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GeometricBoundsProvider - Class in org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers
The GeometricBoundsProvider is a Provider <IGeometry> that returns a Rectangle that corresponds to the geometric bounds of its host visual, i.e. it does not include the stroke of the visual or other visual properties (e.g. clip or effect).
GeometricBoundsProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.GeometricBoundsProvider
GeometricOutlineProvider - Class in org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers
The GeometricOutlineProvider is a Provider <IGeometry> that returns an IGeometry that corresponds to the geometric outline of its host visual, i.e. it does not include the stroke of the visual or other visual properties (e.g. clip or effect).
GeometricOutlineProvider() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.GeometricOutlineProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.GeometricBoundsProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.GeometricOutlineProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ResizableTransformableBoundsProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ResizableTransformableOutlineProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ShapeBoundsProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ShapeOutlineProvider
get() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.TransformProvider
get(IVisualPart<? extends Node>, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.DefaultAnchorProvider
get(IVisualPart<? extends Node>, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.IAnchorProvider
Returns an IAnchor that should be used to provide a position for the given anchored IVisualPart and the given role.
getAdaptable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Gets the value of the property adaptable.
getAdaptable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property adaptable.
getAdaptable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
Gets the value of the property adaptable.
getAdapter(TypeToken<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapter(TypeToken<T>) - Method in class
getAdapter(TypeToken<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAdapter(Class) - Method in class
getAdapter(Class) - Method in class
getAdapter(Class<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapter(Class<T>) - Method in class
getAdapter(Class<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAdapter(AdapterKey<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapter(AdapterKey<T>) - Method in class
getAdapter(AdapterKey<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAdapterKey(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapterKey(T) - Method in class
getAdapterKey(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAdapters() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
Gets the value of the property adapters.
getAdapters() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property adapters.
getAdapters() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
Gets the value of the property adapters.
getAdapters(TypeToken<? super T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapters(TypeToken<? super T>) - Method in class
getAdapters(TypeToken<? super T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAdapters(Class<? super T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getAdapters(Class<? super T>) - Method in class
getAdapters(Class<? super T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getAnchoragesUnmodifiable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property anchoragesUnmodifiable.
getAnchoragesUnmodifiable() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable ObservableSetMultimap of this part's anchorages and their corresponding roles.
getAnchoreds(Collection<? extends IVisualPart<? extends Node>>) - Static method in class
Collects the anchoreds of all given IVisualParts.
getAnchoreds(IVisualPart<? extends Node>, String) - Static method in class
Collects the anchoreds of the given IVisualPart which are registered under the specified role.
getAnchoredsUnmodifiable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property anchoredsUnmodifiable.
getAnchoredsUnmodifiable() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable ObservableMultiset of this part's anchoreds.
getBehaviors() - Method in class
getBehaviors() - Method in interface
Returns a Map of this part's behaviors and their corresponding AdapterKeys.
getBendableVisual() - Method in interface
This method is no longer used as part of the IBendableContentPart contract. Reason is that IBendableContentPart is no longer bound to a Connection visual, while it still provides default behavior for that specific case.
getBendOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns an BendVisualOperation that is extracted from the operation created by BendConnectionPolicy.createOperation().
getBezierSegmentInParent() - Method in class
Returns the BezierCurve at which this handle part is anchored (depending on segment index), or null if that BezierCurve cannot be determined.
getCanvas() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.GridBehavior
getCanvas() - Method in class
Returns the FXCanvas that was previously created by the IFXCanvasFactory which was previously injected into this editor.
getCanvas() - Method in class
Returns the FXCanvas that was previously created by the injected IFXCanvasFactory.
getCanvas() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
Returns the InfiniteCanvas that is managed by this InfiniteCanvasViewer .
getCanvas() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns the Parent that displays the visuals of this viewer's parts
getChangeFocusOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.FocusTraversalPolicy
Returns the ChangeFocusOperation that is used to change the focus part.
getChangeViewportOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ViewportPolicy
Returns an ChangeViewportOperation that is extracted from the operation created by ViewportPolicy.createOperation().
getChildrenUnmodifiable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property childrenUnmodifiable.
getChildrenUnmodifiable() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable ObservableList of this part's children.
getCompositeOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ContentPolicy
Extracts a AbstractCompositeOperation from the operation created by ContentPolicy.createOperation().
getCompositeOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.CreationPolicy
Extracts a AbstractCompositeOperation from the operation created by CreationPolicy.createOperation().
getCompositeOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.DeletionPolicy
Extracts a AbstractCompositeOperation from the operation created by DeletionPolicy.createOperation().
getConnectedFill() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to fill connected handles.
getConnection() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns the Connection that is manipulated by this policy.
getConnection(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ConnectionSnappingLocationProvider
Returns the Connection that is used as the basis for determination of SnappingModel.SnappingLocations for the given IContentPart.
getContent() - Method in class
getContent() - Method in interface
Returns this part's content.
getContentAnchorage() - Method in class
The content element to which the bend point is attached.
getContentAnchoragesUnmodifiable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property contentAnchoragesUnmodifiable.
getContentAnchoragesUnmodifiable() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable ObservableSetMultimap that contains the content objects that are to be regarded as anchorages of this IContentPart's content (IContentPart.getContent()) with an (optional) role qualifier for each anchorage-anchored link that has to be established.
getContentBendPoints() - Method in interface
Returns the current IBendableContentPart.BendPoints of this IBendableContentPart's content.
getContentChildrenUnmodifiable() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property contentChildrenUnmodifiable.
getContentChildrenUnmodifiable() - Method in interface
Returns an unmodifiable ObservableList that contains the content children.
getContentLayer() - Method in class
Returns the content layer visual.
getContentPartChildren() - Method in interface
Returns all children of type IContentPart contained by this IRootPart.
getContentPartChildren() - Method in class
getContentPartFactory() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.ContentBehavior
Returns the IContentPartFactory of the current viewer.
getContentPartFactory() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.CreationPolicy
Returns the IContentPartFactory of the current viewer.
getContentPartMap() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getContentPartMap() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns the Map for registering IContentParts by their content.
getContentPartPool() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.ContentBehavior
Returns the ContentPartPool that is used to recycle content parts in the context of an IViewer.
getContents() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
Gets the value of the property contents.
getContents() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns an ObservableList containing the content objects.
getContentSize() - Method in interface
getContentSize() - Method in interface
Returns the current size according to this part's content.
getContentTransform() - Method in interface
getContentTransform() - Method in interface
Returns the current Affine according to this ITransformableContentPart's content.
getContentViewer() - Method in class
Returns the IViewer of the IDomain which was previously injected into this editor.
getContentViewer() - Method in class
Returns the IViewer of the IDomain that was previously injected.
getContext() - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.MvcFxBundle
If the bundle has been started, returns the BundleContext associated to it.
getCopy() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel.SnappingLocation
Returns a copy of this SnappingModel.SnappingLocation.
getCurrentBendPoints() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns the current control points of the content.
getCurrentSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
Returns the current size of the IResizableContentPart.
getCurrentTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.TransformPolicy
Returns the AffineTransform that matches the node transformation of the host.
getDefault() - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.ui.MvcFxUiBundle
Returns the shared instance
getDefaultAnchor() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.DefaultAnchorProvider
Returns the IAnchor that is to be used when no other, more specific anchor is used.
getDeltaHeight() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
Returns the delta height of the resize operation that is used by this policy.
getDeltaWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
Returns the delta width of the resize operation that is used by this policy.
getDeselectOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.DeletionPolicy
Returns the DeselectOperation used by this DeletionPolicy to deselect the to be deleted parts.
getDh() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ResizeOperation
Returns the delta height that is applied when executing this operation.
getDomain() - Method in class
Returns the IDomain that was previously injected into this editor.
getDomain() - Method in class
Returns the IDomain that was previously injected.
getDomain() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getDomain() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns the IDomain this IViewer is bound to.
getDw() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ResizeOperation
Returns the delta width that is applied when executing this operation.
getExplicitIndex(int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns the explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that is found within the connection's anchors when starting to search at the given connection index, and incrementing the index by the given step per iteration.
getExplicitIndexAtOrAfter(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns an explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that can be found when iterating the connection anchors forwards, starting at the given connection index.
getExplicitIndexAtOrBefore(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns an explicit anchor index for the first explicit anchor that can be found when iterating the connection anchors backwards, starting at the given connection index.
getFeedback(Collection<? extends IVisualPart<? extends Node>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns a list that contains all IHandleParts that were generated for the given target parts by this IBehavior.
getFeedback(IVisualPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns a list that contains all IHandleParts that were generated for the given target part by this IBehavior.
getFeedbackGeometry() - Method in class
Returns the IGeometry that is provided by this part's geometry provider.
getFeedbackGeometry() - Method in class
Returns the IGeometry that is provided by this part's geometry provider.
getFeedbackGeometry() - Method in class
Returns the IGeometry that is provided by this part's feedback geometry provider.
getFeedbackLayer() - Method in class
Returns the feedback layer visual.
getFeedbackPartChildren() - Method in interface
Returns all children of type IFeedbackPart contained by this IRootPart.
getFeedbackPartChildren() - Method in class
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the IFeedbackPartFactory that should be used for feedback creation.
