Package org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

package org.eclipse.ui.views.framelist

Provides support for a web-browser style of navigation within a view by maintaining a list of frames. Each frame holds a snapshot of a view at some point in time. Includes support for use with a tree viewer.


  • Class
    Generic "Back" action which goes back one frame,
    Generic "Forward" action which goes forward one frame.
    Generic frame, which captures the state for one frame in the frame list.
    Abstract superclass for actions dealing with frames or a frame list.
    Supports a web-browser style of navigation by maintaining a list of frames.
    Generic "Go Into" action which goes to the frame for the current selection.
    A frame source is the source of frames which appear in a frame list.
    Frame for tree viewers.
    Frame source for tree viewers, which uses TreeFrame to capture the state of the tree viewer.
    Generic "Up" action which goes to the parent frame for the current frame.