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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


serialize(TypeToken<?>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.reflect.Types
Serializes a given TypeToken into a String representation.
set(ObservableMultiset<E>) - Method in class
set(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Method in class
setAdaptable(A) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound
Called by the IAdaptable this IAdaptable.Bound is registered at or unregistered from.
setAdaptable(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl
Sets the value of the property adaptable.
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Registers the given adapter under an AdapterKey, which will use the given TypeToken key as well as the default role (see AdapterKey.DEFAULT_ROLE.
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
Registers the given adapter under the 'default' role (see AdapterKey.DEFAULT_ROLE.
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Registers the given adapter under the given AdapterKey.
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
setAdapter(TypeToken<T>, T, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
Registers the given adapter under the given role.
setAdapter(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Registers the given adapter under the default role (see AdapterKey.DEFAULT_ROLE.
setAdapter(T) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
setAdapter(T) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
Registers the given adapter under an AdapterKey, which takes the given raw type key as well as the 'default' role (see AdapterKey.DEFAULT_ROLE.
setAdapter(T, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Registers the given adapter under the given role .
setAdapter(T, String) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
setAdapter(T, String) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
Registers the given adapter under the given role .
setCount(E, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
setCount(E, int, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
SetExpressionHelperEx<E> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding
A utility class to support notifications for an SetExpression.
SetExpressionHelperEx(ObservableSetValue<E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetExpressionHelperEx
Constructs a new SetExpressionHelperEx for the given source ObservableSetValue.
setInjector(Injector) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdaptableTypeListener
In order to work, the AdaptableTypeListener needs to obtain a reference to an Injector, which is forwarded to the AdapterInjector, which it registers for any IAdaptable encounters, to obtain the AdapterMap bindings to be injected.
setInjector(Injector) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdapterInjector
Sets the Injector, being used for adapter map injection.
SetListenerHelperEx<E> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
A utility class to support change notifications for an ObservableSet , replacing the JavaFX-internal SetChangeListener helper class.
SetListenerHelperEx(ObservableSet<E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetListenerHelperEx
Constructs a new SetListenerHelperEx for the given source ObservableSet.
SetListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange<E> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
A simple implementation of an SetChangeListener.Change.
SetMultimapBinding<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding
An abstract base class that provides functionality needed to realize a Binding on an ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapBinding() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapBinding
SetMultimapChangeListener<K,V> - Interface in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
A SetMultimapChangeListener is the notification target for changes related to an ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapChangeListener.Change<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
Represents an elementary change done to an ObservableSetMultimap, related to a single key but to potentially multiple values.
setMultimapExpression(ObservableSetMultimapValue<K, V>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
Returns a SetMultimapExpression that wraps an ObservableSetMultimapValue.
SetMultimapExpression<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding
A SetMultimapExpression is a ObservableSetMultimapValue plus additional convenience methods to generate bindings.
SetMultimapExpression() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
SetMultimapExpressionHelper<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding
A utility class to support change notifications for an ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapExpressionHelper(ObservableSetMultimapValue<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpressionHelper
Constructs a new SetMultimapExpressionHelper for the given source ObservableSetMultimapValue.
SetMultimapListenerHelper<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
A utility class to support change notifications for an ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapListenerHelper(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper
Constructs a new SetMultimapListenerHelper for the given source ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapListenerHelper.AtomicChange<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
A simple implementation of an SetMultimapChangeListener.Change.
SetMultimapListenerHelper.ElementarySubChange<K,V> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.collections
An elementary change related to a single key of a ObservableSetMultimap. .
SetMultimapProperty<K,V> - Class in
Abstract base class defining contract for a Property wrapping a ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapProperty() - Constructor for class
SetMultimapPropertyBase<K,V> - Class in
Abstract base class for implementing a Property wrapping an ObservableSetMultimap.
SetMultimapPropertyBase() - Constructor for class
Creates a new SetMultimapPropertyBase with no initial value.
SetMultimapPropertyBase(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Constructor for class
Creates a new SetMultimapPropertyBase with the given ObservableSetMultimap as initial value.
setPrivateFieldValue(Object, String, T) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.reflect.ReflectionUtils
Sets the value of the specified private field for the given owner to the given value.
setValue(ObservableMultiset<E>) - Method in class
setValue(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Method in class
SimpleListPropertyEx<E> - Class in
A replacement for SimpleListProperty to fix the following JavaFX issue: Change notifications are fired even when the observed value did not change.
SimpleListPropertyEx() - Constructor for class
Creates a new unnamed SimpleListPropertyEx.
SimpleListPropertyEx(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleListPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name.
SimpleListPropertyEx(Object, String, ObservableList<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleListPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name and initial value.
SimpleListPropertyEx(ObservableList<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleListPropertyEx that is not related to a bean, with the given initial value.
SimpleMapPropertyEx<K,V> - Class in
A replacement for SimpleMapProperty to fix the following JavaFX issues: Change notifications are fired even when the observed value did not change.
SimpleMapPropertyEx() - Constructor for class
Creates a new unnamed SimpleMapPropertyEx.
SimpleMapPropertyEx(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleMapPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name.
SimpleMapPropertyEx(Object, String, ObservableMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleMapPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name and initial value.
SimpleMapPropertyEx(ObservableMap<K, V>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleMapPropertyEx that is not related to a bean, with the given initial value.
SimpleMultisetProperty<E> - Class in
A concrete implementation of a Property wrapping an ObservableMultiset.
SimpleMultisetProperty() - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleMultisetProperty.
SimpleMultisetProperty(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleMultisetProperty for the given bean and with the given name.
SimpleMultisetProperty(Object, String, ObservableMultiset<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleMultisetProperty for the given bean and with the given name and initial value.
SimpleMultisetProperty(ObservableMultiset<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleMultisetProperty that is not related to a bean, with the given initial value.
SimpleSetMultimapProperty<K,V> - Class in
A concrete implementation of a Property wrapping an ObservableSetMultimap.
SimpleSetMultimapProperty() - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleSetMultimapProperty.
SimpleSetMultimapProperty(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleSetMultimapProperty for the given bean and with the given name.
SimpleSetMultimapProperty(Object, String, ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleSetMultimapProperty for the given bean and with the given name and initial value.
SimpleSetMultimapProperty(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleSetMultimapProperty that is not related to a bean, with the given initial value.
SimpleSetPropertyEx<E> - Class in
A replacement for SimpleSetProperty to fix the following JavaFX issue: Change notifications are fired even when the observed value did not change.
SimpleSetPropertyEx() - Constructor for class
Creates a new unnamed SimpleSetPropertyEx.
SimpleSetPropertyEx(Object, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleSetPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name.
SimpleSetPropertyEx(Object, String, ObservableSet<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new SimpleSetPropertyEx for the given bean and with the given name and initial value.
SimpleSetPropertyEx(ObservableSet<E>) - Constructor for class
Constructs a new unnamed SimpleSetPropertyEx that is not related to a bean, with the given initial value.
size() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
size() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
sizeProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetBinding
sizeProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
An integer property that represents the size of the Multiset.
sizeProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapBinding
sizeProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
An integer property that represents the size of the SetMultimap.
sizeProperty() - Method in class
sizeProperty() - Method in class
sort(ObservableList<E>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.CollectionUtils
Sorts the given ObservableList using the default Comparator .
sort(ObservableList<E>, Comparator<? super E>) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.CollectionUtils
Sorts the given ObservableList using the given Comparator .
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values