The grammar language is the corner stone of Xtext. It is a domain-specific language, carefully designed for the description of textual languages. The main idea is to describe the concrete syntax and how it is mapped to an in-memory representation – the semantic model. This model will be created by the parser on-the-fly when it consumes an input file. Of course the Xtext grammar language itself is implemented with Xtext, so you will find parts of its syntax described with its own means in this documentation.
An example grammar is shown in the 15 Minutes Tutorial.
In the following the different concepts and syntactical constructs of the grammar language are explained.
Each Xtext grammar starts with a header that defines some properties of the grammar.
grammar org.example.domainmodel.Domainmodel
with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
The first line declares the name of the language. Xtext leverages Java’s class path mechanism. This means that the name can be any valid Java qualifier. The grammar file name needs to correspond to the language name and have the file extension .xtext
. This means that the name has to be e.g. Domainmodel.xtext and must be placed in a package org.example.domainmodel on your project’s class path. In other words, your .xtext
file has to reside in a Java source folder to be valid.
The second aspect that can be deduced from the first line of the grammar is its relationship to other languages. An Xtext grammar can declare another existing grammar to be reused. The mechanism is called grammar mixin.
Xtext parsers create in-memory object graphs while consuming text. Such object-graphs are instances of EMF Ecore models. An Ecore model basically consists of an EPackage containing EClasses, EDataTypes and EEnums (see the section on EMF for more details) and describes the structure of the instantiated objects. Xtext can infer Ecore models from a grammar (see Ecore model inference) but it is also possible to import existing Ecore models. You can even mix both approaches and use multiple existing Ecore models and infer some others from a single grammar. This allows for easy reuse of existing abstractions while still having the advantage of short turnarounds with derived Ecore models.
The easiest way to get started is to let Xtext infer the Ecore model from your grammar. The generate
declaration in the grammar advises the framework to do so:
generate domainmodel ""
That statement could actually be read as: generate an EPackage with the name domainmodel
and the nsURI ""
. Xtext will then add EClasses with EAttributes and EReferences for the different parser rules in your grammar, as described in Ecore model inference.
If you already have an existing EPackage, you can import it using its namespace URI:
import ""
A URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) provides a simple and extensible means for identifying an abstract or physical resource. It is also possible to import EPackages using resource URIs, but it is strongly recommended to use the namespace URI instead because it is independent from the concrete location in the file system, much more portable across different machines, easier to configure in the workflow, and works better with language mixins. The import via platform URIs or file URIs can be considered deprecated and is only supported for backwards compatibility.
Using package imports usually requires some adaptations in the generator workflow.
If you want to use multiple EPackages you need to specify aliases in the following way:
import "" as dmodel
import '' as another
When referring to a type somewhere in the grammar you need to qualify the reference using that alias (e.g. another::SomeType
). Cases where such type references occur are explained below.
It is also supported to put multiple EPackage imports into one alias. This is no problem as long as there are not any two EClassifiers with the same name. In that case none of them can be referenced. It is even possible to import
multiple and generate
one Ecore model and declare all of them with the same alias. If you do so, for a reference to an EClassifier first the imported EPackages are scanned before it is assumed that a type needs to be generated into the inferred package.
Note that using the same alias for multiple EPackages is not recommended, because it might cause problems that are hard to track down. For instance, a reference to classA
could mistakenly be linked to a newly created EClass instead of an existing EClass ClassA
because the latter is written with a capital letter.
Basically parsing can be separated in the following phases:
In the first stage called lexing, a sequence of characters (the text input) is transformed into a sequence of so-called tokens. In this context, a token is a sort of a strongly typed part or region of the input sequence. It consists of one or more characters and is matched by a particular terminal rule or keyword and therefore represents an atomic symbol. Terminal rules are also referred to as token rules or lexer rules. There is an informal naming convention that names of terminal rules are all upper-case.
