All Classes and Interfaces
The Class AbstractAddFeature.
The Class AbstractAddPictogramElementFeature implements an add feature
especially for pictogram elements.
The Class AbstractAddShapeFeature.
This class should be used if for some reason a CustomFeature can be long to
This is the abstract base class for patterns.
The Class AbstractClickContext.
A simple implementation of the interface IConfigurationProviderHolder.
This is the base class AbstractConnectionPattern that clients writing a
pattern for a connection domain object should subclass.
An implementation of
.The Class AbstractContextEntry.
The Class AbstractCopyFeature.
The Class AbstractCreateConnectionFeature.
The Class AbstractCreateFeature.
The Class AbstractCustomFeature.
The Class AbstractDecorator.
The Class AbstractDiagramTypeProvider.
The Class AbstractDirectEditingFeature.
The Class AbstractDrillDownFeature.
The Class AbstractExtension.
Abstract base class for all features.
The Class AbstractFeatureProvider.
This is an abstract dialog, where the user can choose between the whole
figure or a selection.
The Class AbstractImageProvider.
The Class AbstractLayoutFeature.
The Class AbstractMoveShapeFeature.
The Class AbstractPaletteEntry.
The Class AbstractPaletteToolEntry.
The Class AbstractPasteFeature.
This is the base class AbstractConnectionPattern that clients writing a
pattern for a shape domain object should subclass.
Abstract base implementation of a save as image feature.
The Class AbstractPropertySectionFilter.
Abstract base implementation of a save as image feature.
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Style'.
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Style'.
A representation of the model object 'Abstract Text'.
An implementation of the model object 'Abstract Text'.
to allow trace entries with any kind of parameters
when a specific method is entered and exiting
to allow trace
entries with any kind of parameters when a method is exited.The Class AbstractUpdateFeature.
A representation of the model object 'Adapted Gradient Colored Areas'.
An implementation of the model object 'Adapted Gradient Colored Areas'.
The Class AddBendpointContext.
The Class AddConnectionContext.
The Class AddContext.
The Class AddFeatureCommandWithContext.
This feature wraps the add functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
A representation of the model object '
Advanced Anchor'.
EditPart for an
.An implementation of the model object 'Advanced Anchor'.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Anchor'.
A representation of the model object 'Anchor Container'.
A class, which contains helper-methods, which are necessary to implement the
interface IAnchorContainerEditPart.
An implementation of the model object 'Anchor Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Anchor'.
The Class AreaAnchorContext.
The Class AreaContext.
Used to add bendpoint handles on a
.A simple data structure, which combines a point with bezier information.
Border decorators can be used to add a border (a rectangle around the shape)
to the visualization of a shape without modifying the dirty state of the
displaying editor, see
.A representation of the model object 'Box Relative Anchor'.
An implementation of the model object 'Box Relative Anchor'.
A representation of the model object 'Chopbox Anchor'.
The purpose of this class is to fix bugs in the
overwriting the erroneous methods.An implementation of the model object 'Chopbox Anchor'.
A representation of the model object '
The Class ColorConstant.
Color decorators can be used to modify the visualization of a shape without
modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.An implementation of the model object 'Color'.
Utility for working with Colors.
The Class CommandContainer.
The Class CommandExec.
A representation of the model object 'Composite Connection'.
An implementation of the model object 'Composite Connection'.
The Class ConfigurableFeatureProviderWrapper.
A concrete implementation of the interface IConfigurationProviderInternal
A representation of the model object 'Connection'.
The Class ConnectionCreationToolEntry creates a tool entry for the palette
which can create connections.
A representation of the model object 'Connection Decorator'.
The Class ConnectionDecoratorEditPart.
An implementation of the model object 'Connection Decorator'.
A ConnectionEditPart, which model is of the type Connection.
An EditPolicy, which gives feedback for if a ConnectionEditPart is selected.
An implementation of the model object 'Connection'.
A representation of the model object 'Container Shape'.
A GraphicalEditPart, which model is of the type ContainerShape.
An implementation of the model object 'Container Shape'.
A context button, which is used for example in the context button pad.
