Detecting Existing Layout

Layout on File System

Steps for Defining a Corresponding Project

  1. Click Open Java perspective Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective.

  2. Click Open new Java project wizard File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard.

  3. Type "Product" in the Project name field.

  4. In Project layout group, change selection to Create separate source and output folders.

    Deselect Use default location.

    Click Browse... and choose the Product directory on drive D:.

    New Java Project wizard

  5. Click Next.

    Ensure that the source and output folders are detected.

    Java Project Source setup

    Warning: If the Scrub output folders when cleaning projects preference in the Output folder section of the Goto the building preference page Java > Compiler > Building preference page is checked, clicking Finish will scrub the "bin" directory in the file system before generating the class files.

  6. Click Finish.
  7. You now have a Java project with a "src" folder which contains the sources of the "Product" directory.

    Created Java project in Workspace

Note: This solution creates a ".project" file and a ".classpath" file in the "Product" directory. If you do not wish to have these files in the "Product" directory, you should use linked folders as shown in the Sibling products in a common source tree section.

Java projects
Java views
New Java Project Wizard
Package Explorer View