Package org.eclipse.ui.views.markers
package org.eclipse.ui.views.markers
Utility classes for working with markers in views
ClassDescriptionFilterConfigurationArea is the area that the user can configure a filter in.A MarkerFieldParameters is a class that specifies a Map of parameters to be passed to a
.MarkerField is the abstract superclass of the definition of the content providers for columns in a Markers View.A MarkerFieldFilter is a filter on a particular marker field.The MarkerItem class is the class that represents the objects displayed atIMarker
related views.MarkerSupportConstants is a static class that supplies commonly used constants.The MarkerSupportView is a view that supports the extensions in the markerSupport extension point.MarkerViewHandler is the abstract class of the handlers for theMarkerSupportView
Utility class for showing markers in the marker views.WorkbenchMarkerResolution is the resolution that can be grouped with others that are similar to allow multi selection.