The Class ContextButtonEntry.
The context button manager shows and hides the context button pad.
A Shape depicting a context button pad.
The Class ContextEntryHelper comprises methods for creating and modifying
context button entries.
The Class ContextMenuEntry.
The Class CopyContext.
The Class CreateConnectionContext.
This feature wraps the create functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
The Class CreateContext.
This feature wraps the create functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
A representation of the model object 'Curved Connection'.
An implementation of the model object 'Curved Connection'.
The Class CustomContext.
The Class DataMapping.
The Class DefaultAddBendpointFeature.
The Class DefaultContext.
A very simple implementation of
without any
real functionality.The Graphiti default implementation of the
.The Class DefaultDirectEditingInfo.
An EditPolicy to handle direct-editing of EditParts.
A default implementation of the interface IEditPolicyFactory.
The Class DefaultExecutionInfo.
The Class DefaultFeatureAndContext.
The Class DefaultFeatureProvider.
The class DefaultFeatureProviderWithPatterns is the base class for a feature
provider that uses patterns.
The Class DefaultFeatureProviderWrapper.
This class is a simple container for the preferences fo the FlyoutPalette.
The Class DefaultLook.
The default implementation for the
behavior extension
that controls how markers are handled in the editor.The Class DefaultMoveAnchorFeature.
The Class DefaultMoveBendpointFeature.
The Class DefaultMoveConnectionDecoratorFeature.
The Class DefaultMoveShapeFeature.
The Class DefaultNotificationService.
This class can be subclassed by clients to adapt the palette appearance and
behavior of the Graphiti diagram Editor.
The default implementation for the
behavior extension
that controls the persistence behavior of the Graphiti diagram Editor.The default feature implementation for printing a diagram.
This class is a simple container for the preferences for the print dialog.
The default implementation for the
interface.The default implementation for the
behavior extension
that controls the refresh behavior of the Graphiti diagram editor.The Class DefaultRemoveBendpointFeature.
The Class DefaultRemoveFeature.
Class DefaultResizeConfiguration defines the default resize behaviour.
The Class DefaultResizeShapeFeature.
The default feature implementation for saving a diagram as an image.
The Class DefaultToolBehaviorProvider.
The default implementation for the
behavior extension
that controls update behavior of the editor and defines the EMF adapters that
watch over model object modifications.The Class DefaultUpdateDiagramFeature.
The Class DeleteContext.
This feature wraps the delete functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
The Class DetailedPictogramElementContext.
A representation of the model object 'Diagram'.
Provides the common functionality needed to display and manage diagrams.
can be used in the dark feature processing mode
Listener for model changes in the notational model.
An SWT composite that can display a Graphiti diagram.
This is the main class for the Graphiti diagram editor.
Provides some standard-actions and adds them to the toolbar or the
Provides a standard-context-menu and adds it to the given EditPartViewer.
can be used in the dark feature processing mode
The editor input object for
s.The Class DiagramEditorFactory.
Checks whether any file editor input
matches one of the opened editors.
A GraphicalEditPart, which model is of the type Diagram.
An implementation of the model object 'Diagram'.
The Enum DiagramScrollingBehavior.
The Class DimensionImpl.
The Class DirectEditingContext.
The Class DirectEditingFeatureCommandWithContext.
This feature wraps the direct editing functionality of a pattern for calls of
the Graphiti framework.
Listener for BO changes in an EMF model linked to a diagram.
Manages changes done to the resources tied to the diagram outside of the
editor's TransactionalEditingDomain.
The Class DoubleClickContext.
A Text control allowing only non-negative decimal input.
A Combo control allowing only non-negative decimal input.
The Class DynamicContextMenuEntry.
Closes editor if model element was deleted.
A representation of the model object 'Ellipse'.
An implementation of the model object 'Ellipse'.
This is a simple dialog to choose the image-format and the image-scale-factor
for a save-as-image operation.
The Class ExternalPictogramLink.
The Class FeatureCheckerAdapter is a convenience implementation of
This command encapsulates a features.
The Class FeatureCommandWithContext.