In the domainmodel tutorial there are no explicitly defined terminal rules, since it only uses the ID rule which is inherited from the grammar org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
(see Common Terminals). Therein the ID rule is defined as follows:
terminal ID:
('^')?('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_'|'0'..'9')*;
It says that a token ID starts with an optional '^'
character (caret), followed by a letter ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z')
or underscore '_'
followed by any number of letters, underscores and numbers ('0'..'9')
The caret is used to escape an identifier if there are conflicts with existing keywords. It is removed by the ID rule’s ValueConverter.
This is the simplified formal definition of terminal rules:
'terminal' name=ID ('returns' type=TypeRef)? ':'
alternatives=TerminalAlternatives ';';
Note that the order of the terminal rules is crucial for your grammar, as they may shadow each other. This is especially important for newly introduced rules in connection with imported rules from used grammars.
It’s almost in any case recommended to use data type rules instead. Let’s assume you want to add a rule to allow fully qualified names in addition to simple IDs. Since a qualified name with only one segment looks like a plain ID, you should implement it as a data type rule instead of adding another terminal rule. The same rule of thumb applies to floating point literals, too.
Each terminal rule returns an atomic value (an EDataType). By default, it’s assumed that an instance of ecore::EString
should be returned. However, if you want to provide a different type you can specify it. For instance, the rule INT is defined as:
import "" as ecore
terminal INT returns ecore::EInt:
This means that the terminal rule INT returns instances of ecore::EInt
. It is possible to define any kind of data type here, which just needs to be an instance of ecore::EDataType
. In order to tell the framework how to convert the parsed string to a value of the declared data type, you need to provide your own implementation of the IValueConverterService (see Value Converter). The value converter is also the service that allows to remove escape sequences or semantically unnecessary characters such as quotes from string literals or the caret symbol '^'
from the identifiers.
Terminal rules are described using Extended Backus-Naur Form-like (EBNF) expressions. The different expressions are described in the following. Each of these expressions allows to define a cardinality. There are four different possible cardinalities:
)Keywords are a kind of terminal rule literals. The ID rule in org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
for instance starts with a keyword:
terminal ID:
'^'? ... ;
The question mark sets the cardinality to zero or one (i.e. optional) as explained above.
A keyword can have any length, e.g. 'entity'
, and contain arbitrary characters. The following standard Java notations for special characters are allowed: \n
, \r
, \t
, \b
, \f
and the quoted unicode character notation, such as \u123
A character range can be declared using the ..
operator. Example:
terminal INT returns ecore::EInt:
In this case an INT is comprised of one or more (note the +
operator) characters between (and including) '0'
and '9'
If you want to allow any character you can simply write the wildcard operator .
(dot). Example:
terminal FOO:
'f' . 'o';
The rule above would allow expressions like foo
, f0o
or even f°o
With the until token it is possible to state that everything should be consumed until a certain token occurs. The multi-line comment is implemented this way:
terminal ML_COMMENT:
'/*' -> '*/';
This is the rule for Java-style comments that begin with /*
and end with */
All the tokens explained above can be inverted using a preceding exclamation mark:
'#' (!'#')* '#';
Rules can refer to other rules. This is simply done by using the name of the rule to be called. We refer to this as rule calls. Rule calls in terminal rules can only point to terminal rules. Example:
terminal DOUBLE:
INT '.' INT;
Note: It is generally not a good idea to implement floating point literals with terminal rules. You should use data type rules instead due to possible shadowing problems explained above.
Alternatives allow to define multiple valid options in the input file. For instance, the white space rule uses alternatives like this:
terminal WS:
(' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;
That is a WS can be made of one or more white space characters (including ' ', '\t', '\r', '\n'
Finally, if you put tokens one after another, the whole sequence is referred to as a group. Example:
terminal ASCII:
'0x' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F');
This group has three elements '0x'
, ('0'..'7')
, and ('0'..'9'|'A'..'F')
, which have to appear in this order.
