Class ShapeOutlineProvider

org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Provider<IGeometry>, jakarta.inject.Provider<IGeometry>, IAdaptable.Bound<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>>

public class ShapeOutlineProvider extends IAdaptable.Bound.Impl<IVisualPart<? extends javafx.scene.Node>> implements Provider<IGeometry>
The ShapeOutlineProvider is a Provider<IGeometry> that returns an IGeometry that corresponds to the shape outline of its host visual, i.e. it includes the geometric outline and the stroke of the visual. The IGeometry is specified within the local coordinate system of the host visual.
  • Constructor Details

    • ShapeOutlineProvider

      public ShapeOutlineProvider()
  • Method Details