Class CreateServiceImpl

All Implemented Interfaces:
ICreateService, IGaCreateService, IPeCreateService

public final class CreateServiceImpl extends Object implements ICreateService
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateServiceImpl

      public CreateServiceImpl()
  • Method Details

    • createDefaultMultiText

      public MultiText createDefaultMultiText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm with the default font (Arial, size 8) and the given text. Use this method only if you want to use the default text, otherwise use IGaCreateService.createMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer, String)

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: Arial
      size: 8
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createDefaultMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram to manage the font
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new multiline text
    • createDefaultMultiText

      public MultiText createDefaultMultiText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm with the default font (Arial, size 8). Use this method only if you want to use the default text, otherwise use IGaCreateService.createMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer)

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      name: Arial
      size: 8
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createDefaultMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram to manage the font
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new multiline text
    • createDefaultText

      public Text createDefaultText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with the default font (Arial, size 8) and the given text. Use this method only if you want to use the default text, otherwise use IGaCreateService.createText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer, String)

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: Arial
      size: 8
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createDefaultText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram to manage the font
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new text
    • createDefaultText

      public Text createDefaultText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with the default font (Arial, size 8). Use this method only if you want to use the default text, otherwise use IGaCreateService.createText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer)

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      name: Arial
      size: 8
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createDefaultText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram to manage the font
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new text
    • createEllipse

      public Ellipse createEllipse(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates an Ellipse graphics algorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createEllipse in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new ellipse
    • createPlainEllipse

      public Ellipse createPlainEllipse(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Ellipse graphics algorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainEllipse in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new ellipse
      See Also:
    • createImage

      public Image createImage(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String imageId)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Image graphics algorithm with the given image id.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: true
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      id: TEST
      stretchH: false
      stretchV: false
      proportional: false

      Specified by:
      createImage in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      imageId - the image id
      the new image
    • createPlainImage

      public Image createPlainImage(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String imageId)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Image graphics algorithm with the given image id. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainImage in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      imageId - the image id
      the new image
      See Also:
    • createInvisibleRectangle

      public Rectangle createInvisibleRectangle(PictogramElement pe)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Create an invisible Rectangle.

      The following values are set by default when it is shown:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      lineVisible: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createInvisibleRectangle in interface IGaCreateService
      pe - the pictogram element to create the rectangle
      the rectangle
    • createMultiText

      public MultiText createMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm with the given text.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value

      Specified by:
      createMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new multiline text
    • createPlainMultiText

      public MultiText createPlainMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain MultiText graphics algorithm with the given text. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new multiline text
      See Also:
    • createMultiText

      public MultiText createMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: ""

      Specified by:
      createMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new multiline text
    • createPlainMultiText

      public MultiText createPlainMultiText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain MultiText graphics algorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new multiline text
      See Also:
    • createMultiText

      public MultiText createMultiText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value, String fontName, int fontSize)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm with the given text and font. The font will be displayed in straight (no italics or bold) and will be managed within the given diagram; in case the font already exists it will be reused, otherwise the corresponding font instance will be created.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: fontNamel
      size: fontSize
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram that shall be used for managing the font for the new text field
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      fontName - the name of the font to use for the new text field
      fontSize - the size of the font to use for the new text field
      the new multiline text
    • createMultiText

      public MultiText createMultiText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value, String fontName, int fontSize, boolean isFontItalic, boolean isFontBold)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a MultiText graphics algorithm with the given text and font. The font will be managed within the given diagram; in case the font already exists it will be reused, otherwise the corresponding font instance will be created.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: fontNamel
      size: fontSize
      italic: isFontItalic
      bold: isFontBold

      Specified by:
      createMultiText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram that shall be used for managing the font for the new text field
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      fontName - the name of the font to use for the new text field
      fontSize - the size of the font to use for the new text field
      isFontItalic - flag if the font to use for the new text field should be italic or not
      isFontBold - flag if the font to use for the new text field should be bold or not
      the new multiline text
    • createPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm

      public PlatformGraphicsAlgorithm createPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String id)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates the PlatformGraphicsAlgorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      id: id