Since terminal rules are used in a stateless context, it’s not easily possible to reuse parts of their definition. Fragments solve this problem. They allow the same EBNF elements as terminal rules do but may not be consumed by the lexer. Instead, they have to be used by other terminal rules. This allows to extract repeating parts of a definition:
terminal fragment ESCAPED_CHAR:
'\\' ('n'|'t'|'r'|'\\');
terminal STRING:
'"' ( ESCAPED_CHAR | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' |
"'" ( ESCAPED_CHAR | !('\\'|"'") )* "'";
(End Of File) token may be used to describe that the end of the input stream is a valid situation at a certain point in a terminal rule. This allows to consume the complete remaining input of a file starting with a special delimiter.
terminal UNCLOSED_STRING : '"' (!'"')* EOF;
token cannot be negated.
The parser is fed with a sequence of terminals and walks through the so-called parser rules. Hence a parser rule – contrary to a terminal rule – does not produce a single atomic terminal token, but a tree of non-terminal and terminal tokens. They lead to a so-called parse tree (in Xtext it is also referred as node model). Furthermore, parser rules are handled as kind of a building plan for the creation of the EObjects that form the semantic model (the linked abstract syntax tree or AST). Due to this fact, parser rules are also called production or EObject rules. Different constructs like actions and assignments are used to derive types and initialize the semantic objects accordingly.
Not all the expressions that are available in terminal rules can be used in parser rules. Character ranges, wildcards, the until token and the negation as well as the EOF token are only available for terminal rules.
The elements that are available in parser rules as well as in terminal rules are
In addition to these elements, there are some expressions used to direct how the AST is constructed. They are listed and explained in the following.
Assignments are used to assign the consumed information to a feature of the currently produced object. The type of the current object, its EClass, is specified by the return type of the parser rule. If it is not explicitly stated it is implied that the type’s name equals the rule’s name. The type of the assigned feature is inferred from the right hand side of the assignment.
'datatype' name = ID;
The syntactic declaration for datatypes starts with a keyword datatype
followed by an assignment: name = ID
. The left hand side refers to a feature name of the current object (which has the EClass DataType in this case). The right hand side can be a rule call, a keyword, a cross-reference or an alternative comprised by the former options. The type of the feature needs to be compatible with the type of the expression on the right. As ID returns an EString in this case, the feature name needs to be of type EString as well.
There are three different assignment operators, each with different semantics.
is the straightforward assignment, and is used for features which take only one element.+=
sign (the add operator) expects a multi-valued feature and adds the value on the right hand side to that feature, which is a list feature.?=
sign (boolean assignment operator) expects a feature of type EBoolean and sets it to true if the right hand side was consumed, independently from the concrete value of the right hand side.The used assignment operator does not influence the cardinality of the expected symbols on the right hand side.
A unique feature of Xtext is the ability to declare cross-references in the grammar. In traditional compiler construction such cross-references are not established during parsing but in a later linking phase. This is the same in Xtext, but we allow to specify cross-reference information in the grammar. This information is used by the linker.
The syntax for cross-references is:
'[' type=TypeRef ('|' ^terminal=CrossReferenceableTerminal )? ']';
For example, Features in the domainmodel tutorial contain a cross-reference pointing to a Type:
(many ?= 'many')? name = ID ':' type = [Type];
It is important to understand that the text between the square brackets does not refer to another rule, but to an EClass – which is a type and not a parser rule. This can be sometimes confusing because one usually uses the same name for the rules and for the returned types.
Looking at the syntax definition for cross-references, there is an optional part starting with a vertical bar (pipe) followed by CrossReferenceableTerminal. This is the part describing the concrete text from which the cross-reference should be established. If the terminal is omitted, it is expected to be the rule with the name ID – if one can be found. The terminal is mandatory for languages that do not define a rule with the name ID.