This feature wraps generic functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
The Class FixedScalableFreeformLayeredPane.
The Class FixedScalableFreeformRootEditPart.
The Class FixedScalableRootEditPart.
This class is a subclass of ScaledGraphics, which only purpose is to fix bugs
in ScaledGraphics or implement previously not implemented methods.
The Class FixedScrollableThumbnail.
The Class FixedThumbnail.
A representation of the model object 'Fix Point Anchor'.
An implementation of the model object 'Fix Point Anchor'.
This is a very flexible Locator, which places a
or a non-rotatable IFigure on a Connection
.A representation of the model object '
An implementation of the model object 'Font'.
A representation of the model object 'Free Form Connection'.
The Class FreeFormConnectionEditPart.
An implementation of the model object 'Free Form Connection'.
Provides the default implementation for the Graphiti
related services.A collection of static helper methods regarding GEF.
The Class GenericFeatureCommandWithContext.
An abstract class for those Graphiti Shapes, which are based on a list of points,
This class is an abstract super-class for all RotatableDecorations in
This class is an abstract super-class for all Shapes in Graphiti.
The Class GFAdapter.
A circular handle which is placed on a bendpoint of a connection.
Enumeration of the supported types of the bendpoint handle (create/move).
A chopbox anchor supporting insets
The Class GFCommandStack.
A rectangular handle which is placed at a corner or at a side of a shape
This direct edit request extends the existing one with a direct edit holder
The Class GFDragConnectionTool.
A Graphiti Ellipse Figure.
A Graphiti Ellipse Rotatable Decoration.
A Canvas that contains
.A utility class containing static helper-methods for Graphiti figures.
Collection of static helper methods for handles.
Drag tracker to promote GFMarqueeSelectionTool.
This is a copy of class
A palette ToolEntry for a
.This PaletteRoot provides some standard-tools and adds them to the Palette.
A ToolEntry for a
.A Graphiti Polygon Figure.
A Graphiti Polygon Rotatable Decoration.
A Graphiti Polyline Figure.
A Graphiti Polyline Connection.
A Graphiti Polyline Rotatable Decoration.
The Class GFPropertySection.
A Graphiti Rectangle Figure.
A Graphiti Rounded Rectangle Figure.
The Class GFScrollingGraphicalViewer.
An EditPolicy that is used to show snap feedback for guides (red lines) and
geometry (blue lines).
A rectangular handle, which completely surrounds the owner edit-part.
This subclass of TemplateTransferDropTargetListener
was introduced
to change the default behavior.A representation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Area'.
An implementation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Area'.
A representation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Areas'.
An implementation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Areas'.
A representation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Location'.
An implementation of the model object 'Gradient Colored Location'.
Based on the original GEF GraphicalEditor class, this is a composite that
supports graphical editing.
A representation of the model object 'Graphics Algorithm'.
A representation of the model object 'Graphics Algorithm Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Graphics Algorithm Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Graphics Algorithm'.
This class is the main access point to all public Graphiti services.
This is an abstract marker class that indicates that an
is a
Graphiti edit part for a connection.This class is the main access point to all internal Graphiti services.
This is an abstract marker class that indicates that an
is a
Graphiti edit part for a shape.The Class GraphitiUi.
The main-class of the plugin.
The Interface IAdd.
The Interface IAddBendpointContext.
The Interface IAddBendpointFeature.
The Interface IAddConnectionContext.
The Interface IAddContext.
The Interface IAddFeature.
The Interface IAdvancedDimension.
The Interface IAdvancedLocation.
The Interface IAnchorContainerDelegate.
The Interface IAnchorContainerEditPart.
The Interface IAnchorEditPart.
The Interface IAnchorSelectionInfo.
The interface IAreaContext.
The Interface IBendpointContext.
Border decorators can be used to add a border (a rectangle around the shape)
to the visualization of a shape without modifying the dirty state of the
displaying editor, see
.The Interface IBoxRelativeAnchorEditPart.
The Interface ICellEditorProvider.
The Interface IColorConfiguration.
The Interface IColorConstant.
Color decorators can be used to modify the visualization of a shape without
modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.The Interface ICommand.
