Class BendConnectionPolicy

org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>
All Implemented Interfaces:
IAdaptable.Bound<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>, IPolicy

public class BendConnectionPolicy extends AbstractPolicy
The BendConnectionPolicy can be used to manipulate the points constituting an Connection, i.e. its start, way, and end points. Each point is realized though an IBendableContentPart.BendPoint, which may either be local to the Connection (i.e. the anchor refers to the Connection as anchorage), or it may be provided by another IVisualPart (i.e. the anchor is provided by a Provider adapted to the part), to which the connection is being connected. When moving a point the policy takes care of:
  • Removing overlaid neighbor points.
  • Re-adding temporarily removed neighbor points.
  • Reconnecting points to the IVisualPart under mouse when applicable.
  • Field Details


      protected static final double DEFAULT_OVERLAY_THRESHOLD
      The overlay threshold, i.e. the distance between two points so that they are regarded as overlying.
      See Also:

      protected static final double DEFAULT_SEGMENT_OVERLAY_THRESHOLD
      The overlay threshold, i.e. the distance between two points so that they are regarded as overlying.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BendConnectionPolicy

      public BendConnectionPolicy()
  • Method Details

    • canConnect

      protected boolean canConnect(int explicitAnchorIndex)
      Determines if the anchor at the given explicit index can be replaced with an anchor that is obtained from an underlying visual part. Per default, only the start and the end index can be connected.
      explicitAnchorIndex - The explicit anchor index for which to determine if it can be connected.
      true if the anchor at the given index can be connected, otherwise false.
    • commit

      public ITransactionalOperation commit()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Returns an ITransactionalOperation that performs all manipulations applied by the policy since the previous AbstractPolicy.init() call.
      Specified by:
      commit in interface IPolicy
      commit in class AbstractPolicy
      An ITransactionalOperation that performs all manipulations applied by the policy since the last AbstractPolicy.init() call.
    • createAfter

      public int createAfter(int explicitAnchorIndex, Point mouseInScene)
      Creates a new anchor after the anchor specified by the given explicit anchor index. Returns the new anchor's explicit index.
      explicitAnchorIndex - An explicit anchor index that references the explicit anchor after which the new anchor is inserted.
      mouseInScene - The position for the new anchor in scene coordinates.
      The index for the new anchor.
    • createBefore

      public int createBefore(int explicitAnchorIndex, Point mouseInScene)
      Creates a new anchor before the anchor specified by the given explicit anchor index. Returns the new anchor's explicit index.
      explicitAnchorIndex - An explicit anchor index that references the explicit anchor before which the new anchor is inserted.
      mouseInScene - The position for the new anchor in scene coordinates.
      The index for the new anchor.
    • createOperation

      protected ITransactionalOperation createOperation()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Creates an ITransactionalOperation that is used to encapsulate the changes that are applied by this AbstractPolicy through its "work" methods. The created operation should allow for local execution at each time.
      Specified by:
      createOperation in class AbstractPolicy
      A new ITransactionalOperation to encapsulate all applied changes.
    • getBendOperation

      protected BendVisualOperation getBendOperation()
      Returns an BendVisualOperation that is extracted from the operation created by createOperation().
      an BendVisualOperation that is extracted from the operation created by createOperation().
    • getConnection

      protected Connection getConnection()
      Returns the Connection that is manipulated by this policy.
      The Connection that is manipulated by this policy.
    • getCurrentBendPoints

      protected List<IBendableContentPart.BendPoint> getCurrentBendPoints()
      Returns the current control points of the content.
      The current control points.
    • getExplicitIndex

      protected int getExplicitIndex(int startConnectionIndex, int step)
      Returns the explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that is found within the connection's anchors when starting to search at the given connection index, and incrementing the index by the given step per iteration.
      startConnectionIndex - The index at which the search starts.
      step - The increment step (e.g. 1 or -1).
      The explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that is found within the connection's anchors when starting to search at the given index.
    • getExplicitIndexAtOrAfter

      public int getExplicitIndexAtOrAfter(int connectionIndex)
      Returns an explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that can be found when iterating the connection anchors forwards, starting at the given connection index. If the anchor at the given index is an explicit anchor, an explicit anchor index for that anchor will be returned. If no explicit anchor is found, an exception is thrown, because the start and end anchor of a connection need to be explicit.
      connectionIndex - The index that specifies the anchor of the connection at which the search starts.
      An explicit anchor index for the next explicit anchor.
    • getExplicitIndexAtOrBefore

