    • isEquinox

      boolean isEquinox()
      Returns whether the described bundle is targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework. Affects the Equinox lazy-start header generated in the manifest.
      whether the described bundle is targeted for the Equinox OSGi framework
    • setActivationPolicy

      void setActivationPolicy(String policy)
      Sets this bundle's activation policy. Legal values are Constants.ACTIVATION_LAZY or null (unspecified). Any other values are ignored (equivalent to null). When unspecified, a corresponding header is not generated. By default the value is unspecified for newly created projects.

      An Equniox specific lazy-start header will be generated in the associated manifest based on the getTargetVersion() and the specified policy. The headers are removed when the policy is unspecified (null).

      policy - activation policy or null
      See Also:
    • getActivationPolicy

      String getActivationPolicy()
      Returns this bundle's activation policy or null if unspecified.
      activation policy or null
    • setExtensionRegistry

      void setExtensionRegistry(boolean supportExtensions)
      Sets whether this bundle supports extension points and extensions via IExtensionRegistry support. By default, this value is false for new projects.
      supportExtensions - whether extension points and extensions are supported
    • isExtensionRegistry

      boolean isExtensionRegistry()
      Returns whether this bundle supports extension points and extensions via IExtensionRegistry support. By default, this value is false for new projects.
      whether extension points and extensions are supported
    • setRequiredBundles

      void setRequiredBundles(IRequiredBundleDescription[] bundles)
      Sets the value of the Require-Bundle header for the described bundle.
      bundles - required bundle descriptions or null if none
    • getRequiredBundles

      IRequiredBundleDescription[] getRequiredBundles()
      Returns the value of the Require-Bundle header or null if unspecified.
      required bundle descriptions or null
    • setPackageImports

      void setPackageImports(IPackageImportDescription[] imports)
      Sets the value of the Import-Package header for the described bundle.
      imports - package import descriptions or null if none
    • getPackageImports

      IPackageImportDescription[] getPackageImports()
      Returns the value of the Import-Package header or null if unspecified.
      package import descriptions or null
    • setPackageExports

      void setPackageExports(IPackageExportDescription[] exports)
      Sets the value of the Export-Package header for the described bundle.
      exports - package export descriptions or null if none
    • getPackageExports

      IPackageExportDescription[] getPackageExports()
      Returns the value of the Export-Package header or null if unspecified.
      package export descriptions or null
    • getProject

      IProject getProject()
      Returns the project associated with the described bundle.
      associated project
    • setBinIncludes

      void setBinIncludes(IPath[] paths)
      Sets file and folder entries on the bin.includes entry of the file of the described bundle project.

      By default, the MANIFEST/ folder and any entries on the Bundle-Classpath will be included. This sets any additional entries that are to be included.

      paths - bundle root relative paths of files and folders to include or null if none
    • getBinIncludes

      IPath[] getBinIncludes()
      Returns the file and folder entries to be included on the bin.includes entry of the file of the described bundle project.

      By default, the MANIFEST/ folder and any entries on the Bundle-Classpath will be included. This returns any additional entries that are to be included.

      bundle root relative paths of files and folders on the bin.includes entry or null
    • setBundleRoot

      void setBundleRoot(IPath path)
      Sets the location within the project where the root of the bundle and its associated artifacts will reside, or null to indicate the default bundle root location should be used (project folder).

      This has no effect on existing projects. This method is intended for use on descriptions for new projects. To modify the bundle root of an existing project use IBundleProjectService.setBundleRoot(IProject, IPath).

      The bundle root is the folder containing the META-INF/ folder. When a project does not yet exist, bundle files will be created relative to the bundle root. When a project already exists and the bundle root location is modified, existing bundle artifacts at the old root are not moved or modified. Instead, the modify operation will update any existing bundle files at the new root location, or create them if not yet present.

      path - project relative path to bundle root artifacts in the project or null
    • getBundleRoot

      IPath getBundleRoot()
      Returns the location within the project that is the root of the bundle related artifacts, or null to indicate the default location (project folder).
      project relative bundle root path or null
    • getLaunchShortcuts

      String[] getLaunchShortcuts()
      Returns identifiers of org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts referenced by org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts extensions that will be displayed in the manifest editor for the project associated with these settings, or null if default shortcuts are being used.
      identifiers of the org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts extensions or null
    • setLaunchShortcuts

      void setLaunchShortcuts(String[] ids)
      Sets the identifiers of org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts referenced by org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts extensions to be displayed in the manifest editor for the project associated with these settings, or null to indicate default shortcuts should be used.

      When default shortcuts are used, all org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts extensions are considered. When specific shortcuts are specified, the available shortcuts will be limited to those specified.

      Important: When specifying shortcuts, both org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts and org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts must exist. Labels for shortcuts in the editor are derived from the org.eclipse.pde.ui.launchShortcuts.

      ids - identifiers of org.eclipse.debug.ui.launchShortcuts extensions or null
    • getExportWizardId

      String getExportWizardId()
      Returns the identifier of the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension used in the manifest editor for exporting the project associated with these settings, or null if the default export wizard should be used.
      identifier of an org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension or null
    • setExportWizardId

      void setExportWizardId(String id)
      Sets the identifier of the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension used in the manifest editor for exporting the project associated with these settings, or null if the default export wizard should be used.
      id - identifier of an org.eclipse.ui.exportWizards extension or null
    • setHeader

      void setHeader(String header, String value)
      Sets the value of the specified header in the bundle manifest to the given value or removes the header if the value is null.

      Using this method will override the value of a header generated by other methods in this interface. For example, using the method setBundleName(String) will generate a value for the Bundle-Name header, but calling setHeader(String, String) for the Bundle-Name header will override any value set via setBundleName(String). This method is intended to be used to set the value of a header that does not have explicit API.

      To include an empty header value.trim().length() must equal zero (i.e an empty string or a string of whitespace).

      header - header name
      value - header value or null to remove
    • getHeader

      String getHeader(String header)
      Returns the value of the specified header from the bundle manifest, or null if unspecified. Note that an empty string is returned for a header that has an empty value.
      header - header name
      header value or null