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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values


ActivatableSupport - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.activate
A support class to manage the activeProperty state for a source IActivatable.
ActivatableSupport(IActivatable) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.ActivatableSupport
Creates a new ActivatableSupport for the given source IActivatable.
activate() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.IActivatable
Activates the IActivatable.
activate(Runnable, Runnable) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.ActivatableSupport
Activates this ActivatableSupport if it is not yet active.
ACTIVE_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.IActivatable
The name of the active property.
activeProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.ActivatableSupport
Returns a ReadOnlyBooleanProperty that reflects the activeProperty state of this ActivatableSupport.
activeProperty() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.activate.IActivatable
A read-only property providing information about the active state if this IActivatable.
adaptableProperty() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound
A read-only object property providing the IAdaptable this IAdaptable.Bound is bound to.
adaptableProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable.Bound.Impl
AdaptableScopes - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
A utility class to support adaptable-based scoping.
AdaptableSupport<A extends IAdaptable> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt
A support class to manage adapters for a source IAdaptable.
AdaptableSupport(A) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Creates a new AdaptableSupport for the given source IAdaptable and a related PropertyChangeSupport.
AdaptableTypeListener - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
A specific TypeListener to support adapter injection.
AdaptableTypeListener(AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdaptableTypeListener
Constructs a new AdaptableTypeListener and specifies the AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode to use.
AdapterInjectionSupport - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
A configuration module that can be installed (via Binder.install(Module)) to enable support for injection of adapters into IAdaptables.
AdapterInjectionSupport() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdapterInjectionSupport
Constructs a new AdapterInjectionSupport in AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode.DEVELOPMENT mode, i.e. binding-related information, warning, and error messages will be printed.
AdapterInjectionSupport(AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdapterInjectionSupport
Constructs a new AdapterInjectionSupport and specifies the AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode to use.
AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode - Enum Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
The AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode specifies if binding-related information and warning messages should be printed.
AdapterInjector - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
A specific MembersInjector that supports injection of adapters into an IAdaptable implementation class' IAdaptable.setAdapter(TypeToken, Object, String) method, that is marked as being eligible for adapter injection (see InjectAdapters).
AdapterInjector(Method, AdapterInjectionSupport.LoggingMode) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject.AdapterInjector
Creates a new AdapterInjector to inject the given Method, annotated with the given AdapterMap method annotation.
AdapterKey<T> - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt
A pair of Class key and String role to register adapters at and retrieve them from IAdaptables.
AdapterMaps - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.inject
A utility class to obtain a MapBinder, via which adapter (map) bindings can be specified in a Module.
ADAPTERS_PROPERTY - Static variable in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
The name of the adapters property.
adaptersProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdaptableSupport
Returns a read-only map property, containing the adapters mapped to their keys.
adaptersProperty() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
adaptersProperty() - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.IAdaptable
Returns an unmodifiable read-only map property that contains the registered adapters by their keys.
AdapterStore - Class in org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt
An AdapterStore is a basic IAdaptable implementation that can be used standalone.
AdapterStore() - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
Creates a new AdapterStore with no initial adapters.
AdapterStore(TypeToken<T>, T) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
Creates a new AdapterStore with the single given initial adapter, using the 'default' role.
AdapterStore(TypeToken<T>, T, String) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
Creates a new AdapterStore with the single given initial adapter.
AdapterStore(T) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.adapt.AdapterStore
Creates a new AdapterStore with the single given initial adapter, using the 'default' role.
add(E) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
add(E, int) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
ADD - Enum constant in enum class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx.ElementarySubChange.Kind
Addition of elements.
addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
added(List<? extends E>, int, int) - Static method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx.ElementarySubChange
Creates a new ListListenerHelperEx.ElementarySubChange representing an addition.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetBinding
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapBinding
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx
Adds a new InvalidationListener to this ListListenerHelperEx.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MapListenerHelperEx
Adds a new InvalidationListener to this MapListenerHelperEx.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MultisetListenerHelper
Adds a new InvalidationListener to this MultisetListenerHelper.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetListenerHelperEx
Adds a new InvalidationListener to this SetListenerHelperEx.
addListener(InvalidationListener) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper
Adds a new InvalidationListener to this SetMultimapListenerHelper.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableList<E>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.ListExpressionHelperEx
Adds a new ChangeListener to this ListExpressionHelperEx.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableList<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableList<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableList<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMap<K, V>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MapExpressionHelperEx
Adds a new ChangeListener to this MapExpressionHelperEx.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMap<K, V>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMap<K, V>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMap<K, V>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSet<E>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetExpressionHelperEx
Adds a new ChangeListener to this SetExpressionHelperEx.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSet<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSet<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSet<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMultiset<E>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetBinding
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMultiset<E>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpressionHelper
Adds a new ChangeListener to this MultisetExpressionHelper.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMultiset<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableMultiset<E>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapBinding
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpressionHelper
Adds a new ChangeListener to this SetMultimapExpressionHelper.