      Specified by:
      createPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      id - the id
      the platform graphics algorithm
    • createPlainPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm

      public PlatformGraphicsAlgorithm createPlainPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String id)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates the plain PlatformGraphicsAlgorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPlatformGraphicsAlgorithm in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      id - the id
      the platform graphics algorithm
      See Also:
    • createPoint

      public Point createPoint(int x, int y, int before, int after)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Point datatype for the given x/y coordinates. The additional before/after parameters defined at which distance before/after the point a rounded curve will start/end. Note, that before/after parameters have only an effect, if the graphics algorithm support them, e.g. polygon and polyline.
      Specified by:
      createPoint in interface IGaCreateService
      x - the x coordinate
      y - the y coordinate
      before - the distance before, if supported
      after - the distance after, if supported
      the new point
    • createPoint

      public Point createPoint(int x, int y)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Point datatype for the given x/y coordinates.
      Specified by:
      createPoint in interface IGaCreateService
      x - the x coordinate
      y - the y coordinate
      the new point
    • createPointList

      public List<Point> createPointList(int[] xy, int[] beforeAfter)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a list of Point datatypes for the given x/y coordinates. Note, that before/after parameters have only an effect, if the graphics algorithm support them, e.g. polygon and polyline.
      Specified by:
      createPointList in interface IGaCreateService
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      beforeAfter - The before/after parameters: [before0, after0, ..., beforeN, afterN]
      the point list
    • createPointList

      public List<Point> createPointList(int[] xy)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a list of Point datatypes for the given x/y coordinates.
      Specified by:
      createPointList in interface IGaCreateService
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ...,xN, yN]
      the point list
    • createPolygon

      public Polygon createPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, Collection<Point> points)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: true
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      points - collection of point
      the new polygon
    • createPlainPolygon

      public Polygon createPlainPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, Collection<Point> points)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      points - collection of point
      the new polygon
      See Also:
    • createPolygon

      public Polygon createPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy, int[] beforeAfter)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: true
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      beforeAfter - The before/after parameters: [before0, after0, ..., beforeN, afterN]
      the new polygon
    • createPlainPolygon

      public Polygon createPlainPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy, int[] beforeAfter)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      beforeAfter - The before/after parameters: [before0, after0, ..., beforeN, afterN]
      the new polygon
      See Also:
    • createPolygon

      public Polygon createPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: true
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      the new polygon
    • createPlainPolygon

      public Polygon createPlainPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polygon graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      the new polygon
      See Also:
    • createPolygon

      public Polygon createPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polygon graphics algorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: true
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new polygon
    • createPlainPolygon

      public Polygon createPlainPolygon(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polygon graphics algorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolygon in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new polygon
      See Also:
    • createPolyline

      public Polyline createPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, Collection<Point> points)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polyline graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      points - collection of point
      the new polyline
    • createPlainPolyline

      public Polyline createPlainPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, Collection<Point> points)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polyline graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      points - collection of point
      the new polyline
      See Also:
    • createPolyline

      public Polyline createPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy, int[] beforeAfter)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polyline graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      beforeAfter - The before/after parameters: [before0, after0, ..., beforeN, afterN]
      the new polyline
    • createPlainPolyline

      public Polyline createPlainPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy, int[] beforeAfter)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polyline graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      beforeAfter - The before/after parameters: [before0, after0, ..., beforeN, afterN]
      the new polyline
      See Also:
    • createPolyline

      public Polyline createPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polyline graphics algorithm with the given points.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      the new polyline
    • createPlainPolyline

      public Polyline createPlainPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int[] xy)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain polyline graphics algorithm with the given points. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      xy - The x/y coordinates: [x0, y0, ..., xN, yN]
      the new polyline
      See Also:
    • createPolyline

      public Polyline createPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Polyline graphics algorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new polyline
    • createPlainPolyline

      public Polyline createPlainPolyline(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Polyline graphics algorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainPolyline in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new polyline
      See Also:
    • createRectangle

      public Rectangle createRectangle(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Rectangle graphics algorithm.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0

