Class BindingKey


public final class BindingKey extends Object
Utility class to decode or create a binding key.

This class is not intended to be subclassed by clients.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BindingKey

      public BindingKey(String key)
      Creates a new binding key.
      key - the key to decode
  • Method Details

    • createArrayTypeBindingKey

      public static String createArrayTypeBindingKey(String typeKey, int arrayDimension)
      Creates a new array type binding key from the given type binding key and the given array dimension.

      For example:

       createArrayTypeBindingKey("Ljava/lang/Object;", 1) -> "[Ljava/lang/Object;"
       createArrayTypeBindingKey("I", 2) -> "[[I"
      typeKey - the binding key of the given type
      arrayDimension - the given array dimension
      a new array type binding key
    • createParameterizedTypeBindingKey

      public static String createParameterizedTypeBindingKey(String genericTypeKey, String[] argumentTypeKeys)
      Creates a new parameterized type binding key from the given generic type binding key and the given argument type binding keys. If the argument type keys array is empty, then a raw type binding key is created.

      For example:

           new String[] {"Ljava/lang/String;", "Ljava/lang/Object;"}) ->
           "Ljava/util/List<TE;>;", new String[] {}) ->
      genericTypeKey - the binding key of the generic type
      argumentTypeKeys - the possibly empty list of binding keys of argument types
      a new parameterized type binding key
    • createTypeBindingKey

      public static String createTypeBindingKey(String typeName)
      Creates a new type binding key from the given type name. The type name must be either a fully qualified name, an array type name or a primitive type name. If the type name is fully qualified, then it is expected to be dot-based. Note that inner types, generic types and parameterized types are not supported.

      For example:

       createTypeBindingKey("int") -> "I"
       createTypeBindingKey("java.lang.String") -> "Ljava/lang/String;"
       createTypeBindingKey("boolean[]") -> "[Z"
      typeName - the possibly qualified type name
      a new type binding key
    • createTypeVariableBindingKey

      public static String createTypeVariableBindingKey(String typeVariableName, String declaringKey)
      Creates a new type variable binding key from the given type variable name and the given declaring key. The declaring key can either be a type binding key or a method binding key.

      For example:

       createTypeVariableBindingKey("T", "Ljava/util/List<TE;>;") ->
       createTypeVariableBindingKey("SomeTypeVariable", "Lp/X;.foo()V") ->
      typeVariableName - the name of the given type variable
      declaringKey - the binding key of the type or method the type variable belongs to
      a new type variable binding key
    • createWilcardTypeBindingKey

      public static String createWilcardTypeBindingKey(String typeKey, char kind)
      This method is missing crucial information necessary for proper wildcard binding key creation.
      Creates a new wildcard type binding key from the given type binding key and the given wildcard kind (one of Signature.C_STAR, Signature.C_SUPER, or Signature.C_EXTENDS. If the wildcard is Signature.C_STAR, the given type binding key is ignored.

      For example:

       createWilcardTypeBindingKey(null, Signature.C_STAR) -> "*"
          Signature.C_SUPER) -> "-Ljava/util/List<TE;>;"
       createWilcardTypeBindingKey("Ljava/util/ArrayList;", Signature.C_EXTENDS) ->
      typeKey - the binding key of the given type
      kind - one of Signature.C_STAR, Signature.C_SUPER, or Signature.C_EXTENDS
      a new wildcard type binding key
      See Also:
    • createWildcardTypeBindingKey

      public static String createWildcardTypeBindingKey(String genericTypeKey, char boundKind, String boundTypeKey, int rank)
      Creates a new wildcard type binding key from the given generic type binding key, the given wildcard kind (one of Signature.C_STAR, Signature.C_SUPER, or Signature.C_EXTENDS the given bound type binding key and the given rank. If the wildcard kind is Signature.C_STAR, the given bound type binding key is ignored.

      For example:

       createWildcardTypeBindingKey("Ljava/util/ArrayList;", Signature.C_STAR, null, 0) -> "Ljava/util/ArrayList;{0}*"
       createWildcardTypeBindingKey("Ljava/util/ArrayList;", Signature.C_SUPER, "Ljava/lang/String;", 0) -> "Ljava/util/ArrayList;{0}-Ljava/lang/String;"
       createWildcardTypeBindingKey("Ljava/util/HashMap;", Signature.C_EXTENDS, "Ljava/lang/String;", 1) ->
      genericTypeKey - the binding key of the generic type
      boundKind - one of Signature.C_STAR, Signature.C_SUPER, or Signature.C_EXTENDS
      boundTypeKey - the binding key of the bounding type.
      rank - the relative position of this wild card type in the parameterization of the generic type.
      a new wildcard type binding key
    • getDeclaringType

      public BindingKey getDeclaringType()
      Returns the binding key of the declaring type of the element represented by this binding key. If the binding key does not represent a member or if the member doesn't have a declaring type, returns null.

      Note that only binding keys for references to methods and fields are fully supported. The binding keys for declarations will not have type parameters.

      the type binding key or null
    • getThrownExceptions

      public String[] getThrownExceptions()
      Returns the thrown exception signatures of the element represented by this binding key. If this binding key does not represent a method or does not throw any exception, returns an empty array.
      the thrown exceptions signatures
    • getTypeArguments

      public String[] getTypeArguments()
      Returns the type argument signatures of the element represented by this binding key. If this binding key doesn't represent a parameterized type or a parameterized method, returns an empty array.
      the type argument signatures
    • isRawType

      public boolean isRawType()
      Returns whether this binding key represents a raw type.
      whether this binding key represents a raw type
    • isParameterizedType

      public boolean isParameterizedType()
      Returns whether this binding key represents a parameterized type, or if its declaring type is a parameterized type.
      whether this binding key represents a parameterized type
    • isParameterizedMethod

      public boolean isParameterizedMethod()
      Returns whether this binding key represents a parameterized method, or if its declaring method is a parameterized method.
      whether this binding key represents a parameterized method
    • toSignature

      public String toSignature()
      Transforms this binding key into a resolved signature. If this binding key represents a field, the returned signature is the field type's signature.
      the resolved signature for this binding key
      See Also:
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object