Class GFAbstractShape

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure, org.eclipse.gef.handles.HandleBounds, IVisualStateChangeListener, IVisualStateHolder
Direct Known Subclasses:
GFAbstractPointListShape, GFAbstractRotatableDecoration, GFEllipse, GFRectangleFigure, GFRoundedRectangle

public abstract class GFAbstractShape extends org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape implements org.eclipse.gef.handles.HandleBounds, IVisualStateHolder, IVisualStateChangeListener
This class is an abstract super-class for all Shapes in Graphiti. The main idea is, that the outline and fill-area of a Shape is defined by a Path. Sub-classes usually only have to implement the abstract method createPath(Rectangle, Graphics, boolean)
  • Nested Class Summary

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure

    org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.FigureIterator, org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.IdentitySearch, org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure.ReverseFigureChildrenIterator

    Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure

  • Field Summary

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape

    lineStyle, lineWidth

    Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure

    bgColor, border, bounds, fgColor, flags, font, MAX_FLAG, maxSize, minSize, NO_MANAGER, prefSize, toolTip

    Fields inherited from interface org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure

  • Constructor Summary

    GFAbstractShape(IPictogramElementDelegate pictogramElementDelegate, GraphicsAlgorithm graphicsAlgorithm)
    Creates a new GFAbstractShape.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    final boolean
    containsPoint(int x, int y)
    Returns true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape.
    protected Boolean
    containsPointInArea(int x, int y)
    Returns true, if the given point is contained inside one of the selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms defined in getClickArea().
    protected boolean
    containsPointInFigure(int x, int y)
    Returns true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape.
    protected abstract
    createPath(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle outerBounds, org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, boolean isFill)
    Returns the Path which shall be painted in paintShape(Graphics, boolean).
    protected void
    fillPath(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, path)
    A helper method, which fills the Path according to the fill-colors of this figures GraphicsAlgorithm.
    protected void
    fillShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    Fills this Shape on the given Graphics.
    protected GraphicsAlgorithm[]
    Returns the selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms of this Shape.
    Returns the IConfigurationProviderInternal.
    Returns the GraphicsAlgorithm, which was given in the constructor.
    Returns the selection handle bounds of this Shape.
    protected int
    getLineWidth(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    Returns the line-width of this figure adjusted according to the given Graphics.
    Returns the PictogramElementDelegate, which was given in the constructor.
    protected GFPreferences
    Returns the selection GraphicsAlgorithm of this Shape.
    Returns the visual state of this shape.
    protected double
    getZoomLevel(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    Returns the zoom-level of the given Graphics.
    protected void
    outlineShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    Outlines this Shape on the given Graphics.
    paintFigure(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    First initializes the given Graphics with settings like alpha-value, antialias-value, ...
    protected void
    paintShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, boolean isFill)
    Outlines or fills this Shape on the given Graphics.
    protected void
    transformToFillBounds(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle outlineBounds, org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
    Changes the given outline-bounds which should be calculated by #getSingletonOutlineBounds(Graphics)) to the fill-bounds.
    Is called after the visual state changed.

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape

    getAlpha, getAntialias, getLineAttributes, getLineCap, getLineDash, getLineDashOffset, getLineJoin, getLineMiterLimit, getLineStyle, getLineWidth, getLineWidthFloat, setAlpha, setAlpha, setAntialias, setAntialias, setFill, setFillXOR, setLineAttributes, setLineCap, setLineDash, setLineDashOffset, setLineJoin, setLineMiterLimit, setLineStyle, setLineWidth, setLineWidthFloat, setOutline, setOutlineXOR, setXOR

    Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure

    add, add, add, add, addAncestorListener, addCoordinateListener, addFigureListener, addFocusListener, addKeyListener, addLayoutListener, addListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addNotify, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, containsPoint, erase, findDescendantAtExcluding, findFigureAt, findFigureAt, findFigureAt, findFigureAtExcluding, findMouseEventTargetAt, findMouseEventTargetInDescendantsAt, fireCoordinateSystemChanged, fireFigureMoved, fireMoved, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, getBackgroundColor, getBorder, getBounds, getChildren, getChildrenRevIterable, getClientArea, getClientArea, getClippingStrategy, getCursor, getFlag, getFont, getForegroundColor, getInsets, getLayoutManager, getListeners, getListenersIterable, getLocalBackgroundColor, getLocalFont, getLocalForegroundColor, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getMinimumSize, getParent, getPreferredSize, getPreferredSize, getSize, getToolTip, getUpdateManager, handleFocusGained, handleFocusLost, handleKeyPressed, handleKeyReleased, handleMouseDoubleClicked, handleMouseDragged, handleMouseEntered, handleMouseExited, handleMouseHover, handleMouseMoved, handleMousePressed, handleMouseReleased, hasFocus, internalGetEventDispatcher, intersects, invalidate, invalidateTree, isCoordinateSystem, isEnabled, isFocusTraversable, isMirrored, isMouseEventTarget, isOpaque, isRequestFocusEnabled, isShowing, isValid, isValidationRoot, isVisible, layout, optimizeClip, paint, paintBorder, paintChildren, paintClientArea, primTranslate, remove, removeAll, removeAncestorListener, removeCoordinateListener, removeFigureListener, removeFocusListener, removeKeyListener, removeLayoutListener, removeListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeNotify, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, revalidate, setBackgroundColor, setBorder, setBounds, setChildrenDirection, setChildrenEnabled, setChildrenOrientation, setClippingStrategy, setConstraint, setCursor, setEnabled, setFlag, setFocusTraversable, setFont, setForegroundColor, setLayoutManager, setLocation, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setOpaque, setParent, setPreferredSize, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setSize, setSize, setToolTip, setValid, setVisible, translate, translateFromParent, translateToAbsolute, translateToParent, translateToRelative, useLocalCoordinates, validate

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure

    add, add, add, add, addAncestorListener, addCoordinateListener, addFigureListener, addFocusListener, addKeyListener, addLayoutListener, addMouseListener, addMouseMotionListener, addNotify, addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, containsPoint, erase, findFigureAt, findFigureAt, findFigureAt, findFigureAtExcluding, findMouseEventTargetAt, getBackgroundColor, getBorder, getBounds, getChildren, getClientArea, getClientArea, getClippingStrategy, getCursor, getFont, getForegroundColor, getInsets, getLayoutManager, getLocalBackgroundColor, getLocalForegroundColor, getLocation, getMaximumSize, getMinimumSize, getMinimumSize, getParent, getPreferredSize, getPreferredSize, getSize, getToolTip, getUpdateManager, handleFocusGained, handleFocusLost, handleKeyPressed, handleKeyReleased, handleMouseDoubleClicked, handleMouseDragged, handleMouseEntered, handleMouseExited, handleMouseHover, handleMouseMoved, handleMousePressed, handleMouseReleased, hasFocus, internalGetEventDispatcher, intersects, invalidate, invalidateTree, isCoordinateSystem, isEnabled, isFocusTraversable, isMirrored, isOpaque, isRequestFocusEnabled, isShowing, isVisible, paint, remove, removeAncestorListener, removeCoordinateListener, removeFigureListener, removeFocusListener, removeKeyListener, removeLayoutListener, removeMouseListener, removeMouseMotionListener, removeNotify, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, repaint, repaint, repaint, requestFocus, revalidate, setBackgroundColor, setBorder, setBounds, setClippingStrategy, setConstraint, setCursor, setEnabled, setFocusTraversable, setFont, setForegroundColor, setLayoutManager, setLocation, setMaximumSize, setMinimumSize, setOpaque, setParent, setPreferredSize, setRequestFocusEnabled, setSize, setSize, setToolTip, setVisible, translate, translateFromParent, translateToAbsolute, translateToParent, translateToRelative, validate
  • Constructor Details

