General Usage

You can use the Valgrind plug-in's "one-click launch" shortcut to run a default profile. Doing so is similar to running valgrind ./program_name from the command line. To use the one-click launch shortcut, right-click on the project or binary name in the Project Explorer window and navigate to Profiling Tools > Profile With Valgrind. If a source file belonging to that program is available on any open editor, you can also right-click inside the editor to navigate to the one-click launch.

Configuring a Profile Run

To configure a Valgrind profile run, navigate to Profiling Tools > Profile Configurations to access the Profile Configurations menu.

The Profile Configurations menu allows you to configure a profile run with some basic Valgrind profiling options, along with the most useful options for each Valgrind tool. These settings can be configured in the Valgrind Options tab of a specific profile run.

General Options

The General Options tab allows you to configure the following options:

For more information about these options, refer to man valgrind.


You can also configure your profile run to use a suppressions file (similar to the --suppressions= option. To do this, click the Suppressions tab.

The Workspace button allows you to select a resource from the workspace as your suppressions file. To use a suppressions file outisde of the workspace, use the File System button.

Exporting Valgrind Data

To export the raw data collected during a Valgrind profile run, use the Export wizard menu. To access the Export wizard menu, navigate to File > Export and select Valgrind Log Files under the category Other.

Alternatively, you can also use the Export Valgrind Log Files icon ( ) on the Valgrind view toolbar to access the Export wizard menu.

Error Markers

The Valgrind Eclipse plug-in uses error markers to identify specific errors, found by the underlying Valgrind tool, to the user. The sub-tools that make use of these markers are Memcheck and Helgrind; each emitting specific memory or concurrency error.

In post 2.1 releases of Linux Tools, it is possible to clear these error markers by simply re-building or cleaning the respective project. For the older versions the Remove Markers toolbar action is available to manually clear the markers.

Other Operating Systems

The Valgrind Eclipse plugins were designed and tested on Linux systems only. However, the Valgrind tools are also available on Mac OS X and so too are the Linux Tools Eclipse Valgrind plugins. The plugins are not officially supported on Mac OS X, but here are instructions to get it working.

Mac OS X 10.6

As of Apr 19, 2010 the official release of the Valgrind tool does not work on 10.6. However, there are patches available to make it work.

Brief instructions to compile the Valgrind tool is here:

Essentially, you need to run the following script. (Ensure you have wget installed)

 svn co -r 11104 svn:// valgrind
 cd valgrind
 wget -O snow-leopard.patch
 wget -O arc4random.patch
 wget -O sidt.patch 
 wget -O signal.patch
 patch -p0 < snow-leopard.patch
 patch -p0 < arc4random.patch
 patch -p1 < signal.patch
 cd VEX; patch -p0 < ../sidt.patch ; cd ..
 touch darwin10-drd.supp
 touch darwin10.supp
 ./ || autoreconf -fvi
 ./configure --prefix=`pwd`/inst
 make -j 8 && make install

Once this is done, see instructions below for other Mac OS's

x86_64 Mac OS

Valgrind is only compatible with x86 binaries on Mac OS, so if you have x86_64 you'll need to ensure that x86 binaries are being built. To do this, right click on the project and select Properties.

Within the Properties window, select C/C++ Build then add '-m32' to the Command field for the MacOS X C++ Linker, GCC C++ Compiler and GCC C Compiler. This will cause x86 binaries to be created.

All Mac OS

First ensure you have a release of the Valgrind command-line tool installed. See and see above for special Valgrind instructions. After installing, you will need to create a symlink to /usr/bin/valgrind so the Valgrind plugin can find it.

Use which valgrind to find the install location of the Valgrind binary.

ln -s /usr/bin/valgrind /location/of/valgrind will create the symlink.

After that, the Eclipse Valgrind plugin should work as specified in other parts of this wiki page.