The elements of an unordered group can occur in any order, but each element must appear once. Members of unordered groups are separated by &
. The following rule Modifier
allows to parse simplified modifiers of the Java language:
static?='static'? & final?='final'? & visibility=Visibility;
enum Visibility:
PUBLIC='public' | PRIVATE='private' | PROTECTED='protected';
With these definitions the following sequences of tokens are valid:
public static final
static protected
final private static
In contrast, the parser refuses to accept these input lines:
static final static // ERROR: static appears twice
public static final private // ERROR: visibility appears twice
final // ERROR: visibility is missing
Note that if you want an element of an unordered group to appear once or not at all, you have to choose a cardinality of ?
. In the example, the visibility is mandatory, while static
or final
are optional. Elements with a cardinality of *
or +
have to appear continuously without interruption, i.e.
values+=INT* & name=ID;
can parse these lines
0 8 15 x
x 0 8 15
but does not consume the following sequence without raising an error
0 x 8 15 // wrong, as values must not be interrupted by a name (ID)
The object to be returned by a parser rule is usually created lazily on the first assignment. Its type is determined from the specified return type of the rule, which may have been inferred from the rule’s name if no explicit return type is specified.
With Actions however, the creation of returned EObject can be made explicit. Xtext supports two kinds of Actions:
If you want to enforce the creation of an instance with specific type you can use simple actions. In the following example TypeB must be a subtype of TypeA. An expression A ident
should create an instance of TypeA, whereas B ident
should instantiate TypeB.
If you don’t use actions, you’ll have to define an alternative and delegate rules to guide the parser to the right types for the to-be-instantiated objects:
MyRule returns TypeA:
"A" name=ID |
MyOtherRule returns TypeB:
"B" name = ID;
Actions however allow to make this explicit. Thereby they can improve the readability of grammars.
MyRule returns TypeA:
"A" name=ID |
"B" {TypeB} name=ID;
Generally speaking, the instance is created as soon as the parser hits the first assignment. However, actions allow to explicitly instantiate any EObject. The notation {TypeB}
will create an instance of TypeB and assign it to the result of the parser rule. This allows to define parser rules without any assignment and to create objects without the need to introduce unnecessary delegate rules.
Note: If a parser rule does not instantiate any object because it does not contain an Action and no mandatory Assignment, you’ll likely end up with unexpected situations for valid input files. Xtext detects this situation and will raise a warning (with a corresponding quickfix) for the parser rules in question.
We previously explained that the EObject to be returned is created lazily when the first assignment occurs or as soon as a simple action is evaluated. There is another concept to find the EObject to be returned, called unassigned rule call. Unassigned rule calls, as the name suggests it, are rule calls to other parser rules which are not used within an assignment. The return value of the called rule becomes the return value of the calling parser rule if it is not assigned to a feature.
With unassigned rule calls one can, for instance, create rules which just dispatch to other rules:
TokenA |
TokenB |
As AbstractToken
could possibly return an instance of TokenA, TokenB or TokenC. Its type must be a super type for all these types. Since the return value of the called rule becomes the result of the current rule, it is possible to further change the state of the AST element by assigning additional features.
( TokenA |
TokenB |
TokenC ) cardinality=('?'|'+'|'*')?;
This way the cardinality is optional (last question mark) and can be represented by a question mark, a plus, or an asterisk. It will be assigned to either an instance of type TokenA, TokenB, or TokenC, which are all subtypes of AbstractToken. The rule in this example will never create an instance of AbstractToken directly, but always return the instance that has been created by the invoked TokenX rule.