      Specified by:
      createRectangle in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new rectangle
    • createPlainRectangle

      public Rectangle createPlainRectangle(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Rectangle graphics algorithm. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainRectangle in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new rectangle
      See Also:
    • createRoundedRectangle

      public RoundedRectangle createRoundedRectangle(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int cornerWidth, int cornerHeight)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a RoundedRectangle graphics algorithm with the given corner dimensions.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      cornerHeight: cornerHeight
      cornerWidth: cornerWidth

      Specified by:
      createRoundedRectangle in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      cornerWidth - the corner width
      cornerHeight - the corner height
      the new rounded rectangle
    • createPlainRoundedRectangle

      public RoundedRectangle createPlainRoundedRectangle(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, int cornerWidth, int cornerHeight)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain RoundedRectangle graphics algorithm with the given corner dimensions. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainRoundedRectangle in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      cornerWidth - the corner width
      cornerHeight - the corner height
      the new rounded rectangle
      See Also:
    • createShiftedColor

      public Color createShiftedColor(Color color, int shift, Diagram diagram)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Shifts the Color darker or lighter.
      Specified by:
      createShiftedColor in interface IGaCreateService
      color - the color to be changed
      shift - negative shifts means darken the color
      diagram - the diagram
      a new color datatype with the shiftet values
    • createShiftedColor

      public IColorConstant createShiftedColor(IColorConstant colorConstant, int shift)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Shifts the Color constant darker or lighter.
      Specified by:
      createShiftedColor in interface IGaCreateService
      colorConstant - the color constant to be changed
      shift - negative shifts means darken the color
      the color constant with the shifted values
    • createStyle

      public Style createStyle(StyleContainer styleContainer, String id)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Style with the given id. The style is aggregated under the given container style.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineStyle: SOLID
      id: id
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER<br<

      Specified by:
      createStyle in interface IGaCreateService
      styleContainer - container style
      id - style id
      the newly created style
    • createPlainStyle

      public Style createPlainStyle(StyleContainer styleContainer, String id)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Style with the given id. The style is aggregated under the given container style. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainStyle in interface IGaCreateService
      styleContainer - container style
      id - style id
      the newly created style
      See Also:
    • createText

      public Text createText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with the given text.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value

      Specified by:
      createText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new text
    • createPlainText

      public Text createPlainText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Text graphics algorithm with the given text. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      the new text
      See Also:
    • createText

      public Text createText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with empty text.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: ""

      Specified by:
      createText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new text
    • createPlainText

      public Text createPlainText(GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a plain Text graphics algorithm with empty text. Default values have been reset, so you can use your styles, see AbstractStyle.
      Specified by:
      createPlainText in interface IGaCreateService
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      the new text
      See Also:
    • createText

      public Text createText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value, String fontName, int fontSize)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with the given text and font. The font will be displayed in straight (no italics or bold) and will be managed within the given diagram; in case the font already exists it will be reused, otherwise the corresponding font instance will be created.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: fontNamel
      size: fontSize
      italic: false
      bold: false

      Specified by:
      createText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram that shall be used for managing the font for the new text field
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      fontName - the name of the font to use for the new text field
      fontSize - the size of the font to use for the new text field
      the new text
    • createText

      public Text createText(Diagram diagram, GraphicsAlgorithmContainer gaContainer, String value, String fontName, int fontSize, boolean isFontItalic, boolean isFontBold)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a Text graphics algorithm with the given text and font. The font will be managed within the given diagram; in case the font already exists it will be reused, otherwise the corresponding font instance will be created.

