Interface IPrintFeature

All Superinterfaces:
IDescription, IFeature, IFeatureProviderHolder, IName
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPrintFeature, DefaultPrintFeature

public interface IPrintFeature extends IFeature
The Interface IPrintFeature for print support of diagrams.
  • Method Details

    • canPrint

      boolean canPrint(IPrintContext context)
      Checks if the printing can be executed, e.g the availability of printers is being checked in the default implementation.
      context - the context
      true, if successful
    • print

      void print(IPrintContext context)
      Print the diagram using the given context information. By default the complete diagram is printed, there's currently no option to influence the printing via the context.
      context - Context information for printing
    • prePrint

      void prePrint(IPrintContext context)
      Pre-print hook. Called before the actual print process starts. You may use this hook to influence the current state of the diagram or the selection.
      context - the context
    • postPrint

      void postPrint(IPrintContext context)
      Post-print hook. Called after the actual print process. You may use this hook to set back the changes done in the prePrint method.
      context - the context