      public int getExplicitIndexAtOrBefore(int connectionIndex)
      Returns an explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that can be found when iterating the connection anchors backwards, starting at the given connection index. If the anchor at the given index is an explicit anchor, an explicit anchor index for that anchor will be returned. If no explicit anchor is found, an exception is thrown, because the start and end anchor of a connection need to be explicit.
      connectionIndex - The index that specifies the anchor of the connection at which the search starts.
      An explicit anchor index for the previous explicit anchor.
    • getHost

      public IBendableContentPart<Connection> getHost()
      Description copied from interface: IPolicy
      Returns the host of this IPolicy, i.e. the IVisualPart this IPolicy is attached to.
      The host of this IPolicy.
    • getInitialBendPoints

      protected List<IBendableContentPart.BendPoint> getInitialBendPoints()
      Returns the initial bend points before bending the content.
      The initial bend points.
    • getOverlayThreshold

      protected double getOverlayThreshold()
      Removes the overlay threshold, i.e. the distance between two points, so that they are regarded as overlaying. When the background grid is enables ( GridModel.isShowGrid(), then the grid cell size is used to determine the overlay threshold. Otherwise, the DEFAULT_OVERLAY_THRESHOLD is used.
      The overlay threshold.
    • getSelectedInitialPositions

      public List<Point> getSelectedInitialPositions()
      Returns the initial positions of the selected points in the local coordinate system of the getConnection(). May be null prior to the first move(Point, Point) call.
      The initial positions of the selected points in the local coordinate system of the getConnection().
    • init

      public void init()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Initializes the policy, so that the policy's "work" methods can be used. Calling a "work" method while the policy is not initialized will result in an IllegalStateException, as well as re-initializing before committing or rolling back.
      Specified by:
      init in interface IPolicy
      init in class AbstractPolicy
    • insertExplicitAnchor

      protected void insertExplicitAnchor(int insertionIndex, Point mouseInScene)
      Creates a new static anchor for the given position and inserts it at the given index.
      insertionIndex - The explicit anchor index at which the new anchor is inserted.
      mouseInScene - The position for the new anchor in scene coordinates.
    • isExplicit

      public boolean isExplicit(int connectionIndex)
      Returns true if the anchor at the given connection index is explicit. Otherwise returns false.
      connectionIndex - The connection index that specifies the anchor to test.
      true if the specified anchor is explicit, otherwise false.
    • isSelectionHorizontal

      public boolean isSelectionHorizontal()
      Returns true if the selected points are on a horizontal line. Otherwise returns false.
      true if the selected points are on a horizontal line, otherwise false.
    • locallyExecuteOperation

      protected void locallyExecuteOperation()
      Description copied from class: AbstractPolicy
      Locally executes the ITransactionalOperation that is updated by this policy, i.e. not on the operation history. Maybe used in the "work" operations of subclasses.
      locallyExecuteOperation in class AbstractPolicy
    • makeExplicit

      public int makeExplicit(int connectionIndex)
      Makes the connection anchor at the given connection index explicit and returns its explicit index.
      connectionIndex - The connection index to make explicit.
      The (new) explicit index for the given connection index.
    • makeExplicit

      public List<Integer> makeExplicit(int startConnectionIndex, int endConnectionIndex)
      Makes the connection anchors within the given range of connection indices explicit and returns their explicit indices.
      startConnectionIndex - The first connection index to make explicit.
      endConnectionIndex - The last connection index to make explicit.
      A list of explicit anchor indices for the given range of connection indices.
    • move

      public void move(Point initialMouseInScene, Point currentMouseInScene)
      Moves the currently selected point to the given mouse position in scene coordinates.
      initialMouseInScene - The initial mouse position in scene coordinates.
      currentMouseInScene - The current mouse position in scene coordinates.
    • normalize

      public void normalize()
      For segment based connections, the control points need to be normalized, i.e. all control points that lie on the orthogonal connection between two other control points have to be removed.
    • route

      protected void route()
      Provides position hints to the connection's IConnectionRouter and let's the router route the connection, so these position hints can be forwarded to the anchors.
    • select

      public void select(int explicitAnchorIndex)
      Selects the point specified by the given segment index and parameter for manipulation. Captures the initial position of the selected point and the related initial mouse location.
      explicitAnchorIndex - Index of the explicit anchor to select for manipulation.
    • selectSegment

      public void selectSegment(int segmentIndex)
      Selects the end points of the connection segment specified by the given index. Makes the corresponding anchors explicit first and copies them if they are connected.
      segmentIndex - The index of a connection segment.
    • setNewHints

      protected void setNewHints(Point startHint, Point endHint)
      Updates the positions (hints) for attached bend points.
      startHint - The new start point hint.
      endHint - The new end point hint.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object