      The following values are set by default:

      lineWidth: 1
      lineStyle: SOLID
      filled: false
      transparency: 0.0
      width: 0
      height: 0
      x: 0
      y: 0
      horizontalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_LEFT
      verticalAlignment: ALIGNMENT_CENTER
      angle: 0
      value: value
      name: fontNamel
      size: fontSize
      italic: isFontItalic
      bold: isFontBold

      Specified by:
      createText in interface IGaCreateService
      diagram - the diagram that shall be used for managing the font for the new text field
      gaContainer - the container for the new graphics algorithm
      value - initial text
      fontName - the name of the font to use for the new text field
      fontSize - the size of the font to use for the new text field
      isFontItalic - flag if the font to use for the new text field should be italic or not
      isFontBold - flag if the font to use for the new text field should be bold or not
      the new text
    • createBoxRelativeAnchor

      public BoxRelativeAnchor createBoxRelativeAnchor(AnchorContainer anchorContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a box relative anchor inside the given anchor container.
      Specified by:
      createBoxRelativeAnchor in interface IPeCreateService
      anchorContainer - the anchors parent
      the new box relative anchor
    • createChopboxAnchor

      public ChopboxAnchor createChopboxAnchor(AnchorContainer anchorContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a chop box anchor inside the given anchor container.
      Specified by:
      createChopboxAnchor in interface IPeCreateService
      anchorContainer - the anchors parent
      the new chop box anchor
    • createConnectionDecorator

      public ConnectionDecorator createConnectionDecorator(Connection connection, boolean active, double location, boolean isRelative)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a connection decorator and adds it to the given connection.
      Specified by:
      createConnectionDecorator in interface IPeCreateService
      connection - the connection
      active - TRUE, if decorator is active, FALSE otherwise
      location - location of the decorator (must be between 0 and 1)
      isRelative - true if the decorator should be positioned relative to the connection's midpoint
      the new connection decorator
    • createContainerShape

      public ContainerShape createContainerShape(ContainerShape parentContainerShape, boolean active)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a container shape inside the given parent container shape.
      Specified by:
      createContainerShape in interface IPeCreateService
      parentContainerShape - the parent container shape
      active - true, if the created shape should be active, false otherwise. An active shape can be selected in the diagram editor and it is also relevant for layouting: an active shape opens a coordinate system relative to its next active parent which can be used for layouting its PictogramElement children, while an inactive one uses the coordinate system of its next direct parent for layouting its children.

      By default all shapes should be active, inactive shapes should be used for grouping purposes or for linking a group of graphical objects to the domain world only.

      For those familiar with GEF: only for active shapes a GEF EditPart will be created by the Graphiti framework, not for inactive ones.

      the new container shape
    • createDiagram

      public Diagram createDiagram(String diagramTypeId, String diagramName)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a diagram. Snapping to the grid is disabled by default.
      Specified by:
      createDiagram in interface IPeCreateService
      diagramTypeId - the type id of the diagram
      diagramName - the name of the diagram
      the new diagram
      See Also:
    • createDiagram

      public Diagram createDiagram(String diagramTypeId, String diagramName, boolean snap)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a diagram.
      Specified by:
      createDiagram in interface IPeCreateService
      diagramTypeId - the type id of the diagram
      diagramName - the name of the diagram
      snap - TRUE enables snap to grid
      the new diagram
      See Also:
    • createDiagram

      public Diagram createDiagram(String diagramTypeId, String diagramName, int gridUnit, boolean snap)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a diagram.
      Specified by:
      createDiagram in interface IPeCreateService
      diagramTypeId - the type id of the diagram
      diagramName - the name of the diagram
      gridUnit - grid size (in both directions) in pixel; if 0 then no grid will be drawn
      snap - TRUE enables snap to grid
      the new diagram
    • createDiagram

      public Diagram createDiagram(String diagramTypeId, String diagramName, int horizontalGridUnit, int verticalGridUint, boolean snap)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a diagram.
      Specified by:
      createDiagram in interface IPeCreateService
      diagramTypeId - the type id of the diagram
      diagramName - the name of the diagram
      horizontalGridUnit - horizontal grid size in pixel; if 0 then no grid will be drawn
      verticalGridUint - vertical grid size in pixel; if 0 then no grid will be drawn
      snap - TRUE enables snap to grid
      the new diagram
    • createFixPointAnchor

      public FixPointAnchor createFixPointAnchor(AnchorContainer anchorContainer)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a fix point anchor inside the given anchor container.
      Specified by:
      createFixPointAnchor in interface IPeCreateService
      anchorContainer - the anchors parent
      the new fix point anchor
    • createFreeFormConnection

      public FreeFormConnection createFreeFormConnection(Diagram diagram)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a free form connection inside the given diagram.
      Specified by:
      createFreeFormConnection in interface IPeCreateService
      diagram - the diagram
      the new free form connection
    • createManhattanConnection

      public ManhattanConnection createManhattanConnection(Diagram diagram)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a manhattan connection inside the given diagram.
      Specified by:
      createManhattanConnection in interface IPeCreateService
      diagram - the diagram
      the new free form connection
    • createCurvedConnection

      public CurvedConnection createCurvedConnection(double[] controllPoints, Diagram diagram)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a curved connection (Bezier curve) inside the given diagram.
      Specified by:
      createCurvedConnection in interface IPeCreateService
      controllPoints - an array of double value pairs defining the control points (two values - x and y - define the point) of the Bezier curve
      diagram - the diagram
      the new curved connection
    • createCompositeConnection

      public CompositeConnection createCompositeConnection(Diagram diagram)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a composite connection (a connection that is made of several other connections) inside the given diagram. CompositeConnections can be used to combine any number of CurvedConnections into one semantical connection using its CompositeConnection.getChildren() relation. Note that the composite connection itself needs to have an associated GraphicsAlgorithm (usually a Polyline) for its visualization, although it might be invisible and only the child connections have a visible polyline as their visualization.
      Note that this is an experimental API and might change without further notice.
      Specified by:
      createCompositeConnection in interface IPeCreateService
      diagram - the diagram
      the new composite connection
    • createShape

      public Shape createShape(ContainerShape parentContainerShape, boolean active)
      Description copied from interface: IPeCreateService
      Creates a shape inside the given parent container shape.
      Specified by:
      createShape in interface IPeCreateService
      parentContainerShape - the parent container shape
      active - true, if the created shape should be active, false otherwise. An active shape can be selected in the diagram editor and it is also relevant for layouting: an active shape opens a coordinate system which can be used for layouting its PictogramElement children, while an inactive one does not provide one but uses the coordinate system of its next active parent for layouting its children.

      By default all shapes should be active, inactive shapes should be used for grouping purposes or for linking a group of graphical objects to the domain world only.

      For those familiar with GEF: only for active shapes a GEF EditPart will be created by the Graphiti framework, not for inactive ones.

      the new shape
    • createTextStyleRegion

      public TextStyleRegion createTextStyleRegion(AbstractText abstractText)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a TextStyleRegion. The style is aggregated under the given abstract text.
      Specified by:
      createTextStyleRegion in interface IGaCreateService
      abstractText - container text
      the newly created text style region
      See Also:
    • createTextStyleRegion

      public TextStyleRegion createTextStyleRegion(AbstractText abstractText, int start, int end)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a TextStyleRegion with the given bounds. The style is aggregated under the given abstract text.
      Specified by:
      createTextStyleRegion in interface IGaCreateService
      abstractText - container text
      start - region start
      end - retion end
      the newly created text style region
      See Also:
    • createTextStyle

      public TextStyle createTextStyle(TextStyleRegion region)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a TextStyle. The style is aggregated under the given text style region.
      Specified by:
      createTextStyle in interface IGaCreateService
      region - container region
      the newly created text style
      See Also:
    • createTextStyle

      public TextStyle createTextStyle(TextStyleRegion region, boolean underline, boolean strikeout, UnderlineStyle underlineStyle)
      Description copied from interface: IGaCreateService
      Creates a TextStyle with the given values. The style is aggregated under the given text style region.
      Specified by:
      createTextStyle in interface IGaCreateService
      region - container region
      underline - the is underlined
      strikeout - the is stroke out
      underlineStyle - the underline style
      the newly created text style
      See Also:
    • getGaService

      protected IGaService getGaService()
    • getPeService

      protected IPeService getPeService()