Xtext leverages the powerful ANTLR parser which implements an LL(*)
algorithm. Even though LL parsers have many advantages with respect to readability, debuggability and error recovery, there are also some drawbacks. The most important one is that it does not allow left recursive grammars. For instance, the following rule is not allowed in LL-based grammars, because Expression '+' Expression
is left-recursive:
Expression '+' Expression |
'(' Expression ')' |
Instead one has to rewrite such left-recursive rules by “left-factoring” them:
TerminalExpression ('+' TerminalExpression)*;
'(' Expression ')' |
In practice this is always the same pattern and therefore not too difficult. However, by simply applying the Xtext AST construction features we’ve covered so far, a grammar such as
{Operation} left=TerminalExpression (ops+='+' rights+=TerminalExpression)*
TerminalExpression returns Expression:
'(' Expression ')' |
{IntLiteral} value=INT;
would result in unwanted elements in the AST. For instance the expression (42)
would result in a tree like this:
Operation {
left=Operation {
left=IntLiteral {
Typically one would only want to have one instance of IntLiteral instead. This problem can be solved by using a combination of unassigned rule calls and assigned actions:
TerminalExpression ({Operation.left=current}
op='+' right=TerminalExpression)*
TerminalExpression returns Expression:
'(' Expression ')' |
{IntLiteral} value=INT;
In the example above {Operation.left=current}
is a so-called tree rewrite action, which creates a new instance of the stated EClass Operation and assigns the element currently to-be-returned (the current
variable) to a feature of the newly created object. The example uses the feature left of the Operation instance to store the previously returned Expression. In Java these semantics could be expressed as:
Operation temp = new Operation();
current = temp;
With these improved rules the expression (42)
would lead to a single IntLiteral instance, while 40 + 2
creates an Operation with two IntLiterals.
It is sometimes not easily possible to define an LL(*)
grammar for a given language that parses all possible valid input files and still produces abstract syntax graphs that mimic the actual structure of the files. There are even cases that cannot be described with an unambiguous grammar. There are solutions that allow to deal with this problem:
The classical example for ambiguous language parts is the dangling else problem. A conditional in a programming language usually looks like this:
if (isTrue())
The problems becomes obvious as soon as nested conditions are used:
if (isTrue())
if (isTrueAsWell())
Where does the else
branch belong to? This question can be answered by a quick look into the language specification which tells that the else
branch is part of the inner condition. However, the parser generator cannot be convinced that easily. We have to guide it to this decision point by means of syntactic predicates which are expressed by a leading =>
'if' '(' condition=BooleanExpression ')'
(=>'else' else=Expression)?
The parser understands the predicate basically like this: If you are at this particular decision point and you don’t know what to do, check whether the else
keyword is present. If it is, take that branch directly without considering other options that would match the same token sequence.
Well chosen predicates allow to solve most ambiguities and backtracking can often be disabled. Be warned, though, that an ambiguity for the parser can also mean an ambiguity for the user, so before forcing the syntax into handling such cases you should consider avoiding them in the first place.
Sometimes you need to put a syntactic predicate on a more complex rule, e.g. an expression, which might be very long. For disambiguation it is often sufficient to look only at the first token set. In those cases one can use the ->
operator instead of =>
, instructing the parser to just look at the first token and make the decision based on that. This can heavily reduce the lookahead and as a consequence make the parser faster and more robust to syntactic errors. This also affects the behavior of the IDE, such as content assist, in a positive way.
Because parser rules describe not a single token, but a sequence of patterns in the input, it is necessary to define the important parts of the input. Xtext introduces the concept of hidden tokens to handle semantically irrelevant things like white spaces, comments, etc. in the input sequence gracefully. It is possible to define a set of terminal symbols that are hidden from the parser rules and automatically skipped when they are recognized. Nevertheless, they are transparently woven into the node model, but not relevant for the semantic model.
Hidden terminals may optionally appear between any other terminals in any cardinality. They can be described per rule or for the whole grammar. When reusing a single grammar its definition of hidden tokens is reused, too. The grammar org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
comes with a reasonable default and hides all comments and white spaces from the parser rules.
If a rule defines hidden symbols, you can think of a kind of scope that is automatically introduced. Any rule that is called transitively by the declaring rule uses the same hidden terminals as the calling rule, unless it defines hidden tokens itself.