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.FocusBehavior
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverBehavior
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverIntentBehavior
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.SelectionBehavior
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.SnappingBehavior
Returns the IFeedbackPartFactory for selection feedback.
getFeedbackPartFactory(IViewer, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the IFeedbackPartFactory that is registered as an adapter at the given IViewer under the given role.
getFeedbackPerTargetSet() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the map that stores the feedback parts per target part set.
getFinalBendPoints() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.BendVisualOperation
getFitToViewportActionGroup() - Method in class
Returns the ActionGroup that manages the fit-to-viewport actions.
getFocus() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.FocusModel
Returns the IContentPart which has keyboard focus, or null if no IContentPart currently has keyboard focus.
getFocusModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.FocusBehavior
Returns the FocusModel at which this FocusBehavior is registered for changes.
getFocusModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeFocusOperation
Returns the FocusModel adapted to the viewer.
getFocusStroke() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to stroke focus feedback.
getGestures() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getGestures() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.IDomain
Returns the IGestures registered at this IDomain (via IAdaptable.setAdapter(TypeToken, Object)) with the AdapterKeys used for registration.
getGridCellHeight() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Returns the grid cell height.
getGridCellWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Returns the grid cell width.
getHandleHoverFeedbackEffect(Map<Object, Object>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverBehavior
Returns the Effect that is applied to IHandleParts as a replacement for IFeedbackParts which are created for normal parts.
getHandleLayer() - Method in class
Returns the handle layer visual.
getHandlePartChildren() - Method in interface
Returns all children of type IHandlePart contained by this IRootPart.
getHandlePartChildren() - Method in class
getHandlePartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the IHandlePartFactory that should be used for handle creation.
getHandlePartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverBehavior
getHandlePartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverIntentBehavior
getHandlePartFactory(IViewer) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.SelectionBehavior
getHandlePartFactory(IViewer, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the IHandlePartFactory that is registered as an adapter at the given IViewer under the given role.
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in interface
Returns a Map of this part's handlers and their corresponding AdapterKeys.
getHandles(Collection<? extends IVisualPart<? extends Node>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns a list that contains all IHandleParts that were generated for the given target parts by this IBehavior.
getHandles(IVisualPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns a list that contains all IHandleParts that were generated for the given target part by this IBehavior.
getHandlesPerTargetSet() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
Returns the map that stores the handle parts per target part set.
getHorizontalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.BoundsSnappingLocationProvider
getHorizontalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.CenterSnappingLocationProvider
getHorizontalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ConnectionSnappingLocationProvider
getHorizontalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ISnappingLocationProvider
Returns the horizontal SnappingModel.SnappingLocations for the given IContentPart.
getHorizontalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.TopLeftSnappingLocationProvider
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.AbstractBehavior
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.ConnectionClickableAreaBehavior
getHost() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.IBehavior
Returns the host IVisualPart of this IBehavior, i.e. the part where this behavior is registered as an adapter.
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ContentPolicy
getHost() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.IPolicy
Returns the host of this IPolicy, i.e. the IVisualPart this IPolicy is attached to.
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
getHost() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.TransformPolicy
getHover() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.HoverModel
Returns the currently hovered IVisualPart or null if no visual part is hovered.
getHoverFeedbackEffect() - Method in class
Returns the Effect that is provided by the Provider<Effect> of this part's first anchorage.
getHoverIntent() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.HoverModel
Returns the current hover intent IContentPart or null if no content part is intentionally hovered.
getHoverModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverBehavior
Returns the HoverModel in the context of the host.
getHoverModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.HoverIntentBehavior
Returns the HoverModel in the context of the host.
getHoverStroke() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to stroke hover feedback.
getInfiniteCanvas() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the InfiniteCanvas that is manipulated by this operation.
getInitialBendPoints() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.BendVisualOperation
getInitialBendPoints() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns the initial bend points before bending the content.
getInitialContents() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeContentsOperation
Returns the list containing the initial contents by reference.
getInitialContentTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the contents transformation that will be applied when undoing this operation.
getInitialHeight() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the viewport height that will be applied when undoing this operation.
getInitialHorizontalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the horizontal translation that will be applied when undoing this operation.
getInitialSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ResizeOperation
Returns the dimensions that are applied when undoing this operation.
getInitialSize() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
Returns the initial size of the IResizableContentPart.
getInitialTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.TransformVisualOperation
Returns the initial Affine of the ITransformableContentPart.
getInitialTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.TransformPolicy
Returns a copy of the initial node transformation of the host (obtained via TransformPolicy.getCurrentTransform()).
getInitialVerticalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the vertical translation that will be applied when undoing this operation.
getInitialWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the viewport width that will be applied when undoing this operation.
getInsertFill() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to fill insertion handles.
getMoveFill() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to fill movement handles.
getNewContents() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeContentsOperation
Returns the list containing the new contents by reference.
getNewContentTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the contents transformation that will be applied when executing this operation.
getNewHeight() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the viewport height that will be applied when executing this operation.
getNewHorizontalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the horizontal translation that will be applied when executing this operation.
getNewTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.TransformVisualOperation
Returns the Affine that will be set as the transformation matrix of the ITransformableContentPart.
getNewValue() - Method in class
Returns the new value to be set for the property when executing or redoing.
getNewVerticalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the vertical translation that will be applied when executing this operation.
getNewWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeViewportOperation
Returns the viewport width that will be applied when executing this operation.
getOldValue() - Method in class
After the command has been executed or redone, returns the old value of the property or SetPropertyValueOperation.DEFAULT_VALUE if the property did not have a value before.
getOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.AbstractPolicy
Returns the ITransactionalOperation that is used to encapsulate the changes that are applied by this AbstractPolicy through its "work" methods.
getOperationHistory() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
Returns the IOperationHistory used by this HistoricizingDomain to execute transactions.
getOperationHistory() - Method in class
Returns the IOperationHistory that is used by this entry.
getOperations() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.AbstractCompositeOperation
Returns the list of ITransactionalOperations which are combined in this composite operation.
getOrientation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel.SnappingLocation
Returns the Orientation of this SnappingModel.SnappingLocation.
getOrthogonalAnchor() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.DefaultAnchorProvider
Returns the IAnchor that is to be used for orthogonal Connections.
getOverlayThreshold() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Removes the overlay threshold, i.e. the distance between two points, so that they are regarded as overlaying.
getParent() - Method in class
Gets the value of the property parent.
getParent() - Method in interface
Returns the parent of this part.
getPart() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel.SnappingLocation
Returns the IContentPart from which this SnappingModel.SnappingLocation was derived.
getPart() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.BendVisualOperation
getPolicies() - Method in class
getPolicies() - Method in interface
Returns a Map of this part's policies and their corresponding AdapterKeys.
getPooled() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.ContentPartPool
Returns the IContentPart's that are contained in this pool.
getPosition() - Method in class
The position of the unattached bend point or the (optional) position hint for an attached bend point.
getPosition(BezierCurve) - Method in class
Returns the position of this AbstractSegmentHandlePart on the given segment using the segment parameter that is assigned to this part.
getPositionInScene() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel.SnappingLocation
Returns the position coordinate of this SnappingModel.SnappingLocation.
getPrimarySelectionColor() - Method in class
Returns the primary selection Color.
getPropertyId() - Method in class
Returns the id by which to identify the property whose value is to be set.
getPropertySource() - Method in class
Returns the IPropertySource which provides the property, whose value is to be set.
getPropertySource(Object) - Method in class
getResizablePart() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ResizeOperation
Returns the IResizableContentPart that is resized by this operation.
getResizeOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.ResizePolicy
Returns the ResizeOperation that is used by this ResizePolicy.
getRole(List<IBendableContentPart.BendPoint>, int) - Method in interface
Returns the role that is used to determine the IAnchor for the IBendableContentPart.BendPoint at the given index of the given List of IBendableContentPart.BendPoints.
getRoot() - Method in class
getRoot() - Method in interface
Returns the IRootPart.
getRoot() - Method in class
getRootPart() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getRootPart() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns the IRootPart of this viewer.
getScene() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
Returns the Scene in which the InfiniteCanvas of this InfiniteCanvasViewer is displayed.
getSecondarySelectionColor() - Method in class
Returns the primary selection Color.
getSegmentCount() - Method in class
Returns the number of segments that are provided to this part.
getSegmentIndex() - Method in class
The segmentIndex specifies the segment of the IGeometry provided by the handle geometry provider on which this selection handle part is positioned.
getSegmentParameter() - Method in class
The segmentParameter is a value between 0 and 1.
getSegmentsInScene() - Method in class
Returns the BezierCurves that are provided to this part in the coordinate system of the Scene.
