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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


Geometry2Shape - Class in org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils
The utility class Geometry2Shape provides methods for the conversion of IGeometry implementations to JavaFX Shape implementations.
Geometry2Shape() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.Geometry2Shape
GeometryNode<T extends IGeometry> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes
A GeometryNode is a Node which can be constructed using an underlying IGeometry.
GeometryNode() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Constructs a new GeometryNode without an IGeometry.
GeometryNode(T) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Constructs a new GeometryNode which displays the given IGeometry.
geometryProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Provides a Property holding the geometry of this GeometryNode.
get(Collection<? extends IComputationStrategy.Parameter<?>>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy.Parameter
Retrieves a parameter of the respective type from the set of given parameters.
getAdvancedLinearGradient() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXAdvancedLinearGradientPicker
Returns the currently selected advanced gradient.
getAnchor(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the anchor at the given index.
getAnchorage() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AbstractAnchor
Gets the value of the property anchorage.
getAnchorage() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IAnchor
Provides the anchorage Node this IAnchor is bound to.
getAnchorageGeometry(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter
Retrieves the geometry of the anchorage at the given index within the coordinate system of the Connection, in case the respective anchor is connected.
getAnchored() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AnchorKey
Returns the anchored Node of this AnchorKey.
getAnchoredReferencePoint(List<Point>, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter
Returns the DynamicAnchor.AnchoredReferencePoint parameter value (within the coordinate system of the Connection) for the anchor specified by the given index.
getAnchoredReferencePoint(List<Point>, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.OrthogonalRouter
Returns the reference point for the anchor at the given index.
getAnchoredReferencePoint(List<Point>, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.StraightRouter
Returns the reference point for the anchor at the given index.
getAnchorIndex(AnchorKey) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the anchor index for the given AnchorKey.
getAnchorKey(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the AnchorKey for the given anchor index, i.e. the reverse of Connection.getAnchorIndex(AnchorKey).
getAnchorsUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns a List containing the IAnchors which are assigned to this Connection in the order: start anchor, control point anchorsByKeys, end anchor.
getBaseImageView() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.HoverOverlayImageView
Returns the ImageView which displays the base Image.
getBean() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy.Parameter
getCenter() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Computes the 'logical' center point of the Connection, which is the middle control point position (in case the curveProperty consists of an even number of segment) or the middle point of the middle segment.
getChildren() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXControlAdapter
We do not manage children.
getClickableAreaWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the clickable area width property ( GeometryNode.clickableAreaWidthProperty()).
getColor() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXColorPicker
Returns the currently selected Color.
getComputationParameter(Class<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.DynamicAnchor
Retrieves a computation parameter of the respective type.
getComputationParameter(AnchorKey, Class<T>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.DynamicAnchor
Retrieves a computation parameter of the respective type for the given AnchorKey.
getComputationStrategy() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.DynamicAnchor
Returns the IComputationStrategy used by this DynamicAnchor.
getConnection() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter.ControlPointManipulator
Returns the Connection that is manipulated.
getConnection() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter
Returns the Connection of the last AbstractRouter.route(Connection) call.
getContentBounds() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the value of the InfiniteCanvas.contentBoundsProperty().
getContentGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the Group designated for holding the scrolled content.
getContentTransform() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the transformation that is applied to the content group.
getContext() - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.FxBundle
If the bundle has been started, returns the BundleContext associated to it.
getControl() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXControlAdapter
Returns the SWT Control that is wrapped by this FXControlAdapter.
getControlAnchor(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the control anchor for the given control anchor index which is currently assigned, or null if no control anchor is assigned for that index.
getControlAnchorIndex(AnchorKey) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the control anchor index for the given AnchorKey, i.e.
getControlAnchorKey(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the AnchorKey for the given control anchor index.
getControlAnchors() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns a List containing the control anchorsByKeys currently assigned to this Connection.
