Class Signature
Signatures obtained from parsing source files (i.e. files with one of the
Java-like extensions
) differ subtly
from ones obtained from pre-compiled binary (".class") files in class names are
usually left unresolved in the former. For example, the normal resolved form
of the type "String" embeds the class's package name ("Ljava.lang.String;"
or "Ljava/lang/String;"), whereas the unresolved form contains only what is
written "QString;".
Generic types introduce to the Java language in J2SE 1.5 add three new facets to signatures: type variables, parameterized types with type arguments, and formal type parameters. Rich signatures containing these facets only occur when dealing with code that makes overt use of the new language features. All other code, and certainly all Java code written or compiled with J2SE 1.4 or earlier, involved only simple signatures.
Note that the "Q", "!", "|" and "&" formats are specific to Eclipse; the remainder are specified in the JVM spec.
Due to historical reasons Eclipse uses "|" format for Intersection and "&" for Union which is opposite to their usage in source code.
The syntax for a type signature is:
TypeSignature ::=
"B" // byte
| "C" // char
| "D" // double
| "F" // float
| "I" // int
| "J" // long
| "S" // short
| "V" // void
| "Z" // boolean
| "T" + Identifier + ";" // type variable
| "[" + TypeSignature // array X[]
| "!" + TypeSignature // capture-of ?
| "|" + TypeSignature + (":" + TypeSignature)+ // intersection type
| ResolvedClassTypeSignature
| UnresolvedClassTypeSignature
ResolvedClassTypeSignature ::= // resolved named type (in compiled code)
"L" + Identifier + OptionalTypeArguments
( ( "." | "/" ) + Identifier + OptionalTypeArguments )* + ";"
| OptionalTypeParameters + "L" + Identifier +
( ( "." | "/" ) + Identifier )* + ";"
UnresolvedClassTypeSignature ::= // unresolved named type (in source code)
"Q" + Identifier + OptionalTypeArguments
( ( "." | "/" ) + Identifier + OptionalTypeArguments )* + ";"
| OptionalTypeParameters "Q" + Identifier +
( ( "." | "/" ) + Identifier )* + ";"
OptionalTypeArguments ::=
"<" + TypeArgument+ + ">"
TypeArgument ::=
| TypeSignature
| "*" // wildcard ?
| "+" TypeSignature // wildcard ? extends X
| "-" TypeSignature // wildcard ? super X
OptionalTypeParameters ::=
"<" + FormalTypeParameterSignature+ + ">"
in compiled code"QString;"
in source code"Qjava.lang.String;"
in source code"[QString;"
in source code"QMap<QString;*>;"
in source code"Qjava.util.List<V>;"
in source code"<E>Ljava.util.List;"
in source code
The syntax for a method signature is:
MethodSignature ::= OptionalTypeParameters + "(" + ParamTypeSignature* + ")" + ReturnTypeSignature
ParamTypeSignature ::= TypeSignature
ReturnTypeSignature ::= TypeSignature
denotesint foo()
denotesvoid foo(java.lang.String[])
in compiled code"(QString;)QObject;"
denotesObject foo(String)
in source code
The syntax for a formal type parameter signature is:
FormalTypeParameterSignature ::=
TypeVariableName + OptionalClassBound + InterfaceBound*
TypeVariableName ::= Identifier
OptionalClassBound ::=
| ":" + TypeSignature
InterfaceBound ::=
":" + TypeSignature
denotesX extends Reader
in source code"X:QReader;:QSerializable;"
denotesX extends Reader & Serializable
in source code
This class provides static methods and constants only.
Note: An empty signature is considered to be syntactically incorrect. So most methods will throw an IllegalArgumentException if an empty signature is provided.
- Restriction:
- This class is not intended to be instantiated by clients.
