Interface PictogramsPackage.Literals

Enclosing interface:

public static interface PictogramsPackage.Literals
Defines literals for the meta objects that represent
  • each class,
  • each feature of each class,
  • each enum,
  • and each data type
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Advanced Anchor' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Use Anchor Location As Connection Endpoint' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Anchor' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Incoming Connections' reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Outgoing Connections' reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Parent' container reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Referenced Graphics Algorithm' reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Anchor Container' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Anchors' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Box Relative Anchor' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Relative Height' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Relative Width' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Chopbox Anchor' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Composite Connection' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Children' reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Connection' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Connection Decorators' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'End' reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Parent' container reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Start' reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Connection Decorator' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Connection' container reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Location' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Location Relative' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Container Shape' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Children' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Curved Connection' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Control Points' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Diagram' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Colors' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Connections' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Diagram Type Id' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Fonts' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Grid Unit' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Pictogram Links' reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Show Guides' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Snap To Grid' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Version' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Vertical Grid Unit' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Fix Point Anchor' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Location' containment reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Free Form Connection' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Bendpoints' containment reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Manhattan Connection' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Pictogram Element' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Active' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Graphics Algorithm' containment reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Link' containment reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute
    The meta object literal for the 'Visible' attribute feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Pictogram Link' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Business Objects' reference list feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Pictogram Element' container reference feature.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass
    The meta object literal for the 'Shape' class.
    static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference
    The meta object literal for the 'Container' container reference feature.
  • Field Details

    • SHAPE

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass SHAPE
      The meta object literal for the 'Shape' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference SHAPE__CONTAINER
      The meta object literal for the 'Container' container reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass CONTAINER_SHAPE
      The meta object literal for the 'Container Shape' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONTAINER_SHAPE__CHILDREN
      The meta object literal for the 'Children' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass DIAGRAM
      The meta object literal for the 'Diagram' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__GRID_UNIT
      The meta object literal for the 'Grid Unit' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__DIAGRAM_TYPE_ID
      The meta object literal for the 'Diagram Type Id' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference DIAGRAM__CONNECTIONS
      The meta object literal for the 'Connections' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__NAME
      The meta object literal for the 'Name' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__SNAP_TO_GRID
      The meta object literal for the 'Snap To Grid' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__SHOW_GUIDES
      The meta object literal for the 'Show Guides' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference DIAGRAM__COLORS
      The meta object literal for the 'Colors' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference DIAGRAM__FONTS
      The meta object literal for the 'Fonts' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__VERTICAL_GRID_UNIT
      The meta object literal for the 'Vertical Grid Unit' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute DIAGRAM__VERSION
      The meta object literal for the 'Version' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass PICTOGRAM_ELEMENT
      The meta object literal for the 'Pictogram Element' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute PICTOGRAM_ELEMENT__VISIBLE
      The meta object literal for the 'Visible' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference PICTOGRAM_ELEMENT__GRAPHICS_ALGORITHM
      The meta object literal for the 'Graphics Algorithm' containment reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute PICTOGRAM_ELEMENT__ACTIVE
      The meta object literal for the 'Active' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Connection' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONNECTION__START
      The meta object literal for the 'Start' reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONNECTION__END
      The meta object literal for the 'End' reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONNECTION__PARENT
      The meta object literal for the 'Parent' container reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONNECTION__CONNECTION_DECORATORS
      The meta object literal for the 'Connection Decorators' containment reference list feature.
    • ANCHOR

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass ANCHOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Anchor' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference ANCHOR__PARENT
      The meta object literal for the 'Parent' container reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference ANCHOR__OUTGOING_CONNECTIONS
      The meta object literal for the 'Outgoing Connections' reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference ANCHOR__INCOMING_CONNECTIONS
      The meta object literal for the 'Incoming Connections' reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference ANCHOR__REFERENCED_GRAPHICS_ALGORITHM
      The meta object literal for the 'Referenced Graphics Algorithm' reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass ANCHOR_CONTAINER
      The meta object literal for the 'Anchor Container' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference ANCHOR_CONTAINER__ANCHORS
      The meta object literal for the 'Anchors' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass FIX_POINT_ANCHOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Fix Point Anchor' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference FIX_POINT_ANCHOR__LOCATION
      The meta object literal for the 'Location' containment reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass BOX_RELATIVE_ANCHOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Box Relative Anchor' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute BOX_RELATIVE_ANCHOR__RELATIVE_WIDTH
      The meta object literal for the 'Relative Width' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute BOX_RELATIVE_ANCHOR__RELATIVE_HEIGHT
      The meta object literal for the 'Relative Height' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass CHOPBOX_ANCHOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Chopbox Anchor' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass CONNECTION_DECORATOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Connection Decorator' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute CONNECTION_DECORATOR__LOCATION_RELATIVE
      The meta object literal for the 'Location Relative' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute CONNECTION_DECORATOR__LOCATION
      The meta object literal for the 'Location' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CONNECTION_DECORATOR__CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Connection' container reference feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass FREE_FORM_CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Free Form Connection' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference FREE_FORM_CONNECTION__BENDPOINTS
      The meta object literal for the 'Bendpoints' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass MANHATTAN_CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Manhattan Connection' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass ADVANCED_ANCHOR
      The meta object literal for the 'Advanced Anchor' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute ADVANCED_ANCHOR__USE_ANCHOR_LOCATION_AS_CONNECTION_ENDPOINT
      The meta object literal for the 'Use Anchor Location As Connection Endpoint' attribute feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass CURVED_CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Curved Connection' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference CURVED_CONNECTION__CONTROL_POINTS
      The meta object literal for the 'Control Points' containment reference list feature.

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass COMPOSITE_CONNECTION
      The meta object literal for the 'Composite Connection' class.
      See Also:

      static final org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference COMPOSITE_CONNECTION__CHILDREN
      The meta object literal for the 'Children' reference list feature.