getControlPoint(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the control Point for the given control anchor index within the coordinate system of this Connection which is determined by querying the anchor position for the corresponding control anchor, or null if no control anchor is assigned for the given index.
getControlPoints() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns a List containing the control Points of this Connection.
getCurve() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the Node which displays the curveProperty geometry.
getEndAnchor() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the currently assigned end anchor, or null if no end anchor is assigned.
getEndAnchorKey() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the end AnchorKey for this Connection.
getEndDecoration() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the end decoration Node of this Connection, or null.
getEndPoint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the end Point of this Connection within its coordinate system which is determined by querying the anchor position for the end anchor key, or null when no end anchor is assigned.
getEndPointHint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the currently set end position hint or null if no hint is present.
getFill() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the fill property.
getFillRule() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the fill rule property.
getFXCanvas(Node) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXControlAdapter
Returns the FXCanvas which embeds the Scene which contains the given Node.
getFXCanvas(Scene) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.canvas.FXCanvasEx
Returns the FXCanvas which contains the given Scene.
getFXCanvas(Control) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXControlAdapter
Returns the first FXCanvas which is found by walking up the widget hierarchy of the given Control.
getGeometricOutline(Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Returns an IGeometry that corresponds whose outline represents the geometric outline of the given Node, excluding its stroke.
getGeometricShape() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Returns the Shape that is used as a delegate to render the geometry of this GeometryNode.
getGeometry() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the geometry property.
getGridCanvas() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the Region that is used to paint the background grid.
getGridCellHeight() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the value of the InfiniteCanvas.gridCellHeightProperty().
getGridCellWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the value of the InfiniteCanvas.gridCellWidthProperty().
getHorizontalScrollBar() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the horizontal ScrollBar, or null if the horizontal ScrollBar was not yet created.
getHorizontalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy that is currently used to decide when to show a horizontal scrollbar.
getHorizontalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the current horizontal scroll offset.
getId() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AnchorKey
The String identifier of this AnchorKey.
getImage(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.jface.FXPaintLabelProvider
getIndex() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter.ControlPointManipulator
Returns the current insertion index for manipulations.
getInterpolator() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the IConnectionInterpolator of this Connection.
getKeys() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AbstractAnchor
Returns all keys maintained by this anchor.
getKeysByNode() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AbstractAnchor
Returns the Map which stores the registered AnchorKeys per Node by reference.
getKind() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy.Parameter
Retrieves the IComputationStrategy.Parameter.Kind of this parameter, which indicates whether a single value may be shared to compute the positions of all attached AnchorKeys or not.
getKind(Class<? extends IComputationStrategy.Parameter<?>>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy.Parameter
Returns the IComputationStrategy.Parameter.Kind returned by an instance of the given IComputationStrategy.Parameter type.
getLocalToSceneTx(Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Returns an AffineTransform which represents the transformation matrix to transform geometries from the local coordinate system of the given Node into the coordinate system of the Scene.
getName() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy.Parameter
getNearestCommonAncestor(Node, Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Computes the nearest common ancestor for two given nodes.
getNextOffset(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXAdvancedLinearGradientPicker
Computes the maximum offset for the given stop index.
getNodesAt(Node, double, double) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Performs picking on the scene graph beginning at the specified root node and processing its transitive children.
getOutlineSegments(IGeometry) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.ProjectionStrategy
Determines the outline of the given IGeometry, represented as a list of ICurves.
getOverlayGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the overlay Group that is rendered above the contents but below the scrollbars.
getOverlayImageView() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.HoverOverlayImageView
Returns the ImageView which displays the overlay Image.
getPaint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.jface.FXPaintSelectionDialog
Returns the currently selected Paint.
getPaintDisplayText(Paint) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.jface.FXPaintUtils
Creates a human-readable string representation for the given Paint value.
getPaintImageData(int, int, Paint) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.jface.FXPaintUtils
Creates a rectangular Image to visualize the given Paint.
