Class BezierCurve

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Cloneable, ICurve, IGeometry, IRotatable<BezierCurve>, IScalable<BezierCurve>, ITranslatable<BezierCurve>
Direct Known Subclasses:
CubicCurve, Line, QuadraticCurve

public class BezierCurve extends Object implements ICurve, ITranslatable<BezierCurve>, IScalable<BezierCurve>, IRotatable<BezierCurve>

Instances of the BezierCurve class individually represent an arbitrary Bezier curve. This is the base class of the special quadratic and cubic Bezier curve classes (QuadraticCurve and CubicCurve).

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • contains

      public boolean contains(BezierCurve o)

      Tests if this BezierCurve contains the given other BezierCurve.

      The other BezierCurve is regarded to be contained by this BezierCurve if its start and end Point lie on this BezierCurve and an overlapping segment of the two curves can be detected.

      o - the BezierCurve that is checked to be contained by this BezierCurve
      true if the given BezierCurve is contained by this BezierCurve, otherwise false
    • contains

      public boolean contains(Point p)
      Description copied from interface: IGeometry
      Returns whether the given Point is contained within this IGeometry. This includes the case that the Point lies on the border of this IGeometry.
      Specified by:
      contains in interface IGeometry
      p - The Point being tested for containment
      true if the Point is contained within this IGeometry, false otherwise.
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object other)
      equals in class Object
    • get

      public Point get(double t)
      Computes the Point on this BezierCurve at parameter value t, which is expected to lie in the parameter BezierCurve.Interval [0;1].
      t - the parameter value for which this BezierCurve is evaluated
      the Point on this BezierCurve at the given parameter value
    • getBounds

      public Rectangle getBounds()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometry
      Returns the smallest Rectangle fully enclosing this IGeometry.
      Specified by:
      getBounds in interface IGeometry
      A new Rectangle object that fully encloses this IGeometry
    • getClipped

      public BezierCurve getClipped(double s, double e)
      Returns a new BezierCurve object representing this BezierCurve on the BezierCurve.Interval [s;e].
      s - the lower limit of the parameter BezierCurve.Interval which is clipped out of this BezierCurve
      e - the upper limit of the parameter BezierCurve.Interval which is clipped out of this BezierCurve
      a new BezierCurve representing this BezierCurve on the BezierCurve.Interval [s;e]
    • getControlBounds

      public Rectangle getControlBounds()
      Returns a bounding Rectangle of the control Polygon of this BezierCurve.
      a Rectangle representing the bounds of the control Polygon of this BezierCurve
    • getCopy

      public BezierCurve getCopy()
      Description copied from interface: IGeometry
      Returns a new identical copy of this IGeometry.
      Specified by:
      getCopy in interface IGeometry
      a copy identical to this IGeometry
    • getDerivative

      public BezierCurve getDerivative()
      Computes the hodograph, the first parametric derivative, of this BezierCurve.
      the hodograph of this BezierCurve
    • getElevated

      public BezierCurve getElevated()
      Computes a BezierCurve with a degree of one higher than this BezierCurve's degree but of the same shape.
      a BezierCurve of the same shape as this BezierCurve but with one more control Point
    • getIntersections

      public Point[] getIntersections(BezierCurve other)
      Returns the Points of intersection of this and the given other BezierCurve.
      other - the BezierCurve which is searched for Points of intersection with this BezierCurve
      the Points of intersection of this BezierCurve and the given other BezierCurve
    • getIntersections

      public final Point[] getIntersections(ICurve curve)
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the points of intersection between this ICurve and the given ICurve.
      Specified by:
      getIntersections in interface ICurve
      curve - The ICurve to compute intersection points with.
      The points of intersection.
    • getOffset

      public PolyBezier getOffset(double distance)
      Returns a PolyBezier that represents an approximation of the refined offset of this BezierCurve where cusps in the input curve are approximated by arc segments in the offset and local self-intersections in the offset are removed while global self-intersections and other singularities in the offset remain unprocessed.
      distance - The signed distance for which to compute a refined offset approximation.
      A PolyBezier representing the refined offset of this BezierCurve for the given distance.
    • getOverlap

      public BezierCurve getOverlap(BezierCurve other)

      Returns a BezierCurve that represents the overlap of this BezierCurve and the given other BezierCurve. If no overlap exists, null is returned. An overlap is identified by an infinite number of intersection points.

      other - The BezierCurve to which an overlap is computed.
      a BezierCurve representing the overlap of this and the given other BezierCurve if an overlap exists, otherwise null
    • getOverlaps

      public final ICurve[] getOverlaps(ICurve c)
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the curve segments at which this ICurve and the given ICurve overlap.
      Specified by:
      getOverlaps in interface ICurve
      c - The curve to compute overlaps with.
      The segments where both curves overlap.
    • getP1

      public Point getP1()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns a Point representing the start point of this ICurve.
      Specified by:
      getP1 in interface ICurve
      a new Point with the coordinates of the ICurve's start point.
    • getP2

      public Point getP2()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns a Point representing the end point of this ICurve .
      Specified by:
      getP2 in interface ICurve
      a new Point with the coordinates of the ICurve's end point.
    • getParameterAt

      public double getParameterAt(Point p)
      Returns the parameter value of this BezierCurve for the given Point. If the given Point is not on this BezierCurve an IllegalArgumentException is thrown.
      p - the Point for which the parameter value on this BezierCurve is to be found
      the corresponding parameter value of the given Point on this BezierCurve
    • getPoint

      public Point getPoint(int i)
      Returns the ith control Point of this BezierCurve. The start Point is at index 0, the first handle- Point is at index 1, etc.
      i - the index of the control Point of this BezierCurve to return
      the ith control Point of this BezierCurve
    • getPoints

      public Point[] getPoints()
      Returns the control Points of this BezierCurve.
      the control Points of this BezierCurve
    • getProjection

      public Point getProjection(Point reference)
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns a projection of the given reference Point onto this ICurve, i.e. a Point on this ICurve that is closest to the given reference Point. Note, that
      Specified by:
      getProjection in interface ICurve
      reference - The reference Point for which to return the projection.
      The projection of the given reference Point onto this ICurve.
    • getRotatedCCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCCW(Angle angle)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by specified Angle counter-clock-wise (CCW) around its center Point. Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getRotatedCCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCCW(Angle angle, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by the specified Angle counter-clock-wise (CCW) around the specified center Point (cx, cy). Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the rotation
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the rotation
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getRotatedCCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCCW(Angle angle, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by the specified Angle counter-clock-wise (CCW) around the specified center Point. Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      center - relative Point for the rotation
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getRotatedCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCW(Angle angle)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by specified Angle clock-wise (CW) around its center Point. Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getRotatedCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCW(Angle angle, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by the specified Angle clock-wise (CW) around the specified center Point (cx, cy). Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the rotation
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the rotation
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getRotatedCW

      public BezierCurve getRotatedCW(Angle angle, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IRotatable
      Rotates the calling object by the specified Angle clock-wise (CW) around the specified center Point. Does not necessarily return an object of the same type.
      Specified by:
      getRotatedCW in interface IRotatable<BezierCurve>
      angle - rotation Angle
      center - relative Point for the rotation
      an IGeometry representing the result of the rotation
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double factor)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factor relative to its center Point.
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      the new, scaled object
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double fx, double fy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factors relative to its center Point.
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      the new, scaled object
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double factor, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factor relative to the given center Point (cx, cy).
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      the new, scaled object
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factors relative to the given center Point (cx, cy).
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      the new, scaled object
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double fx, double fy, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factors relative to the given center Point.
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      center - relative Point for the scaling
      the new, scaled object
    • getScaled

      public BezierCurve getScaled(double factor, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales a copy of the calling object by the given factor relative to the given center Point.
      Specified by:
      getScaled in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      center - relative Point for the scaling
      the new, scaled object
    • getTransformed

      public BezierCurve getTransformed(AffineTransform t)
      Default implementation returning a transformed Path representation of this IGeometry. Subclasses may override this method to return a more specific representation.
      Specified by:
      getTransformed in interface IGeometry
      t - The AffineTransform to be applied
      a transformed Path representation of this IGeometry
      See Also:
    • getTranslated

      public BezierCurve getTranslated(double dx, double dy)
      Description copied from interface: ITranslatable
      Translates a copy of this object by the given values in x and y direction.
      Specified by:
      getTranslated in interface ITranslatable<BezierCurve>
      dx - x-translation
      dy - y-translation
      a new, translated object
    • getTranslated

      public BezierCurve getTranslated(Point d)
      Description copied from interface: ITranslatable
      Translates a copy of this object by the given Point.
      Specified by:
      getTranslated in interface ITranslatable<BezierCurve>
      d - translation Point
      a new, translated object
    • getX1

      public double getX1()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the start Point's x coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getX1 in interface ICurve
      the start Point's x coordinate
    • getX2

      public double getX2()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the end Point's x coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getX2 in interface ICurve
      the end Point's x coordinate
    • getY1

      public double getY1()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the start Point's y coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getY1 in interface ICurve
      the start Point's y coordinate
    • getY2

      public double getY2()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Returns the end Point's y coordinate.
      Specified by:
      getY2 in interface ICurve
      the end Point's y coordinate
    • intersects

      public boolean intersects(ICurve c)
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Tests if this ICurve and the given ICurve intersect, i.e. whether a final set of intersection points exists. Two curves intersect if they touch (see IGeometry.touches(IGeometry)) but do not overlap (see ICurve.overlaps(ICurve)).
      Specified by:
      intersects in interface ICurve
      c - The ICurve to test for intersections.
      true if they intersect, false otherwise
    • overlaps

      public boolean overlaps(BezierCurve other)
      Checks if this BezierCurve and the given other BezierCurve overlap, i.e. an infinite set of intersection Points exists.
      other - the BezierCurve to check for an overlapping segment with this BezierCurve
      true if this and the given other BezierCurve overlap, otherwise false
    • overlaps

      public final boolean overlaps(ICurve c)
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Tests if this ICurve and the given ICurve overlap, i.e. whether an infinite set of intersection points exists. Two curves overlap if they touch (see IGeometry.touches(IGeometry)) but not intersect (see ICurve.intersects(ICurve)).
      Specified by:
      overlaps in interface ICurve
      c - The ICurve to test for overlap.
      true if they overlap, false otherwise
    • rotateCCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCCW(Angle angle)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve counter-clockwise (CCW) around its center Point by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      this for convenience
    • rotateCCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCCW(Angle angle, double cx, double cy)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve counter-clockwise (CCW) around the Point specified by the given x and y coordinate values by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      cx - the x coordinate of the Point to rotate around
      cy - the y coordinate of the Point to rotate around
      this for convenience
    • rotateCCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCCW(Angle angle, Point center)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve counter-clockwise (CCW) around the given Point by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      center - the Point to rotate around
      this for convenience
    • rotateCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCW(Angle angle)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve clockwise (CW) around its center Point by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      this for convenience
    • rotateCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCW(Angle angle, double cx, double cy)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve clockwise (CW) around the Point specified by the given x and y coordinate values by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      cx - the x coordinate of the Point to rotate around
      cy - the y coordinate of the Point to rotate around
      this for convenience
    • rotateCW

      public BezierCurve rotateCW(Angle angle, Point center)
      Directly rotates this BezierCurve clockwise (CW) around the given Point by the given Angle. Direct adaptation means, that this BezierCurve is modified in-place.
      angle - the rotation Angle
      center - the Point to rotate around
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double factor)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factor relative to its center Point.
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double fx, double fy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factors relative to the given center Point.
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double factor, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factor relative to the given center Point (cx, cy).
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double fx, double fy, double cx, double cy)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factors relative to the given center Point (cx, cy).
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      cx - x-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      cy - y-coordinate of the relative Point for the scaling
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double fx, double fy, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factors relative to the given center Point.
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      fx - x-scale-factor
      fy - y-scale-factor
      center - relative Point for the scaling
      this for convenience
    • scale

      public BezierCurve scale(double factor, Point center)
      Description copied from interface: IScalable
      Scales the calling object by the given factor relative to the given center Point.
      Specified by:
      scale in interface IScalable<BezierCurve>
      factor - scale-factor
      center - relative Point for the scaling
      this for convenience
    • setP1

      public BezierCurve setP1(Point p1)
      Sets the start Point of this BezierCurve to the given Point.
      p1 - the new start Point of this BezierCurve
      this for convenience
    • setP2

      public BezierCurve setP2(Point p2)
      Sets the end Point of this BezierCurve to the given Point.
      p2 - the new end Point of this BezierCurve
      this for convenience
    • setPoint

      public BezierCurve setPoint(int i, Point p)
      Sets the ith control Point of this BezierCurve. The start Point is at index 0, the first handle- Point is at index 1, etc.
      i - the index of the control Point of this BezierCurve to set
      p - the new control Point at the given index
      this for convenience
    • split

      public BezierCurve[] split(double t)
      Subdivides this BezierCurve at the given parameter value t into two new BezierCurves. The first one is the BezierCurve over the parameter BezierCurve.Interval [0;t] and the second one is the BezierCurve over the parameter BezierCurve.Interval [t;1].
      t - the parameter value at which this BezierCurve is subdivided
      an array of two BezierCurves, the left ( [0;t]) and the right ([t;1])
    • toBezier