Field Summary
FieldsModifier and TypeFieldDescriptionstatic final int
Kind constant for an array type signature.static final int
Kind constant for a base (primitive or void) type signature.static final char
Character constant indicating an array type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type boolean in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type byte in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating a capture of a wildcard type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type char in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the colon in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the dollar in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the dot in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type double in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating an exception in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating a bound wildcard type argument in a signature with extends clause.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type float in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the end of a generic type list in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the start of a formal type parameter (or type argument) list in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type int in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating an intersection type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type long in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the end of a named type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the end of a parameter type list in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the start of a parameter type list in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the start of a resolved, named type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the semicolon in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the primitive type short in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating an unbound wildcard type argument in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating a bound wildcard type argument in a signature with super clause.static final char
Character constant indicating the start of a resolved type variable in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating a union type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating the start of an unresolved, named type in a signature.static final char
Character constant indicating result type void in a signature.static final int
Kind constant for the capture of a wildcard type signature.static final int
Kind constant for a class type signature.static final int
Kind constant for the intersection type signature.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type boolean.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type byte.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type char.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type double.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type float.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type int.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type long.static final String
String constant for the signature of the primitive type short.static final String
String constant for the signature of result type void.static final int
Kind constant for a type variable signature.static final int
Kind constant for the union type signature.static final int
Kind constant for a wildcard type signature. -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionstatic char[]
(char[] typeSignature, int arrayCount) Creates a new type signature with the given amount of array nesting added to the given type signature.static String
(String typeSignature, int arrayCount) Creates a new type signature with the given amount of array nesting added to the given type signature.static char[]
(char[] typeName, boolean isResolved) Creates a new type signature from the given type name encoded as a character array.static String
(char[][] typeSignatures) Creates a new intersection type signature from the given type signatures.static String
(String[] typeSignatures) Creates a new intersection type signature from the given type signatures.static char[]
(char[][] parameterTypes, char[] returnType) Creates a method signature from the given parameter and return type signatures.static String
(String[] parameterTypes, String returnType) Creates a method signature from the given parameter and return type signatures.static char[]
(char[] typeParameterName, char[][] boundSignatures) Creates a new type parameter signature with the given name and bounds.static String
(String typeParameterName, String[] boundSignatures) Creates a new type parameter signature with the given name and bounds.static String
(char[] typeName, boolean isResolved) Creates a new type signature from the given type name encoded as a character array.static String
(String typeName, boolean isResolved) Creates a new type signature from the given type name.static String
(String[] typeSignatures) Creates a new union type signature from the given type signatures.static int
(char[] typeSignature) Returns the array count (array nesting depth) of the given type signature.static int
(String typeSignature) Returns the array count (array nesting depth) of the given type signature.static char[]
(char[] typeSignature) Returns the type signature without any array nesting.static String
(String typeSignature) Returns the type signature without any array nesting.static char[][]
(char[] intersectionTypeSignature) Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given intersection type signature.static String[]
(String intersectionTypeSignature) Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given intersection type signature.static int
(char[] methodSignature) Returns the number of parameter types in the given method signature.static int
(String methodSignature) Returns the number of parameter types in the given method signature.static char[][]
(char[] methodSignature) Extracts the parameter type signatures from the given method signature.static String[]
(String methodSignature) Extracts the parameter type signatures from the given method signature.static char[]
(char[] name) Returns a char array containing all but the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name.static String
