Package org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar

package org.eclipse.gef.geometry.planar
This package provides support for geometric calculations based on shapes.
  • Class
    The AffineTransform class provides methods to create and modify 2-dimensional affine transformations.
    Represents the geometric shape of an Arc, which is defined by its enclosing framing Rectangle, a start Angle (relative to the x-axis), and an angular extend in counter-clockwise (CCW) direction.
    Instances of the BezierCurve class individually represent an arbitrary Bezier curve.
    An instance of the CubicCurve class represents a BezierCurve of degree 3, having a start and an end Point and two handle Points.
    A CurvedPolygon is an IShape with BezierCurve edges.
    A Dimension represents a width and a height in 2-dimensional space.
    Represents the geometric shape of an ellipse.
    The ICurve interface provides operations that allow the analysis of linear geometric objects and the transfer to BezierCurve segments ( ICurve.toBezier()).
    A glance at the list of implementing classes reveals that the IGeometry interface bundles all the basic common methods for planar geometric objects.
    In contradiction to the relation of the IPolyCurve to the ICurve interfaces, the IMultiShape interface does not extend the IShape interface.
    The IRotatable interface collects the out-of-place rotation short-cut methods.
    IScalable<T extends IGeometry>
    The IScalable interface collects all scaling short-cut methods.
    An IShape is the representation of an areal geometric object.
    The ITranslatable interface collects all translation short-cut methods.
    Represents the geometric shape of a line (or linear curve).
    Represents the geometric shape of a path, which may consist of independent subgraphs.
    Representation for different types of Path.Segments.
    The Pie is a closed AbstractArcBasedGeometry.
    Represents a point (x, y) in 2-dimensional space.
    A PolyBezier is an ICurve which consists of one or more connected BezierCurves.
    Represents the geometric shape of a convex polygon.
    Represents the geometric shape of a polyline.
    Represents the geometric shape of a quadratic Bézier curve.
    Represents the geometric shape of a rectangle, where a rectangle is characterized by means of its upper left corner (x,y) and its size (width, height).
    A combination of Rectangles.
    A combination of Polygons....
    Represents the geometric shape of a rounded rectangle, i.e. a rectangle with rounded corners.