This form page allows you to edit the structure, order and properties of cheat sheet elements.
The structure and order of cheat sheet elements are edited in the Content section. This section occupies the entire left-hand portion of the editor area.
The properties of cheat sheet elements are edited in the Definition sections. These sections are activated in the right-hand portion of the editor area depending on the type of cheat sheet element selected in the Content section.
A simple cheat sheet is composed of the following elements:
Element | Description | Parent(s) | Allowed Occurrences |
Root | The cheat sheet itself. | None | 1 |
Title | The title of the task being solved by the cheat sheet. | Root | 1 |
Introduction | The introduction of the task being solved by the cheat sheet. | Root | 1 |
Step | A step in the task being solved by the cheat sheet. | Root | 1 or more |
Sub-Step | A sub-step of a step in the task being solved by the cheat sheet. | Step | 0 or more |
Command | An executable workbench command that automates the work required by a step or sub-step. |
Sub-Step |
0 or 1 |
Help Document Link | An associated help link added to a step or introduction. |
Introduction |
0 or 1 |
Help Context ID | An associated help link added to a step or introduction. |
Introduction |
0 or 1 |
This page is comprised of the following sections:
Section | Associated Element(s) | Description |
Content Section |
Introduction, Step, Sub-Step |
This section allows you to do the following:
Title Section | Title | This Definition section allows you to edit the title of the cheat sheet. |
Introduction Section | Introduction | This Definition section allows you to edit the introduction of the cheat sheet. |
Step Section | Step | This Definition section allows you to edit the properties of a step. |
Sub-Step Section | Sub-Step | This Definition section allows you to edit the properties of a sub-step. |
Command Section | Command |
This section allows you to do the following:
Help Section |
Help Document Link,
Help Context ID |
This collapsible section allows you to do the following: