
  • Class
    This class is the main access point to all public Graphiti services.
    The interface ICreateService provides services for the creation of all available pictogram elements and graphics algorithm's.
    The interface IGaCreateService provides services for the creation of all available graphics algorithm's.
    The interface IGaLayoutService provides convenient services for the calculation and change of the size and/or location of graphics algorithm.
    The interface IGaService provides convenient services for the creation and layout of graphics algorithm.
    The interface ILayoutService provides convenient services which are useful for writing layout features.
    The interface ILinkService provides services for the link handling between the graphical representation (pictogram elements) and the domain model (business objects).
    Migration support for converting models from older to newer versions.
    The interface IPeCreateService provides services for the creation of all available pictogram elements.
    The interface IPeLayoutService provides services (e.g.
    The interface IPeService provides convenient services for the creation and layout of pictogram elements.