Internal utility class for commands (EMF and GEF)
- Transform into each other
- Extract features from commands
- Transform into each other
- Extract features from commands
This interface is the wrapping container around the providers and Eclipse
parts involved with an editor.
A simple interface, which can be implemented by all classes/interfaces which
provide access to an IConfigurationProviderInternal.
The Interface IConnectionContext.
The Interface IConnectionCreationToolEntry.
The Interface IConnectionDecoratorEditPart.
The Interface IConnectionEditPart.
The Interface IConnectionPattern marks a pattern for handling connections.
The Interface IConnectionSelectionInfo.
The Interface IContainerShapeEditPart.
The Interface IContext.
The Interface IContextButtonEntry.
An interface of a context button manager, which is responsible to show/hide a
context buttons for an edit-part.
The interface IContextButtonPadData allows to define all information needed
to show a context button pad.
This interface provides the visual definition for the context button pad.
The Interface IContextEntry.
The Interface IContextHolder.
The Interface IContextMenuEntry.
The Interface ICopyContext.
The Interface ICopyFeature.
The Interface ICreate.
The Interface ICreateConnection.
The Interface ICreateConnectionContext.
The Interface ICreateConnectionFeature.
The Interface ICreateContext.
The Interface ICreateFeature is for creating model content.
The Interface ICreateInfo.
The interface ICreateService provides services for the creation of all
available pictogram elements and graphics algorithm's.
The Interface ICreationToolEntry.
This interface can by used and implemented by customers within any feature to
signal the need for additional work that needs to be done before or after
undo and redo.
This interface can by used and implemented by customers within any pattern to
signal the need for additional work that needs to be done before or after
undo and redo.
The Interface ICustomContext.
The Interface ICustomFeature.
This interface can by used and implemented by customers within any feature to
signal the need for additional work that needs to be done before or after
undo and redo.
This interface can by used and implemented by customers within any pattern to
signal the need for additional work that needs to be done before or after
undo and redo.
The Interface IDataMapping.
The Interface IDecorator.
Instances of this interface provide the behavior to delete objects.
The Interface IDeleteContext.
The Interface IDeleteFeature.
The Interface IDescription.
This interface is intended as UI independent base interface for the common
behavior object that describes and implements the behavior of diagrams and
can be reused within all kinds of diagram containers, e.g.
This interface is intended as UI dependent base interface for the common
behavior object that describes and implements the behavior of diagrams and
can be reused within all kinds of diagram containers, e.g.
The Interface IDiagramContainer.
This is the main UI interface for the Graphiti diagram containers.
The Interface IDiagramEditPart.
Exports the content of a graphical viewer provided as image and as figure.
The Interface IDiagramType.
The Interface IDiagramTypeProvider is the central interface from the Graphiti
framework to the diagram type agent.
The Interface IDiagramTypeProviderHolder.
Provides constants for the Graphiti diagram versions and a description of the
The Interface IDimension.
The Interface IDirectEditing.
The Interface IDirectEditingContext.
The Interface IDirectEditingFeature.
The information provided by the IDirectEditingInfo is needed to switch
into the direct editing mode.
into the direct editing mode.
This class represents a special
suitable for usage
within an IdPattern
.The Interface IDoubleClickContext.
Base class for ID patterns.
Some helper methods to be used in ID patterns and related features.
This class represents a special
suitable for usage
within an IdPattern
.The Interface IEclipseImageDescriptor.
Provides the EditParts for the model.
All EditPolicies must be created with this IEditPolicyFactory.
Provides EMF Services, in particular with respect to
, ResourceSet
, and TransactionalEditingDomain
.Services regarding EMF.
The Interface IExecutionInfo.
The Interface IExtension.
The Interface IExtensionManager.
The Interface IFeature provides the common API for all kinds of features in
The Interface IFeatureAndContext.
The Interface IFeatureChecker.
The Interface IFeatureCheckerHolder.
The Interface IFeatureForPattern marks a feature as being executable inside a
The Interface IFeatureHolder.
The Interface IFeatureProvider.