Person hidden(WS, ML_COMMENT, SL_COMMENT):
name=Fullname age=INT ';';
(firstname=ID)? lastname=ID;
The sample rule Person defines multiline comments (ML_COMMENT
), single-line comments (SL_COMMENT
), and white space (WS
) to be allowed between the name and the age. Because the rule Fullname does not introduce an own set of hidden terminals, it allows the same symbols to appear between firstname and lastname as the calling rule Person. Thus, the following input is perfectly valid for the given grammar snippet:
John /* comment */ Smith // line comment
/* comment */
42 ; // line comment
A list of all default terminals such as WS
can be found in Common Terminals.
Data type rules create instances of EDataType instead of EClass. They are quite similar to terminal rules, but they are actually parser rules and are therefore
Assuming you want to define a rule to consume Java-like qualified names (e.g.
) you could write:
ID ('.' ID)*;
In contrast to a terminal rule this is only valid in certain contexts, i.e. it won’t conflict with the rule ID. If you had defined it as a terminal rule, it would possibly hide the simple ID rule.
In addition, by defining the QualifiedName as a data type rule, it is allowed to use hidden tokens such as /* comment */
between the segment IDs and dots (e.g. foo/* comment */. bar . Baz
Return types can be specified in the same way as for terminal rules:
QualifiedName returns ecore::EString:
ID ('.' ID)*;
Note that rules that do not call other parser rules and do neither contain any actions nor assignments are considered to be data type rules, and the data type EString is implied if none has been explicitly declared.
Value converters are used to transform the parsed string to the actually returned data type value.
Enum rules return enumeration literals from strings. They can be seen as a shortcut for data type rules with specific value converters. The main advantage of enum rules is their simplicity, type safety and therefore nice validation. Furthermore it is possible to infer enums and their respective literals during the Ecore model transformation.
If you want to define a ChangeKind
from org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change/model/Change.ecore with ADD, MOVE and REMOVE you could write:
enum ChangeKind:
It is even possible to use alternative literals for your enums or reference an enum value twice:
enum ChangeKind:
ADD = 'add' | ADD = '+' |
MOVE = 'move' | MOVE = '->' |
REMOVE = 'remove' | REMOVE = '-';
Please note that Ecore does not support unset values for enums. If you define a grammar like
'element' name=ID (value=SomeEnum)?;
with the input of element Foo
the resulting instance Foo will hold the enum value with the internal representation of 0
(zero). When generating the EPackage from your grammar this will be the first literal you define. As a workaround you could introduce a dedicated none-value or order the enums accordingly. Note that it is not possible to define an enum literal with an empty textual representation. You can overcome this by importing a meta model where the enum is defined and omitting some of its literals in the grammar.
Parser Rules can be annotated with several useful annotations. In the following sections there is an overview. Please keep in mind that those annotations will only work on Parser Rules. You’ll get an error if you try to use them on Terminal or Enum Rules.
Sometimes you want to override an existing Parser Rule of a given super grammar to customize it. To do that, you have to create a rule with the same name. It’s clear for you that this is a customization, but for the reader of the grammar it’s not. To make that more explicit @Override
marks a rule as being a customization of an already existing rule in a super grammar. You’ll get a warning if a rule is a customization and is not marked as Override and an error if it’s not an customization and therefore must not be marked as Override.
Overriding Parser Rules is a common thing but if you want to make sure that nobody overrides a special rule the @Final
annotation gives support for that.
Language evolution is an important part of building serious DSLs. Adding something to a grammar is easy as long as the old instances of the grammar are still valid to the new grammar. It becomes hard if you want to remove something and you have to be very careful. Marking classes as deprecated is a good indicator for users to switch to the new API. With @Deprecated
Xtext has support to mark Parser Rules to be deprecated.
This will generate validations and the possibility to change the severity through preferences. As a default users will get a warning when using these rules. Of course it’s up to you to decide what the severity should be - this opens the possibility to safely remove parts of the grammar by informing in advance with a warning and raise the severity to error afterwards.