(String name) Returns a string containing all but the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name.static char[]
(char[] methodSignature) Extracts the return type from the given method signature.static String
(String methodSignature) Extracts the return type from the given method signature.static char[]
(char[] typeSignature) Returns package fragment of a type signature.static String
(String typeSignature) Returns package fragment of a type signature.static char[]
(char[] typeSignature) Returns type fragment of a type signature.static String
(String typeSignature) Returns type fragment of a type signature.static char[]
(char[] name) Returns the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name.static String
(String name) Returns the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name.static char[][]
(char[] name) Returns all segments of the given dot-separated qualified name.static String[]
(String name) Returns all segments of the given dot-separated qualified name.static char[][]
(char[] methodSignature) Extracts the thrown exception type signatures from the given method signature if any The method signature is expected to be dot-based.static String[]
(String methodSignature) Extracts the thrown exception type signatures from the given method signature if any The method signature is expected to be dot-based.static char[][]
(char[] parameterizedTypeSignature) Extracts the type argument signatures from the given type signature.static String[]
(String parameterizedTypeSignature) Extracts the type argument signatures from the given type signature.static char[]
(char[] parameterizedTypeSignature) Extracts the type erasure signature from the given parameterized type signature.static String
(String parameterizedTypeSignature) Extracts the type erasure signature from the given parameterized type signature.static char[][]
(char[] formalTypeParameterSignature) Extracts the class and interface bounds from the given formal type parameter signature.static String[]
(String formalTypeParameterSignature) Extracts the class and interface bounds from the given formal type parameter signature.static char[][]
(char[] methodOrTypeSignature) Extracts the type parameter signatures from the given method or type signature.static String[]
(String methodOrTypeSignature) Extracts the type parameter signatures from the given method or type signature.static int
(char[] typeSignature) Returns the kind of type signature encoded by the given string.static int
(String typeSignature) Returns the kind of type signature encoded by the given string.static char[]
(char[] formalTypeParameterSignature) Extracts the type variable name from the given formal type parameter signature.static String
(String formalTypeParameterSignature) Extracts the type variable name from the given formal type parameter signature.static String[]
(String unionSignature) Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given union type signature.static char[]
(char[] methodOrTypeSignature) Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature and returns the resulting signature.static String
(String methodOrTypeSignature) Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature and returns the resulting signature.static char[]
(char[] signature) Converts the given type signature to a readable string.static char[]
(char[] methodSignature, char[] methodName, char[][] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType) Converts the given method signature to a readable form.static char[]
(char[] methodSignature, char[] methodName, char[][] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType, boolean isVargArgs) Converts the given method signature to a readable form.static char[]
(char[][] segments) Converts the given array of qualified name segments to a qualified name.static String
(String[] segments) Converts the given array of qualified name segments to a qualified name.static String
Converts the given type signature to a readable string.static String
(String methodSignature, String methodName, String[] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType) Converts the given method signature to a readable string.static String
(String methodSignature, String methodName, String[] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType, boolean isVarArgs) Converts the given method signature to a readable string.
Field Details
public static final int ARRAY_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for an array type signature.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final int BASE_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for a base (primitive or void) type signature.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_ARRAYCharacter constant indicating an array type in a signature. Value is'['
.- See Also:
public static final char C_BOOLEANCharacter constant indicating the primitive type boolean in a signature. Value is'Z'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_BYTECharacter constant indicating the primitive type byte in a signature. Value is'B'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_CAPTURECharacter constant indicating a capture of a wildcard type in a signature. Value is'!'
.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
public static final char C_CHARCharacter constant indicating the primitive type char in a signature. Value is'C'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_COLONCharacter constant indicating the colon in a signature. Value is':'
.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_DOLLARCharacter constant indicating the dollar in a signature. Value is'$'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_DOTCharacter constant indicating the dot in a signature. Value is'.'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_DOUBLECharacter constant indicating the primitive type double in a signature. Value is'D'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_EXCEPTION_STARTCharacter constant indicating an exception in a signature. Value is'^'
.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
public static final char C_EXTENDSCharacter constant indicating a bound wildcard type argument in a signature with extends clause. Value is'+'
.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
