Class FocusTraversalPolicy

org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable.Bound<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>, IPolicy

public class FocusTraversalPolicy extends AbstractPolicy
The FocusTraversalPolicy can be used to assign focus to the next or previous part in the focus traversal cycle.
  • Constructor Details

    • FocusTraversalPolicy

      public FocusTraversalPolicy()
  • Method Details

    • createOperation

      protected ITransactionalOperation createOperation()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Creates an ITransactionalOperation that is used to encapsulate the changes that are applied by this AbstractPolicy through its "work" methods. The created operation should allow for local execution at each time.
      Specified by:
      createOperation in class AbstractPolicy
      A new ITransactionalOperation to encapsulate all applied changes.
    • findInnerMostContentPart

      protected IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> findInnerMostContentPart(IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> part)
      Returns the inner most IContentPart child within the part hierarchy of the given IContentPart. If the given IContentPart does not have any IContentPart children, then the given IContentPart is returned.
      part - The IContentPart for which to determine the inner most IContentPart child.
      The inner most IContentPart child within the part hierarchy of the given IContentPart.
    • findNextContentPart

      protected IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> findNextContentPart(IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> current)
      Determines the next IContentPart to which keyboard focus is assigned, depending on the currently focused IContentPart.

      The first content part child of the given focus part is returned as the next part if a content part child is available.

      The next content part sibling of the given focus part is returned as the next part if a content part sibling is available. When one sibling list ends, the search continues with the parent's siblings until it reaches the root of the hierarchy.

      If the next content part cannot be determined, null is returned.

      current - The currently focused IContentPart.
      The next IContentPart to which keyboard focus is assigned, or null if no subsequent IContentPart could be determined.
    • findPreviousContentPart

      protected IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> findPreviousContentPart(IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> current)
      Determines the previous IContentPart to which keyboard focus is assigned, depending on the currently focused IContentPart.

      At first, the previous content part sibling of the given focus part is determined. If a siblings list ends, the search continues with the parent's siblings.

      The inner most content part child of the previous content part sibling is returned as the previous content part, or null if no previous content part sibling could be found.

      current - The currently focused IContentPart.
      The previous IContentPart to which keyboard focus is assigned, or null if no previous IContentPart could be determined.
    • focusNext

      public IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> focusNext()
      Assigns focus to the next part in the traversal cycle. Returns the IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.
      The IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.
    • focusPrevious

      public IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> focusPrevious()
      Assigns focus to the previous part in the traversal cycle. Returns the IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.
      The IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.
    • getChangeFocusOperation

      protected ChangeFocusOperation getChangeFocusOperation()
      Returns the ChangeFocusOperation that is used to change the focus part.
      The ChangeFocusOperation that is used to change the focus part.
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Initializes the policy, so that the policy's "work" methods can be used. Calling a "work" method while the policy is not initialized will result in an IllegalStateException, as well as re-initializing before committing or rolling back.
      Specified by:
      init in interface IPolicy
      init in class AbstractPolicy
    • traverse

      protected IContentPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node> traverse(boolean backwards)
      Traverses the focus forwards or backwards depending on the given flag. Returns the IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.
      backwards - true if the focus should be traversed backwards, otherwise false.
      The IContentPart to which focus is assigned by the operation of this policy, or null if focus is assigned to the viewer.