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>>) - Method in class
addListener(ChangeListener<? super ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>>) - Method in class
addListener(ListChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(ListChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(ListChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(ListChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx
Adds a new ListChangeListener to this ListListenerHelperEx.
addListener(MapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class
addListener(MapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class
addListener(MapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class
addListener(MapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MapListenerHelperEx
Adds a new MapChangeListener to this MapListenerHelperEx.
addListener(SetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(SetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(SetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(SetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetListenerHelperEx
Adds a new SetChangeListener to this SetListenerHelperEx.
addListener(MultisetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetBinding
addListener(MultisetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(MultisetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class
addListener(MultisetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MultisetListenerHelper
addListener(MultisetChangeListener<? super E>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ObservableMultiset
addListener(SetMultimapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapBinding
addListener(SetMultimapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class
addListener(SetMultimapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class
addListener(SetMultimapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ObservableSetMultimap
addListener(SetMultimapChangeListener<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper
appendValueToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
appendValueToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Appends a representation of this SetMultimapProperty's value to the given StringBuilder.
appendValueToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
Appends a representation of this SetMultimapProperty's value to the given StringBuilder.
appendValueToString(StringBuilder) - Method in class
asMap() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
asString() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.MultisetExpression
Creates a StringBinding that holds the value of the MultisetExpression turned into a String.
asString() - Method in class org.eclipse.gef.common.beans.binding.SetMultimapExpression
Creates a StringBinding that holds the value of the SetMultimapExpression turned into a String.
AtomicChange(ObservableList<E>, List<E>, List<ListListenerHelperEx.ElementarySubChange<E>>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising multiple elementary sub-changesO.
AtomicChange(ObservableList<E>, List<E>, ListListenerHelperEx.ElementarySubChange<E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising a single elementary sub-change.
AtomicChange(ObservableList<E>, ListChangeListener.Change<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new ListListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange for the passed in source, based on the data provided in the passed-in change.
AtomicChange(ObservableMap<K, V>, MapChangeListener.Change<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MapListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new MapListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange for the passed in source, based on the data provided in the passed-in change.
AtomicChange(ObservableMap<K, V>, K, V, V) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MapListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new MapListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising a single elementary sub-change.
AtomicChange(ObservableSet<E>, E, E) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new SetListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising a single elementary sub-change.
AtomicChange(ObservableSet<E>, SetChangeListener.Change<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange
Creates a new SetListenerHelperEx.AtomicChange for the passed in source, based on the data provided in the passed-in change.
AtomicChange(ObservableMultiset<E>, Multiset<E>, List<MultisetListenerHelper.ElementarySubChange<E>>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising multiple elementary sub-changesO.
AtomicChange(ObservableMultiset<E>, Multiset<E>, MultisetListenerHelper.ElementarySubChange<E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising a single elementary sub-change.
AtomicChange(ObservableMultiset<E>, MultisetChangeListener.Change<? extends E>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange for the passed in source, based on the data provided in the passed-in change.
AtomicChange(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>, SetMultimap<K, V>, List<SetMultimapListenerHelper.ElementarySubChange<K, V>>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising multiple elementary sub-changesO.
AtomicChange(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>, SetMultimap<K, V>, SetMultimapListenerHelper.ElementarySubChange<K, V>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new SetMultimapListenerHelper.AtomicChange that represents a change comprising a single elementary sub-change.
AtomicChange(ObservableSetMultimap<K, V>, SetMultimapChangeListener.Change<? extends K, ? extends V>) - Constructor for class org.eclipse.gef.common.collections.SetMultimapListenerHelper.AtomicChange
Creates a new MultisetListenerHelper.AtomicChange for the passed in source, based on the data provided in the passed-in change.
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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values