public static final char C_FLOATCharacter constant indicating the primitive type float in a signature. Value is'F'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_GENERIC_ENDCharacter constant indicating the end of a generic type list in a signature. Value is'>'
.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_GENERIC_STARTCharacter constant indicating the start of a formal type parameter (or type argument) list in a signature. Value is'<'
.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_INTCharacter constant indicating the primitive type int in a signature. Value is'I'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_INTERSECTIONCharacter constant indicating an intersection type in a signature. Value is'|'
.- Since:
- 3.7.1
- See Also:
public static final char C_UNIONCharacter constant indicating a union type in a signature. Value is'&'
.- Since:
- 3.14
- See Also:
public static final char C_LONGCharacter constant indicating the primitive type long in a signature. Value is'J'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_NAME_ENDCharacter constant indicating the end of a named type in a signature. Value is';'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_PARAM_ENDCharacter constant indicating the end of a parameter type list in a signature. Value is')'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_PARAM_STARTCharacter constant indicating the start of a parameter type list in a signature. Value is'('
.- See Also:
public static final char C_RESOLVEDCharacter constant indicating the start of a resolved, named type in a signature. Value is'L'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_SEMICOLONCharacter constant indicating the semicolon in a signature. Value is';'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_SHORTCharacter constant indicating the primitive type short in a signature. Value is'S'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_STARCharacter constant indicating an unbound wildcard type argument in a signature. Value is'*'
.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_SUPERCharacter constant indicating a bound wildcard type argument in a signature with super clause. Value is'-'
.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
public static final char C_TYPE_VARIABLECharacter constant indicating the start of a resolved type variable in a signature. Value is'T'
.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final char C_UNRESOLVEDCharacter constant indicating the start of an unresolved, named type in a signature. Value is'Q'
.- See Also:
public static final char C_VOIDCharacter constant indicating result type void in a signature. Value is'V'
.- See Also:
public static final int CAPTURE_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for the capture of a wildcard type signature.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
public static final int CLASS_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for a class type signature.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final int INTERSECTION_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for the intersection type signature.- Since:
- 3.7.1
- See Also:
public static final int UNION_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for the union type signature.- Since:
- 3.14
- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type boolean. Value is"Z"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type byte. Value is"B"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type char. Value is"C"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type double. Value is"D"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type float. Value is"F"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type int. Value is"I"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type long. Value is"J"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of the primitive type short. Value is"S"
.- See Also:
String constant for the signature of result type void. Value is"V"
.- See Also:
public static final int TYPE_VARIABLE_SIGNATUREKind constant for a type variable signature.- Since:
- 3.0
- See Also:
public static final int WILDCARD_TYPE_SIGNATUREKind constant for a wildcard type signature.- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also:
Method Details
public static char[] createArraySignature(char[] typeSignature, int arrayCount) Creates a new type signature with the given amount of array nesting added to the given type signature.- Parameters:
- the type signaturearrayCount
- the desired number of levels of array nesting- Returns:
- the encoded array type signature
- Since:
- 2.0
Creates a new type signature with the given amount of array nesting added to the given type signature.- Parameters:
- the type signaturearrayCount
- the desired number of levels of array nesting- Returns:
- the encoded array type signature
public static char[] createCharArrayTypeSignature(char[] typeName, boolean isResolved) Creates a new type signature from the given type name encoded as a character array. The type name may contain primitive types or array types or parameterized types or represent an intersection type in source code notation using&
. This method is equivalent tocreateTypeSignature(new String(typeName),isResolved).toCharArray()
, although more efficient for callers with character arrays rather than strings. If the type name is qualified, then it is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the possibly qualified type nameisResolved
if the type name is to be considered resolved (for example, a type name from a binary class file), andfalse
if the type name is to be considered unresolved (for example, a type name found in source code)- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
- Since:
- 2.0
- See Also:
Creates a new intersection type signature from the given type signatures.The encoded type signature is dot-based.
- Parameters:
- the given type signatures- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
- Since:
- 3.7.1
Creates a new intersection type signature from the given type signatures.The encoded type signature is dot-based.
- Parameters:
- the given type signatures- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
- Since:
- 3.7.1
Creates a new union type signature from the given type signatures.The encoded type signature is dot-based.
