Package org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates

package org.eclipse.pde.ui.templates
Application programming interfaces for contributing to and extending PDE project templates.

Package Specification

Provides the UI elements to develop new templates that can be customized by the user in the new project wizard. Also provides the NewPluginProjectFromTemplateWizard to allow the reuse and extension of the template wizard.
  • Class
    Abstract implementation of the TemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from the fixed set of options.
    This class is used as a common base for plug-in content wizards that are implemented using PDE template support.
    Common function for template sections.
    This class adds a notion of options to the default template section implementation.
    This template option can be used to create blank space on the template section wizard page.
    This implementation of the TemplateOption can be used to represent options that are boolean choices.
    Implementation of the AbstractTemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from the fixed set of options using a combo box.
    This interface represents a section of the template wizard that generates a new extension or plug-in.
    The classes that implement this interface are responsible for providing value of variables when asked.
    API class to allow customization of the new plug-in project wizard.
    This wizard should be used as a base class for wizards that generate plug-in content using a closed set of templates.
    This class adds some conventions to the class it is based on.
    An implementation of the standard wizard page that creates its contents from the list of template options.
    Implementation of the IPluginReference
    Implementation of the AbstractTemplateOption that allows users to choose a value from the fixed set of options using radio buttons.
    This template option can be used to collect string option from the user in the template section wizard page.
    The base class for all the template option fields.
    The base class of all the template options.