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onHidingModelChange(SetChangeListener.Change<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.behaviors.AbstractHidingBehavior
Called upon HidingModel changes.
onHidingModelChange(SetChangeListener.Change<? extends Node>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.behaviors.NodeHidingBehavior
OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler - Class in org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers
The OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler is an IOnClickHandler that can be installed on NodeParts (see OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler.getHost()).
OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers.OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler
OpenParentGraphOnDoubleClickHandler - Class in org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers
OpenParentGraphOnDoubleClickHandler() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers.OpenParentGraphOnDoubleClickHandler
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx
This package provides a Guice Module ( ZestFxModule) with bindings for Zest.FX, as well a class (ZestProperties) that defines all supported graph attributes for visualization and layout.
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.behaviors - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.behaviors
This package provides behaviors for transferring information between graph model elements and layout abstractions ( GraphLayoutBehavior, AbstractLayoutBehavior, NodeLayoutBehavior, EdgeLayoutBehavior), as well as hiding/unhiding of nodes and related edges ( AbstractHidingBehavior, NodeHidingBehavior, EdgeHidingBehavior, EdgeLabelHidingBehavior).
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.handlers
This package provides handler implementations for Zest interactions.
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.jface - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.jface
This package provides a specific ContentViewer to render graphs ( ZestContentViewer) and related content and label providers ( IGraphContentProvider, IGraphAttributesProvider).
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.models - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.models
This package provides viewer models to support hiding/unhiding of nodes ( HidingModel) as well as semantic zooming (NavigationModel).
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.operations - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.operations
This package provides an IUndoableOperation to support hiding/unhiding of nodes and related edges ( HideOperation). - package
This package provides a specific root part that enables support for CSS styling (ZestFxRootPart), specific content parts for graphs, nodes, and edges ( GraphPart, NodePart, EdgePart), (hover) handle parts to realize hiding/unhiding of nodes ( HideHoverHandlePart, ShowHiddenNeighborsHoverHandlePart), as well as feedback parts to indicate hidden nodes ( HiddenNeighborsFeedbackPart).
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.policies - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.policies
This package provides policy implementations to support hiding/unhiding of nodes and related edges ( HidePolicy, ShowHiddenNeighborsPolicy), as well as semantic zooming ( SemanticZoomPolicy), and label transformation.
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.providers - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.providers
org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.ui - package org.eclipse.gef.zest.fx.ui
This package provides a Guice Module ( ZestFxUiModule) with bindings for Zest.FX.UI. - package
This package provides a ViewPart ( ZestFxUiView) to render graphs.
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