- Parameters:
- the given type signatures- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
- Since:
- 3.14
public static char[] createMethodSignature(char[][] parameterTypes, char[] returnType) Creates a method signature from the given parameter and return type signatures. The encoded method signature is dot-based.- Parameters:
- the list of parameter type signaturesreturnType
- the return type signature- Returns:
- the encoded method signature
- Since:
- 2.0
Creates a method signature from the given parameter and return type signatures. The encoded method signature is dot-based. This method is equivalent tocreateMethodSignature(parameterTypes, returnType)
.- Parameters:
- the list of parameter type signaturesreturnType
- the return type signature- Returns:
- the encoded method signature
- See Also:
public static char[] createTypeParameterSignature(char[] typeParameterName, char[][] boundSignatures) Creates a new type parameter signature with the given name and bounds.- Parameters:
- the type parameter nameboundSignatures
- the signatures of associated bounds or empty array if none- Returns:
- the encoded type parameter signature
- Since:
- 3.1
public static String createTypeParameterSignature(String typeParameterName, String[] boundSignatures) Creates a new type parameter signature with the given name and bounds.- Parameters:
- the type parameter nameboundSignatures
- the signatures of associated bounds or empty array if none- Returns:
- the encoded type parameter signature
- Since:
- 3.1
Creates a new type signature from the given type name encoded as a character array. The type name may contain primitive types, array types or parameterized types. This method is equivalent tocreateTypeSignature(new String(typeName),isResolved)
, although more efficient for callers with character arrays rather than strings. If the type name is qualified, then it is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the possibly qualified type nameisResolved
if the type name is to be considered resolved (for example, a type name from a binary class file), andfalse
if the type name is to be considered unresolved (for example, a type name found in source code)- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
- See Also:
Creates a new type signature from the given type name. If the type name is qualified, then it is expected to be dot-based. The type name may contain primitive types or array types. However, parameterized types are not supported.For example:
createTypeSignature("int", hucairz) -> "I" createTypeSignature("java.lang.String", true) -> "Ljava.lang.String;" createTypeSignature("String", false) -> "QString;" createTypeSignature("java.lang.String", false) -> "Qjava.lang.String;" createTypeSignature("int []", false) -> "[I"
- Parameters:
- the possibly qualified type nameisResolved
if the type name is to be considered resolved (for example, a type name from a binary class file), andfalse
if the type name is to be considered unresolved (for example, a type name found in source code)- Returns:
- the encoded type signature
Returns the array count (array nesting depth) of the given type signature.- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the array nesting depth, or 0 if not an array
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct- Since:
- 2.0
Returns the array count (array nesting depth) of the given type signature.- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the array nesting depth, or 0 if not an array
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct
Returns the type signature without any array nesting.For example:
getElementType({'[', '[', 'I'}) --> {'I'}.
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the type signature without arrays
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct- Since:
- 2.0
Returns the type signature without any array nesting.For example:
getElementType("[[I") --> "I".
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the type signature without arrays
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct
public static char[][] getIntersectionTypeBounds(char[] intersectionTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given intersection type signature. Returns an empty array if the type signature is not an intersection type signature.- Parameters:
- the intersection type signature- Returns:
- the signatures of the type bounds
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.7.1
public static String[] getIntersectionTypeBounds(String intersectionTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given intersection type signature. Returns an empty array if the type signature is not an intersection type signature.- Parameters:
- the intersection type signature- Returns:
- the signatures of the type bounds
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.7.1
Extracts the type bounds' signatures from the given union type signature. Returns an empty array if the type signature is not an union type signature.- Parameters:
- the union type signature- Returns:
- the signatures of the type bounds
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.14
Returns the number of parameter types in the given method signature.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the number of parameters
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct- Since:
- 2.0
Returns the number of parameter types in the given method signature.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the number of parameters
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct
Extracts the parameter type signatures from the given method signature. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the list of parameter type signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 2.0
Extracts the parameter type signatures from the given method signature. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the list of parameter type signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect
public static char[] getQualifier(char[] name) Returns a char array containing all but the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns the empty char array if it is not qualified.For example:
getQualifier({'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}) -> {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g'} getQualifier({'O', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r', '.', 'I', 'n', 'n', 'e', 'r'}) -> {'O', 'u', 't', 'e', 'r'} getQualifier({'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l', '.', 'L', 'i', 's', 't', '<', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', '>'}) -> {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l'}
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the qualifier prefix, or the empty char array if the name contains no dots
- Throws:
- if name is null- Since:
- 2.0
Returns a string containing all but the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns the empty string if it is not qualified.For example:
getQualifier("java.lang.Object") -> "java.lang" getQualifier("Outer.Inner") -> "Outer" getQualifier("java.util.List<java.lang.String>") -> "java.util"
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the qualifier prefix, or the empty string if the name contains no dots
- Throws:
- if name is null
Extracts the return type from the given method signature. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the type signature of the return type
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 2.0
Extracts the return type from the given method signature. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the type signature of the return type
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect
public static char[] getSignatureQualifier(char[] typeSignature) Returns package fragment of a type signature. The package fragment separator must be '.' and the type fragment separator must be '$'.For example:
getSignatureQualifier({'L', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l', '.', 'M', 'a', 'p', '$', 'E', 'n', 't', 'r', 'y', ';'}) -> {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l'}
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the package fragment (separators are '.')