The Interface IFeatureProviderHolder.
The marker interface IFeatureProviderWithPatterns that marks a feature
provider to deal with patterns.
The Interface IFixPointAnchorEditPart.
The interface IGaCreateService provides services for the creation of all
available graphics algorithm's.
The interface IGaLayoutService provides convenient services for the
calculation and change of the size and/or location of graphics algorithm.
The interface IGaService provides convenient services for the creation and
layout of graphics algorithm.
The Interface IGFAdapter.
The constants provided by this interface can be used with
.The Interface IGraphicsAlgorithmHolder.
The Interface IGraphicsAlgorithmRenderer.
The Interface IGraphicsAlgorithmRendererFactory.
The Interface IImageDataMapping.
Image decorators can be used to add an image to the visualization of a shape
without modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.The interface IImageProvider.
This interface provides services for the creation of images.
The Interface IIndentConfiguration.
The Interface IIndependenceSolver.
The Interface ILabelDataMapping.
The Interface ILayout.
The Interface ILayoutContext.
The Interface ILayoutFeature.
The interface ILayoutService provides convenient services which are useful
for writing layout features.
The Interface ILinkCreationInfo.
The interface ILinkService provides services for the link handling between
the graphical representation (pictogram elements) and the domain model
(business objects).
The Interface ILocation.
The Interface ILocationContext.
The Interface ILocationInfo.
The Interface ILook.
A representation of the model object 'Image'.
The Class ImageDataMapping.
Image decorators can be used to add an image to the visualization of a shape
without modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.A simple subclass of ImageFigure, which allows to set the antialias value to
be used when painting the Image.
An implementation of the model object 'Image'.
The Interface IMappingProvider.
Migration support for converting models from older to newer versions.
The Interface IMinimumSizeConfiguration.
The Interface IMoveAnchorContext.
The Interface IMoveAnchorFeature.
The Interface IMoveBendpointContext.
The Interface IMoveBendpointFeature.
The Interface IMoveConnectionDecoratorContext.
The Interface IMoveConnectionDecoratorFeature.
The Interface IMoveContext.
The Interface IMoveFeature.
The Interface IMoveShape.
The Interface IMoveShapeContext.
The Interface IMoveShapeFeature.
The Interface IMultiDeleteInfo.
The Interface IName.
The Interface INotificationService.
The Interface IObjectCreationToolEntry.
The Interface IPaletteCompartmentEntry.
The Interface IPaletteEntry.
The Interface IPaletteSeparatorEntry.
The Interface IPasteContext.
The Interface IPasteFeature.
The Interface IPattern marks a pattern for handling shapes.
The tag interface IPatternConfiguration.
Defines the API of a container holding a pattern.
The interface IPeCreateService provides services for the creation of all
available pictogram elements.
The interface IPeLayoutService provides services (e.g.
The interface IPeService provides convenient services for the creation and
layout of pictogram elements.
The Interface IPictogramElementContext.
The Interface IPictogramElementDelegate.
The Interface IPictogramElementEditPart.
The Interface IPictogramElementsContext.
This interface provides predefined image constants which can be used by the
features for image graphics algorithm.
This interface defines the IDs of the predefined rendering styles for
gradients, and constants for style adaptations of gradients.
This interface defines a print configuration container, that is used for
printing a diagram.
The Interface IPrintContext.
The Interface IPrintFeature for print support of diagrams.
A generic interface for preference containers for printing a diagram, which
serves as abstraction for generic edit fields which store their values in a
preference object
The Interface IProgress.
The Interface IProgressProvider.
The Interface IPropertyBag.
The Interface IProposal.
The Interface IProposalSupport.
The Interface IReadOnly.
The Interface IReadOnlyProvider.
The Interface IReason.
The Interface IReconnection.
The Interface IReconnectionContext.
The Interface IReconnectionFeature.
An interface for the rectangle data type.
Instances of this interface provide the behavior to remove objects.
The Interface IRemoveBendpointContext.
The Interface IRemoveBendpointFeature.
The Interface IRemoveContext.
This feature is for removing pictogram elements from a diagram.
