Package org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
package org.eclipse.debug.ui.actions
Provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications.
Package Specification
This package provides a set of actions related to running and debugging applications.
ClassDescriptionAbstract implementation of an action that displays a drop-down launch history for a specific launch group.A launch history action that also includes launch shortcut actions (run/debug as), and an action to open the launch configuration dialog.A cascade menu to add a memory rendering to the memory view.Breakpoint ruler pop-up action that creates a sub-menu to select the currently active breakpoint type.An action delegate that builds a context menu with applicable launch shortcuts for a specific launch mode.Action to launch the last launch configuration that was successfully launched, in debug mode.Abstract base class for re-targeting actions which delegate execution to
handlers.Abstract base class for re-targeting command framework handlers, which delegate execution toIDebugCommandHandler
handlers.Exports breakpoints to a file or string buffer.An adapter for an "add memory block" operation.Adapter for the platform's retargettable "add memory rendering" action.Interface used to tag objects as launchable.Imports breakpoints from a file or string buffer into the workspace.An adapter for a "run to line" operation.An adapter to support breakpoint creation/deletion for an active part or selection within an active part.Extension interface forIToggleBreakpointsTarget
.Extension interface forIToggleBreakpointsTargetExtension
.A toggle breakpoints target factory creates one or more toggle breakpoint targets.Organizes the toggle breakpoints target factories contributed through the extension point and keeps track of the toggle breakpoints target that the factories produce.Listener for changes in the preferred toggle targets in the toggle breakpoints target manager.A variable value editor allows the user to edit a variable's value.An optional adapter used to create a watch expression for a selected variable.An optional adapter used to create a watch expression for a selected element.Optional extension to the watch expression factory adapter to dynamically enable the 'Create Watch Expression' action, based on the selected variable.Launches a launch configuration in a specific mode.Deprecated.The use of perspective based launch shortcuts has been deprecated in the 3.1 release.A cascading sub-menu that shows all launch shortcuts pertinent to a selection.Opens the launch configuration dialog in the context of a launch group.Re-launches the last launch.Abstract action that works on breakpoints in the vertical ruler.Deprecated.Should use BreakpointTypesContribution instead.Toggles enablement of a breakpoint in a vertical ruler.A run to line action that can be contributed to a an editor or view.Toggles a breakpoint when ruler is double-clicked.Action to launch the last launch configuration that was successfully launched, in run mode.Action to run to line in a vertical ruler of a workbench part containing a document.A run to line action that can be contributed to a an editor or view.Handles a run to line operation.Action to toggle a breakpoint in a vertical ruler of a workbench part containing a document.A toggle method breakpoint action that can be contributed an object contribution.A toggle watchpoint action that can be contributed an object contribution.