- Since:
- 3.1
Returns package fragment of a type signature. The package fragment separator must be '.' and the type fragment separator must be '$'.For example:
getSignatureQualifier("Ljava.util.Map$Entry") -> "java.util"
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the package fragment (separators are '.')
- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[] getSignatureSimpleName(char[] typeSignature) Returns type fragment of a type signature. The package fragment separator must be '.' and the type fragment separator must be '$'.For example:
getSignatureSimpleName({'L', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l', '.', 'M', 'a', 'p', '$', 'E', 'n', 't', 'r', 'y', ';'}) -> {'M', 'a', 'p', '.', 'E', 'n', 't', 'r', 'y'}
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the type fragment (separators are '.')
- Since:
- 3.1
Returns type fragment of a type signature. The package fragment separator must be '.' and the type fragment separator must be '$'.For example:
getSignatureSimpleName("Ljava.util.Map$Entry") -> "Map.Entry"
- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the type fragment (separators are '.')
- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[] getSimpleName(char[] name) Returns the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns the given name if it is not qualified.For example:
getSimpleName({'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}) -> {'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the last segment of the qualified name
- Throws:
- if name is null- Since:
- 2.0
Returns the last segment of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns the given name if it is not qualified.For example:
getSimpleName("java.lang.Object") -> "Object"
getSimpleName("java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>") -> "Map<String,Object>"
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the last segment of the qualified name
- Throws:
- if name is null
public static char[][] getSimpleNames(char[] name) Returns all segments of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns an array with only the given name if it is not qualified. Returns an empty array if the name is empty.For example:
getSimpleNames({'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}) -> {{'j', 'a', 'v', 'a'}, {'l', 'a', 'n', 'g'}, {'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}} getSimpleNames({'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}) -> {{'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}} getSimpleNames({}) -> {} getSimpleNames({'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'u', 't', 'i', 'l', '.', 'L', 'i', 's', 't', '<', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', '>'}) -> {{'j', 'a', 'v', 'a'}, {'l', 'a', 'n', 'g'}, {'L', 'i', 's', 't', '<', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g'}}
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the list of simple names, possibly empty
- Throws:
- if name is null- Since:
- 2.0
Returns all segments of the given dot-separated qualified name. Returns an array with only the given name if it is not qualified. Returns an empty array if the name is empty.For example:
getSimpleNames("java.lang.Object") -> {"java", "lang", "Object"} getSimpleNames("Object") -> {"Object"} getSimpleNames("") -> {} getSimpleNames("java.util.List<java.lang.String>") -> {"java", "util", "List<java.lang.String>"}
- Parameters:
- the name- Returns:
- the list of simple names, possibly empty
- Throws:
- if name is null
public static char[][] getThrownExceptionTypes(char[] methodSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the thrown exception type signatures from the given method signature if any The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the list of thrown exception type signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static String[] getThrownExceptionTypes(String methodSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the thrown exception type signatures from the given method signature if any The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature- Returns:
- the list of thrown exception type signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[][] getTypeArguments(char[] parameterizedTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type argument signatures from the given type signature. Returns an empty array if the type signature is not a parameterized type signature.- Parameters:
- the parameterized type signature- Returns:
- the signatures of the type arguments
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static String[] getTypeArguments(String parameterizedTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type argument signatures from the given type signature. Returns an empty array if the type signature is not a parameterized type signature.- Parameters:
- the parameterized type signature- Returns:
- the signatures of the type arguments
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[] getTypeErasure(char[] parameterizedTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type erasure signature from the given parameterized type signature. Returns the given type signature if it is not parameterized.- Parameters:
- the parameterized type signature- Returns:
- the signature of the type erasure
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static String getTypeErasure(String parameterizedTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type erasure signature from the given parameterized type signature. Returns the given type signature if it is not parameterized.- Parameters:
