Package org.eclipse.jdt.core
package org.eclipse.jdt.core
The Java model is the set of classes that model the
objects associated with creating, editing, and building a Java program.
Package Specification
This package contains the Java model classes, which implement Java
specific behaviour for resources and further decompose Java resources into
model elements.
Note that a lot of Java model operations require a Java project's classpath resolution. For example IJavaProject#getResolvedClasspath(boolean) or JavaCore#setClasspathContainer() will require to resolve the classpath of one or more projects. Client should be aware that this resolution may require to take project modification rule (see IResourceRuleFactory#modifyRule(IResource)).
ClassDescriptionUtility class to decode or create a binding key.A buffer changed event describes how a buffer has changed.An Ant task to generate the index file for the given jar path.An Ant task to find out if a class file or a jar contains debug attributes.Abstract base implementation of all classpath container initializer.Abstract base implementation of all classpath variable initializers.Completion context.Utility class for decoding additional flags in completion proposal.Completion proposal.Abstract base class for a completion requestor which is passed completion proposals as they are generated in response to a code assist request.Deprecated.This class is the entry point for source corrections.An element changed event describes a change to the structure or contents of a tree of Java elements.Utility class for decoding modifier flags in Java elements.Describes an access rule to source and class files on a classpath entry.Common protocol for Java elements that can be annotated.Represents an annotation on a package declaration, a type, a method, a field or a local variable in a compilation unit or a class file.A buffer contains the text contents of a resource.Implementors of
can additionally implementIBuffer.ITextEditCapability
.A listener, which gets notified when the contents of a specific buffer have changed, or when the buffer is closed.Deprecated.UseWorkingCopyOwner
insteadRepresents a single.class
file, holding the binary form of either a type or a module: A class file of typeIOrdinaryClassFile
has a single child of typeIType
, a class file of typeIModularClassFile
has a single child of typeIModuleDescription
. Class file elements need to be opened before they can be navigated.A classpath attribute defines a name/value pair that can be persisted with a classpath entry.A delta which describes changes inIClasspathAttribute
of a classpath between two discrete points in time.Interface of a classpath container.An entry on a Java project classpath identifying one or more package fragment roots.Common protocol for Java elements that support source code assist and code resolve.Deprecated.UseCompletionRequestor
instead (note: options have changed)Represents an entire Java compilation unit (source file with one of theJava-like extensions
instead.A callback interface for receiving java problem correction.An element changed listener receives notification of changes to Java elements maintained by the Java model.Represents a field declared in a type.Represents an import container is a child of a Java compilation unit that contains all (and only) the import declarations.Represents an import declaration in Java compilation unit.Represents a stand-alone instance or class (static) initializer in a type.A jar entry corresponding to a non-Java resource in an archiveIPackageFragment
.Common protocol for all elements provided by the Java model.A Java element delta describes changes in Java element between two discrete points in time.Represent the root Java element corresponding to the workspace.Markers used by the Java model.Represents the outcome of an Java model operation.Status codes used with Java model status objects.A Java project represents a view of a project resource in terms of Java elements such as package fragments, types, methods and fields.Represents a local variable declared in a method or an initializer.Common protocol for Java elements that can be members of types.Represents a member-value pair of an annotation.Represents a method (or constructor) declared in a type.Represents the class file of a module description ("module-info.class").Represents a Java module descriptor.Common protocol for Java elements that must be opened before they can be navigated or modified.Ordinary form of aIClassFile
which holds exactly oneIType
.Represents a package declaration in Java compilation unit.A package fragment is a portion of the workspace corresponding to an entire package, or to a portion thereof.A package fragment root contains a set of package fragments.Common protocol for Java elements that contain other Java elements.A callback interface for receiving java problem as they are discovered by some Java operation.A Java model region describes a hierarchical set of elements.Common protocol for Java elements that support source code manipulations such as copy, move, rename, and delete.A source range defines an element's source coordinates relative to its source buffer.Common protocol for Java elements that have associated source code.Represents either a source type in a compilation unit (either a top-level type, a member type, a local type, an anonymous type or a lambda expression) or a binary type in a class file.A type hierarchy provides navigations between a type and its resolved supertypes and subtypes for a specific type or for all types within a region.A listener which gets notified when a particular type hierarchy object changes.Represents a type parameter defined by a type or a method in a compilation unit or a class file.Represents an entire Java type root (either anICompilationUnit
or anIClassFile
insteadProvides methods for checking Java-specific conventions such as name syntax.The plug-in runtime class for the Java model plug-in containing the core (UI-free) support for Java projects.JavaCore.JavaCallable<V,E extends Exception> JavaCore.JavaRunnable<E extends Exception>A checked exception representing a failure in the Java model.Ant 1.5 compiler adapter for the Eclipse Java compiler.Provides methods for computing Java-specific names.Provides methods for encoding and decoding type and method signature strings.A source range defines an element's source coordinates relative to its source buffer.Factory for creating various compiler tools, such as scanners, parsers and compilers.The owner of anICompilationUnit
handle in working copy mode.