    • GFAbstractShape

      public GFAbstractShape(IPictogramElementDelegate pictogramElementDelegate, GraphicsAlgorithm graphicsAlgorithm)
      Creates a new GFAbstractShape.
      pictogramElementDelegate - The PictogramElementDelegate which provides the GraphicsAlgorithm.
      graphicsAlgorithm - The GraphicsAlgorithm which provides the values to paint this Shape. It is either the immediate GraphicsAlgorithm of the PictogramElementDelegate or a child of that immediate GraphicsAlgorithm. It must not be null.
  • Method Details

    • createPath

      protected abstract createPath(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle outerBounds, org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, boolean isFill)
      Returns the Path which shall be painted in paintShape(Graphics, boolean).
      outerBounds - The outer bounds which shall contain the Path. They are calculated from the bounds of this figure by GFFigureUtil.getAdjustedRectangle(Rectangle, double, int) . Note, that those outline-bounds are just a suggestion which works fine for many cases.
      graphics - The Graphics on which the outline Path shall be painted. It can be used to react on Graphics specific values, like the zoom-level of the Graphics.
      isFill - if true, the Path is used for filling the Shape, otherwise for outlining the Shape.
      The Path which shall be painted in paintShape(Graphics, boolean).
    • getPictogramElementDelegate

      protected IPictogramElementDelegate getPictogramElementDelegate()
      Returns the PictogramElementDelegate, which was given in the constructor.
      The PictogramElementDelegate, which was given in the constructor.
    • getGraphicsAlgorithm

      protected GraphicsAlgorithm getGraphicsAlgorithm()
      Returns the GraphicsAlgorithm, which was given in the constructor.
      The GraphicsAlgorithm, which was given in the constructor.
    • getConfigurationProvider

      protected IConfigurationProviderInternal getConfigurationProvider()
      Returns the IConfigurationProviderInternal. This is just a convenience for getPictogramElementDelegate().getConfigurationProvider() .
      The IConfigurationProviderInternal.
    • getZoomLevel

      protected double getZoomLevel(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      Returns the zoom-level of the given Graphics.
      graphics - The Graphics for which to return the zoom-level.
      The zoom-level of the given Graphics.
    • getLineWidth

      protected int getLineWidth(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      Returns the line-width of this figure adjusted according to the given Graphics. This means especially, that the line-width is multiplied with the zoom-level of the given Graphics.
      graphics - The Graphics used to adjust the line-width.
      The line-width of this figure adjusted according to the given Graphics.
    • transformToFillBounds

      protected void transformToFillBounds(org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle outlineBounds, org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      Changes the given outline-bounds which should be calculated by #getSingletonOutlineBounds(Graphics)) to the fill-bounds. In this default implementation the fill-bounds are calculated from the outline-bounds by
      • Shrinking by the half line-width, so that the fill-bounds fit exactly inside the outline painted using the line-width
      outlineBounds - The outline-bounds to transform. They should be calculated by #getSingletonOutlineBounds(Graphics).
      graphics - The Graphics used to calculate the bounds.
    • getClickArea

      protected GraphicsAlgorithm[] getClickArea()
      Returns the selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms of this Shape. By default the bounds of a Shape are used as selection-area to calculate if a Point is inside the Shape (see containsPoint(int, int)). With this method the selection area can be changed, so that the selection-area are all bounds of the returned selection-area GraphicsAlgorithm. Can be null, if no special selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms exists.

      By default this method returns IToolBehaviorProvider.getClickArea(PictogramElement)

      The selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms of this Shape. Can be null.
      See Also:
    • getSelectionBorder

      protected GraphicsAlgorithm getSelectionBorder()
      Returns the selection GraphicsAlgorithm of this Shape. By default the bounds of a Shape are used to give selection feedback, especially the selection handles. With this method the selection feedback can be changed, so that the handle-bounds are the bounds of the returned selection GraphicsAlgorithm. Can be null, if no special selection GraphicsAlgorithm exists.

