Interface IComputationStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
ChopBoxStrategy, OrthogonalProjectionStrategy, ProjectionStrategy

public interface IComputationStrategy
The IComputationStrategy is responsible for computing anchor positions based on the anchorage Node, the anchored Node, and respective (strategy-specific) parameters.
  • Method Details

    • computePositionInScene

      Point computePositionInScene(javafx.scene.Node anchorage, javafx.scene.Node anchored, Set<IComputationStrategy.Parameter<?>> parameters)
      Computes an anchor position based on the given anchorage visual, anchored visual, and anchored reference point.
      anchorage - The anchorage visual.
      anchored - The anchored visual.
      parameters - The available computation parameters. strategy.
      The anchor position.
    • getRequiredParameters

      Set<Class<? extends IComputationStrategy.Parameter<?>>> getRequiredParameters()
      Returns the types of parameters required by this strategy.
      The parameters required by this strategy.