All Classes and Interfaces

AbstractAnchor is the abstract base implementation for IAnchors.
Abstract base class for IConnectionInterpolator implementations, which supports updating the geometry for an IGeometry curve node, as well as arranging and clipping the decorations.
Abstract base class for IConnectionRouters implementing a routing strategy that can be specialized by subclasses: Remove anchors previously inserted by the router.
A AbstractRouter.ControlPointManipulator can be used to record, perform, and roll back control point changes during routing.
The AbstractRouter.VolatileStaticAnchor is a StaticAnchor that may be inserted by an AbstractRouter during route(Connection), and, hence, will be removed when routing is performed again.
AnchorKey combines an anchored Node with a String qualifier to identify an anchor target.
A specific projection strategy that is based on a center-projection of the given reference point.
A (binary) Connection is a visual curveProperty, whose appearance is defined through a single start and end point, and a set of control points, which may be 'connected', i.e. be attached to an IAnchor.
The CursorUtils class contains utility methods for determining the current pointer location (CursorUtils.getPointerLocation()).
The DynamicAnchor computes anchor positions through a IComputationStrategy.
An IComputationStrategy.Parameter that encapsulates an (anchorage) reference geometry.
An IComputationStrategy.Parameter that encapsulates an (anchorage) reference point.
An IComputationStrategy.Parameter that encapsulates a projection reference point.
An IComputationStrategy.Parameter that encapsulates the preferred orientation to be used for orthogonal projections.
A picker for multi-stop LinearGradients.
The BundleActivator for the FX bundle.
A replacement of FXCanvas that fixes the following issues: JDK-8088147 - [SWT] FXCanvas: implement custom cursors [workaround for JavaSE-1.8 only, as fixed by SWTCursors in JavaSE-1.9] JDK-8161282 - FXCanvas does not forward horizontal mouse scroll events to the embedded scene.
An SWT control that can be used to select a JavaFX color (and indicates the selected color via an image).
The FXControlAdapter can be used to embed SWT controls into a JavaFX scene graph.
The FXControlAdapter.IControlFactory can be used in conjunction with FXControlAdapter to create the wrapped SWT Control when the surrounding FXCanvas changes.
The FXPaintCellEditor is a DialogCellEditor that is capable of displaying a currently selected Color and of changing that color via a dialog.
A label provider for a Paint value.
The FXPaintSelectionDialog is a Dialog that allows to select a JavaFX Paint.
Provides utilities for dealing with Paint representations.
The FXSimpleLinearGradientPicker allows the selection of two colors from which a gradient is constructed.
The utility class Geometry2Shape provides methods for the conversion of IGeometry implementations to JavaFX Shape implementations.
A GeometryNode is a Node which can be constructed using an underlying IGeometry.
A Group that combines two ImageViews, realizing an overlay effect (by adjusting the respective opacities) upon mouse hover.
An IAnchor is a visual anchor that will provide positions for attached AnchorKeys (i.e. anchored Nodes) in local coordinates of the AnchorKey's anchored Node.
The IComputationStrategy is responsible for computing anchor positions based on the anchorage Node, the anchored Node, and respective (strategy-specific) parameters.
Base class for all computation parameters that can be passed to an IComputationStrategy.
Indicates whether the parameter value can be shared to compute positions of all attached anchors or not.
An IConnectionInterpolator is responsible for updating the Connection's curve node (which includes to properly clip it at the start and end decorations), as well as for arranging the decorations.
An IConnectionRouter is responsible for adjustment of a Connection's points.
The IFXCanvasFactory provides a method for the creation of an FXCanvas inside a Composite.
An InfiniteCanvas provides a means to render a portion of a hypothetically infinite canvas, on which arbitrary contents can be placed.
The NodeUtils class contains utility methods for working with JavaFX: transforming IGeometrys from/to different JavaFX coordinate systems (NodeUtils.localToParent(Node, IGeometry), NodeUtils.localToScene(Node, IGeometry), NodeUtils.localToScene(Node, Point), NodeUtils.parentToLocal(Node, IGeometry), NodeUtils.sceneToLocal(Node, IGeometry)) determining the actual local-to-scene or scene-to-local transform for a JavaFX Node (NodeUtils.getLocalToSceneTx(Node), NodeUtils.getSceneToLocalTx(Node)) perform picking of Nodes at a specific position within the JavaFX scene graph (NodeUtils.getNodesAt(Node, double, double))
An IComputationStrategy that computes anchor position by orthogonally projecting the respective anchored reference point to the outline of the anchorage reference geometry so that the respective point has minimal distance to the anchored reference point and resembles the same x- (vertical projection) or y-coordinate (horizontal projection).
An IConnectionRouter that interprets the Connection control points as way points and adjusts the way points (if necessary) so that the Connection is routed orthogonally.
The PolyBezierInterpolator interpolates a cubic Bezier spline through the supplied way points.
The PolylineInterpolator constructs a Polyline through the given Connection's points.
An IComputationStrategy that computes anchor position by projecting the respective anchored reference point to the outline of the anchorage reference geometry so that the respective point has minimal distance to the anchored reference point.
The utility class Shape2Geometry provides methods for the conversion of JavaFX Shape implementations to IGeometry implementations.
An StaticAnchor provides a position for each AnchorKey, based on a reference position relative to the anchorage Node, to which the StaticAnchor is bound, or based on a (global) static reference position in case the StaticAnchor is unbound.
The StraightRouter is an IConnectionRouter that leaves the Connection's control points untouched and only provides reference points for the Connection's anchors.
You can use a VisualChangeListener to register/unregister specific listeners for catching changes in the visual representation of a JavaFX Node.