Interface IToggleBreakpointsTargetManager

public interface IToggleBreakpointsTargetManager
Organizes the toggle breakpoints target factories contributed through the extension point and keeps track of the toggle breakpoints target that the factories produce. The manager is accessed as a singleton through the getDefault() method.

The adapter mechanism for obtaining a toggle breakpoints target is still supported through a specialized toggle target factory. Targets contributed through this mechanism are labeled as "Default" in the UI.

Clients should call DebugUITools.getToggleBreakpointsTargetManager() for an instance of this instance.

See Also:
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
  • Method Details

    • getEnabledToggleBreakpointsTargetIDs

      Set<String> getEnabledToggleBreakpointsTargetIDs(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
      Returns the set of String IDs of toggle breakpoint targets, which are enabled for the given active part and selection. The IDs can be used to create the IToggleBreakpointsTarget instance.
      part - active part
      selection - active selection in part
      Set of toggle target IDs or an empty set
    • getPreferredToggleBreakpointsTargetID

      String getPreferredToggleBreakpointsTargetID(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
      Returns the ID of the calculated preferred toggle breakpoints target for the given active part and selection. The returned ID is chosen based on factory enablement, whether the target is a default one, and on user choice.
      part - active part
      selection - active selection in part
      The toggle target IDs or null if none.
    • getToggleBreakpointsTarget

      IToggleBreakpointsTarget getToggleBreakpointsTarget(IWorkbenchPart part, ISelection selection)
      Given the ID of toggle breakpoint target, this method will try to find the factory that creates it and return an instance of it.
      part - The workbench part in which toggle target is to be used
      selection - The active selection to use with toggle target
      The instantiated target or null
    • getToggleBreakpointsTargetName

      String getToggleBreakpointsTargetName(String id)
      Given the ID of a toggle breakpoints target, this method will try to find the factory that creates it and ask it for the name of it.
      id - The ID of the requested toggle breakpoint target.
      The name of the target.
    • getToggleBreakpointsTargetDescription

      String getToggleBreakpointsTargetDescription(String id)
      Given the ID of a toggle breakpoints target, this method will try to find the factory that creates it and ask it for the description of it.
      id - The ID of the requested toggle breakpoint target.
      The description of the target or null.
    • addChangedListener

      void addChangedListener(IToggleBreakpointsTargetManagerListener listener)
      Adds the given listener to the list of listeners notified when the preferred toggle breakpoints targets change.
      listener - The listener to add.
    • removeChangedListener

      void removeChangedListener(IToggleBreakpointsTargetManagerListener listener)
      Removes the given listener from the list of listeners notified when the preferred toggle breakpoints targets change.
      listener - The listener to add.