Class DefaultDeleteFeature

All Implemented Interfaces:
IDeleteFeature, IFeature, IFeatureProviderHolder, IDelete, IDescription, IName
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class DefaultDeleteFeature extends AbstractFeature implements IDeleteFeature
The Graphiti default implementation of the IDeleteFeature. It cares about removing the shape(s) representing the deleted domain object(s) from the diagram (by delegating to the IRemoveFeature provided by the IFeatureProvider. After that the EMF domain objects will be deleted using standard EMF functionality.
Before the deletion process starts the tool user will be asked if he really wants to delete; the popup appears only once for multi object deletions.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • canDelete

      public boolean canDelete(IDeleteContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IDelete
      Can delete hook. Needs to be implemented in order to decide if a feature can (and wants to) handle a delete request.
      Specified by:
      canDelete in interface IDelete
      context - the context describing the request
      true, if the feature can perform the delete operation
    • delete

      public void delete(IDeleteContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IDelete
      Hook to implement the actual delete functionality.
      Specified by:
      delete in interface IDelete
      context - the context
    • deleteBusinessObjects

      protected void deleteBusinessObjects(Object[] businessObjects)
      Standard functionality to delete all given domain objects.
      businessObjects - the domain objects to delete
    • deleteBusinessObject

      protected void deleteBusinessObject(Object bo)
      Standard functionality to delete one domain object. Will delegate for EObjects to EcoreUtil.delete(EObject, boolean); non-EMF objects will be ignored.
      bo - the domain object to delete
    • preDelete

      public void preDelete(IDeleteContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IDelete
      Pre delete hook that can be implemented by users to perform any operations that need to be done before the standard delete functionality starts. Be sure to call DefaultDeleteFeature#setDoneChanges(boolean) in case you modify any EMF objects to enable that the command stack gets updated.
      Specified by:
      preDelete in interface IDelete
      context - the context
    • isDeleteAbort

      public boolean isDeleteAbort()
      Description copied from interface: IDelete
      The Graphiti framework will call this method after IDelete.preDelete(IDeleteContext) has been called and before the actual delete is done. In case this method returns true, the operation will be cancelled by the Graphiti framework by throwing an OperationCanceledException that causes am EMF revert of the operation.

      Implementing classes might e.g. set a flag in IDelete.preDelete(IDeleteContext) as cancellation indication and check that that flag here.

      Specified by:
      isDeleteAbort in interface IDelete
      true in case you want to cancel the current operation, false otherwise.
    • postDelete

      public void postDelete(IDeleteContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IDelete
      Post delete hook that can be implemented by users to perform any operations that need to be done after the standard delete functionality ends.
      Specified by:
      postDelete in interface IDelete
      context - the context
    • canExecute

      public boolean canExecute(IContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IFeature
      Decides if the current feature can execute with the given context.
      Specified by:
      canExecute in interface IFeature
      context - this is the general input for this method
      true if the feature can be executed, false if not
      See Also:
    • execute

      public void execute(IContext context)
      Description copied from interface: IFeature
      Executes the current feature with the given context.
      Specified by:
      execute in interface IFeature
      context - this is the general input for this method
      See Also:
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Hook to return the name of the delete operation e.g for display in the context menu. The standard implementation simply returns "Delete".
      Specified by:
      getName in interface IName
      getName in class AbstractFeature
      The diplay name of the operation
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
      Description copied from interface: IDescription
      Gets the description.
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface IDescription
      getDescription in class AbstractFeature
      the description
    • hasDoneChanges

      public boolean hasDoneChanges()
      Description copied from interface: IFeature
      Is queried by the framework after a feature has been executed to find out if this feature should appear in the undo stack of e.g. an editor. By default all features should appear there (see implementation in AbstractFeature), but features may decide to override this behavior. Note that this is a dynamic attribute of the feature that is queried each time after the feature has been executed.

      IMPORTANT NOTE: The implementor of the feature is responsible for correctly implementing this method! It might lead to inconsistencies in the command stack if this method returns false although the feature did changes.

      Specified by:
      hasDoneChanges in interface IFeature
      hasDoneChanges in class AbstractFeature
      true if the feature should appear in the undo stack, false otherwise
    • setDoneChanges

      protected void setDoneChanges(boolean doneChanges)
      Can be called by users (in subclasses of DefaultDeleteFeature) to tell the framework that changes have been done that should reflect on the command stack. The method is called by the standard implementation in delete(IDeleteContext) right after the first shape has been removed from the diagram.
      doneChanges - truein case modifications have been made, false otherwise
    • getUserDecision

      protected boolean getUserDecision(IDeleteContext context)
      Shows a dialog which asks the user to confirm the deletion of one or more elements.
      context - delete context
      true to delete element(s); false to cancel delete
    • getDeleteName

      protected String getDeleteName(IDeleteContext context)
      Returns the delete name which will be used for the delete dialog. E.g. "file". The default implementation returns null to indicate that the popup text refers to "this object".
      context - the delete context
      the delete name, or null to indicate no special name shall be used