Class ShapeBoundsProvider

org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Provider<IGeometry>, jakarta.inject.Provider<IGeometry>, IAdaptable.Bound<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>

public class ShapeBoundsProvider extends IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>> implements Provider<IGeometry>
The ShapeBoundsProvider is a Provider<IGeometry> that returns a Rectangle that corresponds to the layout-bounds of its host visual, i.e. it includes the geometric bounds and the stroke of the visual. The Rectangle is specified within the local coordinate system of the host visual.
  • Constructor Details

    • ShapeBoundsProvider

      public ShapeBoundsProvider()
      Constructs a new ShapeBoundsProvider without padding.
    • ShapeBoundsProvider

      public ShapeBoundsProvider(double padding)
      Constructs a new ShapeBoundsProvider with the given padding.
      padding - The padding that is applied around the shape.
    • ShapeBoundsProvider

      public ShapeBoundsProvider(double leftPadding, double topPadding, double rightPadding, double bottomPadding)
      Constructs a new ShapeBoundsProvider with the given padding.
      leftPadding - The padding that is applied on the left of the shape.
      topPadding - The padding that is applied on the top of the shape.
      rightPadding - The padding that is applied on the right of the shape.
      bottomPadding - The padding that is applied on the bottom of the shape.
  • Method Details