Common Tab

The Common Tab is a tab that is available to all PDE and Java launch configurations. It defines general aspects of the launch configuration including storage location, console encoding, etc.

Common Tab

Storage Location

A launch configuration is saved as an XML .launch file on disk. By default, this file is saved in the ${workspace_loc}/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.debug.core/.launches directory, where ${workspace_loc} denotes the workspace location.

If you want to share a launch configuration with team members, you have the option to save it as a Shared file in one of your workspace projects (in order to make it visible for version control).

Eclipse Application Launcher
JUnit Plug-in Test Launcher
OSGi Framework Launcher
Junit Launcher Test Tab
Main Tab
Arguments Tab
Plug-ins Tab
Configuration Tab
Tracing Tab
Environment Tab
Common Tab
Prototype Tab