- the parameterized type signature- Returns:
- the signature of the type erasure
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[][] getTypeParameterBounds(char[] formalTypeParameterSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the class and interface bounds from the given formal type parameter signature. The class bound, if present, is listed before the interface bounds. The signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the formal type parameter signature- Returns:
- the (possibly empty) list of type signatures for the bounds
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.0
public static String[] getTypeParameterBounds(String formalTypeParameterSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the class and interface bounds from the given formal type parameter signature. The class bound, if present, is listed before the interface bounds. The signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the formal type parameter signature- Returns:
- the (possibly empty) list of type signatures for the bounds
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.0
public static char[][] getTypeParameters(char[] methodOrTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type parameter signatures from the given method or type signature. The method or type signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method or type signature- Returns:
- the list of type parameter signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static String[] getTypeParameters(String methodOrTypeSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type parameter signatures from the given method or type signature. The method or type signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method or type signature- Returns:
- the list of type parameter signatures
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static int getTypeSignatureKind(char[] typeSignature) Returns the kind of type signature encoded by the given string.- Parameters:
- the type signature string- Returns:
- the kind of type signature; one of the kind constants:
- Throws:
- if this is not a type signature- Since:
- 3.0
Returns the kind of type signature encoded by the given string.- Parameters:
- the type signature string- Returns:
- the kind of type signature; one of the kind constants:
- Throws:
- if this is not a type signature- Since:
- 3.0
public static char[] getTypeVariable(char[] formalTypeParameterSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type variable name from the given formal type parameter signature. The signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the formal type parameter signature- Returns:
- the name of the type variable
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.0
public static String getTypeVariable(String formalTypeParameterSignature) throws IllegalArgumentException Extracts the type variable name from the given formal type parameter signature. The signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the formal type parameter signature- Returns:
- the name of the type variable
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.0
public static char[] removeCapture(char[] methodOrTypeSignature) Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature and returns the resulting signature. Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is present.For example (using equivalent string-based method):
removeCapture("LTest<!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;") will return: "LTest<+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;"
- Parameters:
- the signature which may have been captured- Returns:
- a new signature without capture information or the signature itself if no specific capture information is present
- Throws:
- ifmethodOrTypeSignature
is null- Since:
- 3.1
Removes any capture information from the given type or method signature and returns the resulting signature. Returns the type or method signature itself if no capture information is present.For example:
removeCapture("LTest<!+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;") will return: "LTest<+Ljava.lang.Throwable;>;"
- Parameters:
- the signature which may have been captured- Returns:
- a new signature without capture information or the signature itself if no specific capture information is present
- Throws:
- ifmethodOrTypeSignature
is null- Since:
- 3.1
Converts the given type signature to a readable string. The signature is expected to be dot-based.For example:
toString({'[', 'L', 'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', ';'}) -> {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'S', 't', 'r', 'i', 'n', 'g', '[', ']'} toString({'I'}) -> {'i', 'n', 't'} toString({'+', 'L', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't', ';'}) -> {'?', ' ', 'e', 'x', 't', 'e', 'n', 'd', 's', ' ', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}
Note: This method assumes that a type signature containing a
is an inner type signature. While this is correct in most cases, someone could define a non-inner type name containing a'$'
. Handling this correctly in all cases would have required resolving the signature, which generally not feasible.- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the string representation of the type
- Throws:
- if the signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 2.0
public static char[] toCharArray(char[] methodSignature, char[] methodName, char[][] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType) Converts the given method signature to a readable form. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.For example:
toString("([Ljava.lang.String;)V", "main", new String[] {"args"}, false, true) -> "void main(String[] args)"
- Parameters:
- the method signature to convertmethodName
- the name of the method to insert in the result, ornull
if no method name is to be includedparameterNames
- the parameter names to insert in the result, ornull
if no parameter names are to be included; if supplied, the number of parameter names must match that of the method signaturefullyQualifyTypeNames
if type names should be fully qualified, andfalse
to use only simple namesincludeReturnType
if the return type is to be included- Returns:
- the char array representation of the method signature
- Throws:
- if the method signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 2.0
public static char[] toCharArray(char[] methodSignature, char[] methodName, char[][] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType, boolean isVargArgs) Converts the given method signature to a readable form. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.For example:
toString("([Ljava.lang.String;)V", "main", new String[] {"args"}, false, true) -> "void main(String[] args)"
- Parameters:
- the method signature to convertmethodName
- the name of the method to insert in the result, ornull
if no method name is to be includedparameterNames
- the parameter names to insert in the result, ornull
if no parameter names are to be included; if supplied, the number of parameter names must match that of the method signaturefullyQualifyTypeNames
if type names should be fully qualified, andfalse
to use only simple namesincludeReturnType
if the return type is to be includedisVargArgs
if the last argument should be displayed as a variable argument,false
otherwise.- Returns:
- the char array representation of the method signature
- Throws:
- if the method signature is syntactically incorrect- Since:
- 3.1
public static char[] toQualifiedName(char[][] segments) Converts the given array of qualified name segments to a qualified name.For example:
toQualifiedName({{'j', 'a', 'v', 'a'}, {'l', 'a', 'n', 'g'}, {'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}}) -> {'j', 'a', 'v', 'a', '.', 'l', 'a', 'n', 'g', '.', 'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'} toQualifiedName({{'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'}}) -> {'O', 'b', 'j', 'e', 'c', 't'} toQualifiedName({{}}) -> {}
- Parameters:
- the list of name segments, possibly empty- Returns:
- the dot-separated qualified name, or the empty string
- Since:
- 2.0
Converts the given array of qualified name segments to a qualified name.For example:
toQualifiedName(new String[] {"java", "lang", "Object"}) -> "java.lang.Object" toQualifiedName(new String[] {"Object"}) -> "Object" toQualifiedName(new String[0]) -> ""
- Parameters:
- the list of name segments, possibly empty- Returns:
- the dot-separated qualified name, or the empty string
Converts the given type signature to a readable string. The signature is expected to be dot-based.For example:
toString("[Ljava.lang.String;") -> "java.lang.String[]" toString("I") -> "int" toString("+QObject;") -> "? extends Object"
Note: This method assumes that a type signature containing a
is an inner type signature. While this is correct in most cases, someone could define a non-inner type name containing a'$'
. Handling this correctly in all cases would have required resolving the signature, which generally not feasible.- Parameters:
- the type signature- Returns:
- the string representation of the type
- Throws:
- if the signature is not syntactically correct
public static String toString(String methodSignature, String methodName, String[] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType) Converts the given method signature to a readable string. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature to convertmethodName
- the name of the method to insert in the result, ornull
if no method name is to be includedparameterNames
- the parameter names to insert in the result, ornull
if no parameter names are to be included; if supplied, the number of parameter names must match that of the method signaturefullyQualifyTypeNames
if type names should be fully qualified, andfalse
to use only simple namesincludeReturnType
if the return type is to be included- Returns:
- the string representation of the method signature
- See Also:
public static String toString(String methodSignature, String methodName, String[] parameterNames, boolean fullyQualifyTypeNames, boolean includeReturnType, boolean isVarArgs) Converts the given method signature to a readable string. The method signature is expected to be dot-based.- Parameters:
- the method signature to convertmethodName
- the name of the method to insert in the result, ornull
if no method name is to be includedparameterNames
- the parameter names to insert in the result, ornull
if no parameter names are to be included; if supplied, the number of parameter names must match that of the method signaturefullyQualifyTypeNames
if type names should be fully qualified, andfalse
to use only simple namesincludeReturnType
if the return type is to be includedisVarArgs
if the last argument should be displayed as a variable argument,false
otherwise- Returns:
- the string representation of the method signature
- Since:
- 3.1
- See Also: