Interface IGaLayoutService

All Known Subinterfaces:
IGaService, ILayoutService, IUiLayoutService
All Known Implementing Classes:
GaServiceImpl, LayoutServiceImpl, UiLayoutService

public interface IGaLayoutService
The interface IGaLayoutService provides convenient services for the calculation and change of the size and/or location of graphics algorithm. This makes it easier to write layout features.
  • Method Details

    • calculateSize

      IDimension calculateSize(GraphicsAlgorithm ga)
      Calculates the size of the given graphics algorithm. If the graphics algorithm is a polyline or polygon then the size will be calculated. Otherwise the size of the graphics algorithm is simply returned.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      the dimension of the given graphics algorithm
    • calculateSize

      IDimension calculateSize(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, boolean considerLineWidth)
      Calculates the size of the given graphics algorithm. If the graphics algorithm is a polyline or polygon then the size will be calculated. Otherwise the size of the graphics algorithm is simply returned.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      considerLineWidth - if TRUE, the line width will be considered in the dimension
      the dimension of the given graphics algorithm
    • setHeight

      void setHeight(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int height)
      Sets the height of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      height - the new height
    • setLocationAndSize

      void setLocationAndSize(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int x, int y, int width, int height)
      Sets location and size of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      x - the new x coordinate
      y - the new y coordinate
      width - the new width
      height - the new height
    • setLocationAndSize

      void setLocationAndSize(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int x, int y, int width, int height, boolean avoidNegativeCoordinates)
      Sets location and size of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      x - the new x coordinate
      y - the new y coordinate
      width - the new width
      height - the new height
      avoidNegativeCoordinates - if TRUE, a negative coordinate will automatically set to 0.
    • setLocation

      void setLocation(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int x, int y)
      Sets the location of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      x - the new x coordinate
      y - the new y coordinate
    • setLocation

      void setLocation(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int x, int y, boolean avoidNegativeCoordinates)
      Sets the location of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      x - the new x coordinate
      y - the new y coordinate
      avoidNegativeCoordinates - if TRUE, a negative coordinate will automatically set to 0.
    • setSize

      void setSize(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int width, int height)
      Sets the size of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      width - the new width
      height - the new height
    • setWidth

      void setWidth(GraphicsAlgorithm ga, int width)
      Sets the width of the given graphics algorithm.
      ga - graphics algorithm
      width - the new width