As a default all elements that have a name that are exposed through the index to be referenced from outside. As a start this might fit your needs, but sooner or later you might run out of memory (big index) or you simply want to hide elements from the outside world. To do that you can write a custom version of the IDefaultResourceDescriptionStrategy or simply use the @Exported
annotation. This will generate a custom strategy as soon as there is at least one @Exported
annotation in your grammar.
The Ecore model (or meta-model) of a textual language describes the structure of its abstract syntax trees (AST).
Xtext uses Ecore’s EPackages to define Ecore models. Ecore models are declared to be either inferred from the grammar or imported. By using the generate
directive, one tells Xtext to infer an EPackage from the grammar.
Xtext creates
declaration. The name of the EPackage is set to the first parameter of such a declaration, its nsURI to the second parameter. An optional alias as the third parameter allows to distinguish the generated EPackages later. Only one generated package declaration per alias is allowed.All EClasses, EEnums, and EDataTypes are added to the EPackage referred to by the alias provided in the type reference they were created from.
While walking through the grammar, the model inference algorithm keeps track of a set of the currently possible return types to add features to.
or *
.While traversing the parser rules Xtext creates
operator. No further EReferences or EAttributes are generated from such an assignment.=
or +=
operator calling a terminal rule or data type rule. Its type is the return type of the called rule.=
or +=
operator in a parser rule calling a parser rule. The type of the EReference is the return type of the called parser rule.Each EAttribute or EReference takes its name from the assignment or action that caused it. Multiplicities are 0..1
for assignments with the =
operator and 0..*
for assignments with the +=
Furthermore, each type that is added to the currently possible return types automatically extends the current return type of the parser rule. You can specify additional common super types by means of “artificial” parser rules that are never called, e.g.
SubTypeA | SubTypeB | SubTypeC;
After the traversal of all grammar rules the model inference algorithm examines all generated EClasses and lifts up similar features to supertypes if there is more than one subtype and the feature is defined in all subtypes. This works even for multiple super types.
For each alternative defined in an enum rule, the transformer creates an enum literal, as long as no other literal with the same name can be found. The literal property of the generated enum literal is set to the right hand side of the declaration. If it is omitted, an enum literal with equal name and literal attributes is inferred.
enum MyGeneratedEnum:
The following conditions cause an error
Xtext supports the reuse of existing grammars. Grammars that are created via the Xtext wizard use org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
by default, which introduces a common set of terminal rules and defines reasonable defaults for hidden terminals.
grammar org.example.domainmodel.Domainmodel
with org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
generate domainmodel ""
'Hello' name=ID '!';
To reuse an existing grammar, make sure the grammar file is on the classpath of the inheriting language. If it is in a different plug-in, make sure to add a plug-in dependency in the MANIFEST.MF
Mixing another grammar into a language makes the rules defined in that grammar referable. It is also possible to overwrite rules from the used grammar. Example:
grammar my.SuperGrammar
generate super ""
RuleA: 'a' stuff=RuleB;
RuleB: '{' name=ID '}';
grammar my.SubGrammar with my.SuperGrammar
import ""
Model: (ruleAs+=RuleA)*;
// overrides my.SuperGrammar.RuleB
RuleB: '[' name=ID ']';
Declared terminal rules always get a higher priority than imported terminal rules.
Xtext ships with a default set of predefined, reasonable and often required terminal rules. The grammar for these common terminal rules is defined as follows:
grammar org.eclipse.xtext.common.Terminals
import "" as ecore
terminal ID:
terminal INT returns ecore::EInt:
terminal STRING:
'"' ( '\\'('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|'"') )* '"' |
"'" ( '\\'('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'u'|'"'|"'"|'\\') | !('\\'|"'") )* "'";
terminal ML_COMMENT:
'/*' -> '*/';
terminal SL_COMMENT:
'//' !('\n'|'\r')* ('\r'? '\n')?;
terminal WS:
(' '|'\t'|'\r'|'\n')+;
terminal ANY_OTHER: