All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractBehavior can be used as a base class for IBehavior implementations.
The AbstractCompositeOperation is an abstract implementation of the ICompositeOperation interface.
AbstractContentPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
The AbstractContentPart is an IContentPart implementation that binds the VR type parameter (visual root type) to Node.
AbstractFeedbackPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
Abstract base implementation for a JavaFX-specific IFeedbackPart.
Abstract base class for editors.
Abstract base class for views.
AbstractHandlePart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
Abstract base implementation for a JavaFX-specific IHandlePart.
Abstract base implementation of IPolicy that is transactional.
AbstractSegmentHandlePart<N extends javafx.scene.Node>
An AbstractSegmentHandlePart is bound to a segment of a poly-bezier handle geometry, represented by an array of BezierCurves.
AbstractVisualPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
The AbstractVisualPart is an abstract implementation of the IVisualPart interface.
The AddContentChildOperation uses the IContentPart API to remove a content object from an IContentPart.
The RemoveSnapToStrategyOperation can be used to add an ISnapToStrategy to the list of supported strategies that is managed by the SnappingModel.
The AttachToContentAnchorageOperation uses the IContentPart API to attach an anchored to the given anchorage.
The BendConnectionPolicy can be used to manipulate the points constituting an Connection, i.e. its start, way, and end points.
The BendVisualOperation is an ITransactionalOperation that can be used to manipulate the visual bend points of an IBendableContentPart.
The BoundsSnappingLocationProvider determines SnappingModel.SnappingLocations along the bounds of the individual IContentParts that contribute to snapping.
The CenterSnappingLocationProvider is a specialization of BoundsSnappingLocationProvider that returns the center of the bounds as the only SnappingModel.SnappingLocations.
The ChangeContentsOperation can be used to change the content objects stored in the IViewer.contentsProperty().
The ChangeFocusOperation can be used to change the FocusModel of an IViewer.
The ChangeSelectionOperation can be used to change the SelectionModel of an IViewer.
The ChangeViewportOperation can be used to alter the scroll offset and the content transformation of an InfiniteCanvas.
The CircleSegmentHandlePart is an AbstractSegmentHandlePart that uses Circle for the visualization.
A behavior that regulates the clickable area width of an IVisualPart 's connection visual dependent on the zoom level.
A behavior that can be adapted to an IRootPart or an IContentPart to synchronize the list of IContentPart children and (only in case of an IContentPart) anchorages with the list of content children and anchored.
A temporary store for IContentParts that is used by ContentBehaviors.
A (transaction) policy to handle content changes, i.e. adding/removing of content children as well as attaching/detaching to/from content anchorages.
The ContentSelectionProvider is an ISelectionProvider implementation that manages the un-/registration of listeners and their execution upon selection changes.
The CreationPolicy is an AbstractPolicy that handles the creation of content.
The DefaultAnchorProvider can be used to provide DynamicAnchors for anchored IVisualParts depending on their visual.
The DeletionPolicy is an AbstractPolicy that handles the deletion of content.
The DeselectOperation can be used to change the SelectionModel of an IViewer.
The DetachFromContentAnchorageOperation uses the IContentPart API to detach an anchored from the given anchorage.
The FocusBehavior can be registered on an IVisualPart to transfer the focus information from the FocusModel to the part's visualization.
The FocusFeedbackPart visualizes focus feedback.
The FocusModel stores the IContentPart which has keyboard focus.
The FocusTraversalPolicy can be used to assign focus to the next or previous part in the focus traversal cycle.
The ForwardUndoCompositeOperation is an AbstractCompositeOperation which undoes its combined operations in the same order as they are executed.
The FXPaintPropertyDescriptor is a PropertyDescriptor that uses the FXPaintCellEditor to edit its value.
The GeometricBoundsProvider is a Provider <IGeometry> that returns a Rectangle that corresponds to the geometric bounds of its host visual, i.e. it does not include the stroke of the visual or other visual properties (e.g. clip or effect).
The GeometricOutlineProvider is a Provider <IGeometry> that returns an IGeometry that corresponds to the geometric outline of its host visual, i.e. it does not include the stroke of the visual or other visual properties (e.g. clip or effect).
The GridBehavior can be registered on an IRootPart to apply the information from the GridModel to the background grid that is managed by the InfiniteCanvasViewer.
The GridModel stores information about a background grid, i.e. cell width and cell height.
A support class to handle the dirty state of a WorkbenchPart that uses an IOperationHistory and an IUndoContext.
The HoverBehavior can be registered on an IVisualPart in order to react to HoverModel changes.
The HoverFeedbackPart is an AbstractFeedbackPart that is parameterized by GeometryNode<IGeometry>.
The HoverIntentBehavior complements the HoverBehavior w.r.t.
The HoverModel is used to store the current viewer's mouse hover target, i.e. the IVisualPart that is currently under the mouse cursor.
The IAnchorProvider can provide an IAnchor for an anchorage part depending on a given anchored IVisualPart and a corresponding role (see IAnchorProvider.get(IVisualPart, String) for details).
The IBehavior interface extends IAdaptable.Bound and IActivatable.
IBendableContentPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IContentPart that supports content related bend, i.e. manipulation of control points.
A representation of a bend point, which is defined either by a point or by a content anchorage to which the content is attached.
IContentPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IVisualPart that visualizes an underlying content element.
A factory for creating new IContentParts.
A delegate support that can be used by ISaveableParts to maintain their dirty state based on an IOperationHistory.
A factory for the creation of an IDirtyStateProvider.
A domain represents the collective state of a MVC application.
IFeedbackPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IFeedbackPart is a controller that controls a visual, which is used simply for feedback and does not correspond to anything in the visualized model.
The IFeedbackPartFactory interface specifies a factory method for the creation of IFeedbackParts for a given list of target IVisualParts, a context IBehavior, and a context Map.
IHandlePart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IHandlePart is a controller that controls a visual, which is used simply for tool interaction and does not correspond to anything in the visualized model.
The IHandlePartFactory interface specifies a factory method for the creation of IHandleParts for a given list of target IVisualParts, a context IBehavior, and a context Map.
The InfiniteCanvasViewer is an IViewer that manages an InfiniteCanvas to display the viewer's contents.
The IPolicy interface extends IAdaptable.Bound, i.e. it is bound to an IAdaptable, its so called IPolicy.getHost().
A factory to create a new IPropertySheetPage.
IResizableContentPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IContentPart that supports content related resize.
IRootPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
A IRootPart is the root controller of an IViewer.
A factory for the creation of an ISelectionProvider.
An ITransactionalOperation is an IUndoableOperation that tolerates successive calls to IUndoableOperation.execute(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) and IUndoableOperation.undo(IProgressMonitor, IAdaptable) and allows to check whether it has an overall effect (ITransactionalOperation.isNoOp()) compared to the initial state upon construction.
ITransformableContentPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IContentPart that supports content related transformations.
The IViewer interface specifies all services that a viewer needs to provide.
IVisualPart<V extends javafx.scene.Node>
An IVisualPart plays the controller role in the model-view-controller architecture.
The LayeredRootPart is an IRootPart that manages a number of layers for the visualization, namely, the content layer, feedback layer, and handle layer.
The Messages class contains all messages within GEF MVC.UI that can be internationalized.
The BundleActivator for the MVC.FX bundle.
The Guice module which contains all (default) bindings related to the MVC.FX bundle.
The MvcFxUiBundle is the plug-in that integrates MVC.FX with the Eclipse platform UI.
The MvcFxUiModule contains Eclipse UI specific bindings in the context of an MVC.FX application.
Provides utilities needed in the context of IVisualParts.
An AbstractSegmentHandlePart with a rectangular Rectangle visual.
The RemoveContentChildOperation uses the IContentPart API to remove a content object from an IContentPart.
The RemoveSnapToStrategyOperation can be used to remove an ISnapToStrategy from the list of supported strategies that is managed by the SnappingModel.
The ResizableTransformableBoundsProvider returns bounds according to the size and transformation as returned by the part API, i.e.
The ResizableTransformableOutlineProvider returns the outline according to the size and transformation as returned by the part API, i.e.
An ITransactionalOperation to change the size of an IResizableContentPart.
The ResizeOperation can be used to alter the size of a visual.
The ResizePolicy is an AbstractPolicy that handles the resize of an IVisualPart.
The RevealOperation can be used to reveal an IVisualPart within its IViewer, i.e. manipulates the viewport translation so that the part is visible.
The RevealPrimarySelectionBehavior observes the SelectionModel that is registered at the IViewer of its host and reveals the primary selection, i.e. the first element of the SelectionModel.selectionUnmodifiableProperty() when the selection changes.
The ReverseUndoCompositeOperation is an AbstractCompositeOperation which undoes its combined operations in the reverse order of their execution.
The default selection behavior is responsible for creating and removing selection feedback and handles.
The SelectionFeedbackPart is an AbstractFeedbackPart that is parameterized by GeometryNode<IGeometry>.
The SelectionLinkFeedbackPart is an SelectionFeedbackPart that uses a dotted line as its visualization.
The SelectionModel is used to store the current viewer's selection.
The SelectOperation can be used to change the SelectionModel of an IViewer.
An ITransactionalOperation used to set or reset the value of a property.
A SetRefreshVisualOperation is used to set/unset the IVisualPart.isRefreshVisual() flag of a specified IVisualPart .
The ShapeBoundsProvider is a Provider<IGeometry> that returns a Rectangle that corresponds to the layout-bounds of its host visual, i.e. it includes the geometric bounds and the stroke of the visual.
The ShapeOutlineProvider is a Provider<IGeometry> that returns an IGeometry that corresponds to the shape outline of its host visual, i.e. it includes the geometric outline and the stroke of the visual.
The SnappingBehavior is responsible for creating and removing feedback and handles in response to SnappingModel changes.
The SnappingFeedbackPart visualizes a SnappingModel.SnappingLocation by drawing a red line at the SnappingModel.SnappingLocation through the whole viewport.
The SnappingModel stores SnappingModel.SnappingLocations for which feedback is generated by the SnappingBehavior.
A SnappingModel.SnappingLocation combines an IContentPart, a position coordinate in the scene coordinate system, and an Orientation.
An AbstractSegmentHandlePart with a quadratic Rectangle visual.
The TopLeftSnappingLocationProvider returns the top left corner of the bounds as the only snapping location.
An ITransactionalOperation to change the transform of an ITransformableContentPart.
The TransformPolicy is a JavaFX-specific AbstractPolicy that handles the transformation of its host.
The TransformProvider can be registered on an IVisualPart to insert an Affine into its visual's transformations list and access that Affine.
The TransformVisualOperation can be used to change an Affine, for example, one that is contained within the transformations list of a Node to transform that Node.
UndoablePropertySheetEntry provides undo support for changes made to IPropertySources by the PropertySheetViewer.
PropertySheetPage extension that allows to perform undo/redo of property value changes also in case the related IWorkbenchPart is not active.
An IPolicy to change the viewport of an IViewer via its InfiniteCanvas.