All Classes and Interfaces

The AbstractHidingBehavior registers listeners on the HidingModel upon activation.
Abstract base class for external labels, i.e. labels that are not part of the visualization of another controller.
The AbstractLayoutBehavior is an abstract behavior that schedules AbstractLayoutBehavior.preLayout() and AbstractLayoutBehavior.postLayout() to be called before or after a layout pass, respectively.
An BendFirstAnchorageOnSegmentHandleDragHandler that also takes care of relocating related EdgeLabelParts.
The ChangeAttributeOperation can be used to manipulate the value of an attribute of an IAttributeStore.
The EdgeHidingBehavior is an EdgePart-specific AbstractHidingBehavior implementation.
The EdgeLabelPart is an AbstractLabelPart that is used to display the label of an edge.
The EdgeLayoutBehavior is an EdgePart-specific AbstractLayoutBehavior implementation.
The EdgePart is the controller for an Edge content object.
The GraphLayoutBehavior is responsible for initiating layout passes.
The GraphPart is the controller for a Graph content object.
The HiddenNeighborsFeedbackPart is an AbstractFeedbackPart that displays the number of hidden neighbors (see HidingModel.getHiddenNeighbors(org.eclipse.gef.graph.Node)) of its first anchorage.
The HideFirstAnchorageOnClickHandler is an IOnClickHandler that hides the first anchorage of its host.
The HideHoverHandlePart is an AbstractSegmentHandlePart that displays a "collapse" image.
The HideOnTypeHandler is an IOnTypeHandler that hides its host NodePart upon the press of a KeyCode.P key.
The HideOperation can be used to add a NodePart to the HidingModel.
The HidePolicy can be installed on NodePart to hide the contents.
The HidingModel manages a Set of currently hidden Nodes.
The IGraphAttributesProvider can be used to provide arbitrary attributes for nodes, edges, the root graph, and any nested graphs.
The IGraphContentProvider mediates between the ZestContentViewer and a content model.
The LabelOffsetSupport can be used to preserve label positions during interaction w.r.t. their reference positions.
The NavigateOperation is a ReverseUndoCompositeOperation that combines a ChangeContentsOperation and an ChangeViewportOperation to navigate between nested and parent Graphs.
The NavigationModel manages a Set of Graphs for which the next layout pass should be skipped (due to transformation or navigation changes).
Representation of a viewport's state, which manifests itself in x and y translation, width and height, as well as a contents transform.
The NodeHidingBehavior is specific to NodePart.
The NodeLabelPart is an AbstractVisualPart that is used to display the external label of a node.
The NodeLayoutBehavior is a NodePart-specific AbstractLayoutBehavior implementation.
The NodePart is the controller for a Node content object.
JavaFX Node displaying a small icon representing a nested graph.
A specific DefaultAnchorProvider that reflects the node shape as the outline to place anchors at.
The OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler is an IOnClickHandler that can be installed on NodeParts (see OpenNestedGraphOnDoubleClickHandler.getHost()).
The SemanticZoomPolicy extends the ViewportPolicy for associating semantic changes with viewport changes, i.e. opening of nested/nesting graphs when the zoom level is changed below/above a certain threshold.
The ShowHiddenNeighborsHoverHandlePart is an AbstractSegmentHandlePart that displays an expansion image.
The ShowHiddenNeighborsOfFirstAnchorageOnClickHandler is an IOnClickHandler that shows all hidden neighbors of its host upon mouse click by removing them from the HidingModel.
The ShowHiddenNeighborsOnTypeHandler is an IOnTypeHandler that shows all hidden neighbors of its host upon KeyCode.E key press.
The ShowHiddenNeighborsOperation can be used to remove the neighbors of a given NodePart from the HidingModel of a given IViewer.
The ShowHiddenNeighborsPolicy can be installed on NodePart to show its hidden neighbours
The TransformLabelPolicy is a specialization of the TransformPolicy that chains a ChangeAttributeOperation to affect the underlying model when transforming nodes.
A specific TranslateSelectedOnDragHandler that includes dragging of unselected label parts.
The ZestContentViewer is a ContentViewer that is capable of displaying Graphs.
The ZestFxHoverIntentHandlePartFactory is a specialization of the DefaultHoverIntentHandlePartFactory that performs the generation of "hide" and "show" hover handles.
The ZestFxJFaceModule contains Eclipse UI specific bindings in the context of an MVC.FX application.
The ZestFxModule defines Zest.FX specific bindings additional to the bindings defined within MvcFxModule.
The ZestFxRootPart is an extension to LayeredRootPart that hides the grid (see GridModel.setShowGrid(boolean)) and adds a stylesheet to the Scene (see Scene.getStylesheets()).
A specific IFeedbackPartFactory for selection feedback.
The ZestFxSelectionHandlePartFactory is a specialization of the DefaultSelectionHandlePartFactory that suppresses the generation of multi selection handles.
The ZestFxUiModule contains Zest.FX.UI specific bindings additional to the bindings defined within MvcFxUiModule.
The ZestFxUiView is an extension to the AbstractFXView.
The ZestProperties class contains the definition of the attributes (including their default values) that are evaluated by Zest.FX.