Interface ICreateConnection

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
IConnectionPattern, ICreateConnectionFeature
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractConnectionPattern, AbstractCreateConnectionFeature, CreateConnectionFeatureForPattern

public interface ICreateConnection extends ICreateInfo
The Interface ICreateConnection.
  • Method Details

    • canCreate

      boolean canCreate(ICreateConnectionContext context)
      Can create.
      context - the context
      true, if successful
    • create

      Creates the connection.
      context - the context
      The connection that has been created or null in case no valid connection can be returned. Currently this return value is not evaluated by the Graphiti framework but it might be used in future versions but only for performance optimizations.
    • canStartConnection

      boolean canStartConnection(ICreateConnectionContext context)
      Can start connection.
      context - the context
      true, if successful
    • startConnecting

      void startConnecting()
      Will called after a connection creation tool from the palette was selected.
      Note: In contrast to the standard feature methods like canCreate(ICreateConnectionContext) and create(ICreateConnectionContext) this method will not be called in the scope of an EMF transaction. In case you want to modify the model (EMF domain objects or Graphiti pictogram objects) you need to do that within a command executed on the editor's command stack to make sure that the modification happens inside an EMF write transaction. Keep in mind that any changes you do within such a command will be create a seperate entry in the undo/redo stack for the editor, which might not be the desired effect.
    • endConnecting

      void endConnecting()
      Will called after a connection creation tool from the palette was deselected.
      Note: In contrast to the standard feature methods like canCreate(ICreateConnectionContext) and create(ICreateConnectionContext) this method will not be called in the scope of an EMF transaction. In case you want to modify the model (EMF domain objects or Graphiti pictogram objects) you need to do that within a command executed on the editor's command stack to make sure that the modification happens inside an EMF write transaction. Keep in mind that any changes you do within such a command will be create a seperate entry in the undo/redo stack for the editor, which might not be the desired effect.
    • attachedToSource

      void attachedToSource(ICreateConnectionContext context)
      Will called after a connection was successfully attached to an anchor of a source object.
      Note: In contrast to the standard feature methods like canCreate(ICreateConnectionContext) and create(ICreateConnectionContext) this method will not be called in the scope of an EMF transaction. In case you want to modify the model (EMF domain objects or Graphiti pictogram objects) you need to do that within a command executed on the editor's command stack to make sure that the modification happens inside an EMF write transaction. Keep in mind that any changes you do within such a command will be create a seperate entry in the undo/redo stack for the editor, which might not be the desired effect.
      context - the context
    • canceledAttaching

      void canceledAttaching(ICreateConnectionContext context)
      Will called if the connection creation process was canceled after the successful attachment of the connection to an anchor of a source object. E.g. user pressed ESC, user clicked on an invalid target, focus was lost, ...
      Note: In contrast to the standard feature methods like canCreate(ICreateConnectionContext) and create(ICreateConnectionContext) this method will not be called in the scope of an EMF transaction. In case you want to modify the model (EMF domain objects or Graphiti pictogram objects) you need to do that within a command executed on the editor's command stack to make sure that the modification happens inside an EMF write transaction. Keep in mind that any changes you do within such a command will be create a seperate entry in the undo/redo stack for the editor, which might not be the desired effect.
      context - the context