The Interface IRendererContext.
The Interface IResizeContext.
The Interface IResizeFeature.
The Interface IResizeShape.
The Interface IResizeShapeContext.
The Interface IResizeShapeFeature.
This interface defines a save as image configuration container, that is used
for saving a diagram as an image.
The Interface ISaveImageContext.
The Interface ISaveImageFeature for the support of the save as image
The Interface ISelectionInfo.
Window - Preferences - Java - Code Style - Code Templates.
The Interface IShapeSelectionInfo.
The Interface ISingleClickContext.
The Interface ISplitConnectionContext.
The Interface IStackToolEntry.
The Interface IStructureMapping.
The Interface IStructureMappingGrid.
The Interface IStructureMappingMulti.
The Interface IStructureMappingSingle.
The Interface ITargetConnectionContext.
The Interface ITargetConnectionDecoratorContext.
The Interface ITargetContext.
The Interface ITextDataMapping.
Text decorators can be used to add a text to the visualization of a shape
without modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.The Interface IToolBehaviorProvider.
The Interface IToolEntry.
Extends the layout service interface to be able to offer layout methods which
depend on UI.
The Interface IUpdate.
The Interface IUpdateContext.
The Interface IUpdateFeature.
The Interface IVisualState allows to access and modify the transient visual
state of an element.
The Interface IVisualStateChangeListener comprises listening on changes of
the visual state.
The Interface IVisualStateHolder provides access to an
.The Class LabelDataMapping.
The Class LayoutContext.
This feature wraps the layout functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
Enumeration class for defining the keypoint along a line segment.
Enumeration class for defining the orientations of a point relative to
the line segment.
Structure to hold onto trig values that represent an angle
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Line Style',
and utility methods for working with them.
The Class LinkCreationInfo.
The Class LocationContext.
The Class LocationImpl.
The Class LocationInfo.
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Location Type',
and utility methods for working with them.
The Class LookManager.
A representation of the model object 'Manhattan Connection'.
The Class ManhattanConnectionEditPart.
An implementation of the model object 'Manhattan Connection'.
The Class MappingProviderProvider.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
Provides a clipboard-like storage of EMF-related data based on SWT
EMF model elements
by their
An EditPolicy to handle the deletion of EditParts.
The Class MoveBendpointContext.
The Class MoveConnectionDecoratorContext.
The Class MoveContext.
The Class MoveShapeContext.
The Class MoveShapeFeatureCommandWithContext.
This feature wraps the move shape functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
Can be used to pass the information if a popup shall be shown or of a multi
delete has been cancelled by the user to the next delete steps.
A representation of the model object 'Multi Text'.
An implementation of the model object 'Multi Text'.
The Class ObjectCreationToolEntry creates an palette tool which creates an
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Orientation',
and utility methods for working with them.
The Class PaletteCompartmentEntry creates a compartment entry which
visualises as a drawer in the palette containing multiple tools.
A separator for the palette.
The Class PasteContext.
A representation of the model object 'Pictogram Element'.
The Class PictogramElementContext.
A class, which contains helper-methods, which are necessary to implement the
interface IAnchorContainerEditPart.
An implementation of the model object 'Pictogram Element'.
The Class PictogramElementsContext.
A representation of the model object 'Pictogram Link'.
An implementation of the model object 'Pictogram Link'.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
A concrete implementation of the interface IEditPartFactory, which works on a
pictogram model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
A representation of the model object 'Platform Graphics Algorithm'.
An implementation of the model object 'Platform Graphics Algorithm'.
The Class PlatformImageProvider.
A representation of the model object 'Point'.
An implementation of the model object 'Point'.
A representation of the model object 'Polygon'.
An implementation of the model object 'Polygon'.
A representation of the model object 'Polyline'.
An implementation of the model object 'Polyline'.
A simple pop-up menu with a list from which the user can select one item.
An instance of this class can be created to add a submenu to a menu item
in a
.A positioned context button is a container for an
and several graphical attributes used to paint a context button.A representation of the model object '
Precision Point'.
An implementation of the model object 'Precision Point'.