getParameters(AnchorKey) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.DynamicAnchor
Retrieves the relevant parameters for the computation of the given AnchorKey.
getPath() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Returns the JavaFX Path that is used to visualize the IGeometry of this GeometryNode.
getPoint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.AbstractRouter.ControlPointManipulator
Returns the current Point on the Connection.
getPoint(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the point at the given index.
getPointerLocation() - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.CursorUtils
Returns the current pointer location.
getPointsUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the Points constituting this Connection within its coordinate system in the order: start point, control points, end point.
getPosition(AnchorKey) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AbstractAnchor
getPosition(AnchorKey) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IAnchor
Provides a position for the given AnchorKey.
getPositionsUnmodifiable() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.AbstractAnchor
Gets the value of the property positionsUnmodifiable.
getPositionsUnmodifiable() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IAnchor
Provides an observable read-only (map) with positions (in local coordinates of the anchored Nodes) for all attached AnchorKeys.
getPrevOffset(int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXAdvancedLinearGradientPicker
Computes the minimum offset for the given stop index.
getReferencePosition() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.StaticAnchor
Returns the reference position of this StaticAnchor.
getRequiredParameters() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.IComputationStrategy
Returns the types of parameters required by this strategy.
getRequiredParameters() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.OrthogonalProjectionStrategy
getRequiredParameters() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.anchors.ProjectionStrategy
getResizedToShapeBounds(Node, IGeometry) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Creates a copy of the given IGeometry and resizes it to fit the (corrected) layout-bounds (see NodeUtils.getShapeBounds(Node)) of the given Node.
getRouter() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the IConnectionRouter of this Connection.
getSceneToLocalTx(Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Returns the scene-to-local transform for the given Node.
getScrollableBounds() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
getScrollBarGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the Group designated for holding the ScrollBars.
getScrolledOverlayGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the scrolled overlay Group.
getScrolledPane() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the Pane which is translated when scrolling.
getScrolledUnderlayGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the scrolled underlay Group.
getShapeBounds(Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Returns the layout-bounds of the given Node, which might be adjusted to ensure that it exactly fits the visualization.
getShapeOutline(Node) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.utils.NodeUtils
Creates a geometry whose outline represents the outline of the given Node, including its stroke.
getSimpleLinearGradient() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXSimpleLinearGradientPicker
Returns the currently selected simple gradient.
getStage() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.canvas.FXCanvasEx
Returns the stage Window hold by this FXCanvas.
getStartAnchor() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the currently assigned start anchor, or null if no start anchor is assigned.
getStartAnchorKey() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the start AnchorKey for this Connection.
getStartDecoration() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the start decoration Node of this Connection, or null.
getStartPoint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the start Point of this Connection within its coordinate system which is determined by querying the anchor position for the start anchor key, or null when no start anchor is assigned.
getStartPointHint() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.Connection
Returns the currently set start position hint or null if no hint is present.
getStops() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.swt.controls.FXAdvancedLinearGradientPicker
Returns a list of the Stops of the currently selected advanced gradient.
getStroke() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke property.
getStrokeDashArray() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke dash array property.
getStrokeDashOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke dash offset property.
getStrokeLineCap() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke line cap property.
getStrokeLineJoin() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke line join property.
getStrokeMiterLimit() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke miter limit property.
getStrokeType() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke type property.
getStrokeWidth() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.GeometryNode
Retrieves the value of the stroke width property.
getText(Object) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.jface.FXPaintLabelProvider
getUnderlayGroup() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the underlay Group.
getVerticalScrollBar() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the vertical ScrollBar, or null if the vertical ScrollBar was not yet created.
getVerticalScrollBarPolicy() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy that is currently used to decide when to show a vertical scrollbar.
getVerticalScrollOffset() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the current vertical scroll offset.
gridCellHeightProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the grid cell height as a (writable) property.
gridCellWidthProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.fx.nodes.InfiniteCanvas
Returns the grid cell width as a (writable) property.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values