getSelectedInitialPositions() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.BendConnectionPolicy
Returns the initial positions of the selected points in the local coordinate system of the BendConnectionPolicy.getConnection().
getSelection() - Method in class
getSelectionModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.SelectionBehavior
Returns the SelectionModel in the context of the host.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeSelectionOperation
Returns the SelectionModel adapted to the viewer.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.DeselectOperation
Returns the SelectionModel adapted to the viewer.
getSelectionModel() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.SelectOperation
Returns the SelectionModel adapted to the viewer.
getSelectionUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SelectionModel
Returns an unmodifiable observable list of the currently selected IContentParts.
getSnappingLocation() - Method in class
Returns the SnappingModel.SnappingLocation for which feedback is visualized by this SnappingFeedbackPart.
getSnappingLocations() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel
Returns a List containing the SnappingModel.SnappingLocations currently stored in this SnappingModel.
getSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>, Orientation) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ConnectionSnappingLocationProvider
getSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>, Orientation, double...) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.BoundsSnappingLocationProvider
Iterates over the given ratios and interpolates positions within the bounds for the individual ratios.
getSnappingLocationsFor(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.SnappingModel
Returns a List containing the SnappingModel.SnappingLocations that were derived from the given IContentPart.
getStroke() - Method in class
Returns the Color that is used to stroke handles.
getToBeDeselected() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.ChangeSelectionOperation
Returns the parts that are to be deleted.
getToBeDeselected() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.operations.DeselectOperation
Returns the parts that are to be deleted.
getTools() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
Will be removed in 6.0.0. Please use HistoricizingDomain.getGestures() instead.
getTools() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.IDomain
Will be removed in 6.0.0. Please use IDomain.getGestures() instead.
getUndoContext() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
Returns the UndoContext that is used by this domain to execute transactions.
getUnfocusOperation() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.policies.DeletionPolicy
Returns the ChangeFocusOperation used by this DeletionPolicy to unfocus the to be deleted parts. .
getUnionedVisualBoundsInScene(Collection<? extends IVisualPart<? extends Node>>) - Static method in class
Returns the unioned visual bounds of the given IVisualParts in the coordinate system of the Scene.
getVerticalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.BoundsSnappingLocationProvider
getVerticalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.CenterSnappingLocationProvider
getVerticalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ConnectionSnappingLocationProvider
getVerticalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.ISnappingLocationProvider
Returns the vertical SnappingModel.SnappingLocations for the given IContentPart.
getVerticalSnappingLocations(IContentPart<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.providers.TopLeftSnappingLocationProvider
getViewer() - Method in interface
Returns the IViewer this IVisualPart is bound to.
getViewer() - Method in class
Returns the IViewer this ContentSelectionProvider is bound to.
getViewers() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.HistoricizingDomain
getViewers() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.domain.IDomain
Returns the IViewers registered at this IDomain (via IAdaptable.setAdapter(TypeToken, Object)) with the AdapterKeys used for registration.
getVisual() - Method in class
getVisual() - Method in interface
Returns this part's visual.
getVisualBendPoints() - Method in interface
Returns the current IBendableContentPart.BendPoints of this IBendableContentPart's visual.
getVisualPartMap() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.InfiniteCanvasViewer
getVisualPartMap() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.viewer.IViewer
Returns the Map for registering IVisualParts by their visual.
getVisualSize() - Method in interface
getVisualSize() - Method in interface
Returns the current size according to this IResizableContentPart 's visual.
getVisualTransform() - Method in interface
getVisualTransform() - Method in interface
Returns the current transform according to this ITransformableContentPart's visual.
getWorkbenchPart() - Method in class
Returns the IWorkbenchPart this UndoablePropertySheetPage is related to.
GRID_CELL_HEIGHT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
The default grid cell height.
GRID_CELL_HEIGHT_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Name of the "grid cell height" property.
GRID_CELL_WIDTH_DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
The default grid cell width.
GRID_CELL_WIDTH_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Name of the "grid cell width" property.
GridBehavior - Class in org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors
The GridBehavior can be registered on an IRootPart to apply the information from the GridModel to the background grid that is managed by the InfiniteCanvasViewer.
GridBehavior() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.behaviors.GridBehavior
gridCellHeightProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Returns a double property representing the grid cell height.
gridCellWidthProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
Returns a double property representing the grid cell width.
GridModel - Class in org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models
The GridModel stores information about a background grid, i.e. cell width and cell height.
GridModel() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.mvc.fx.models.GridModel
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