Predefined gradient color-areas to be used in GFFigureUtil with method
The Class PrintContext.
This is a dialog to choose positioning and scaling for a print operation.
A PrintFigureOperation, which allows to print with fully configurable size
and position.
An Action, which is used to print the contents of the GraphicalViewer.
A representation of the model object 'Property'.
The class PropertyBag.
A representation of the model object 'Property Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Property Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Property'.
The Class Reason.
The Class ReconnectionContext.
This feature wraps the reconnection functionality of a pattern for calls of
the Graphiti framework.
A representation of the model object 'Rectangle'.
An implementation of the model object 'Rectangle'.
In this class, we combine all reflection code introduced to make Graphiti run
in a lean RCP setup, that is, for instance without org.eclipse.ui.ide
The Class RemoveBendpointContext.
The Class RemoveContext.
This feature wraps the remove functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
The Class RendererContext.
A representation of the model object 'Rendering Style'.
An implementation of the model object 'Rendering Style'.
The Class ResizeContext.
The Class ResizeShapeContext.
The Class ResizeShapeFeatureCommandWithContext.
This feature wraps the resize shape functionality of a pattern for calls of
the Graphiti framework.
A representation of the model object 'Rounded Rectangle'.
An implementation of the model object 'Rounded Rectangle'.
The Class SaveImageContext.
A subclass of the ScalableRootEditPart, which just replaces the default
ZoomManager with a ZoomManagerWithAnimation (unfortunately there is no method
setZoomManager() on the ScalableRootEditPart)
The Class SelectionInfoImpl.
A representation of the model object 'Shape'.
A GraphicalEditPart, which model is of the type Shape.
An EditPolicy, which 'forbids' any Layout dependent Commands.
An EditPolicy, which gives feedback for if an EditPart is selected.
Gives feedback on hovering.
An implementation of the model object 'Shape'.
An EditPolicy, where the Layout of the EditParts is important: they must have
an XYLayout.
The Class SingleClickContext.
An alternative implementation of
is mainly used for testing.The Class SplitConnectionContext.
The Class StackEntry creates a compartment entry which visualises as a drawer
in the palette containing multiple tools in a drop down list of which one is
active and visible.
An implementation of
which is based on
the UX guidelines.The Class StructureMapping.
The Class StructureMappingGrid.
The Class StructureMappingMulti.
The Class StructureMappingSingle.
A representation of the model object '
A representation of the model object 'Style Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Style Container'.
An implementation of the model object 'Style'.
The Adapter Factory for the model.
The Factory for the model.
An implementation of the model Factory.
The Package for the model.
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
each class,
each feature of each class,
each enum,
and each data type
An implementation of the model Package.
The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.
This class inherits from
.This class inherits from
.A representation of the model object 'Text'.
Class to construct
s while adding text.Inner class for storing the partial region styles.
This class subclasses
to overwrite the method createControl
and by doing so to handle
an undesired side-effect in combination with the usage of
.implementation of a locator for direct edit CellEditors
The Class TextDataMapping.
Text decorators can be used to add a text to the visualization of a shape
without modifying the dirty state of the displaying editor, see
.An implementation of the model object 'Text'.
A representation of the model object 'Text Style'.
An implementation of the model object 'Text Style'.
A representation of the model object 'Text Style Region'.
An implementation of the model object 'Text Style Region'.
A Thumbnail view for
.This class provides the basis for all specific pattern types.
A representation of the literals of the enumeration 'Underline Style',
and utility methods for working with them.
The Class UpdateContext.
This feature wraps the update functionality of a pattern for calls of the
Graphiti framework.
The Class UpdateNoBoFeature.
for transporting a number of object URI
-addressable objects.Data class used by
to store a list of URI
and additional lookup metadata.The Class VisualState, a simple implementation of
.The Class VisualStateChangedEvent.
A Locator, which sets the target bounds to the reference figure bounds.
A Locator, which sets the target bounds depending on the reference figure
bounds according to the following rules:
The handle-insets are used to expand/shrink the reference figure bounds,
at the beginning of the calculation.
Enhances the default ZoomManager by animating the change of the zoom.