Interface IProposalSupport

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IProposalSupport
The Interface IProposalSupport.
  • Method Details

    • getPossibleValues

      IProposal[] getPossibleValues(IDirectEditingContext context)
      This value will be used if the cell editor is a combo box. This functionality only applies to TYPE_DROPDOWN.
      context - the context
      the possible values for the combo box.
    • getValueProposals

      IProposal[] getValueProposals(String value, int caretPosition, IDirectEditingContext context)
      This proposals will be used for the completion list of a simple text cell editor. This functionality only applies to TYPE_TEXT.
      value - current value
      caretPosition - current cursor position
      context - the context
      the proposed values
    • completeValue

      String completeValue(String value, int caretPosition, IProposal choosenValue, IDirectEditingContext context)
      Framework calls this method to let the feature calculate the new value.
      value - current value
      caretPosition - current cursor position
      choosenValue - value choosen by user
      context - the context
      the new value
    • checkValueValid

      String checkValueValid(String text, IProposal proposal, IDirectEditingContext context)
      This method will be called by clients many times to see if current value is valid and could be set.
      text - the value as text
      proposal - the value as proposal
      context - the context
      null if value is okay and could be set; any text means value is not valid; text is reason for invalidality
    • setValue

      void setValue(String text, IProposal proposal, IDirectEditingContext context)
      Set the new value. The value comes from the text editing UI component.
      text - the value
      proposal - the selected proposal
      context - the context