      By default this method returns IToolBehaviorProvider.getSelectionBorder(PictogramElement)

      The selection GraphicsAlgorithm of this Shape. Can be null.
      See Also:
    • containsPointInArea

      protected Boolean containsPointInArea(int x, int y)
      Returns true, if the given point is contained inside one of the selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms defined in getClickArea().
      x - The x-coordinate of the point to check.
      y - The y-coordinate of the point to check.
      true, if the given point is contained inside one of the selection-area GraphicsAlgorithms.
      See Also:
    • containsPointInFigure

      protected boolean containsPointInFigure(int x, int y)
      Returns true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape. This implementation just forwards to super.contains(x, y).
      x - The x-coordinate of the point to check.
      y - The y-coordinate of the point to check.
      true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape.
      See Also:
    • fillPath

      protected void fillPath(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, path)
      A helper method, which fills the Path according to the fill-colors of this figures GraphicsAlgorithm. This can be a single-color filling or a gradient filling.
      graphics - The graphics on which to fill the Path.
      path - The Path which to fill.
    • paintShape

      protected void paintShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics, boolean isFill)
      Outlines or fills this Shape on the given Graphics. First the outline Path is be determined by calling createPath(Rectangle, Graphics, boolean). Afterwards this Path is either outlined on the Graphics using the correct line-width or filled using a single color or color-gradients.
      graphics - The Graphics on which to outline or fill this Shape.
      isFill - if true, fills this Shape, otherwise outlines this Shape.
    • paintFigure

      public void paintFigure(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      First initializes the given Graphics with settings like alpha-value, antialias-value, ... Afterwards calls super.paintFigure(graphics) to continue with the default painting mechanisms.
      paintFigure in class org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape
      graphics - The Graphics on which to paint.
    • fillShape

      protected void fillShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      Fills this Shape on the given Graphics. This implementation just forwards to paintShape(Graphics, boolean).
      Specified by:
      fillShape in class org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape
      graphics - The Graphics on which to fill this Shape.
    • outlineShape

      protected void outlineShape(org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics graphics)
      Outlines this Shape on the given Graphics. This implementation just forwards to paintShape(Graphics, boolean).
      Specified by:
      outlineShape in class org.eclipse.draw2d.Shape
      graphics - The Graphics on which to outline this Shape.
    • containsPoint

      public final boolean containsPoint(int x, int y)
      Returns true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape. It first calls containsPointInArea(int, int) to check if there is a special selection-area defined for this Shape. If not, it returns containsPointInFigure(int, int).

      This method is final. Override containsPointInFigure(int, int) if needed.

      Specified by:
      containsPoint in interface org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure
      containsPoint in class org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure
      x - The x-coordinate of the point to check.
      y - The y-coordinate of the point to check.
      true, if the given point is contained inside this Shape.
    • getHandleBounds

      public org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Rectangle getHandleBounds()
      Returns the selection handle bounds of this Shape. First it checks, if a special selection GraphicsAlgorithm is defined for this Shape (see getSelectionBorder(). Otherwise it just returns the bounds of this Shape.
      Specified by:
      getHandleBounds in interface org.eclipse.gef.handles.HandleBounds
      The selection handle bounds of this Shape.
    • getVisualState

      public IVisualState getVisualState()
      Returns the visual state of this shape.
      Specified by:
      getVisualState in interface IVisualStateHolder
      The visual state of this shape.
    • visualStateChanged

      public void visualStateChanged(VisualStateChangedEvent e)
      Is called after the visual state changed.
      Specified by:
      visualStateChanged in interface IVisualStateChangeListener
    • setSelectionBorder

      public void setSelectionBorder(GraphicsAlgorithm selectionBorder)
      selectionBorder - the selectionBorder to set
    • setClickArea

      public void setClickArea(GraphicsAlgorithm[] clickArea)
      clickArea - the clickArea to set
    • getPreferences

      protected GFPreferences getPreferences()