      public BezierCurve[] toBezier()
      Description copied from interface: ICurve
      Computes a list of BezierCurves that approximate the ICurve. For example, a Line or a BezierCurve in general could return a list with the curve itself as its only element. But an Ellipse or an Arc may return a list of consecutive BezierCurves which approximate the ICurve.
      Specified by:
      toBezier in interface ICurve
      a list of BezierCurves that approximate the ICurve
    • toCubic

      public CubicCurve toCubic()
      Returns a hard approximation of this BezierCurve as a CubicCurve. The new CubicCurve is constructed from the start Point, the first two handle Points and the end Point of this BezierCurve. If this BezierCurve is not of degree four or higher, i.e. it does not have four or more control Points (including start and end Point), null is returned.
      a new CubicCurve that is constructed from the start Point, the first two handle Points and the end Point of this BezierCurve or null if this BezierCurve does not have at least four control Points
    • toLine

      public Line toLine()
      Returns a hard approximation of this BezierCurve as a Line. The Line is constructed from the start and end Point of this BezierCurve.
      a Line from the start Point to the end Point of this BezierCurve or null if this BezierCurve does only have one control Point
    • toLineStrip

      public Line[] toLineStrip(double lineSimilarity)
      Computes an approximation of this BezierCurve by a strip of Lines. For detailed information on how the approximation is computed, see toLineStrip(double, Interval).
      lineSimilarity - the threshold for the sum of the distances of the control Points to the baseline (toLine()) of this BezierCurve
      an approximation of this BezierCurve by a strip of Lines
      See Also:
    • toLineStrip

      public Line[] toLineStrip(double lineSimilarity, org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.BezierCurve.Interval startInterval)

      Computes an approximation of this BezierCurve by a strip of Lines.

      The BezierCurve is recursively subdivided until it is "similar" to a straight Line. The similarity check computes the sum of the distances of the control Points to the baseline ( toLine()) of this BezierCurve. If this sum is smaller than the given lineSimilarity, the BezierCurve is assumed to be "similar" to a straight line.

      lineSimilarity - the threshold for the sum of the distances of the control points to the baseline of this BezierCurve
      startInterval - the BezierCurve.Interval of this BezierCurve that has to be approximated by a strip of Lines
      Line segments approximating this BezierCurve
    • toPath

      public Path toPath()
      Returns a Path approximating this BezierCurve using Line segments.
      Specified by:
      toPath in interface IGeometry
      a Path approximating this BezierCurve using Line segments
    • toPoints

      public Point[] toPoints(org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar.BezierCurve.Interval startInterval)
      Computes Points on this BezierCurve over the given BezierCurve.Interval. Consecutive returned Points are required to be equal to each other.
      startInterval - the BezierCurve.Interval of this BezierCurve to calculate Points for
      Points on this BezierCurve over the given parameter BezierCurve.Interval where consecutive Points are equal to each other
    • toQuadratic

      public QuadraticCurve toQuadratic()
      Returns a hard approximation of this BezierCurve as a QuadraticCurve. The new QuadraticCurve is constructed from the start Point, the first handle Point and the end Point of this BezierCurve. If this BezierCurve is not of degree three or higher, i.e. it does not have three or more control Points (including start and end Point), null is returned.
      a new QuadraticCurve that is constructed from the start Point, the first handle Point and the end Point of this BezierCurve or null if this BezierCurve does not have at least three control Points
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • translate

      public BezierCurve translate(double dx, double dy)
      Description copied from interface: ITranslatable
      Translates the object by the given values in x and y direction.
      Specified by:
      translate in interface ITranslatable<BezierCurve>
      dx - x-translation
      dy - y-translation
      this for convenience
    • translate

      public BezierCurve translate(Point d)
      Description copied from interface: ITranslatable
      Translates the object by the given Point.
      Specified by:
      translate in interface ITranslatable<BezierCurve>
      d - translation Point
      this for convenience
    • clone

      public Object clone()
      Overridden with public visibility as recommended within Cloneable .
      clone in class Object
    • hashCode

      public final int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
      See Also:
    • touches

      public boolean touches(IGeometry g)
      Description copied from interface: IGeometry
      Returns true if the input IGeometry touches this IGeometry, i.e. there is at least one common point.
      Specified by:
      touches in interface IGeometry
      g - The IGeometry for the intersection test
      true if the input IGeometry and this IGeometry have at least one common point.